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The Herald, 1906-12-21, Page 2
r4"vE'i4iy, slashaa " ay vd;l OUTSHONE, BUT GAME. Halfstick Wants Friends and Rela- tives to Know ,It ' aAre you the editor that takes in so- +qty news?" inquired caller, an under sized man. with a tired and timid, a,p- aiiesaing look on his face. air," said the young loan at the des'. "I can take any kind of news, 'What have you?" 'Why, it's this way.' 'said the caller, towering his voice. My wife gave a small party last night, and I am wil- Dag to pay to have this report of the af- a put in the paper.' "We don't charge anything for pub- $Iethimg society news," observed the young man at the desk, taking the actoffereed manuscript and looking it over. "That's all right." was the reply, ®Ton: don't understand. I wrote this up snarself, and I put in a line or two that eveyts, `Mr. Halfstiek assisted his distin- ed wife in receiving- the guests.' the way 1 want it to go in, and I alion't care if it costs a dollar a word. I Proust any friends to know, by George, 'Elul I still belong to the family." SOMETHING ENTIRELY NEW. i'fart of the Pacific Coast Securities Company Absolutely Safe Site old idea of "nothing new under the • a•' Is completely put to flight by the Pao - We Coast Securities Company, of Portland, Oregon, in handling the stock of the Sea 3sirrni Copper Company. This company, whose officers are business men of :zany years' ex- perience, have perfected a plan whereby the !investor's money is under his own control mad he does not take the stock until earning anti accrued dividends are satisfactory. A areev booklet, "Something to Set You Think - tag." has just been issued for free distribu- 1:lon, and it is valuable to anyone content - Plating investment in corporate enterprises - DUCKS 1,200 MILES AT SEA. ,Birds Circle Around Steamship, Taking It for an Island. •the rciceanic Steamship Company's lin- es Mariposa, Captain Lawless, arrived from Tahiti with twenty-three passen- gers and a cargo of tropical products. temang the passengers was W. F. Doty, .farmer American consul at Papeete and recently promoted to represent Uncle .Sxitr in Persia as United States consul. The interests of America in Persia !Rave been represented hitherto by tine SEP 'retary of the British legation at Te- • J ran, who acted as United States vice- .sonsal whenever necessity arose. This government, however, recently appoint- ed three consuls for Persia, xroong them Mr. Doty, whose post will be at Fabriz. This is in the same latitude as San Fran- ,e1,4t1 and is One of the most inaccessible .aarmsular posts in the world. In journey - to his new station Consul Doty wilt 1'tiave to travel back for 1,500 miles: On the afternoon of November 9, Cap- -fain Lawless was surprised to see twelve black and white ducks flying overhead. They came from the eastward. After arcane- around .the Mariposa a num- .her of times, as if they were wondering .nktat kind of an island the liner was, the .spicks wheeled into line and resumed their flight, heading due west. The stacks were 1,800 miles from San Premis- e(' and 1,200 miles from Hawaii, the near - eat land.—San Francisco Call. i a iitlrnard's Liniment Cures Distemper. • 'The Mystery of Longevity. (New York World.) "fFulgaria has 3,900 centenarians, about one '&e every 1.000 inhabitants. Rumania has 1,081 -and Service 573. Students of longevity re- -cords in Europe are asking why the coun- tries Least advanced in hygienic standards >read thus in the tables of centenarians. The 'to 0ttM States, with a population of more than 16.400.,000, bad by the census of 1900 more 4haa 3,500 centenarians, making about one- twentieth of the ratio shown in Bulgaria, No answer has ever been given In the case d:€. an individual cententarian which would atsted the tests of the 100 -year class in gen- ,rdra'L One person will say abstinence kept 'him strong, another that moderate drink - egg helped him. Tobacco will have been ab - ;Sexed on this hand, the pipe have been a com- forter on that. Sometimes to a life of hard ern,rk or again to preservative days of lei - Aare will the credit be given. �y•'y�xf;Fit•'Yi,Alre'i:::t'1,',",w'+'. IA ON 940 Why pay for the heavy operating expenses of the big shops? .have 15 per cent. by buying at the Jew& Parlors Write for booklet JAS. D. BAILEY 75 Yonge St. N. E. Cor. King 11"C5► Fit o ri9'1'i c si a e11,.).1."!am Dear NI ther Your little ones are a constant care in Fall and Winter weather. Thep will catch cold. Do you know about Shiloh's Consumption Cure, the Lung Tonic, and what it has done for so many ? It is said to be the only reliable remedy for all diseases of the air passages in children, h is absolutely harmless and pleasant to take, It is guaranteed to cure or your money is returned. The price is 25c. per bottle, and all dealers is medicine sell 3tq ` t'. ILSH This remedy should be in every household. No Fly Screens in England. An Englishman who visited the United States during the last summer, when asked what he liked most about the country, promptly replied: "Your fly screens. "I don't belieev I remember ever hav- ing seen a fly screen in England," he continued, "that is, the wire screens that are generally used here. There are a few mosquito bars, made of cotton netting. I don't know why we have not adopted the wire screens, for we certainly suffer great annoyance from flies, gnats and mosquitoes. In many kitchens and meat markets fly- paper is used, but it is any- thing but encouraging to the appetite. "One difficulty, which, however, I sup- pose could be overcome in the way of introducing wire screens, would be the almost universal use of French windows. These open outward and it might be ne- cessary to place the screens on the in- side of the windows. Doors, of course, could be easily put up." OIMMEIN You Can't Have a Merry Xmas If you suffer from Rheumatism Here's Our Holiday Offer At this season of the year we are offering a $1.00 bottle of our valuable Remedy, heumaticfoe for 50e. Avail yourself now of this special offer. Rheumatiefoe is the only medicine that is purely and simply a Rheumatism Cure. It cures Rheumatism by cleansing the blood of those impurities that cause Rheumatism. Write to us also for particulars of our "Guaranteed Cure." NO CURE NO PAY If you are not cured it will -cost you nothing. We take all the risk because we are so confident of the value of our medicine. SPECIAL CHRISTMAS COUPON. Hope & Hopkins, i x773 Yonge St., Toronto. Dear Sirs,—Please send me one $1.00 bottle of Rheumaticfoe, for which I enelose 50c (150 extra on all mail orders). • Also particulars of your Guar- anteed Cure. Name Address. Dept. Il., Fast Work on Banana Boats. The cargoes of banana steamers are discharged in less time than those of oth- er sea -going vessels coaling into the New York port, Not only is time money in the banana trade, as in every other, but the freight these vessels bring is perish- able. According to size and capacity the steamers in the banana trade carry from 15,000 to 30,000 bunches in a cargo. The biggest of these boats have four hatchways and besides four side ports on each side through which cargo can ho discharged. At some stages of the work of discharging a big banana steamer there may be employed about her from 300 to 500 men. The bananas are not hoisted out but each bunch is handers out separately, passed from man to man along a line. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc. A.'- The World's Volcanic Belts. (Leslie's Weekly.) There are two great bolts on the earth in which either volcanoes are active or moun- tains are growing or in which the two phe- nomena are associated. These two belts fol- low great circles. Ono of these passeae through the West Indies, the Mediterranean Sea, the Caucasus and the Himalaya moun- tains, and is called by De Montessus the "Mediterranean" or "Alpine -Caucasus -Him- alayan" belt. In this belt 53 per cent. of all recorded earthquakes have occurred. The second belt nearly encircles the Paclfic, fol- lowing the Andes, the mountains of western North America, the Aleutian island, Japan and the Philippines. This De Montessus calls the "circum-Uacifle" or "Andes -Japanese - Malayan" belt. In this belt have occurred 41 per cent. of all recorded earthquakes. in all the rest of the world the recorded earth- quakes equal only 0 per cent. ,of the total number. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Excitement in Topeka. (State Journal.) There is ,great excitement over the repeat that a bride who will coma to Topeko soon bas a maid, This Will raise the limit and establish a new record in Topeko. Occasion- ally a Topeko woman steals the housemaid or nurse, exchanges their caps and aprons for the lady's maid kind and takes her out of town with her in order to makea noise like an aristocrat, but it is believed the new bride will be truly Iady's maid all her own who never helps out In the kitchen, nursery or laundry. Campaign Capacity. (Washington Post.) 'y "There is enough gas in a man," says a prominent chemist, "to f111 a gamomater of 3.010 feet." Needless to say, this conclusion was arrived at during some heated potitioal campaign., CURIOUS PLIGHT OF TOPPESFIELD. English Village With g3 Girls and Only ex Boys in Its School. The rural village of Toppesfield, in North Essex, has become prominent on account of a ronlarlcable phenomena in the births recorded there. During the last decade the great pre- ponderance reponderance of girls boat in the parish over boys has been noticed, and at the present moment t he s cholars attending the village school comprise ninety-three girls but only eleven boys. In conse- quenee,of this the county education au- thority is contemplating the substitu- tion of a schoolmistress for the present schoolmaster. But among those belonging to the place the present state of affairs has aroused considerable concern, and the question is being asked where the farm laborers of the future are to come from if platters do not change. The medical officer for the district has been consulted, but he can ascribe no cause for the greater num- ber of girls.—London Chronicle. +4 HOW ET SPREADS The first package of Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Roid (the infallible Pile cure) that was gnat out went to a small town in Nebraska. It eured a case of Piles that was con- sidered hopeless. The news spread, and the deniancl prompted Dr. J. SS. Leonhardt, of Lincoln, Neb., the discoverer, to prepare it for general use. Now it is being ,sent to all parts of the<.world. It will cure any ease of Piles. $L00, with absolute guarantee. All dealers, or the Wilson-Fyle Co,. Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. SHOWS VALUE OF HEREDITY. Candidate for Parliament at Last De- clares His Religious Belief. A Parliam.entaay candidate was being heckled. One of the questions had. refer- ence to the religious denomination to wkieh he belonged. "Well," he said. `;vee asked me an hon- est question and you shall have a straightforward at ser. illy gran :mo- ther was a Scotch voulan a rigid Pres- bytexian." Obvious disapp. .iuent was shown an the faces of the •o epee, so the candi- date proceecled: ".Aly graaiHath was English and therefore a menu'. 'of the: Church of England." Still no enblu but rather the re- verse. "My father, o good Baptist," candidate, who applause. He added,: "But since dead, w Instantly he conelu.` g of my dear e and I don't don Mail. Tobacco (Cleo The other day 1 don an attendant fing susuiclously asked the reason told him frankly said, "to see if it does then I know it reading and that a novel literary tea, respects. Horse sE feminine intuition,: .other hand, was a on the desperate Christmas Bargains Order Early N(YTE.-64 page self -teacher with finger- board chart sent FREE with each order. separate copies sent to any one for 50e. Write for our Xmas catalogue contain.. Ing special values in all kinds of musical instruments, novelties, watches, ete. These instruments are imported direct from Germany for the holiday trade. We are enabled to offer them at 40% less than the retail dealers. FOUR DIFFtR1ENT OUTFITS No. 1—Our epeeist, good tone,3.n'k well shaped, fine finish ... ,.. No. 2—Our Orchestra Violin, 5 00 highly polished, very fine tone ... lin ebony trimmings ... ... ,. 600 No. 4 --Amateur's favorite, only 2 98 50 left... Each outfit Is sent complete with violin, box, bow, resin, strings, etc., as illustrated All goods sent charges prepaid. The Toronto Musical & Novelty Co. 96 Victoria St., Toronto No. 3—Grand artist's solo vio- ODD CASE OF COMBUSTION. Rose Bushes Shipped in Wet most Burned Up. A peculiar case of spontaneous com- bustion, or something like it, is des- cribed by . a writer in elassier's, Magazine. On February 17, 1006, two Large refri- gerator cars of young rosebushes were received at Hannibal, Mo., from a nurs- ery in California. They were shipped in Wooden cases containing numerous au- ger holes for ventilation and were care- fully packed with wet sphagnum, or California swamp moss, to prevent chaf- ing and to support their vitality. No ice was put in the cooling tanks, and the covers of these, as well as all other opening sin the cars were closed as tightly as possibe. The ears, were ten days in transit. The outside temper- ature was 60 degrees Fahrenheit at the start and 15 degrees at the end of the trip. Upon arrival steam -was issuing from every crevice of the cars. Upon removing the tank covers it rushed out in large volume. The doors were opened and ice was put in the tanks; the free circula- tion of cold air soon cooled the contents of the cars. In unloading it was discovered that some of the upper layers of boxes were badly damaged by heat, which naturally was most intense near the top of the cars. No signs of dctual combustion were found, but this would probably have oc- curred in a short time had not the cars been quickly cooled. The temperature must have been near- ly up to the burning point, as many of the green stems of these plants were black and brittle. Wet sawdust in large quatities fres Moss Al- quently becomes very warm in the inter- ior, in fact the lower the temperature of the atmosphere the hotter usually the till unrewarded by sawdust. sious, so hurriedly old. another, long hodist " ere radiant, so - the p+recepte y Methodist ows it!"—Lon- 'for Novels. Leader.) ublic libraray in Lon- ced a young girl snit - ,the books. When he er strange conduct she I sniff at a book," she Melts of tobacco. If it a book a man has been - a good one." This is but a wise one in some e lies behind it and Minacd's Liniment 0o., Linitied: Gentlemen; I have used ...HUARD'S LINIMENT from time to time for the past twenty years. It`Was recommended to me by a prominent physician .of Mont- real, who called it the "great Nova Scotia Liniment." It does the doctor's work; it is particularly good in cases of Rheumatism and Sprains. Yours Truly, G. G. DUNSTAN, Chartered Accountant, Ilalifaz, N. S., Sept. 21, 1905. Moki Beauties. The average Maki woman is, perhaps invariably, not large or obese. Short in stature, plump and round of form. of pleasing countenance, with beautiful jet black hair banged at the eyes, when clad in tasteful and colored blanketry she presents a picture fair indeed to see. The manner of wearing the hair distin- guishes the married woman from the virgin. The latter wears her black tresses gracefully done up in a large round coil several inches in diameter over each ear and projecting out efrom the head somewhat. The effect is de- lightfully novel, and coupled with the fresh and youthful appearance of the girls make them special objects of inter- est. They used to be termed "side-wheel- ers," from their mode of dressing the hair. --Maxwell's Talisman. Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. p o.l► Indies Growth and Population. The number of persons to the square mile in India in 1.001 (the last census) was 42,300. Of the total of 294,361,0.56 who constituted the population at the last census, more than 200,000,000 were Hindus, The Christmas number 2,923,- 241, There was .,.an amazing preponder- ance of widows over widowers in that country. Of Hindus there were 6,000,000 widowers and 19,000,000 widows and of Mohammedans there were 1,300,000 wid- owers and 4,500,000 widows and so on with the other races. The taxation per head in India has grown from 75 Cents in 1895 to 84 eents in 1905 and the debt has grown in that time from $085,000,- 000 085,000;000 to .$1,155,000,000. The imports rose from $225,000,000 in 1809 to nearly $320,000,000 in 1005, while the exports in the same peri'd increased from $365,000,- 000 to nearly '515.000,000. ,x10 . , xuavar osrakuo "+la.,. TRADE MARK MEC1STEREO remedies cure all skin and blood diseases—Eczema. Salt Rheum, Sores, Piles, Constipation, Indigestion and other results of impure blood. They coated the cause and destroy the evil condition. Mira Ointment soothes and heals all diseased skis. Mira Blood Tonic and Mira Tablets cleanse the blood and invigorate stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels. Ointment and Tablets, each 50e. Blood Tonics, $ L At drug -stores — or from The Chemists Co. of Canada, Limited, Hamilton— Toronto. Money Used in English Elections. The use of money in English parliamentary elections is supposed to be reduced to a minimum of decency and civic virtue. We are apt to hear considerable about English purity. Since last winter's elections, how- ever, there have been trials for corrupt prac- tices which revealed the purchase of votes and other shocking things which in this country are associated with Delaware and Rhode island, and now the official returns of money legitimately spent by the candidates Indicate that something is doing in good old England at election time. It cost the 570 members of parliament, aoceeding to their sworn statements, $5,884,290 to get elected. That was an average of neary $9,000 a man. Not a dollar of this sum was illegally used, it le claimed. m� e Wants a Redivision. "I'm beginning to thing that socialism Is the only equitable system of—" "Great 'Scott, old man! Aro you as near broke as that?" ISSUE NO. 51, 1906. FARMS FOR SALE. CHEAP UNDER MORTGAGE; LARGE farm in the County of Bruce, with good buildings; 920 acres cultivated; only $200 dawn or secured; immediate possession; title per- fect. Apply at •once, London Loan & Sav- ings Co., London, Out. MISCELLANEOUS, THE FARMERS' MANUAL contains a ser- ies of speeial lessons in farm bookkeeping, with full instructions, separate rulings and printed headings for grain account, poultry account, cattle account, bog account, labor account, dairy account, expense account; department for each kind of grain, cash received account and cash paid out account. The Manual also contains a complete insect department, a veterinary handbook, a per- fect system of horse -training according to the methods used by Prof. 0. W. Gleason, besides the farmers' legal department. 400 pages. The J. L. NICHOLS CO., Limited, Publishers, (Mention this paper.) Toronto, Canada. Agents wanted. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should al- ways be used tor children teething. It soothes the child, soothes the gums, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for diar- rhoea. ©R. LE 0Y'S FIE111A LE PILLS A safe, sure and reliable monthly regale.. tot. These Pills `ave been used in Franco for over fifty years, and found invaluable for the purpose designed, and aro guaean- sealed by bice Enclose pox box for of uggista; or y mall, securely sealed, onrecelpc of prow LE ROY PILL CO.. Box 42, Hamilton, Canada New British Cruiser Named Shannon. The new British cruiser Shannon, namesake of the ship that won the fam- ous duel with the Chesapeake off Boston harbor in 1813, was launched the other clay. Remnants of the beaten ship still exist to -day. After the fight the Chesa- peake was bought by the admiralty. Then she and the Shannon were laid side by side in the Medway. After six years of idleness the admiralty apparently weeded out of the navy the ships thought to be out of date, and the Ches- apeake was sold as old timber for a paltry £500. Her manager broke her up, but her timbers were used to build a corn mill, which still stands in a peace- ful little village in Hampshire. And in the timbers of the mill can still be seen i the marks of the shot from the Shannon. AC OVAL" Retones and builds up the nervous system, gives nat. ural vigor, purifiesthe blood, cures constipation, kidney troubles, sore backs and neuralgia, Sold only by mail.. Send postal note or coin. Price 50c. and one 2 -cent stamp. The Morrison Spe- cialty Co., Box 224, Windsor, Ont. Message Likely to Last Well. (Terre Haute Haute Star.) I The message which Lieutenant Peary left near the pole Is very Interesting reading. but it is in no immediate danger o1 becom- ing thumb -marked and dog-eared by In- euisitive travelers. F0, LC., .11.,P LF %J IR WAX Ask for =DTI SAFETY MATCHES FOR HOTELS, WAREHOUSES, HOSPITALS, {tSYLTJMS, ETC.