The Herald, 1906-12-07, Page 1The Official Organ. of Zurkh and Hay Township.
Vol. VII., No. 20
Per Year.
Clinton Business College
(Affiliate.' with Wingham Busi-
ness College.)
This is the most modern, thor-
ough and successful institution of
its kind in Ontario. Excellent
staff of teachers; unexcelled equip-
ment; large attendance; actual
business school. During Novem-
ber we had 20 times as many
calls from leading concerns for
Bookkeepers, Stenographers
and Telegraphers as we had
graduates to send.
Enter any time.
individual instruction.
Our handsome Christmas
Catalogue sent free on applica-
tion to
GEO. SPOTTON - Principal
C. Fritz takes butter, eggs, and
dried apples in exchange for shoes.
Mrs. Wm. Naercher, of Toledo,
Ohio, is visiting relatives here at
The police trustees of Zurich held
a meeting on Tuesda.y evening. A.
number of accounts were passed.
Word received from Mrs. H. C.
Doan states that she has safely ar-
rived in Winnipeg. When the
letter was written they bad good
sleighing and the weather was fine.
Jos. Rau of the Satible Line is
devoting some of his time raising
skunks. He has penned up a num-
ber on his farm and expects to he-
conse independent by selling the
The Weekly Sun is a complete
budget of news for the farmer. It
contains independent political news
valuable hints on farm topics.
household suggestions etc., etc. If
y-ou have prodnce to sell it will
pay you to read The Sun's market
reports, for accuracy thev are un-
equalled. Snbscribe for The Sun,
the farmers business paper.
There are many things to be
urged in favor of early shopping.
Those who begin buying. Xmas
gifts when the goods are first ad-
vertised have the advantage of a.
fresh, full and diversified market.
Stocks that are in the last few
(lays pnwed and palled over and
drawn from until they are soiled.
disordered and incomplete are
surely more tempting when they
are first ]aid out fresh, spick and
span and new, If all the presents
could be bought and laid away
ahead of the holidays. there surely
would be a comfortable sense of
duty well performed that would
add to the holiday cheer.
The council of the township of
Hay met in the Town Hull here on
Tuesday afternoon. The session
was a long one, the principal busi-
ness being the passing of accounts,
a list of which will appear in the
treasurer's financial statement
which will be issued in a few weeks.
The last meeting of the council for
the present year will be held. on
Dec. 15th..
From what welave been able to
learn there is every- likelihood that
Reeve Lamont will again occupy
the chair in the Ifay Council Board
next year. Mr. Lamont has served
the ratepayers well and it would be
due to him to send him up to the
County Council for a term at least.
The councillors also have given
good satisfaction and very little
opposition will be given, From
present indications the old Council
will all bo elected by acclamation,
for 1907, For police trustees there
will likely be some changes as there
has been considerable dissatisfac-
tion with some of the work per-
formed during the year and it is
likely that one or more of the
members of this year's Board will
not bo re-elected. We have heard
of no aspirants for the position but
as nomination draws near new
material will likely develop. What
we Watt is a Board that will lay
aside all self interest and work for
the general welfare of cur town.
Mr. 3, J. Merner made a business
trip to Toronto on Wednesday.
John Brown returned from the
South River lumber camp on Mon-
D 5 Faust has just received a
new line of fancy cushion tops with
backs to match.
Buy your rubbers and socks at 0.
Fritz's. He has the best at very
reasonable prices.
Mr, and Mrs. Geo, Schoellig
have left for Detroit, where they
will spend the winter.
Mrs. Hudson and two children,
of Hensall, visited. at the home of
Mr. Geo. Innes on Stmday.
It is estimated that a Singer
Sewing Machine, does the work of
twelve women. For sale. at H.
Nelson Denomy recently brought
a monster of a pig to the village.
The porker weighed 620 pounds and
John Brenner was the purchaser.
Dr. Buchanan havin sold his
medical practice, all persons owing
accounts will please call and settle'
before the 18th. of December. pd
The prudent farmer will see that
his farm tools are carefully housed,
and his stock in comfortable
quarters. In costs less to feed his
cow or horse in a warm stable
than in a cold one. A good coat of
paint will also lengthen the life of
a plow or rake.
The _Act passed by the Ontario
Government in 1905 regulating the
width of sleigh runners was re-
pealed in 1906, as wits also the
power heretofore given county
councils to legislate in the matter.
There is now no set rale for the
width of runners and, builders can
go on manufacturing as before.
The meeting of the Y. P. A. on
Tuesday evening took the form of
a young men's meeting. Addresses
were given by Mr. Michael Kaer-
cher and Mr. Alf. Meliek, and Mr.
Wm. Swayze gave 0 reading. Suit-
able music was furnished. Next
Tuesday evening the semi-annual
business meeting and election of
officers will be held.
The auction sale of the Gingerich
estate on Tuesday was well attend-
ed. The prices obtained were fair-
ly good. especially for the cattle. J.
J. Merner purchased. the 25 acres of
swamp land for $:27.00. This is a
remarkably low price for land sold
in Hay township, bnt Vhewood has
been nearly all taken o and it will
be useless for many years yet to
raise crops on it.
The open season fer quail closed 41mowasearmeammoloaateamommoma VJOUNR.M.“1.101WISMISMIANTiCalt.5.121.61tlailtanace.19141.6.tanC21.12C.Marel.,
on November 30th.,
Rennie & Son paS'' the highest ZURICH'S UP=TO=DATE, STORE
cash prices, for 'poultry
Call around and see D 5 Faust's
flue display of chinaware and Xmas
goods. Wedding Presents, Birthday
Presents and Xmas Presents.
A limited quantity of good clover
seed for sale John Gallman, 14th
con., Hay.
Master Cornie. Hollzinan is learn-
ing the hardware business with 0.
Mr. and Mrs. M. 31eidinger have
moved into 1V1r. 3, D. Merner's new
dwelling in this villag,er.ft,,,,04
Miss Ida Well entr.tiuned a
number of her friends very pleas-
antly at her home on Yildny even-
ing last.
New ads.—J. J. Merner, H. Well,
0. Hartleib, S. Rennie & Son, 0,
Troyer. G. Holtzman, Sovereign
Bank, Clinton Business College.
On Sunday night a fall of snow
visited this section and rthe sleigh-
ing has been fairly good, A few
more inches would greatly improve
The majority of schools in Huron
will. next year be in charge of
teachers with Nortnal School
training. Having to pay the ad-
vanced salaries, the sections are
engaging only experienced teachers.
The Modelites, or most of them,
in order to secure situations, will
have to go outside the county.
Mrs. Bender, the evangelistic
superintendent, opened the W. C.
T.. U. on Wednesday afternoon
with devotional exercises in which
most of the members took part.
Mrs. S. Merner then gave the re-
port of the Provincial W. C. T. U.
convention held in London from
Nov. 13 to 16. after which. Mrs,
Heyrock and Addie \14itwer render-
ed a pleasing duet. riv:, business
was then transacted and the meet-
ing adjourned. •
The -Dominion Shoe Co.. seem to
be doing a frig busiv?Qs in this
locality. They - son&-IZILL`Pons to.
parties remitting 0 $1.25 to them,
and after the coupons are sold, each
party roust remit $1.00. Then the
first party gets a $4 pair of shoes.
The parties buying the coupons
each receive four more coupons and
when these are sold, the second
agent gets 0 pair of shoos. It does
not take long before there are a
great many agents. The shoe mer-
chants in this and. surrounding
villages are the losers.
I have the largest serge of presents ever shown in Zurich.
Souvenir Dishes of Zurich, two views. Fancy flowered Dishes, all
kinds and different prices.
Dinner Setts, Tea Setts, and Chamber Setts,
Fancy 4 piece Setts in china and glas•.
A beautiful range of Leather Writing Cases,
A good line of Leather Toilet Cases.
A full line of Ladies' Fur Ruffs, Ladies'
Hankerchiefs, silk and linen.
A good range of Men's Gloves, Men's Ties, Alen's
Men's and Boys' Caps.
A large range of Xmas Toys for the children.
Souvenir Post Cards ofZtir:ch, Comic Cards and Xmas Cards.
Do not fail to see this large display.
I always keep a fresh stock cf. .f.Irc.c4iries.
Produce of all kinds taken in exchange.
Fancy Parlor Lamps,
jest tie thing for 4
Dress Shirts
he Shoe uestion
CO FRITZ9 The Shoeman.
• <-•a,•4•"Chr
4 ,
Is an important one ttud sholld _receive
your serious attention. 'N'Ve 1::tve taken
special care in buying our fall and iter
stock and are prepared to give special val-
ues and quality unsurpassed, We have
a splendid. line of fall shoes for men and
vvomen, something stylish and first-class
quality. Wo ha :e everything in rubbers
socks, felt shoes,, et.'. Conle ard e-xam-
ine our goods.
7.'gei'• AVRAgiftalqiiiaiT 501.'1,4,1
u ,cfre
)1.02rilirtr`i ;1dr,
THE Rc Leo -al wraw. tratzorf
Lcrt) estk.
This week we are offering another of our special snaps. We .].tzs (1.0aued iqline of of 32 inch Flannelettes, fancy stripes, sold in the regular wki: 8 ets per yj. Onu.
price while they last will be 5 cents per yard. These goods will ir,12-ie in a few clooys and
we would ask anyone in want of this class of goods to see the qua: t:; and pri,?es berco.o bny-
ing elsewhere
We are sho-wing a large line of Wool and Flunielette B}1.':4: :in a:1 sizes tool
ties at Rock Bottom Prices.
F. a u rzt
We have just taken into stock another lot of nice new up -t - Fur 1Zuffs. (Thr
trade in this line has been the largest by far in the history of oul. oois'ness, and
alone goes to show that our price s are right and qualities unsurpase. :1 need. of
in the line of Furs, Ladies and i'1ens Fur Coats and Fur Liued Coi7.•11?,
them. Call and get prices.
We have of late gone through our Hardware stork and hav,:_s, the nn
manylines away down. If in need of anything in this line oPive us a and , you ,Ar. 11 go
away satisfied that you can buy your Hardware at Preeter's-Big Stoyojust a little ,•1.ifolp-
er than elsewhere, and dont forget that we handle the best lines of Stows manufaetzo (d iii
Canada. We have them at all prices. Call and see them.
ZU1011, lill