The Herald, 1906-12-07, Page 5The ,ZurichHer dt- • HOTELS. * �. of 9 T H E Q til COMMEHCRL. STEL. ra+ a Strictly up-to-date in modern im provements. Dining rooms is sup- plied with only the veru best. ¶ ¶ d., Bar contains ohoiee liquors and cigars. ¶ ¶ r ¶ ¶ tri Excellent Semple Rooms for Commercial men. td L1 Gl * ZURICH * th gi j ee e J. P. RAU, PROPRIETOR. 0 s 0 0 A 0 0 Q of 0 fid tea 0 0 t;..17' 0*.al µ'4'ti:+q:0;t4,:V4wtD,f1*L�,•.i`1ia•0CleglD+ieiit the ointnion 1bouse, This House has recently changed hands, and is now one of the most orderly and;best con- ducted Houses in the Province. o potter Table in the a eminicn. R.R.Johnston&ion PROPRIETORS. Mr=STE13 MEM Hoffman's Jubilee Laundry . . We use no chemicals to destroy or injure your Clothing, and we Guarantee our Work. TAILORING IN CONNECTION 1 1 CLE I During November .of Prints, Muslius, rt Muslins, Gingham, Wrapperetts, Dress Goods, Ladies and Childrens Caps, Molls and Boys Hats and Caps, Mens Ready Made Suits and overcoats and Rain Coats Dinner: Setts Toilet Setts, Lamps, and all kinds of Dishes, To make room for new goods 'Call and secure Bargains R. N. DOUGLAS, Blake. Twenty Minutes Time Enough? ?o Cure the Worst Headache From Any Cause—New Reduction Method. Most headaches and pains yield instantly to �the new Reduction itlethod—Dr. Shoop's Twenty Minute Headache Cure. The cause for these nainsis congestion— a rushing of blood to the serve centers—which distends the veins to nearly the bursting point. Swollen and enlarged, these veins and capillaries exert an irritating Pressure on themyriads of nerve branches and fibres. Then,there's a pain, and finally that exaruuiating, cease . {,bb less ache. This new Heduotion Method disperses the blood, .distributes t h e ,mj ': overflow, and di- rects it to the pro- i a�{'. per channels. It frees the nerveiti,y, (7 z� centers from all pressure and y- „, , %; irritation—the Rains and „ aches disap- Vesrbe their ?has been re moved. You dles—sytry athou. �.pt' i ,� ! sand roe- you may yty [�eroute- dies—yondrug and stu- pify the nerves'` l.Y into submission —but the remedy r which brings 1 prompt relief and a permanent ours swill be successful V y ,;+' because it reduces the congestion—it s must embody the IIle duction Metbod.`a Medicihe has thus found a way—simple and sure, yet the only wap I —to thoroughly overcome these attacks of Head. ache and Neuralgia. The effect of Dr, Shoop'el ITwOnty:ginute Headache Cure 18 prompt—per- ows( suited to all forms of Headache mad absoo q,tely positive tit every temperament. Sor sale INMI' recommended by MERNER. J. J. MERNER. I DASHWOOD There died at his home in Hib- bert, Mr. Alex. McLaren, sometime. during the latter part of last week. Mr. McLaren itt one time taught the union school et Yager's Mills and while in this community -made many Warta friends. Jacob Schrader attended the funeral on Stunday'. - The sad news of the death of Mr. Jacob Winkenweder was received here on Monday morning • which sad,event mitered on Sunday even- ing in the :hospital at London, where he has been for about two months suffering fromtyphoid fever. This is the fifth death in the family in about two months from this same dreadful malady and truly the family 'have the heartfelt sympathy of this entire community in their very severe trial. The funeral on Tuesday was largely attended, •interm ent being made in the Goshen line cemetery, Rev. L. H. Wagner conducted the quarterly service in the Evan- gelical church on Sunday last, preaching two powerful sermons. The Xmas committees are busy at work and indications point to another successful entertainment on the evening of Dec. 25th. Rev. L. K. Eidt is visiting this week under the parental roof at Berlin. There will be no service in the church on Sunday next, but in the -morning a German prayer - meeting will be held and in the evening the Senior and Junior Y. P. A. will hold a union meeting. Very severe weather during this week. Looks like as if we are going to have some winter and plenty too if it keeps steadily on from now out. A small fox terrier dog name to the farm of H. Truemner, 1,1 -miles north of Sarepta, some time ago. Owner can have the same by cul- ling at Mr. Truemner's home. DRYSDALE. Report of U. S. S. No. 1, Stanley, based on regularity, punctually, good behaviour rind weekly exami- nations for the month of November. V class. David Stelck. •IV class. Total 740 Lorinda Dow - son 524 ; Gerald Snider 514 ; Harold Schilbe 510 ; Milton Johnston 492 ; Henry Dowson 481 ; David Oesch 327; Thomas Johnston 193. Sr III Total 440 Earl Schilbe 322. Jr III Total 440 Mamie Johnston 300. Sr II. Total 340 Noah Hartman 150. Jr H. Total 440 Pearl Schilbe 384 ; Gordon Johnston 393. Pt II. Total 440 Irene Pollock 396 ; Bessie Snider 346. Pt I. Total 340 Minnie Johnston 256 ; Arnold Schilbe. Average attendance for the month 14. Helen M. Sharks, Teacher. R. Turner, Jr., who has spent the past summer on the Govern- ment survey boat patrolling. along Lake Superior is at present serious- ly ill at his home in the vicinity. J. Durand, air motor erector for the Brantford Company is this week holidaying under the parental roof. Hiss M. Castle who has spent the past two weeks visiting relatives at the home of 3'. Howard has re- turned to her home in Bayfield,; Miss Amy Dowsnn left this week for Gladstone, Michigan, where sine has secured the position of mnsic teacher. Miss Dowson is an honor graduate of the London Musirtil nnnserva.tnry, and well skilled in the subjects which she purposes to teach. H. W. Talbot elle veteran thresh- er is at present operating his elnver- huller. It is an up-to-date machine and good work and general sntig- faction seems to follow it every- where among the farmers, Lake Huron is in. many places covered with ice and to the passing wayfarer presents a picturesque appearance. This season for skunk hunting is now open and hunters are every- where numerous in search of these fury little animals. S. Mei diger is taking things hum .on the Sauble line at present with his straw cutter and chopper and feed for the farm stock is being manufactured in large gnantities. Chris. Haugh of Cavalier, N. D., was a caller in the village a few days ago. Mr. Haugh sees -many changes since last leaving these parts and seems well pleased with the west. What is the matter with. the Sangerloo correspondent of "Tele HERALD" that he has maintained silence so long? Perhaps he is waiting until the "Bumble Bees" again make their appearance. Subscribe for TITS HERALD in order that you may celebrate the coming Christmas as a reader of this valuable paper, EXETER H. Spackrnan bas soldlmis heauti.- ful bay driver • to' a part," in Sea. forth for $325. • Another of our well-known resid- tints passed away on. AA'ednesday, Nov. 28th, in the person of Mrs. Fanny Mallet, WifeeJ` J. Mallot. She was taken down,withlan attack of typhoid fever a few weeks ago, which soon carried her off: Her Husband and son, John, survive her. A. Dow and A. Tennant returned last week from the• west where they disposed of their: recent ship- ment of light horses. A. Q. Bobier has sold his cream- ery business and piggery to J. H Scott of Culloden• who fol' some time has been ucting.a �governrnent inspector of cheese faetorios rind creameries. He gets.posse.ssion nn Jun. 1st. ' Mr. Bobier 1ntenda pur- chasing some lots and erecting a nlunber of cottages thereon. Mr. Scott has purchased the residence of wm. Howey. Dr, Daniel of London will preach and A. E. Greenlaw basso, of Sarnia, will sing at the' TtimeS street ehnrch. annir ersary services on Dec. Oth, On Tuesday, Nov 29th. the; death took place of Betsy ICnight. beloved wife of 3% A. Heywood.; Deceased had been ill of plenrisv ! for two weeks, and the immediate cause of her death was paralysis.' Besides the husband several of a grown up fatat ily survive her Mr. R N. Creech. of Exeter, has been appointed Clerk of the Fifth Division Court of the County of Huron, vice Mr. S. M. Sanders, re- signed. Miss Olive Hooper. of town, a graduate of the Victoria hospital, London, has been appointed Matron of one of the wards in the Brandon hospital. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mrs. David J. McClinehy has been on the sick list. Miss Hannah Penimale of St. Thomas is visiting at her father's home on the Bronson Line. Miss Lily Dunkin spent a, few clays in Seaforth as the guest of Miss Emma Peck. Mrs William Taylor has been on the sick list. wn There is very little talk as yet about municipal elections in Stan- ley, but ,we understand that Mr. J MoDiarreid, the present reeve, is coming out again for re-election. W. S. Archer, of, the London road, Stanley, will have an auction sale of his stock and implements on Thursday, Dec. 7th. Mr. Archer intends going to the north -West. Mr. Livermore, of the London Road, shipped to Berlin a car load of sugar beets containing about forty tons. BABYLON LINE. Tho following is the report of S. S. No. 6, Hay, for the month of November. Names in order of standing. IV class. Clara, Eisenbach, Arthur Haugh, Joseph Smith, Moses Beech - ler, Milton Haugh. Sr III. Tosephina Foster, Anto- netta Foster, Willie Decher, J r II.1. Alvina Baechler, Adeline Buechler, Laurette, Decher, Flossie Howald, Cornelius Foster, John Reser. Sr II. Lizzie Eisenbach, Herbert Hey, Winfred Regier, Mid II. Adlehort Smith, Beatrice Rennie, Koletta Foster, Albert Hey, Jr II, Robert Eisenbach, Herbert Witmer, - Christopher Baechler, Edward Hey, Jacob Gingerich. Pt II. Isidore Smith, Hurley 1:Iowalcl. Pt I. Philip Eisenbach, Louisa . ,egier, Pearl Witmer, M. Parsons, Teacher. HI LLSCREzIV, The following report of S. S. No. 3, Hay, for the ino'nth of Nov, is based upon weekly examinations, and regularity of attendance, The names appear in order of merit, V class. Bessie Cochrane. IV class. Willie Wilson, Wesley Caldwell, Maggie Wilson, Willie Gram, Sophia Farquhar. Ill class. Annie Cochrane, Mande McAllister, Robbie McAllister, Orville Taylor, Ada Grate, Annie Wilson, Anna May Love, Gordon Love. Sr II. Myrtle Taylor, Bertie Red- mond, Maggie Porterfield, Purcv (crani, Mary Consitt, 'lit Johnston, James Smith, Hazel Redmond, David Kuepfer. Jr II. Eldon Jarrot. Pt II. Edison McAllister, James Forest, Harry Dietz, Addie Green, Case Troyer, Pearl Consitt, Allie :Kuepfer. Sr pt L Solomon XCtiopfer, Luoy Redmond,Cecil Johnston. Jr pt I, Motion Poterfield, Grade Love, ViettaGr'een. i'. W. Hoearth, ' Teacher, The- Sovereign Bank of Chartered by Dominion Parliament. Canada A NEW CANADIAN RECOB.D. 3xst Octo• • her Capital reid-up Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits Soverei Banl: Kokes in Circulation De osita p Excess ct Assets over ;abilities to the Pubic ' 1902 81,173,478 $ 240,000 $ 759,995 81,681,730 $1,413,478 1903 1,300,000 362,838 1,237,650 4,309,432 1,300,000 420,373 1,284,840 7,196,741 ,1,662,838 1,720,373 ' (1904 '1905 1,610,478 523,461 1,550,790 10,134,209 2,133,939 1906 3,942,710 , 1,335,847 2,850,675 15,578,920 5,278,557 3xst Cash on Hand Bonds, I' Commercial Octo- ber and at Bankers Debentures, etc, oans at Call Loans and Discounts Total Assets 1902 $ 883,097 $ 439,363 81,630,199 81,358,469 83,855,203 1903 622,774 713,397 1,747,342 4,074,048 7,209,920 1904 1,214,822 672,034 1,179,540 7,014,123 10,201,954 1905 1,491,398 791,153 1,566,144 9,578,850 13,818,938 1906 3,916,842 1,612,831 4,614,067 14,640,510 25,343,401 Sr `' 4 3 Deposits of Eh00 and Upwards Received, Savings AC�i1pll11Cl19� 3i� `�� Offices interest Paid Four Times a Year. a� urkkh Branch = J. S ELL, Mgr. t ,7SkziJ aimizvxmoz�U.::_s3? BEST COMBNA1ION THE P PAPERS YOU WAST The Zurich Herald BOTH FOR a.nd that Best of all Weeklies 07, The Family Herald and Weekly Star, of Montreal, And with the Family Herald and Weekly Star will be includ- ed the nest beaetifnl pir'tnre ever given r,, newspaper reatider`.:. It is a gravure 22x20 iwhes, entitled "A TI.TG OF WAR." It is easily worth a two dollar bill. Tien HERALD will supply all local news, markets, social hap- penings, etc., etc. and the Family Herald and Weekly Star will give you a combination of the greatest weekly newspapers covering every portion of the Globe, a great family magazine, far surpassing any of the English or American magazines in interesting family reading, and without doubt the beet farmer's paper on the continent. No paper printed in the English lan- guage gives its readers such big value as the Family Herald and Weekly Star. Sample copies of the beautiful picture may be seen at this office. Call or send your subscriptions to . HERAD ZURICH. r,v rr W. C. T. U. WIIAT MILLIE SAID. Poor child'. how many thons•tn is of children in this broad land of ours are similarly situated in many respects. She entered her home agtin and felt at least there was one who sympathized with her. After a very frugal meal the younger children went to bed and lett altilie in the kitchen reading; a history. Despite her efforts to get interested itt the words beroro her, she would burst into teary at intervals at the thought of the ill-treatment and abuse she receives front her father. Suddenly the door opened ,misd in came the mice who had so cruelly struck her at her Mora ing meal. He evcd her keenly for it moment and then said: "Come, Millie, you are a dear little housekeeper, and I feel very grateful to you: But, indeed, if yen would give uii a dollar to pay a man I struck and keep him from having me arraste•l, I wilt hand it back to you next week, for I expect to go to work next weed:, as 111r. Willhansz hg., prorni.ed lee 0. ,j'Jb as marker in his mill." "Papa, I know 3'on won't believe tee. but out of the twenty-four dol- lars I received I gave you seventeen, anti the rest I used. for food and oil for the home. I haven't a rent left," ausweret.i Millie to her father's • a pl seal. cro be c,antinned ) �cpal'�cmaowo�cxraes. � Charnberlai Cough Remedy The Children's Favorite ---o0ense- Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. This romedyis famous for its curet" over a large part of the civilized world. It can always be depended upon. It oontaina no onium or other harmful drug and may he given as confidently to a baby as to an adult Price 25 cta; Large Size, 50 cts. POOR MOTHERLESS GIRL THE ELDEST 3F k# FAMILY OF SIX A Teechitee Story as Told hi a Latter' to The Toraitto Clobe. To the Editor of The Globe: Sir,—JE ask for space in your• columns to quote from l ttee received at this office For obvious reasons I do not give the name. The letter reads :— "I have a sad case to present to you. Twelve years ago a another died, leaving six small children, the eldest eight years old and the: yonngest an infant. My mother took the eldest and kept her until my mother's death. Then the young girl went clerking on small! wages. Last year she eontrncted s, cold of which she has never been free, and she has been unable to work since last January. She is just nineteen years old. Kindly tell rue how to proceed to get her into the Muskoka. Free Hospital for Consumptives." The sad part of it is this letter is only one of nanny—alike pathetic and ap- pealing—that are being received daily by the writer• Fay -live patients are in residence in the Muskoka Free Hospital to -day. Seven hundred and thirty-eight have been cared for since the hospital was opened in April, 3902. In place of fifty we could care for one htundred if the needed money for we int.curanue was at tho disposal of the trustees. Perhapst some of your readers have seen the following eatl'nesb statement: in Dr. Lawrence F. Flick's valuable book, "Consumption, a Preventable and (lnrable Disease" ;--"Could the enn411ni;mt•iv,'t of nary given community' be seen at one • time or pass in pia,no- ramn% before the people public consci- on-ruess of time magnitude of the afflic- tion might be aroused. fm. physical disaster shocks the world and lets loose the sympathy of millions. A few rhonsnnd deaths are nothing as com- r ar' I witlh the deaths frons connsunmp-- ttnnn." The appeal of the trustees of the Na- tional Sanitarium Association is on b'h.:tif of the coustunptives of the Do- minion, 5.10 cif whom die in Toronto annat tidy, :3,a?;i:) l:n Ontario, 5,001) in the Do ninion. 'i'In, po'n', mot.bterloss girl is one of the men y sufferers of to -clay. l'Mtn kin; you in anticipation for in- ,eetinn of letter, believe tilt', very truly your;, T `1 Robertson, Secretary N3, - UPI `,'t mitarinm Association, 28 Adelaide street west, Toronto. C,ltrabutione may be sent to Sir Wm. R. i5i.'t•Nditri, 1Ct., Osgoode Ilitll, '!'pronto, or to 1\g., J. Gage, Esq., 5.4. Extent street west, Toronto. Pis, d Piles get quick relief front Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. Remem- ber it's trade alone for Piles—and it works with certainty and satis- faction. Rolling, painful, protuil- ing, or blind piles disappear like magic by its use. Try it and see L J J Merner.