The Herald, 1906-12-07, Page 6J ES u:s Twenty or Thirty Passengers and Crew Lose Their Lives in the Disaster. Prominent Business Men Among the Lost -- Wreckage Coaling Ashore, THE DEAD. Crew of the Jones: CAPTAIN JAMES CRAWFORD. EDWARD LENNOX, Mate. CHARLES SHAW, Chief Engineer. WESLEY SADLER, Second Engineer. " SCOTTIE," Fireman; real name un- known. R. SIMMONDS, Fireman. JAMES TILLEY, Fireman. WM. SMITH, Deckhand. FRANK JACKSON, Cook. , Assistant Cook; name un- known. GEO. M'EWEN, Wheelsman. WM. ROSS, Wheelsman. Passengers: J. T. DONALDSON, Owen Sound. ALEX. LYONS, Yukon. MRS. LYONS, his mother, Owen Sound. LOUIS ALLEN, Owen Sound. JAMES FOX, Southampton or Hep- wort'h. T. M. WAGG, Manitoulin. Three unknown men for Graham's camp at Silver Water, Manitoulin. Owen Sound despatch: The staunch tittle coasr:ng steamer J. H. Jones, which for years has covered the route from Wiarton and this port along te:e east shore of the Bruce peninsula to the south side of the 3fanitoulin, has gone to the bottom, carrying with her over a score of human lives. There has been more or less apprehension sauce last Friday. The Jones left there on 'Dhursda+y, and was not reported at vanioue- points of call up the lake. It was thought at first slxe might have sought shelter at some inaccessible point, but the worst fears were realize dto-date, when Mir. McAuley, manager of +the Doe minion Fish (Company's plant at tilde point, who has been foremost in the search for the missing men, announced that the Indians sent out to book tor traces of thein had come upon evidences that lure of the saddest tragedies in the history of the great lakes had been en- acted. Two lifeboats, a section of the arabin, and some freight found by the In- dians on the Christian Islam deft un- questionable evideaee that the worst had happened. Mr. Fred. Lyons, whose mother and brother are amongst the victims, wired ' from Wiarton this evening that two bodies had been found. and that there was no question but that the Jones was dost. Owen Sound's loss in num- bens is much smaller than the terrible calamity which haus fallen upon 'Marton., ,where almost the entire crew had their hones, The Jones was a wooden. steamer. Her dimen, ions were about one hundred and twenty -live feet over all in length, with twenty one feet beam and vane feet draught. She was built in (G•od- erich in 1888; and bad weathered many a gale. It is r .,L concluded that in at- tempting to retie' Lion's Head a sea broke in tl emitters forward on the main deck end keeled the vessel over, and that a never righted up before another rya swept her under. Mr. J. T. Donaldson, local manager of the Wolverine Fish CO. ,is among the victims. He was on his way to Tot: eranoray to close the seapon's business. For the past four years he Chas been a popular citizen, and with his now grief- stricken wife resided at 363 West street. Mr, Alex. Lyons, who only recently arrived home from several years spent in the Yukon, was accompanying his mother, Mrs. Lyons, to spend a short time with his sister at Lion's Head, and both are victims. It is a coincidence that their meetin0 his return was accidental and the re- union then was of a touching character. Mr. Lyons escaped shipwreck in a ter- rific)gale"on the Pacific coast on his way down, and the steamer on which he was then a passenger went down on her re- turn trip, with a heavy list of fatalities. His mother had long been a resident of this town, and a brother, Mr: Fred !Lyons, is a checker at the 0. P. R. sheds and recently erected a large rest- aurant near the station. Mr. Louis Allen. son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allen. was on his way to Tob- ermoray to join a companion in a brief trapping outing, and his parents are prostrated over their loss. The books of the boat carry the only record of the passenger list, and the ony names of the passengers that can be obtained are: James Fox, an elderly gentleman from Southampton or Hepworth, on his way to Lion's Head. T. M. Wagg. merchant, of Winde- mnya, Manitoulin Island. Three men for Captain (;raham's camp at Silver Water, on the Manitoulin. Unquestionably there were etherswhose names time alone may reveal. as at this season of the year there is little chance of bodies being recovered. An Unfortunate Craft. The Jones, as she was popuarly desig- nated, esig nated, was well known all over the northern part of Lake Huron, including the Georgian Bay. She was of "tug" build, and was for many years engaged in co]leeting fresh fish. packed in boxes from the various fishing stations-Tober- mory, The Ducks, Cockburn Island Kil- larney, the Bustards, and points on the east coast of the Georgian Bay, com- pleting her journey at Owen Sound. Of Iate years the franchise of these sta- tions has been. under the control of the Dominion Fish Company and the boat was formerly owned by that. organiza- tion. That she was staunchly built was proved conclusively when she was a few years ago sunk between Kagawong harbor and C]apperton Island as the re- sult of a collision with the steamer Pacific of the Northern Navigation Com- pany's fleet. She was floated and re- paired the next spring and put on her old route, her first captain after the accident being the man who was first mate of the Pacific at the time of the collision. Curiously enough the same season the Pacific was completely des- troyed by fire at the owner's dock in Colingwood harbor. The fate of the Jones, so similar to that of the Jane Miller a score of years ago, should be sufficient in the way of warning to deter any small vessel from venturing on the Georgian Bay during the season of bad fall storms. The Jones was a good vessel of her class, but was too small to weather the seas that have proved too much for larger vessels such as the ill-fated Asia. It is not neces- sary to suppose that she struck a rock; to all appearance she simply foundered as the result of being overwhelmed by waves too high to be overridden. The Mute Story of Disaster. The fury of the storm. which wrecked the steamer Jones on Georgian Bay and caused a loss of life variouely estinxated at from 25 to 40 is indicated by the find- ing of the lifeboats and wreckatge by In- dians on the Christian Islands. TheJones was making for Lion's Head, and was seen early in the afternoon of last Thursday off White Cloud Island, eigh- teen miles from Owen Sound, battling with the sea, the white spray frequently dashing over the hurricane deck and breaking around the wheelhouse. Again, g in wen Sound on lust ars the shadows of evening fell, the ;rte; ,.<';4�ii:�'::.;.,; " •�•x'.54I .! 4 �'dri N,, �`ai� S irk J/���� iyi7y �!•(iiti"r '4'»1111r I1111111LnJ., ;.,, SAI �■�■- 4 111aF " ,1 • 4 W ,,. \ y ,,;:, w.,::,4,401::,kir+i • • O O • • B 0 A trial will convince every housewife in Canada that"Reliance Raking Powder" is far superior to any other she bus ever used, It is prepared from the best and purest .materials that money earl buy, under the direction of an expert manufacturing chemist, therefore we are able to Sell it on a Rauh Guarantee of satisfaction,. In order to introduce "Reliance Ratting Powder" we are making Wvondcriully attractive premium offers to Boyo as.nd Qirle. If interested drop us a postal. FREE BEAUTIFUL PICTURE POST CARDS FRE .... To any user of halting powder wo will gladly vend, 0.tbGeiaitoiy free, postage prepaid, a set of four of our latest edition of Mpetero poet cards, littaogre.piieci in brilliant color*. Simply write us, answering the following qucetions: 1st. flame your Grocer. 2hName d. Naa thin Paper. International Food Company, Toronto, Canada. 41 "Adis for the Purple Package." 2 Jones watts seen, •eff •Cage Chokerand ,in the eludes sof an hour should, with res• sanable headway, have been in a. positions to snake that/tun southwesterly past the "head" and to the welcome bort. 'Yes- te'rday, nearly one hundred susses direct by wast and on the opposite shores of Georgian Bay, were fouled the evidences of a great trai ody. ilhe 1lictauresque Christian 'skalds, that dot the soutlis eastern shores of Georgian Bay, are to- day giving up One by one the evidences of x terrible oalai mitay. From thus great Christian Island, it^hdeli forms one pillar of 'the gateway to stennwers passing from Owen Sound or Oollingw.00d to Midland,. to the little islets, lutndeedGs in number, that form the group, there is on Georg- ian: Bay in. suunitber no more attxlaeled spat. Their beauty is enban+eedt, too, ,by mhiaterials.storic association, for there Indianan lore and Jesuit record find their richest USING THEIR SAVINGS. Large Withdrawals From the Govern- ment Banks. Ottawa, Dec. 8. -Public accounts for the last fiscal year were tabled to -day. They show the receipts on account of consolidated fund to have been $80,139,- 300, and expenditures on the same ac- count $67,240,640, giving a surplus of re ceipts over expenditures amounting t $12,898,719. The expenditure on capita account was $11,913,570, and $518,8 was added to the net debt of the Do- minion, wllh now stands at $267,042,- 977. Railway subsidies to the amount o $1,637,574 were paid, and $2,400,771 dis bursed on account of bounties. At the close of the fiscal year the bal ante at the credit of the depositors i the Postoffice and Government satdn� banlcs amomited to $01,910,622.08, a de crease of $106,274.57, compared with ti: balance held on June 30, 1905. The with reeve s exceeded the deposits by $1, 907.761.62, while $1.801,487.05 was add ed for interest acerned .thus making a net decrease of $106.274.57. Investments .an account of the sink- ing funds of the various loans were made during the year to the amount of $2.317,436.74, making the total amount held in this account $48.010,- 409.53. As a result of the redemption of loans carrying sinking funds, the outlay under this head is decreasing. The average rate of interest paid on the gross debt for the year was. 2.75, as compared with 2.81 in the previnus year. and the net rate of interest fell from 2.26 to 2.21. AGAINST PEOPLE. POLITICAL FEELING RUNNING HIGH IN BRITAIN. Emergency Meeting of the National Lib- eral Federation -Government Urged to Reject the Lords' Amendments to Education Bill. London, Dec. 3, -The intensity of the political feeling aroused by the treatment of the education bill in the House of Lords found ecxpressiom to- day in an ennergen�ey meeting of the General Committee of the National Li+b- eral Federation, at which a resolutionwits unanimously adopted urging the Government to reject the Lords'aamend- ments to the bill and 'resolutely to de- termine that the present Parliament shall not come to an end until steps ane taken to bring to a finial arbitrament the question. whether the House of Peers should any longer possess the, right to neto the will of the peolpe as de- claredby the House of ,Com.m.one.." The meeting was the largest and most representative of its kind 'which'whichhad assembled during the last twenty years. The speaker warmly the action of tine Peers, declaring11 that the Mousse of Commons should not waste another day in eonnearlering the amendments to the bill, which should be returned to the House of Lards 'without debate, and the Liberal Government f ought to apply the only remedy, which - 1 nnust be drastic and final. A letter from. Sir henry Campbell- - Bannerman was read in which the Pre- - ander said that it was realised by all ns Liberals "that the House of Lords would - hasten to assert itself as the instrument e of Unionism as soon as the Gauntry Ten - ARTIFICIAL VEGETABLES. But Producer Failed to Say Whether They Are Edible. Paris, Dee. 3. -The Academy of Sciences listened yesterday to Prof. D'Arsonval describe artificial vege- tables, which he -exhibited, and which were produced by the methods. of Prof. Le Duc, of the Nantes Medical School. Prof. D'_4rsonval interested his colleagues greatly, but, unfortunately for the lay public, he did not say wheth- er these so-called vegetables are edible. While they were described as vegetables they have nothing of the vegetable in their make-up, but they behave after their production as do the real vege- tables they resemble under natural con- ditions. Into the composition of these products nothing seed in pill form, one part of sulphate of copper and two parts of glucose. These are deposited in bouillon made of gelatine, to which is added three per cent. of ferro-cyanide of pottasium and a Iittle sea salt. The seed develops sometimes on the surface of the liquid and sometimes in its depths, giving birth to plants resembling seaweed and other marine plants. It was announc- ed that these artificial plants were not merely scientific curiosities, as Prof. Le Duo has been able to recognize that they enjoy the same properties as the plants they resembled, and were influenced sim- ilarly by heat and light. OTTAWA'S CHURCH CENSUS. In Many Cases Cards Incomplete - Pastors Asked to Aid. Ottawa, Dee. 3. -The task of count- ing the thousands of cards for the purpose of arriving at the church census was commenced to -day. In quite a number of eases the cards are incomplete, the canvasser failing to state the particular pastor or congre- gation preferred. These earls will be handed over to the different minister- ial bodies to classify as judgment may direct. There is also a large number of mixed tickets, in which families are divided in church preference. Separ- ate cards are being made out for each on; 'cards thousands of Roman Catholic cards have been turned hi, the edunt of this great body will be in- complete, due to the: refusal of Arch- bishop Duhamel to co-operate. The Catholics have a thorough organiza- tion of their own, the priests making a 'census every year, keeping the fig- ures up to date. In the case of the 'Protestant bodies the census is likely to prove helpful. To hunt up those who do net attend ehurch er .Sunday school will be left to the pastors. If the clergy and others do not fdIloty it up the whole fruit of the •census he lost. A FLOATING MINE. Relic of Late War Drifts Ashore, Killing Ten Villagers. London, Dec. 3. -The Kobe corres- pondent of The Standard cables that a floating mine, a legaey front the Rus- sian -Japanese war, has been driven ashore at Akita, on the west shore of Hondo, where it exploded, killing ten villagers and wounding fifty-six. ,dared: a verdict against the Unionist Government and the Unionist policy." Oantinuing, the !letter said: "Still, we may plead guilty to a certain. sense of surprise at the violence of the manifes- tation, now that it has coxae. The edu- cation bill was ,passed by :the House of Commons was a bill which the country demanded in un:miretakable terns e.t the general election. It now seems to have been turned into a travesty of its orig- inal form. A.s amended; it perpetuates, L•f it does not extend, the very grievances and wrangle fixed upon the country by the act of 1902. Of one thing you may rest assured: We will have no tamper- ing with the main principles upon whish our hill is founded. If within those limits an arrangement can be reaehed, all well and good. if not, it will be for us to see that on: this question of edu- cation, said on, others, a way is found by which the -wishes of the country may be made to prevail." FINAL ESTIMATES. FIELD CROP ACREAGE AND YIELD FOR xgo5. The following are the final estimates of the product of the 1906 crop, as com- piled from returns of actual yields made by threshers and our staff of corres- pondents. The figures are slightly be- low the forecast of August: Fall wheat -787,287 :acres, yielding 18,- 841,774 bush. or 23.9 bush. per acre, as compared with 17,933,961 and 22.5 in 1905. Spring wheat -171,745 acres, yielding 3,267,000 bush., or 19.0 bush. per acre, as compared with 3,58.2,627 and 18.8 in 1005. Barley -756,.163 acres, yielding 25,253, 011 bush., or 33.4 bush. per acre, as com- pared with 24,265,394 and 31.4 in 1905. Oats -2,716,711 acres, yielding 108,341,- 455 bush., or 39.9 bush. per acre, as compared with 105,563,572 and 39.0 in 1905. Peas -410,350 acres, yielding 7,388,- 987 bush,, or 18,0 bush. per acre, as com- pared with 7,100,021 and 19.0 in 1905. Beans -51272 acres, yielding 950,312 bush., or 18.5 bush. per acre as compar- ed with 846,443 and 16.7 in 1005. Rye -79,870 acres, yielding 1,327,582 bush., or 16.0 bush. per acre, as com- pared with 1,714,051 and 10.9 in 1905. Buckwheat -100,444 acres, yielding 1,- 7702,903 bush., or 10.8 bush. per acre, as compared with 2,199,632 and 21.7 in 1005. Potatoes -139,064 acres, yielding 15,- 020,209 bush., or 110 bush. per acre, as compared with 14,366,040 and 108 in 1905. Carrots --4,980 acres, yielding 1,598,- 693 bush., or 321 buakie per acre, as com- pared with 1,846,059 and 335 in 1905. Mengel wurzels-09,3,52 acres, yielding 32,863,192 bush., or 474 bush. per acre, as compared with 33,216,930 and 481 in 19Tu05. rnips-132,512 acres, yielding 57,- 000.151 bush.. or 431 bush. per acre, as compared with 57,654,086 and 426 in 1905. Corn for hnsking (in the ear) -289,- 456. yielding 23,988.682 bushels. or 82.9 bushels per acre, as against 20,922,919 and 70.9 in 1905. Corn for silo and fodder (green) -180,- 796 acres, yielding 2,149,413 tens, or 11.89 :ler acre, as against 2,284,812 and 12.36 in 1905. Hay and clover -3,069,917 acres, yield- ing 4,862,830 tons, or 1.58 tons per acre, as against 5,847,494 and 1.94 in 1905. Statistics of Live Stock. Horses No. on hand, 688,147, against 672,781 in 1905 No. sold in the year ending June 30th, 64,761, against 62,588 in 1005. Cattle -No. on band, 2.063,618, against 2,889,503 in 1005. No. sold in year, 741,- 476, against 714,007 in 1005. Sheep -No, on hand, 1,304,809, against 1,384,153 In 1905. No. sold in year, 574,- 41(3, against 603,739 in 1905. Swine -No. on hand, 1,819,778, against 1,900,460 in 1905. No. sold in year, 2,- 222,758, against 2,267,583 in 1905. Poultry -No. .en hand, 10,254,834, against 9,738,493 in 1005. No. sold in year, 3,473,708, against 3,340,802 in 1905. FOR FARMERS.. SAMPLE'S 011 CHOICE GRAIN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF SEED. To the Editor Sir, By instruction of the Hon. Min-. ister of Agriculture a distribution will be made this season of samples of super- ior sorts of grain to Canadian farmers for the improvement of seed. The stock for distribution is of the very best and has been secured mainly from the excel- lent crops recently had at the branch experimental farm at Indian Head, Sask., and at Brandon, Man. The distribution will consist of samples of oats, spring wheat, barley, Indian corn (for ensilage only) and potatoes. The quantity of oats to be sent will be 4 lbs., and of wheat or barley 5 lbs., sufficient in each case to sow one -twentieth of an acre. The samples of Indian corn and potatoes will weigh 3 lbs, each. A quantity of each of the following varieties has been secured for this distribution: Oats -Banner, Wide -Awake, White Giant, Danish Island, Thousand Dollar, Improved Ligowo (white varieties), and Goldfindor (yellow). Wheat -Red Fife, Preston, Pringle's SCham'biteplFife.ain, Percy, Stanley, Huron and Barley, six-rowed-Monsury, Odessa, Mansfield and Claude. Two-rowed- Sandtandwell,Sidney. Invineible, Canadian Thorpe Indian Corn (for ensilage)- Early sorts, Angel of Midnight, Compton's Early, and Longfellow; later varieties, Selected Lemming, Early Mastodon, and White Cap Yellow Dent. •- Potatoes -Carman No. 1, Early White Prize, Rochester Rose, Money Maker and Late Puritan. Only one sample can be sent to each applicant, hence if an individual receives a sample of oats he cannot also receive one of wheat, barley or potatoes. Lists of names from one individual, or applica- tions for more than one sample for one household cannot be entertained. The samples will be sent free of charge through the mail. Applications should be addressed to the Director of Experimental Farms, Ot- tawa, and may be sent in any time be- fore Feb. 15, after which the lista will be closed, so that the samples asked for may be sent out in good time for sowing. Applicants should mention the varieties they prefer, with a second sort as an alternative. Applications will be filled in the order in which they are received, so long as the supply of seed lasts. Farmers are advised to apply early, to avoid possible disappointment. Those applying for Indian corn or potatoes will please bear in mind that the corn is not usually distributed until March, and that potatoes cannot be mailed from here until danger from frost in transit is over. No postage is required on mail matter addressed to the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa. Wm. Saunders, Director Experimental Farms. ..0.011 POSED AS THIEF. Hungarian's Cruel Trick on a New York Banker. Vienna, Dec. 3.- A Ne w York banker of the name of Myrok has been cruelly tricked by a Hungarian, who wished to return home from the Unit- ed States and did not have the means to do so. Myrok says the man visited hint in New York and represented himself as Keeskennety, a Hungarian swindler, for whose arrest a reward of $12,500 was offered. He suggested that Myrok buy tickets for both of them return to Hungary with him and then turn him over to the police and get the reward, whichhe would ,subse- quently divide with the self-styled Kecskemety. Myrok agreed, and the pair traveled to Budapest, where they arrived. yes- terday. While going to the police station Myrok's companion gave Y,im the slip. Myrok has since received a letter from ,him stating that he is not Kocskemety, but he wanted to get home and therefore played a trick on the unsuspecting banker. TESTING OF WESTERN HORSES. Return Affecting Disease in the New Provinces. • Ottawa, Dec. 3. -The Departments .of Agriculture to -day brought down a return, moved for last session by Mr. Staples, M. P. It shows that since February of last year 1,973 Manitoba. horses were tested with mullein and 1.214 in Saskatcliewa!s and Alberta. The number of ]sorsa ;uarantined and. re -tested in Manitoba was 101, the• other two provinces 112. In Manitoba 757 horses were slaughtered after be- ing tested, and in .Alberta and Sas- katchewan 288. Compensation was paid. on the basis of two-thirds the value• of the animal, the highest compensation. in any one case being $100. 4•® TEN MILLIONS STARVING. Crops in Cahinese Province Destroyed by Floods. Shanghai, . Dee, 3. -The internatiou• al conunittee coinpcsed c.t the Consuls, merchants, .missionaries acrd Chinesea officials has decided to appeal to Eu» rope and America to assist in reliev- ing the distressed inhabitants of thea Province of Kiang Su, where the floods have completely destroyed the erops in an area of over 40.000 square milea, re- sulting in ten million peope being on the point of starvation,