HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1906-12-28, Page 111
The °f6,cial Organ of Zurich and Ray Township,
Vol. VII., No. 23
Minion Business College
(Affiliated with Wingham Busi-
ness College.)
This is the most modern, thor-
ough and successful institution of
its kind in Ontario. Excellent
stab' of teachers; unexcelled equip-
ment; large attendance; actual
business school. During Novem-
ber we had 20 times. as many
calls from leading concerns for
Bookkeepers, Stenographers
and Telegraphers as we had
graduates to send,
Enter any time.
individual instruction.
Our handsome Christmas
Catalogue sent free on applica-
tion to
GEO. SPOTTON - Principal
And a happy and prosperous New
Messrs. • Elmore and Garnet
Magel of Detroit visited their home
here over Xmas.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Innes visited
the former's parents at Moorefield.,
Ont., over the holidays.
Mr, O. H. Ehnes, of the Sove-
reign Bank staff, Milverton, spent
Christmas at his home here.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Kellerman of
Dashwood spent Tuesday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Fritz.
Mr. and.Mrs. A. L. Gosnell of
Merlin spent Christmas Day with
the latter's sister, Mrs. E. Zeller.
Mr. Robt. Stelck returned from
Edmonton, Alta., last week, and
has been renewing arquaintaces in
the village this week. He intends
returning to the west In March.
Mr. and Mrs. John Melick, of
Edmonton, Alta,, are 'visiting the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
S. Melick, of this village, at pre-
sent. Mr. Melick struck it lucky
in the west, his ]and adjoining the
booming town of Edmonton.
Rev. Irl Hicks predicts the fol-
lowing weather for the close of the
year : A reactionary storm period
is central on the 30th and 31st. As
the year goes out more storms of
sleet and snow will be passing a;, -
cross the country, with the proba-
bilities good for great accumula-
tions of snow and ice from previous;
storms and cold in most parts of
the country,
The following is the report of
the senior room of Z. P. School for
the term ending Xmas, 1906.
V. Roy Faust, Pearl Wertz,
Erwin Grob.
Sr IV. Lee Beffinan, Elenora
Hartleib, Arletta Wainer,
Jr IV. Theodore Haberer, Ethel
Weido, Clayton Bossenberry.
Sr III. Wilbur Rummel, Willie
Davidson, Esther Leibold.
Alex. McLeod,
Last Friday afternoon some of
the members of the Gun Club held
a friendly shoot. Fritz and Zeller
came out a tie and in the shoot -off
Fritz won out, thus securing the
medal.. The score :
W. O'Brien . ,...1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 5
E. Zeller .0 1 01.1 111 0 1 7
Truemner .... 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 5
Jac. Deichert...0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 6
F. W. Hess,,...0 1 0 111 1 0 1 0 6
(;,has. -Fritz ..... 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 7
W.G. .Hes:s.,..1000011 001 4
Another shoot was held. on Wed-
nesday, Deo. 26th, ,when the follow-
ing scores were made :
Chas. Fritz: 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 r
J. I'. Rau 0 1 1 0 0. 0 0 0 1 1 4
P. Sipple ...... 0 0 1 1 0 0 1. 0 0 1 4
W. O'Bri.en ... ,1 0 0 1 0.1 0 1 0 0 4
W. G. Bess 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 5
H. Yungblut.. , 0 0 1 0 I 1 1 10 1 6
T, Deichert 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 5
J. Truemner0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 :3
J, Schnettier. ,0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 .i
F.W.Hess 000010001,0 2
HurleyINcher0001 000001 2
Win. Schenck1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 5
E. Zeller 0 0.1 0 0 1 0 1.0 0 3
W. H.Hofrman,0,00000fi100 1
Mr. Edgar 111agel of Elmira spent
Xmas at his home here.
W. Brown of Toronto visited his
home here during the week.
Mr. Abe Bender of London spent
this week at his home here.
Mr. Freddie Hess of Berlin spent
Christmas 'at his home here.
Miss Ella Rannie of Goderich
visited her home here this week.
Miss May Warm of Chicago, Ills.,
is visiting her home here during
the holidays.
Mr. Ezra Schweitzer of Sebring-
ville visited friends and relatives
here this week.
Mr. Frank Denomy returned on
Monday from his season's sailing
on the great lakes.
Mrs. W. F. Finkbeiner of Milver:
ton visited her father, Mr. D. S.
Faust over the Xmas holidays.
A large number of visitors from
outside points spent Christmas
with relatives in Zurich and vicini-
,Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Pfile of Bad.
Ae, Mich., were visitors with
friends in this vicinity over Christ-
Nomination day will be very late
this year, not being held until Mon-
day. December 31. '1'he elections
will be held on Monday, Jan. 7th.
Mr. and Mrs, W. Horn of Buffalo
Miss Etta and Mr, Norman Ruby,
of Dashwood. are visiting at the
home of Mr. F. Witwer this week.
Mr. Loris Weber is having brick
hauled on the ground, ready for
starting building operations in the
spring. He intends erecting a hand-
some brick residence on the corner
where he is now living. This will
greatly improve the appearance of
that part of the 'village. '
Rubber buggy tires will be dam-
aged if left in an open shed through
the winter. If the tires are pneu-
matic pack them in a box and
cover with chalk. if hard rubber
either take the wheels ori or jack
them up, and cover tires with
sulphur and soapstone in equal
quantities. Keep the tires in a
waren place,
The Christmas entertainment in
the Evangelical Church on Tuesday
evening was a great success. The
church was crowded to the doors,
and the program, consisting of two
cantatas, recitations, Songs, etc..
was a credit to those 'who had the
work of training the scholars in
hand. The proceeds of the'even-
ing amounted to $45.05.
Beet hides, 9cts a lb, or l0cts. in
trade at Hartleib's.
Mr. harry Edighoffer of Hickson
visited his home in Blake this
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Thiel of
Berlin are visiting the former's
brothers here, this week.
Miss Mabel McLean of Winnipeg
visited her sister, Mrs. L. 0.
Charlesworrh, of this village, this
Messrs. W. BenderandFred Sie-
mon returned from the South River
lumber camps on Mondry. to spend
Xmas at their homes here,
Misses Maggie and En:;ma. Yung-
blut, and Mr. Geo. Beadle, of Au-
burn, spent Christmas at the home
of Mr. H. Yungblut, of this village,
The Inembers of the W. C. T. 1J.
will hold their regular meeting at
the home of Mrs. S. Rannie on
Weclnesdry afternoon, Jan. 2n1, at
2.30 o'clock.
Miss M. MacDougall, who has
had charge of J. J. Merger's milli-
nery department during the past
season, returned to her home in
Hurondale on Monday..
It seems probable that the Pres-
byterians, Methodists and Congre-
gationalists will form a church
union, the Church of England and
Baptists remaining out.
Christmas Day passed, off very
quietly in the village.: Services
were held in all the churches and
the real Christmas spirit seemed to
pervade the air. The weather was
ideal for Christmas, the; splendid
sleighing helping much to make the
enjoyment complete.
While cutting down a'. tree for
firewood, recently, Mr. Rudy
Schwartzentruber, of the Bronson
Line, found a bees' nest, which
yielded three pails of honey. The'
find canis as a. surprise k ;' Mr. S.,
as he had no idea. that th r ree was
the home of such a ho busy
'This is the time or fir, re
newing subscriptioi 4" Mie
time when a publisher,
of his subscribers, is: a �to pay
his always emir -luta -0 , debts,
and square himself ..foanother
year, It is a time of: ca' eiderable
anxiety to newspaper igen, because
on the promptness of patrons de-
pends to some extent their business!
integrity. Many of THE HERALD
snbscribers have renewed for next
year. We will be plensed if hund-
reds more will do so during the
tritr" , `n",p',,a v' i 4j'iaVyyppAyt, NOny.jj..
E have ;just put 'into stock a very nice
line of Silverware, bought at Close
Prices and which we will sell at a veru
Small Profit. A visit to our store will con-
vince you that we are showing a line of goods
the best that money can buy and Prices Eight.
We have had a splendid stove trade and we
handle only the best lines on the market. Do
not be led away with the idea that a 20 per
cent discount sale is a bargain for you, but go
with the crowds to the Big Store where goods
are bought in large quantities for spot cash and
in the best markets of the country and sold on
a small margin. and you will go away like hun-
dreds of others, convinced that you can buy
goods cheaper at Preeter's than anywhere else,
We are here to stay in spite of all competition.
A new stock of Skates, Carpet Sweep-
ers and fancy Parlor Lamps just
opened. up.
$L Per Year.
Wishing you all a
>py and Pros
perous New Year.
/- L
T1ERCf AN ;i'
Th Rhosutest nn
Is an important one and shot•tld re: i_v'ce
your serious attention. We have ' ,len
-special care in buying our fall and -::.:,ter,,.,
stock and are prepared to give $pocla1 — 1,1"
ues and quality unsurpassed, 'We.
a -splendid jine of fall shoes for xt err°-° d
-*omen, -soincthiu 'stylish and. ..firbt-class
quality, We ha .-e everything to retl',crs
socks, felt shoes. ear'. ("'ons:o t.t.nd rt
ills OM' goods.
FRITZ, The SSthoer mart.
24 CO
ni..w..b......,.fa.F•...i.,7.33., . _ AC 05iII..k....3..mnom., ,
1-1 0 L I/DAY a'FTS
We 13a -7.E• C;17' opened up. of ;stock of
consisting ''3 , t.t)7s for the C.Iil :con 11r ‘..;nd..less
varit'ties 7.- gases and Jardiners : .itp,".l.ey
Lamps aro. ' C: a`t'ill'd and many other Tines
which we (1.';':.i4 mention in thi'i column, but
would ask call and get t•:iio first
.,ions as the
We have just. -,:ceived a new los, }ai' tL very
latest Novel°:•t, 'in ladies fancy(Cotl..i°s am'. Belts
ranging in l e from 5 cents f.t:) ffl,Oti.. some
very nice things for Christmas T'rot,tent.s. Gents
new . eckwd t .:, Silk and rottoD :I? it.r.lc'.ki•'.aitie ;,
Gloves, etc.
in Gr'oc :eta we handle rale o..o.1..#....ht
qualities and ow: 1 )Ck
fresh and .el 'an.
Dry Goods and Furs at Rectuced Prices.
-A call so 1iidtec ,
fiMW ti?