HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1906-12-21, Page 4-.�. OARDS, J. 1). COOKE, BARRISTER AND S0 'leiter, Notary Public, Hens:ll, Ontario. At Zievie1I (Zeller's office) every Mon- o 1 PROUDFOO.T, HAYS & BLAIR, .BAR- ristors, Solioitors, Notaries Public, etc., Goderieh, Canada. W. Proudfoot, KC. R, C. Hays. G. P. Blair. BUSI//VESS CARDS. B, S. PHILLIPS, ' I.ICEN''SED AUC- tioneer for the Counties of Huron and Perth. Farrar stock sales a specialty. Jonas says' that the man was deter - Satisfaction ,guaranteed or no pay. All orders left at Lot 2,1, Con. 2, Hay, or mined, but he finally agreed to all addressed to Hensall P. 0. will be the conditions laid down by the promptly attended to. minister. In a week or two the residents o 1-1 Tglig kUBLISFIL+DBY 1>. ZBILLICf. FRIDAY, DEC. 21th, 1906. W. 0. T. U. WHAT MILLIE SAID, OR, F. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, E RA- itaate of. the Royal College of Dental 'surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Departrnent of Dentistry, To- ronto University, Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality, At Dominion House, Zurich, every Mon- day. 1-20 E. ZELLER, CONVEYANCER AND Notary Public. De e d s, _Mortgages, Wills and other Legal Documents care- fully and promptly prepared. Office— Zeller block, Zurich, Ont. ANDREW HESS, DIVISION COURT CLERK. Village and Farm Property insured. All the leading Companies represented. Agent for Accident and Sickness Insurance. FOR SALL . FARM FO SALE -75 acres of choice land on the 14th Con., IIay Town- ship. Good brick house, bank barn, 4,)x 69. Good water and well fenced. Will sell on reasonable terms. Apply at prent- is s or to \'illi.Lm Stelek, 4tf Zurich. ARM FOR SALE. --30 acres, 4 miles from Elkton, Mich., and within half mile to school. 130 acres cleared, good frame honse, frame barn and driving shed. Also good young orchard and fiowingwell. Will be sold on easy terms. Apply to Eph. Holtzman on the premises or G. Holtzman, Zurich, Ont. f>lHOROBRED SINGLE COMB WHITE J. Leghorn and Barred Plymouth Rork Cockerels for sale. These are choice birds. Apply to W. H. Love, Hilla{green, Ont. REGISTERED SHORT HORN BULL for sale, 2 years old. He is a sure sire and will be sold reasonable. Apply to Lot 21, Con. 14, Hay, Ell:nor Klapp, Zurich P. 0. DULLS FOR SALE.—Four Choice aJ Shorthorn bull calves, eleven to fifteen months old, for sale. Good indi- viduals, good colors and registered pedi- grees. Also one registered cow, 6 years old. , A, G. Staniar., I ensal.l, P. 0 , - Lot 11, Con. 2; L. R. S. ''2-3t Tucltersmith. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. z. Tura ESTATE OF J. O. ou oaaIc>t, DECEASED Notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against Jacob 0. Gingerich, Iate of the Township of Hay in the County of Huron, farmer, deceased, who died on the 21st day of September, 1590, are re- cauired to send by post prepaid or deliver to the unalersigned executors, Blake, P.O.. on or before the first day of .January, 1907, their names addree,ses, and deeeriptions, and n statement of their claims with per. titulars thereof and the nature of the security, if any, held by them. And notice is further given t.Lat after the first day of January, 1907“ the said executors will c'istribure the assets of the deceased a- mong the persons entitled thereto, having regard only of the claims of which they shall the have notice, and they will net. i •e liable for the said assets nr any part to any ;person of wltnee claims they will nut then huge notice. • JOHN L. CER.RETt, Rt DI SC;E(WARTZENTRUIBEtt, I:xeeu t„r+. Zurich, Dec. $ h, 1:)06. 21 Rt NOMI AT1ON. Pa:;:uant to the Municipal Act Wolin -notice ie hereby given that no meeting of the Electors et the Muni-ip.itty of the `1'ownaship of Hay, will be held in the Township Hall, in the Village ofluriel,, on '41on it y, Dee. 3lst, 1000, at the hour from one to -two o'clock p. m., for the nonage -toe of nominating cnnuidat(- for Reeve end tteencillers for the Township of Hay, for the year 1007, and in ease a poll is de• nsanded., polls will hi opened on Monday, January 7th, 1007. in the several polling eubdivir:ons of the Tonnship. Said ',Mil will be kept open from 9 o Mork a. m., un- til t a click p. tn.. and no longer. Dotted at Zurich this.lf>th day of De - comber, A. D. 1003: FRED HESS, SI;., Returning ()Meer. NOr iNAA"ITION. :Public Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Electors of the. Police Tif- lege of'Zurich, will be held in the Town Hall, in the 'Village of Zurich, on Monday, December 31st, 1006, at the hour from 7.30 to 8.30 p. m., for the 'purpose oI nominat- 'ing :Police 'Trustees for the Police Village of `C,urich, for the year 1907, and in case a poli is demanded, a poll will be opened in the Clerk's Office, Town Hall, on Monday, January 7th, 1007. Said poll will he kept open from 9 o'clock a. m., until 5 o'clock p. xn., and no longer. r>a,te•'l at Zurich this 10tH day of De - cored ,er, A. 1.)., 1003, FfRFD, HESS, SIC., Returning °Pettier. had secured a position in a shipyard Quigg was an intell,gent man and possessed a fairly good education. He soon became interested in his children, and the house commeneed to look brighter and more cosy by the aid of his pa nt brush and saw and hatchet. His old cronies predicted a big slump in Jonas' "future.," some day and would say to one another: "Oh, he'll come for his likker before long." But they were disappointed for a year had passel by, and Jonas Quigg was —Jonas" no longer. IIis new frieucds and acquaintances ad- dressed him aa"Air." Quigg. The red nose of runt had withered and faded away from his face. • , One might, at. an experience meet- ing in the church, be anise and testified as to the faith within him. The same pastor was there, and his features were illuminated with a g duke smile. Suldenly he arose and stopped Jonas with: "Brother Quigg, tell your friends ha re what brought you to a full realization of the sin -cursed course you wet going." •\Vhy. Brother Ilardester, I can tell that in a few words. It was the nixltt that my dear (laughter Milli; had her say. Had she not takled so loudly, my house world I not have been honored by the pre- sence of two God-fearing men. They understood, and they coe• ce d me ia,to becoming a sober pian and what is ear better, a Christian. I was a miserable drunken sot, lint that coercion—which was nothing but God's Spirit in a new form— was the happiest and brightest coercion that roan could conceive of. %Vith God's help and his a bundant grace. I propose is still further live as I am now living, and when God calls ale hence I hope to he enabled to meet that Clear soul - the mother of my children." A great sob.escaped him as he sat down, and a timid girl left a seat near the door, walked quickly up the aisle. and threw her arms around his ne.•k. It was Millie. "God bless you, my child," sob- bed Jona a, enfolding her to his breast. 1 the place noted the change in .Jonas He avoided the town (rang mill, and • Married. R sesienn—DUNSr'oRD—In Hay, On . Dee. 1.2th, Milton Russell to Miss (1lat.tat. Dnnsford, daughter of Mr. an dMrs. Wm. Dunsforcl.. Borne G'S Illaigt—At Zurich. on November ,eget. to Mr, and Mrs. H. Weber, ¢ son. • Hlcv—At the Goshen Line, Hay on Dec. i 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Hey. jr., a son. The Family Herald au Weekly Star and the Zurich Herald one whole year .7'CM $1..0 You ought to subscribe. ChaxsslberlainL'o, Choiera and. Chamberlain's :Diarncrhoea Kennedy. t er'er• fails. Dvy it now. Itntsay wive life. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Members of The Hay Township Farmers Mutual Fire In- surance Company will be held at the Town Hall, Zurich, on Tuesday, January 8th,` 1907, at One o'clock p. tn. Ilusreonss -- Receiving the Directors', Auditors' and Treasurer's Reports. Elec- tion of I:irectors and such other business as may be, necessary for the good and wel- fare of the Company. All members are requested to attend. JACOB 1 ELLER 4ANN, Esq.' President HENRY EILBER, Secretary e ur,i ch Herald. 1043-+3-4,3+3,-43.43---t+-E+•E*efio.0E+•+E*s `Con n'Y NEWS. it3++3e.•,}�.•#3►,i3•'.�3m. •+�.%M�iM+£3••+'Et+E+a A movement is being, (rade tow- ard the formation of a Y. M. 0. A, in Godcrich. Margaret Barrey passed peace- fully away at her home near Mt, yearsn.Z Catrei. on Dee. 4th at the age of 21 N. a. Morrisey. who conducted the Huron Hotel, Goderieh; has clisposed of the business to Capt. Craig. A. Hislop,. M, P. P has been nominated by the Liberals of East Huron as a candidate for the Do- minion Parliament. Rev. Mr. Wade of Clinton has heen appointed chaplain for the House of Refuge by the county council at a salary of *10. The storing Assize Conrt will he opened in Goderieh for the county of Huron nn Tnesdlay, the 1 9th of March, 1907, wind the non -jury term on Tuesday, May 28th. John Westlake. who sold his hnsiness at F+arrtnhar. has purchas- ed the farm of \•'i''rn. Rivers on the 3rd con , Usborne. ]sirs Westlake `l he old and Reliable takes possession next March. The trnlstees of S. S. No. ate_ I aibfieisch's Saw Planing Nil's.... Choice Selections Here in Christmas nit CLNVLJLUTE ROC Crokinole Board=, horse Rockers, Toy Baby Carriages, Tool Setts. Etc. Harness, Trunks, Club Bags, Bells, Blankets and Robes. H. WELL, = _ _ = Zurich, Ont. nlaen. have engaged Miss Meleei .Tennison of Brewster to teach in that ser'tinn. her dntias to nem-. mence after theChristrnas holidays. At Brncefiieid on Dec, 5th, Miss Mende B.. eldest daughter of 0. Wilson, was united in marriage to Geo. Swan of that village. They will make their home in Hamilton. A knitting feetnry is one of the near possibilities for Exeter, pre. vided the necessary capital can he raised and flystoi-n will give a. loan of a siniilerteviction t to that to be given to the crtnnirg factory. The Hoiel, trouble has ai Lewis surre owner of the, er, the le tterj ones. Mr. able tenan The Clint Mr. Hregh atop into i' We know .' the last Ti a big eine self for a st.bnnt t, look in. Ca tour ehonld Leat for ;t free tx': Catarrh One Tarovee Toner' and Dr, Shn 'estly desires that test. Th healing halm end nostrils. - foal nr feveri9 investigate. t�Tormanclie. Clinton. last been settled. P. •;s the lease to the •onerty. S. 8 Coop. titin, possession rat roper will get a suit - the hotel. ,Few Era says that ,man is aspiring to . Gunn's No. 10's. olden reasons why stntlemen will make tctpy theta him - dee. . However, it's <�r man l;ad a. 'a'es. ace and throat n at least ask ns cve of Dr, Shoop's Nothing sn snrely r:t. real. actual test -- to prove this, earn - at we let yon make dreamy, Snow White soothes the throat c1 gnic'kly purifies a breath. Call and J. Merner. 11tilturn In Parvo. The religion of Christ has proven to the world it is en inestimable blessing, it is the only treasiere v e Ctn Parry with ns at death. In all things, and tinder all circum stances, staan;i for the right. Be el -earful. Religion was never de- s'gne l to melte a person gloomy. or a •d, nr to wear a dejected crean`enence .Hold integrity sac- red, Ohsrrve 00or1 manner. Pay your debts promptly-. Yield not to temptation. Join hands with the virtuous. Select gnod company. Ke e1'out of the bald rncrrs, Respect oldage and the counsels of your parents. Raise no evil report a- gainst an enemy. Give to all a kind salutation. You have nothing to do with death's coming, if you live the best you can. when death COMPS, von will meet hint with a wiliin nes:;, 'Touch not, taste not intoxicating drinits. Do you believe any man or woman is any the het - ter for possessing diamonds? Has any one been the hetter for having vnnits of gojtl? Pride and lust. and anger aro the fruits of riches and one of the great sins of the world is essentially the sin of Judas. lien do not disbelieve in Christ, but they tell hirn safes of wealth never make the roan, but a virtuous and' religious life, these make the man, it is better to be poor and good, than to be rioh and bad. C. C. Sink. (The enol,) New ads,— It Well, E. Klopp, A G. Smillie, Annual Meeting . of members of Hay Tp.Fire Ins. Co. Piles get quick relief from I)r. Shoop's MagicOintinent. Remem- ber it's oracle alone for Piles—and it 'works with certainty and satis- faction. Itching, painful, protnd- ino, or blind piles disappear like maaric by its use. Try it and see J J Merner, I wish to thank my customers for their patronage during the past year, and wish to announce that 1 am on hand with a large stock of Hastings Brand B. C. RED CEDAR SHINCLE•S and all kinds of Building Material. It will be to your interest to call and see me if you are going to build. It is my atrn to combine good work with good ;material. I also do CUSTOM SAWV1IIC and PLANLAIC (r4—Chopping done every Tuesday and Friday. F. C. KALBFLEISCH, 14 Tills 14th con. ZU"1CH a P: ), Fine and We llav3 put into stock a fine assort- ment :of. Candies. Ntits, Figs, etc. Tbey are manufactured and put up by the McCormick Mfg. Co., London, filial are all first-class goods, Give els a call when in. need of anything in this line_ E'erything in the J.tne of GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, FANCY CAKES, BREAKFAST FOODS, FLO UTA, FEED, STOCK FOODS, ETC. ekel Coarse Salt, $1.4o per Barrel. S. ''apple & Son. C.: r'Sfts 4,4 A iaT:iN yq+'- hrlv:: SA a �G•'t�.. �y .,, •,^"�.,��'pt. -ti Y�•�,,. y.4 :fin fyt, i?r�}c�3 ��z + ,. j'r? �.. .:'� iY>�aL , •.:- ,. . Com'•.. '}:i�1C-`{,?:i. H.. ':W�4 1.1' •: ` , " u8'F IGRb,S�i G^•'�.r. l ��i. %elle u.•� 'M:a5"��'.�Il * zo • SEASONU:LE 6009S We have in. stock Root Pulpers and Slicers, both cylinder and side- wheelers. Magnet Crean] Separators, the best in the country. Machine Bevel Jacks. We also handle Wood Sawing Machines. Straw Cutters, Horse Pow- ers, I. 11. C. Gassline En- Ma toil All kinds of *- te. * d* 0 o' *- 7;:' - Farming Implements. CALL ON US BEFORE YOU BUY. *• FRED. HESS � sod, + Rickbeil's OYd Stand m ZURICH.. 0 O .O O O O O ON O O .O O- O •O O, O�•(0)+-10 �* 0 0 0