HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1906-12-21, Page 88 The Zurich Herald. UM, ..-_ ..mcC seer. Lit,„ r 0 9t 41 We would like to call your attention to our stock of meats poultry sausages, bolognas, etc. Nothing but the very best and choicest goods kept u11 hand. We use all our cus- tomers the same. Give usa, call. MUT 1, & DEICHEh th Winter Is nmtgg Winter will soon be here and with it conies the thoughts of a new cutter. Our stock this fall is complete, in all styles. They are !mule to last. Call and see them before making a purchase. Now is the time to have your old Cutter repaired and painted. ° !F. Hess & Sonn, Zurich - Ontario. IT'S NO TRICK to sell a poor article at golf price --but it cannot be dons on GOOD GOODS. This Season as before, I will try to give yuu Money's Worth. ....All kinds of . , . . HOLIDAY GIFTS generally found in a first-class Jewelry Store. V Prices Right :: :: Goods Right F. T,T. HESS - • Tevaeler. r EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS Deemer. COPYRIGHTS &O. Anyone sending a aiceti n and description mny quickly nsrcrtnin our opinion free whether an invention Is 1,r• nbly pntentablo. Communion. •iunyetrictlyen ti lettial. ITunrihookon ]':lents tient free. Oldest uaeney for scouring paten Ie. Patents taken through Munn & Co. rece:va t;) ectal notice, without Charge, i, the Cie i f3 k , rn i1c t r handsomely il]nstrnior! wooidr. Lorcet ctr. tn]attlou or any rolontlini journal, 'port:,., $:i n rear 8: our menthe, ;1. kohl Lynn nen::nenlor,. MUNg& �c�.3Gtarnadway.New York BAYFI EL ,D. Richard Smith has taken up his residence in George Lindsay's cot- tage on Keith crescent. Thomas Burnside is moving into the house lately occupied by Mr. Smith L. 0, L. No: 24, Bayfield, 1ae1d their annual meeting- when the fol- lowing officers were elected for the ensuing year : Master, T. H. Brown- lee ; Deputy, R. McMurry ; Chaplain Rev. Mr. Hinde ; Rec-Secretary, G. E. Greenslade ; Fin -Secretary, A. E. Erwin'; Treasurer T. W, Tippett; D. of C., D. C. Galbraith ;Lecturer, William Heard.; Committee, W. Elliott, J. Spencer, R. McDool, W. Dixon and Rev. Hinde, Dealers say that those who have used. Chamberlain's Stomach .and Liver Tablets are quite loyal to them and cannot be persuaded to take any substitute. Get a free sample at J. J. Merneeta store, give them a trial and yon, too, will want thein in preference to any other. They cure stomach troubles. biliousness ting constipation. MMANUEL CHURCH vangelical Association 0IvRVIOt s AND N] MINOS WILL B.I. YIELD IN MN EMIANUEL 143VANCO LIOAL CHURCH, ZURICH, AS FOLLOWS : Sunday School at. 2 p. tu. Preaching Service, German, 10 a, m, ; English Service, at 7 p. m ; Senior Alliance, 7.30 p.m. Tues- day evening ; German Prayer meet ing, Wednesday evening at. 7 :30 o'clock ; English Prayer meeting, Thursday evening at 7.30 o'clock ; Choir Practice, Friday evening at 8 o'clock ; Junior Alliance, Satur- day afternoon, at 3 o'clock. Ri:v. A. D. GISCFIL.E1t, PASTOR. LOCAL NEWS Ki '' a`i ::;S smi(i?: ?ia.,:m + en k•ixim:bE'r; ?tsvrc"ik Cnal oil 15 cts a gallon at Hart- ! Mrs. Loveridge of Detroit is ;visiting at her home here at present I Mrs. C. Fritz and children visit- ed relatives in Dashwood last week. *'v ;r. • No bend concert will be held just now, but one will likely be 1 held towards spring. The directors of the Heron Weather Tnsuranee Co. • held a meeting in Hensall on Monday. {Mr. Wm. Ottley last month cem- pleted his twenty-fourth year of service as engineer in the grist I mill here. This is a remarkable record and "Bill" is good for many • years yet. Witwer's have the best and ;largest stock of picture post cards I ever seen in Zurich, comics and sceneries at 1 cent each or 10 and 15 cts per sett. We also carry one of the largest stock of Xmas cand- ies, nuts. oranges, lemons at rock bottom prices. Give us a call. A very pleasant party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thiel, in honor of their daughter, Miss Freda's birthday, all of her young friends being present. The evening was spent in playing all kinds of games and at a late hour a very dainty lunch was served after which they returned hone having had a most enjoyable time. Our 20 per cent discount sale pleases everybody, except our com- petitors. They seem to raise a howl about it, hut they cannot fool the people, who know when they want to get a big bargain they have to go to Hartleib's. They know j that our prices have driven an I army of competitors out of business and they know those prices are still in progress. A new stock of hockey skates arrived and will be sold at a price that will paralyze our competitors. Call and see at I3artlejb's, A REVELATION OF CANADA. After 40 Tears' service in the cause of good fanning, the Farmer's Advocate and Honie Magazine, of London, Ont., has, in its Christmas Number for 1908. < Listanced all previous records, both in the gener- al interest and value of the articles and the richness and variety of its illustrative features, particularly the tricolor process work. Most imposing of the latter is the douhle- i page panoramic view of the Ontario 1( Agricultural College at Guelph, # which every farmer's son will cer tainly aspire to attend after the faithful account given of what is done at that great institution. There are eight colored pages in } the number, besides over eighty wash drawings and photo engrav- ings, including six full-page and many half -page pictures. The best Artists of Canada have contributed of their choicest works to its pages. The articles on agriculture and other subject's are a brilliant reve- lation of Canada, a.nd Great Britain as well. When you have seen and read this number you will have en- oyecl ono of the season's best treats. Some idea of the size of .:this special issue niay be had from the fact that each paper weighs a pound. net. EXETER Hy. Smith exhibited some thoroughbred stock at the Guelph Winter Fair. N. D. Harden, manager of the Molsons Bank, is seriously ill with blood poison. The trouble com- menced in his leg. Mrs, Lindefelt, sr„ is seriously ill. J. N. Perkins has purchased the milk business of Wm. Rivers. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Lang intend moving back to Exeter from Toron- to. Messrs, Glaclman & Stanbury have purchased the O'Neil property recently purchased by J. A. Stew- art. They intend fitting up the ground floor with their law offices. A meeting in the interest of pro- moting the proposed knitting factory was held in the Town. Hall on .i'uesday. John Blatchford has returned from Manitoba.' fi t.:.. oHHowing our usual custom, after a big .yea son's business, all broken lines of Winter Goods will have to be cleared out and the profits Sacrificed. This Store is noted for rapid selling at dose prices, and these are now more in evidence th;.. ever before. ea''b '4.••... 36 hi. Flannelette We have still some of that 36 inch Heavy fancy stripe Flannel- ette at Scts. per yd. Other Bargains All -Millinery Goods includ- ing the newest trimmed Hats, etc. to clear at half price. • Fur Coats, Ruffs, etc. We have done a tremendous business iu ladies' and men's Fur Coats, ladies' Stoles, Caperines and Boas, and the balance of our stock goes. at a Mg reduction. .. el It 473) a > ress Goods W0 are over -stocked in some lines and will dispose of them at greatly reduced prices. Boys' Snits. Boys' Suits, sizes 32, 34, at half price. 33 and Ladies' Cloth Coats Ladies' Cloth Coats at half price, and some, not the latest style, but serviceable, for $LOO. Le, thea~ Coats Men's best Saranac leather Coats at 85.00 each. - ave just returned from Toronto, and 1 ?ye secured some special goods suitable for Fifty, and also some staple Dry Goods at very impting prices. These Bargains will be 5ssed on to you at very small profits. Underwear eavyweight feece- liJyn�+ed�, j. and Drawers at 4.0 cts. s. et, n s in Groceries Best se , ed Raisins at i.Octs a lb. Best ale' ed Currants 4 lbs for 25c Best ro ted Coffee 12i cts a lb. Green J') an Tea, usually sold by other dealers for 3o cts., our price 25 cts. per lb. Ilade=to=order Suits Some big snaps in Suits:, made-to-order, that are usually sold at $17.00 to $18.00, our price is only $12.o9. ourrttanra Some Dinner Setts At very low prices. These will have to be cleared out at once, and you will get the benefit of the cut price by buying now. HENSALL.- B. Raiser has moved into his new dwelling. It is a fine one. Mrs. Chas, Manns and children and Wilbur Bengough, of Frobisher Sask., are visiting friends hero at present. W. J. !miller, who has been laid up with fever at High River, Alta., has suffered a relapse and is again confined to his bed.. The young people have been en- joying fine skating at the rink, Miss Helen McAllister., who has been in poor health lately, has left for St. Joseph's hospital, London, G. Smalla.eombe attended the fair at Guelph last week. Dr. MacDiarariid, .L Fitzgerald, John Shepherd, Thomas Mellis, J. Wilson and W. H. Reynolds have been members of the Independent Order of Oddfellows lodge here for 25 years. They were presented with handsome jewels in honor of the event a few evenings ago. A heap bad Indian ran amuck last Saturday night and had to bo handcuffed before he cooled down. He had been abusing his wife. lay what one hears it is likely that there will be a contest for the reeve's chair here at the municipal election. AT CSTA CI ST! Great 20 per cent discount Sale, for cash, till Christmas, commencing Dec. loth. The Following. Lines SLEIGH BELLS, AXES, SAWS, SHELF GOODS, FORKS, SHOVELS, SILVERWARE, CUTLERY, WASHING MACIIINES, WRINGERS, LAMP GOODS, TIN and GRANITEWARE, STOOK FOOD, WINDOW GLASS, FUR COATS, R01-3IS, !HORSE . BLANKETS, TRUNKS, VALISES, CLUB BAGS, WHIPS, CURRY COMBS and BRUSHES. And 10 per cent off on STOVES and SINGLE HARNESS. Remember till Christmas only. Call early. We pay for butter 23cts., and dried apples 8 cts, per,Jb. in exchange for goods. G.IIARTLEIB - Zurich. The People's Hardware and Harness klouse,,