HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1906-12-21, Page 1the Oficial Organ of Zurich and Hay Township.
Vol. VII., No. 22
Per Year.
Clinton Business College
(Affiliated with Wingham Busi-
ness Celine.)
Tbis is the most modern, thor-
ough and successful institution of
its kind in Ontario. Excellent
staff of teachers; unexcelled equip-
ment; large attendance; actual
business school, During N•overn-
bor we had 20. times as many
calls from leading concerns for
Bookkeepers, Stenographers
and Telegraphers as we hacl
graduates to send.
Enter any time.
individual instruction.
Our handsome Christmas
Catalogue sent free on applica-
tion to
GEO. SPOTTQN - Principal
We wish you all a merry, merry
.ni as-
Hv. Wing of Shipka was a visitor
in the village on Sunday.
Mr. E. P. Paulin of Goderich was
a visitor in the village last Satur-
A large number from the villas.e
attended ;the Winkenweder sale
near .Dashwood yesterday..
Mrs. 11. Well has returned from
an extended visit with her daugh-
ter, and relatives in Saginaw, Mich.
Miss Freda Hess, who attended
the Goderich Model School during
the past terns, returned to her
home here on Tuesda'.
The Christmas festival will be,
held in the Lutherarn church: next
Monday evening, and in the Evan-
gelical church on Tuesday evening.
Miss McInnis, who has had
charge of D. S. Faust's millinery
department during the past season,
left for her home in Blyth on Mon -
Louis Foster has sold bis pretty
team of ma, shed greys to Mr.
Elliott. liveryman, of Clinton, The
price realized was near the five
hundred dollar mark.
The local branch of the Soyereign
Bank is giving a neat souvenir to
the patrons of the Bank. A number.
of the business num in the village'
are also handing out handscnne
calendars for 1607.
There is a •rumor that Mr. W.
Consitt of the Parr Line, will again
run for the Hay Council. lir, Con-
sitt was a valued member of our
eonncil for a number of years and
always polled a very large vote.
He has many friends in town who
will give him their support and if
be decides to offer for election,
there is little doubt of his being
elected by a good majority.
.An up-to-date Christmas enter-
tainment will he given by the
young people of the Evangelical S.
S. on Christina. night, Dec. 25th.
The program consists of instru-
mental and vocal music, recitations
dialogues, and drills. Come a.ud
enjoy an evenings entertainment
in the Evangelical church. A small
addinission of 15 and. 10 Cts will be
charged at the door. Doors open
at 7 p.. in., program commences at
Mr. John H. Schnell, of the 14th
con,, Hay, has sold his splendid
100 -acre farm to A4r. Chris. Haugh,
who recently returned from the
west. The purchase price is $6000
and Mr. Haugh has secured one of
the finest farms in the township of
Hay. Mr. Schnell gives up posses-
sion next March; when he will like-
ly remove with his family to Zurich
to reside. .
Last Friday, Mr. and Mas. A.
Thiel, of this village, celebrated
the twentyfifth anniversary of
their wedding. Guests to the num-
ber of about forty had assembled
at their horse to help to snake the
event an interesting one. Mr. and
Mrs. Thiel received many useful
and ornamental gifts, testifying to
the esteem in which they 'are held
by their friends. The day's enjoy-
ment was cloned by' tripping the
various dances to the strains of
inspiring music.
Mr. and Mrs. .1, P. Rail spent
Sunday with friends in Hensall.
C.Ilartleib has sold R Pandora
Ranges and Base Burners.
Miss Annie Rummel left (?n
Tuesday for a visit with relatives
in Kincardine.
Mr C'. Fritz is buying all kinds
of raw far,. 19e pays highest
market prices for them..
Mr. and Mrs. August •Eill of
Crediton were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Grob on Sunday.
Miss Laura and Mr. David Bender
have returned home from Hopedale,
Else where they spent the past
Misses Lillian and Mabel Cante-
len, accompanied 'hy Mr. J. H.
Burk. all of Clinton, were the
guests of the Misses Johnson, on
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cann, who
have spent the past year in Mani-
toba, returned on Monday end are
at present visiting Mrs. Cann's.
I parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. Howald.
Mrs. Heyrock, Miss Lizzie Fan-
nie, Mr Alf. Gellman and %Ir,
Milne Ronnie will assist in the
Christmas entertainment at the
Blake church next Monday even-
plaster Warren. son of tile. Dan
Levengood. 14th can. had the mis-
fortnne to break his leg below the
knee. Dr.. Wilson was called in to
att,nd the break and he is getting
along splendidly.
The services in the Evangelical
church on Sunday will he in bar•
mony with the season. The past( r'
will take for his morning subject,
"Tile Divine (Thristmas (lift," anal
"ridings of Great Joy," for the
Mr. E. McGavin, teacher of the
lath con. school, tiled the Modell
School examinations held at Sea -
forth last week. Mr. McGawin has
handed in his resignation as teach-
er of the 14t1i con. schc'o1 and ha.s .
Secured :a school near his• home,
near Seaforth.
Beef bides, 3 ets tier lb at Hart-
Butter, 23 cts ti lie dried apples,
8 ots a lb at I3artleib's.
Dr. Buchanan shipped his furni-
ture to Toronto on Monday. .
Mr. Chas. and Miss Dora Eilber
,spent Sunday with friends in
Miss Brisson, wife has been visit -1
ing her house at Dr;y,sdale, returned •
to Tilsonburg on Monday.
To -day, Friday, is the shortest
. day in the year, The days will
soon begin to grow longer again.
A large quantity of wool is being
'brought to the mill yard. .The
good sleighing makes it easy to
hand big loads.
Dr.' and Mrs. Buchanan and their
daughter, Miss Pearl, left for their
new home in Toronto this week
Dr. Buchanan has practiced
his profession of medicine among
us for about thirty-five years and
during that time has won the re-
spect and esteem of all classes. The
Dr. will henceforth take life easier,
and he has well deserved a rest, as
we all know he has been a very
busy roan.
Lose—On Sunday evening last, a
brooch attached to at reel silk rib-
bon. Findei will please leave at
TEE Hnneen office.
Miss (Gibson, who -hes had charge
of J. Preeter's millinery depart -
meet, returned to her home in
Blyth last week.
Mrs. Daniel Snr•eirns, Sr , is
seriously ill at present with a
complication of sioknesses. We ail'
hope for her speedy recover.
The 14th con. S. Ss of the Evan-
gelical church will render an in
teresting as well as pleasing t fir as
program on Ghristma,e Eye, Dee. I
24th at 7.30 p. m.
To -day is the last CIN of school
for the present year,•.,The same
stuff of teachers evil ve charge
of w ork in the Zurich blip school
after the holidays. e!
The item of last vita referring
to a party at the hon" alie John
Gascbo s was an erre el should
have read "at the l` rented
from Mr. Gaseho, tce Herrman
Wedding Prese>its, Birthday
Presents and Xmas Presents.
I have the largest rar ge of prescrels (ver shown in Zurich.
Souvenir Dishes of Zurich, two views. Fancy :dowered Dishes, all
kinds and different prices.
Dinner Setts, Tea Setts, and Cbamber Setts, Fancy Parlor Lamps,
Eancy e piece Setts in china and glas ,
A_beautiful range of Leather Writing Cases, just the thing for a
A good line of Leather Toilet Cases.
A full line of Ladies' Fur Miffs, Ladies' Belts, and Ladies' Fancy
IIankerchiefs, silk and linen.
A good range of Men's Gloves, Men's Ties, film's Deese,. Shirts and
Men's and Boys' Caps.
A large range of Xmas Toys for the children.
Souvenir Post Cards ofZurich, Co'nie Ca rds and Xerts Cards.
Do pot fail to see this large display.
1 always keep a fresh stock of Groceries.
Produce of all kinds taken in exchange.
FA list
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pp The S �:� e �n "'
The last meeting c present
your for li my counts � Eu field in a.
the Town Hall her -• urday. a
The financial. se ' ,E the T�
ceu.:J�:xieCc'ip s sees
of the' township the '
printer,s hands an ready . 66
for distribution in a ,(� Ys.
An exchange tells t
reporter who intervf
successful business nes
that all of them wh'
been governed strict
gnently threshed. 11e
v e ,we l thirty localess ,
that twenty-seven of.
been ' m amrna's darrlin=.
other three bad been
their grandmothers.
• Is an important one aiid should !receive
yo;u'serions attention. We nave taken
special care in buying our fall awl winter
stock and arepreparel.to give specialVUi-:
ii'eS;tula qt a.,It; '.uniiiTrpa' ed', We, h'1w'*e•'
a splendid line of fall shoes for hien and
women, something st r.lislr and first -class d
gffi quality, 4 YTe ha ,-e everything in rubbers QP
wspaper a
thirty' v. socks, felt shoes, etc. Come and exam-- 4th.")
id found I A()'
boys had ; ine our goods. dip
end fre- i �Q- �Vv
iso inter -1 a
V. 4G�
fid learned � � � a �! � 4(t�/
them had' D� Co � if ��q a�h��' j . 4�G
•'s and the}
by O':
eared 1ease oc�occooa �000cooes !1
�•e• 4O.4•c:• C.•4'•
fella 1
o ` Store
/E have just put into stock a very nice
line of Silverware, bought at Close
Prices and which we will sell at a very
Small Profit. .A. visit to our store will con-
vince you that we are showing a line of goods
the best that money can buy and Prices' Right.
We have had a k.,plendid stove trade and we
handle only the best lines on the market. Do
not be led away with the idea that a 20 per
cent discount sale is a bargain for you, but go
with the crowds to the Big Store where goods
are bought in large quantities for spot cash and
in the best markets of the country and sold on
a small margin and you will go away like hun-
dreds of others, convinced that you can buy
goods cheaper at Preeter's than anywhere else.
We are here to stay in spite of all competition.
A'new stock of Skates, Carpet Sweep-
ers and fancy Parlor Lamps just
opened. up.
We save now open'(, up our stook of
consisting of Toys for the c tliidren in endless
Vases ; fancy ti' ases acid Jardinevs ; fancy
Lamps and Chinaware, and many other lines
which we cannot mention in this cohamn, but
would ask you to (Nall and get the first selec-
tions as the
'We have just received a new lot of the very
latest Novelties in ladies fancy Collars and Belts
ranging in price from 5 cents to $1.00, some
very nice things for Christmas Presents. Gents
iiew Neckwear, Silk and (."ottou Handkerchiefs,
Gloves, etc.
in Groceries we hang le only the best
qualities and our stock is all Vv ly,s,,
fresh and clean.
Dry Goods and Furs at Reduced Prices.
A. call solicited.