HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1906-12-28, Page,.6.1.1, ROSE FROM THE RANKS,
ers in California Pioneer. Days
Started as Poor Men.
Every leader rose fromthe monks. Of
so-called Big Four who built the
first railway over the Rookies, Huntung-
tGn and BIo•pkins had sold pickaxes,
cloches 'zest shirts and Stanford flour
land tobacco. John W. Mackay, one of
the greatest of: civilization builders in
Seth east and west, was a blaster. His
three partners, Fair, Flood and O'Brien,
eveze shirt sleeve pioneers. D. 0. %AIMS,
Owner of skyscrapers, steel mills and
'itotelaa, paid. rent for a shanty.
James R. Keene, 'master of Wall
street game, was a San Francisco prole-
tarian. Sharon, Hearst, Tevis and: Hag -
.i rich afterward as Roman emperors,
at first as poor as any of the gold
sretkl ers. "Lucky" Baldwin sept a liv-
ery stable. Lux and Baron, the ranch
Hem were .butcher boys. Senator Per-
kjlns• was a sailor. Irving M. Scott,
builder of the Oregon, had been a helper
int o, Baltimore foundry. Adolph a53utro,
f'; .dcekts
Write for oar book-
let—or mention
yyour wants—the
Jewelry Parlors
will immediately
No heavy shop
Save 15 per cent.
75 Yonge St.
N. E. Cor. King
rp 4Z 6^r9 -F
the Astor of San Francisco, had been
Mthly educated in Germany, but when
:.' .lifnrnia knew him first he was a •ped-
Game et these nen, of course, stum-
il ed into treasure holes; others 'became
,gold kings by sheer brain power and -per-
. sol: erance. It was half a lottery and
:Atli'a sacs. There are .few of the fam-
.a se ulnae that have no glamor of ro-
immiune and adventure about their .his.
tory. How John Selkirk sold the richest
aline for $50 to James G. Fair; how even
that astute miner believed it to ba
r:'.:orthless and resold it to Lane and Al-
t:einem Hayward for $10,000, and how
these two mer,, led on by a belief in
spiritualism, groped in the rejected mine
lentil they found $7,000,000.
Snell is the story of the Utica., and
there are many such stnriee. awaiting
ter the greater writer who shall r'ome
.clay come and immortalize them in an
. )clvssey of the Pacific.—Munsoy's.
.ceptanking does not cure ehildren of bed-
-wetting. There is a r:onstitutional cause
for this trouble. Mrs. M. Summers, Box
Ur S. Windsor, Ont,. will send. free to
cuay soother her suceessful home treat -
ca nt, with full instructions. Send no
motley, but write her to -day if your
children trouble you in this way. Don't
blame the child, the chit/tees are it can't
eie"p it. This treatment also cures adiets
and ngecl people troubled with urine dif-
ficulties by day or night.
Teach Children to Love Dogs.
(New York Herald.)
'The child who is taught to cove animals and
ea have a dog as a companion is introduced
OP a friend of the truest and best kind—the
kind of friendship that lasts. Have you never
eland a dog? Then you don't know what
Ven:sure can be had in his championship in
eausbies, in this quiet presetioe in „our room,
unobstrusiveness when human company
'would bore you; a "chum" who always
,adapts himself to your mood wbeu man or
.sratnan would jar upon you. By all means
.xrsltivate in children a love of animals, es-
ssmoiaeiy of "man's haat friend," the dog.
It's the unexpected that always hap.
pene. h 'ton are ii' an automobile.
11l.tluii's Lir.•ilnnilt Co., Limited;
Gentlemen.—Last winter Ireceived
greet benefit from the use of 3MINAlf.D'S
LINIMENT in a severe attack of La
Grippe. and 11;ave fregq•ently proved it
to be very effective in cases of Inflam-
mation. Ynllr.,,
Put Written Law in Force,
(Philadelphia Ledger.)
The cumber of women who kill mon unfor-
tunate enough to have incurred their 11 -
otyfeasure mid then Invoke the unwritten law
,bit wetting uncomtort.ably large. Perhaps
there may yet be neeeastty far going to the
extreme of seeing if the other kind of law
,:aari',t ext, -. 4
leh std's Liniment Cures Gareet in Coors.
Here is Something That Will Be Wel-
come News to Many a Discouraged
"For several years
T have been troubled
with gas around eny
heart, shortness .of
breath, my food did
not digest properly,
It turned soue in my
stomach, eausing me
great distress; often,
too, I had disagree-
i'sea ee-
William H. Reed. able attacks of'beloh-
iibg gas and heartbua'n, and severe peens
across the small of my back.
"I tried Dr. LeonllaMt's Autd-Pill and
from the very first found relief. Anti -Pill
has indeed cured. me."
This is the voluntary statement of
Wm. II. Reed, of 165 Queen street, King-
ston, Ont.
All Dealers, or the WilsonnFyle Co.,
Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont.
German Officers in Africa Picked Off by
the Native Marksmen.
Some oddities of campaigning against
the Hereros in German Southwest Africa
are detailed by Col. Bayer of the general
staff in some sketches which be has been
publishing from his personal experiences
in the field. One point that particularly
impressed him was the readiness with
which the Hereros and Hottontots sing-
led out the officers at long range.
"It wouldn't have been strange," said
he, "if we had, worn brilliant uniforms,
sashes or other insignia of rank. But
we didn't. In the presence of the enemy
we used exactly the same uniform and
equipment as our troops—suits of khaki
and cork helmets, with blue border. We
carried no swords.
"Every officer earried a rifle and a
cartridge belt with 120 rounds of am-
munitil>:n in it .exactly like the men.
Many of us assn wore bayonets. Hands,
faces, hair. uniforms, weapons, every-
verything came to be of the same earthy col-
or. We often couldn't recognize one an-
other and all sorts of fenny blunders
took place.
"In spite of this outward similarity
the natives seemed never at a loss to
pick out the nfficers. Their extraordin-
ary power of vision enabled them to de-
tect the slightest sign ---a gesture of the
hand to control the advance of the fir-
ing Iine, the use of a field glass. the re-
ception of a report was enough to in-
dicate rank.
"In one case I remember, an officer
addressed by his superior turned to him
and instinctively raised his band to his
helmet in salute. Instantly the fire of
the natives was concentrated on them
and the superior was killed"
Eczema, Salt Rheum, Pustules, etc.—no remedy
]teals more quickly than Mira Ointment.
Mira relieves iatlammation, soothes pain, causes
mew tissue to cover raw surfaces, and restores the
skin to healthy smoothness.
jllrs, J. Webb, 175 lovecourt Street, 7'oroxto,
writes: 'lt is a-uondeful cure." J. Tremlett,
Hamilton, says: "1 /i ghly recommend your Mira
Oir trueai for Eczema.'
Mira Tablets and Blood Tonic help to a more
thorough core. At druggists—or from The
Chemibts' Co. of Canada, Limited, Hamilton—
Toronto. Insist on getting
To the clerks In the stores we would sttg-
gest patience and cheerfulness.
The bright, smiling. willing clerk sells
trialscfthe to show in his orods as the one who her
Never be impatient with the woman who
is looking for "something cheaper." She must
make her Christmas money go a long *ay •
and she is trying with her slender means to
buy as much happiness for others as possible.
show more real Christmas, spirit than if you Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
had given away a hundred costly presents.
Often you can keep half distracted mother
from buying .pings for her children which
4.an be of no possible use.
A (inlet suggestion here and there, a word
of advice or a hint as to whore some more
approplate gift could be bought in another
part of the store will be welcomed with pa-
thetic gratitude.
What matters it if you lose an entry or
two from your sales book?
All the sales books till quickly at the
time of Christmas shopping—that of the
cheerful, patient helpful clerk the most
Quickly of all.
A Word to the Clerks.
City Buries Its Dead an the Little Island
' • of Sao Michele.
The queen of the Adriatic, me Vene-
tians love to term the famous old city,
is privileged in many respects and in one
particular et least she is unique among
the oities of the world. She has no ceme-
tery. The only burying ground is the
little island of San Michele, lying soli-
tary among the lagoons at some distance
from the city.
This is othe ooV
owes to Bononapaofrte, wbhons recognizedwhichonieo the
danger to a population from burial
grounds in such a situation and had all
intramural graveyards closed and order-
ed the dead to be taken for burial to this
island resting place. The place is desert-
ed all the year except on All Souls' day
and then there is a tremendous outflow
of about 140,000 persons.
:A)s such multitudes could never be
landed from boats a boat bridge has to•
be built specially for the occasion, with
strict regulations as to control of the
living stream in its outward and back-
ward flow.
Yo r
Can cure your Cough or Cold,
) no question about that, but—
why go to all the trouble and
inconvenience of looking hila up,
andthenof having hisprescription
felled, when you can step into any
drug store in Canada and obtain
a bottle of SHILOH'S CURE
for a quarter.
Why pay two to five dollars
when a twenty-five' cent
bottle of SHILOH will cure you
as quickly?
Why not do as hundreds of
thousands of Canadians have
done for the past thirty-four
years :. let SHILOH be your doc-
tor whenever a Cough or Cold
SHILOH will cure you, and all
druggists back up this statement
with a positive guarantee.
The next time you have a
Cough or Cold cure it with
His Mother's Love.
(New York Tribune.)
Virgil P. Kline, the corporation lawyer,
of Cleveland. i nail address upon "Ambi-
tion" said:
"Ambition is excellent thing. Without
it the world wo not advance. But there
are worthy aln nwortliy ambibtons, silly
and wise,- bene t and maleficent ones.
'Then the he peculiar, the distinc-
tive amb(ti as we see in child -
"Thus I o little boy who had
an ambition letter carrier, and,
finding in a est in the attic a great
bundle of love ers that his mother had
been preserving e the days of her oourt-
ship. he paused • em in a leather school
satchel and.,dist :.tinted them from house to
house throtiaholt. the neighborhood.
The Defeat of Scott.
(Royal Templar for December.)
The Labor vote 'pure and simple. This
may have been affected by the street -car
strike, but in reality it was the least of
the three causes of the remarkable up-heaval.
To the politicians the result was surprising—
to the temperance people not at all. )3y -and -
by it will be realized that the temperance
people of Hamilton are an element to be
reckoned with. The referendum showed that
they were more than half of the whole elect-
orate. If half their strength is in the Con-
servative party, they constitute more than a
and all, never to vote for a Grit even for
that men particularly indentified with the
limier traffic aro not elected to office. if
organization is needed to bring their strength
to bear in the proper quarter, that organiza-
tion will not be lacking.
Tl "
Retones and builds up the
"eele. nervous system, gives nat.
ural vigor,purifiesthe blood,
cures constipation, kidney troubles, sore
backs and neuralgia, Sold only by mail.
Send postal note or coin. Price 50c. and
one 2 -cent stamp. The Morrison Spe-
cialty Co., Box 224, Wiudsor, Ont.
Plan of the Pacific Coast Securities
Company Absolutely Safe
The old idea of "nothing new under the
sun" is completely put to flight by the Pac-
ific Coast Securities Company, of Portland,
Oregon, la handling the stock of the Sea
Island Copper Company. This company, whose
officers are business men of many years' ex-
perience, have perfected a pian whereby tiie
investor's money is under his own control
and he docs not take the stools until earning
and accrued dividends are satisfactory, A
new booklet, "Something to Set You Think-
ing," has just been issued for free distribu-
tion, and it is valuarble to anyone contem-
plating investment in corporate enterprise'.
No Cause for Alarm Yet.
(Washington Times.)
Some statistical sharp has figured oat that
- ----at the present rate of immigration there
(Ella Wheciir Wilcox.)
Give, and thou shalt receive. Give thoughts
0. cheer,
Of courage and success, to friend and
And from a thousand sources, far and near,
Strength will be sent tiles in thy hour of
Give words of comfort, of defence and hope
To mortals crushed by sorrow and by
And though thy feet through shadowy paths
may grope,
Thou shalt not wails in lonliuess or terror.
Give of thy gold, though small thy portion
Gold rusts and shrivels in the hand that
keeps it;
It grows in one that opens wide and free.
Who sows his harvest is the ono who
reaps it.
Give of thy love, nor wait to know that
Of what thou lovest, and ask no return-
And whereso-o'er thy pathway leads rip
vireo thou shalt find the lamp of love.
liwht burning,
will be one Shp to every 500 citizens in this
country 100 years front now, Even at that
they will not be as numerous or as danger
our as the office holders and office seekers
who now bold about that ratio.
Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc.
Horses Still in Demand.
(Hartford, Conn., Times.)
ITappily the horse has a faculty for up-
settine the gloomy predictions that he
is fated to be put out of business by the
automobile. The horse business has kept
right on cleevloping in spite of the fact
that the automobile industry has been
engaged in a similar undertaking. The
demand for horses is still great. The
supply of some classes of thein is inade-
quate. The price are high. The automo-
bile may scare the horse into the ditch,
but it isn't likely to crowd hint to the
wall. There will always be a field for
the horse, as there will always be a field
for the automobile.
Minard's Liniment. CuresDistemper.
Christmas Bargains
NOTE, --64 page self -teacher with finger-
board chart sent FREE with each order.
Separate copies tient to any one for 50e,
Write for our Xmas catalogue contain-
ing special values in all kinds of musical
instruments, novelties, watches, etc.
'Violins===Vi aIins
'hese instruments aro imported direat
from Germany for the holiday trade. We
are enabled to offer them at 40% lass
than the retail defilers.
ljo. 1. --our 'special, good tone,
well shaped, fine finish ... ....
No. 2—Our Orobestra Violin,
highly polished, very fine tone ..
No• 3—Grand artist's solo vio-
lin ebony trimmings .,. ... ...
No. 4—Amateur's favorite, only
Each outfit is sent complete with violin,
box, bow, resin, strings, etc„ as illustrated
All goods sent charges prepaid.
The Toronto Musical & Novelty Go.
96 Victoria St., Toronto
If So, Here Are Some Useful Hints for
A friend of mine who owns a number
of cats, some among them being valuable
Angoras, gives valuable advice as to
their care. Whenever they show symp-
toms of sickness she knows just what to
Colds among eatsare frequent, asthma
resulting sometimes from long exposure
to the weather. In colds or feverish
conditions homeopathic pellets of acon-
ite and belladonna are effective, given
alternately about once an hour. Puss
will take them easily because they aro
sweet and she is usually a candy fiend.
Never handle your cat when she is ill;
she don't like it. Careful nursing,
warmth and thorough diet are of the
greatest importance, and after seeing to
these things leave the sick cat alone and
nature and instinct will finish the cure.
Cats that have the best of care are of-
ten troubled with fleas, and this will
ruffle a cat's temper surely. It is al-
ways advisable to get .rid of them as
soon as possible.
An excellent way is to spread e, cloth,
cover it with cotton batting; put the
cat on this and rub strong spirits of
camphor well into the fur; gather up
the corners of the cotton batting and
cloth tight around the animal's neck and
holy. The little tormentors detest cam-
phor, and will get to the cat's head.
Have a dish of hot water handy, and
with n fine tooth comb you can soon
transfer the pests to the vessel. The
scent of the camphor clings to pussy's
fur and, acts as a preventive for some
The beneficial qualities of grass as an
element in cat diet are emphasized by
all cat raisers, who say that it acts as a
tonic really necessary to their system.
sick eat a bed of mullen leaves to sleep
and an old darkey told me to take my
sick eat a bedof mullen leaves to sleep
upon. She semis to enjoy it, really.
The mercury is sunken and
Jack Frost so frigid comes, -
The frost is on the pumpkin and
The plumber picks his plums.
ISSUE NO. 52, 1906.
farm in the County se Bruce, with good
buildings; 120 acres cultivated; only, $200 down
or secured; immediate possession; title per -
feet. Apply at once, London Loan & Sav-
ings Co., London, Ont.
V down or secured; 90 acre farm in the
Township of Mosa, County of Middlesex; good
frame buildings; immediate possession; title
perfect. .Apply London Loan Company, Lon-
don, Ont.
THE FARMERS' MANUAL contains a ser-
ies of special lessons in farm bookkeeping.
with full instructions, -separate rulings and
printed headings for grain account, poultry
account, cattle account, hog account, labor
account, dairy account, expense account;
department for each kind of grain, cash
received account and cash paid out account.
The Manual also contains a complete insect
department, a veterinary handbook, a per-
fect system of horse -training ;according to
the methods used by Prof. 0. W. Gleason,
besides the farmers' legal department. 400
The T. L. NICIHOLS CO.. Limited,
(Mention this paper.) Toronto, Canada.
Agents wanted.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should al-
ways be need for children teething. It
soothes the child, soothes the gums, cures
wind colic and is the best remedy for diar-
A. safe, sure and rellnulo monthly regale.
tor. These Pills have been used in Frahoe
for over fifty years, and found invaluable
for the purpose designed. and aro guaran•
toed by the makers. Enclose stamp far
sealed circular. Price 51.00 per box of
rnggist■ 1, or ey mail, securely sealed, on receipt of phos
Box 42, Hamilton, Canada.
Mrs. Nagsby—I would go abroad with
you but for one thing. Mrs. Highflyer--
Your ihnisband doesn't want you to, I
suppose. Mrs. Negaby—That's just the
trouble; he does.
That Cough
which ordinary remedies have not reached,
Will quickly yield to
' f f'4 ED PRUCE
It cures those heavy, deep-seated coughs—takes away
the soreness—heals the throat—strengthens the lungs.
None the less clicctive because itis pleasant to take.
Jnst try oue bottle and see how quickly you get rid
of that cough. At your druggists. 25c. bottle.
N:741340,4- 'Or Aor
Iliac of it, n beautiful Ruff of Blue Fox, the moot
fashionable fur won,, given absolutely free, Such an
offer VMS never made before. The only reason we em
afford to do it Is that wo arranged for them handsome
Furs during rho dull season in the summer and got them
nearly at coat. The stuff is 4l Inches long. nearly
4 Inches wide, made of the handsomest Blue Fox Fur,
vary rich, softand auRy. 11 is warmly padded. lined with
the same shndoof satin and ornamented with four long
tails of Blue Fox also. Such a handsome For bus never
before bees given away, and you inn get it so envy. Just
send us your name and address. phdnly, Dad wo will mall
50 boxes of our famous Vegetable New Life rills at sage
box, A grand rimed, and curs for all impnro and Weak
Conditions of the 514,0.1, Indigestion Stomach Trouble,
Constipation, Wee lona, Nervous Disorders, Rem
anti Female Troubles. A grand Tonic end Life Builder.
These aro our resider hoc faze; they ern easy tosell as each
customer who boys a box or Pills from yon receives a
prize tloket which entities them to a fine place or Silver.
ware. Don't miss 0144 Aimee of your life, Send ns your
order and we will send the 10 boxes and Prize llekets by
mets, postyrid. When sold you .end us the money (52001
and wo will send you this hands ono Blue Fox Rut 011
chanes paid. Write today. Address '5 he New Life
n' n .'d•• Cil. nee a 'ovonto. gonads.
Fa) Alt ireLsera+►F20 It-41LJF N,A, .X
Ask for