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The Herald, 1906-12-14, Page 1
THE The Official Organ I-� RAL. of Zurich and Hay Township. Vol. VII No. 21 ZURICH, ONT., FRIDAY y DECEMBER 14, 1906. I . Per Year. INTER TERM of THE Clinton Business College (Affiliated with wingham Busi- ness College.) OPENS JANUARY 2nd Tbis is the most modern, thor- ough and successful institution of its kind in Ontario. Excellent staff of teachers; unexcelled equip- ment; large attendance; actual business school, During Novem- ber we had 20 times as many calls from leading concerns for Bookkeepers, Stenographers and Telegraphers as we had graduates to send. Enter any time. individual instruction. Our handsome Christmas Catalogue sent free on applica- tion to GEO. SPOTTON - Principal d\p,, LOCAL 1\TEWS. The stores in the village will be open for business every night next week. Jos. Brenner of Grand Bend cal- led on old friends in the village on Monday. D. S. Faust has a full supply of fancy candies and mixed candies. Taste 'before you buy. Come. Mr. and Mrs: Shantz of Waterloo county visited at the home of Mr, Merano Steckle. Stanley, this week. F. 'W. Hess, the .jeweller, hes received another lot of gold wire and will make yon any name pin for 20 cents, which makes a very desirable holiday gift. The good Sleighing brought a large number of farm©rs.io the vi1- loge last :aaturday andthe la isiness places enjoyed a good trade. This kind of weather will make the business good for the holidays. Word was received here last week of the death of Mrs. Ephria.n Holtz- man, near Elkton, Mich. Mr. Holtzman, who is a son of Mr. G. Holtzman, of this village. has the sympathy of his many friends here in his sad loss. Mrs. G. Holtzrnan, of this village and Mrs. J. Dennis, of Galt, attended the funeral. MORE RAILB.©ADS The Huron and Ontario Railway Co. is applying to the Dominion Parliament at the present session for power to build a number of branch lines in western and north. ern Ontario. One branch will start at Owen Sound, thence to Southampton, and along the lake shore to Goderieh. From Goderich south to Parkhill, Sarnia and Windsor, An extension of time for the 'commencement of comple- tion of the branches is also asked for. Y. P. A. At the business meeting on Tues- day evening the following officers were elected : president, Mrs. C. Hey rock ; Vice -President, Annie Hess ; Cor -Secretary, Diana Rick - bell ; Roc -See., Clara, Koehler ; Missionary -Seo., Lydia Faust; Treasurer, Alf Gellman; Organist, Laura Hartleib ; Assistant Organist and chorister, Lizzie Rennie ; Librarians, Roy Geiger and Brisco Humphrey ; Junior Supt. Lydia .li'aust; Assistant, Sttpt. Mrs. A. Gischler and Diana Rickbeil. HAY TOWNSHIP'S HEALTH. The Medical Officer of the Board of Health of Hay township in his annual report states es follows: In submitting to the Board of Health my anneal report, I may state that in this Township,- the year of 1906 has been remarkably free from out- breaks of • conta.gious cliseases. During the year only one case of 'Diphceria was reported, and it oc- curred near Exeter in,the southeast corner of the Township. After the patient, recovered the house was thoroughly disinfected and the disease completly stamped out. During the early Autumn months six 00,ses of typhoid fever occurred in' the Township. Disinfectants were generally used by- the physi• cian in attendance and the usual 'precautions taken to prevent the disease from spreading. A.11 the feyer patients made a good re- covery and 'no new cases have been reported for the past few weeks. Conte early and have the first choice for toys at D. S. Faust. Frank Bossenberry is recovering from a severe attack of lumbago. John O'Brien' of Manitoba is visiting his brother, Wm., this week. Mr. Owen Geiger of Hensen, gave Tun aReA.1 n a friendly call, on Thnrsday last. Mr. and Mrs. J. Corriveat' spent Saturday and Sunday with. relatives on the Sauble Line. Mrs. McLean of Hensall visited her daughter, Mrs. L. Charlesworth for a few days this week. Mrs. Ben. Holtzman of Elkton, Mich., is visiting relatives and friends hereat present. Mr. and Mrs. H. Yungblut, and J. Deichert, jr., visited relatives near Dashwood. on Sunday. New ads.—J. Preeter, F. W. Hess R. N. Douglas, W. H. Love, L. G. Routhier, Nomination Notices. Mr. Henry- Leibold left on Thurs- day last to visit his son, Rev. H. H. Leibold, of the Township of Wallace. The Evangelical Sunday School is preparing a splendid programm to be rendered in their church Xmas evening. Mr. P. Lamont took first prize (;10.00) for 3 -year-old fat steer at the Toronto Fat Stock Show. held on Monday at the Union Stock yards. The office of the Stratford Beacon was visited by a burglar the other night. who was rewarded for his trouble with a few coppers. Served the fellow right. He shouid have known better than to expect to• find money in a printing office. A dirty towel and apiece of cheap soap are about the only moveable articles to be found in a newspaper office. Why does it pay to advertise? Because the up-to-date 20th century farmer reads the local paper. He e o p 1 satints'tt, lura :what" life neighbors are doing, what is happening in the world around him, and he wants to Study the advertisements and find out where to buy goods. He doesn't say much about it perhaps,. when he goes to the store to do his trad- ing, but just let a nrerch'tnt adver- tise a special bargain, and see if the up-to-date farmer doesn't find it out and take advantage. It is also true that the up.to.date farmer is the merchant's, best customer. Miss Agnes Kaeroher returned hotne frons. London Tuesday even, ing. H. Bossenberry of (raincl Bend was a, visitor in the village on Tuesdaay, Come alone with. .me to D. S. Faust to buy a beautiful present for the boys and girls; Mrs. Abel. Sehilbe continues very low, although a, slight improve- ment is noticed, this week. An enjoyieble dancing party was held at the home of 'John Gasoho, Bronson line, on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. G. Innes, and Miss Iva Weber, visited et the home of Mr. C. Troyer, Hillsgreen, on Sun- day. The stores in towrt are putting on their holiday a.ppernra:nce and are filled to overflowing with toys,. candies, etc. Philip Hartman of Sarepta lost a valuable horse a few days ago. The animal was taken sick 0 the Domi- nion Hotel stables in thiGs village. Mrs. Preeter has returned from a visit with relatives in Brigcien. Miss G. Rieder, who accompanied her, will visit her sister there for a Mine. Last Friel RV night the thermome- ter reached the lowest point so far this winter. It was seven degrees betow zero, but since we have been enjoying ideal•winter weather. The succession duties. for the E first time since their arloptinn in 1 this Province. have reached the $1,000.000 mark. the exact total for the eleven months from Jan. I to the lest cloy of Nov, being 1.003.- 465,19. This is ereaterby between $300.000 anti $400.000 than the a- mnnnt received for the whole of last year. The receints fey the month mentioned are $,72,085.52. An extra, street Iiclht has been nc1 The.s placed at the South e ,l last one it: now in. front of Jilr. J. C. Ka,lhfieischts.. , .xefsi'd;v'wx-4; A . llig mistake has been nude When our street lights were first put tre. Tach light should hang directly in the centre of the streets or inter- section of streets. As they are now. most.of them are hid behind posts or shade trees, and very little benefit is derive+] from some of thein. flurnewBna.rcl of Trustees should all. . hnzt sl have them put into the best nr'sition for the general pnhlic and not for the benefit of individ- nail ZURICH'S UP=TO=DATE STORE. Wedding Presents, Birt .day Presents and Xmas . Presents. I have the largest range of presents ever shown in Zurich. Souvenir Dishes of Zurich, two views. Fancy flowered Dishes, all -kinds and different prices. Dinner Setts, Tea Setts, and Obamhe.. Setts, Fancy Parlor Lamps, Eaney 4 piece Setts in china ai glas-. A beautiful range of Leather Writing Lases, just the thing for a present. A good line of Leather Toilet Cases. A full line of Ladies' Fur Ruffs. Ladies' Belts, and Ladies' Fancy Hankcrchiefs, silk and linen. A good range of Men's Gloves, Men's Ties, Men's Dress Shirts and Men's and Boys' Caps. A large range of Xmas Toys for the children. Souvenir Post Card. ofZurich, Comic Cards and Xmas Cards. Do not fail to see this large display. I always keep a fresh stock of Groceries. Produce of all kinds taken in exchange. GENET AL ii1ERCl1ANT •O.O•G'•O•J •..4•G7-rJ•U•.�J-0•0•4.0.0'•G•r>'•O'ci •,'rt VVVV`(( (pJ � V 8 The Shoe Quest.:n ° VPR Is an importantone and should receive 9O your serious .attention.Tt e have taken 4V0 6 special care in buying our fall and winter 40 astock and are prepared to give special val - 40 Q ues and quality unsurpassed, We have 9 r a splendid line of fall shoes for men and 0 lAy;k`V` `women; . so rietliiiig gtf isli1ii . first -otass e duality, 'We ha -e everything in rubbers 9 h socks, felt shoes, ettt. ('01110 and exam- 4JU G. 0 ine our goods. 400 6) 9 G,`Y� C F TZ 9 p a n. 8aG p9C•, Q• •4.4•C�•� •4'O.O.O•d•€.C. 4•d•..•4.4 v O•c• ec t€s u rt °1 W f !E WE have just put into stock a very nice line of Silverware, bought ' at Close Prices and which we will sell at a very Small Profit. .A. visit to our store will con- vince you that we are showing a line of goods the best that money can buy and Prices Right. We have had a splendid stove trade and we handle only the best lines on the market. Do not be led away with the idea that a 20 per cent discount sale is a bargain for you, but go with the crowds to the Big Store where goods are bought in large quantities for spot cash and in the best markets'of the country and sold on a small margin and you will go away like hun- dreds of others, convinced that you can buy goods cheaper at Preeter's than anywhere else. We are here to stay in spite of all competition. A new stook of Skates, Carpet Sweep- ers and fancy Parlor. Lamps just opened up. HOLIDAY GIFTS We have now opened up our RISI A C consisting of Toys for the children in endless varieties; fancy eases and Jardiners; fancy Lamps and Chinaware, and many other lines which we cannot mention in this column, but would ask you to call and get the first selec- tions as the RUSH IS NOW ON. We have just received a new lot of the very latest Novelties in ladies fancy Collars and Belts ranging in price from 5 rsents to $1.00, some very mce things for Christmas Presents. Gents new Neckwear, Silk and (.a?tto11 Handke..ahiefs, Gloves, etc. in Groceries we handle only the best qualities and our stock is always fresh and clean. .11.11,101.11 liaeleRMISEI.1.0111010PIA.,..w.nlagIUMMM117* Dry Goods and Furs at Reduced Prices. A e II P.RELETEiR . HARDWARE c GENERAL MERCHANT solicited.