HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1906-11-30, Page 5Thp Zurich`' HOTELS. elesseresSeeesese eneseese s0elreltlre4elet Cid * * 3 6) CD T H E t4 *3 * cs 0 CQMMERCI IL RTE. s cr p * ZURICH to *3 Fk is 0 0 £'D s O Strictly up-to-date in modern im • provements. Diningroomsis sup- 6) plied with onlythe very best. ' 2 .01 9 Bar contains choice liquors and 41, • cigars. 1f 1I ii 1i f3 Excellent Sample Rootns as el for Commercial Men. fa 0 et J. P. RAU, PROPRIETOR. cb 9taciatooeeSaae Ones eeneeosseme*I*0 the Dominion bonze. This House has recently changed hands, and is now one of the most orderly and best con- ducted Houses in the Province. Getter 'able in the Rominien. R. R.Johnston&Son. PROPRIETORS. Jubilee Laundry . . We use no chemicals to destroy or injure your Clothing, and we Guarantee our Work. TAILORING IN CONNECTION W. . HOFFMAN *3 fi3 V During November .of Prints, Muslins, Art Muslins, Gingham, Wrapperetts, Dress Goods, Lailies and Childrens- Caps, Mens and Boys Hats and Caps, Mens Ready Made . Suits and overcoats and Rain Coats Dinner Setts Toilet Setts Lamps, and all kinds of Dishes, 'To make room for new goods +Gall and secure Bargains R.N. DRYSDALE. TileDrysdale R. C. Church was the scene of a pretty wedding on Tuesday. 14ov. 27th, when Miss Josephine, daughter of Mr. ttnd Mrs. David Mero, became the bride of. Mr. Edward Bedard, son of Mr and Mrs. Simon Bedard, Sr., all of the •Bauble Line, Rev. Father Loiselle performed the ceremony. Mise Mary Mero supported the bride, while Philip Bedard was best man. Mr. and Mrs. Bedard will live on T. Stinson's farm, for whom Mr. Bedard has engaged to work. Your correspondent joins in wishing the young cougle a happy and prosperous married life. Mr. T. Nicholson is at present confined to his home with a severe attack of typhoid fever. Mr. George Denomy is this week spending his holidays with relativ- es at Holmesville. Mr. and Mrs. 7. Ravelle of Port Blake spent Sunday last at the home of J. Efoward. E. B. Horner left during the past week on an extended visit. He went first to London and later left for Bad. Axe, Michigan, and various other points in Uncle Sam's domains. The Misses E. Drysdale of Hen sail, accompanied by Miss Harris of Hamilton, called on friends in the vicinity on Sunday. Messrs. E. Bedard and 11. Mero severed their connection with the firm of Snowden Bros. and are now recuperating under the parental roof. Weddings are becoming quite numerous in the vicinity and even the sternest bachelors have been moved to compassion and they are now beginning to appreciate the unspeakable joys of the domestic fireside. The services in the Union church are still well attended and elo- quent and inspiring sermons are delivered each . Sabbath by Mr. Delgaty assisted occasionally by Mr Cowan. Communications which have been received in the village a few class ago announce the marriage of Charles Cleave of Killarnitl. South- ern Manitoba to a prominent young lady of the salve town. Mr. Cleave is an old Drysdale boy and is a snn of Mr. Seinuel Cleave of Sauble line, Stanley. DASHWOOD At the annual .business• meeting of the Y. P. A. helot on (Monday evening the following officers were elected for the year 1.107: President, Rev. L. K. Eidt; lest Vico-Pres., Murtha Oestreicher ; end Vice, Letitia Snell ; ;rel Vice. Trasa Mil- ler ; 4th Vice, Minnie Ehlers ; Secre- tary, A. H. Truen)uer ; Treasurer, Oliver t4raybeil ; Organist. Minnie Ehlers ; Assistant, Martha. Oestrioh- er. The Y. P. A. seems to be in a prosperous condition at present. Mr. C. Cook returned from the west on Thursday of last week. The executive committee of the Evangelical S. School here have decided to hold the Xmas entertain- ment on the evening of Dec. 25th; We think the program will be one of great interest. as there is great pains being taken in preparing the same. Next Sunday will be observed as quarterly greeting in the Evangeli- eal Ohuleh here when the .Lord's Supper will be administered to the members Rev. L. • la.. Wagner of Berlin will be present and have charge of the services. John Reid of Lieury was a visitor at the horno of Mr, and Mrs. J. Kellerman on Sunday Lest. Mr. Edigheffer and sister and Mr. Marshall of I irkton were visitors at Geo. Edighoi'ter on Sun - DOUGLAS, den. Blake. STANLEY TOWNSHIP When the tip of a dog's nose is cold and moist, that dog isnot sick.. A feverish clry nese means sickness with a dog. And so with the hu- man lips. Dry, cracked and color- less lips mean feverishness, and are .as well ill appearing. To have beau- tiful, pink, velvet-like lips, apply at bedtime a coating of Dr. Shoop`s Green Salve. It will soften and heal any skin ailment. Get a free trial box at our store and be con- vinced. Large nickel capped glass jars, ,e5 cents. J J Merrier. A wedding was consummated in a town near Clinton a few days since, which has an. interesting circumstance attached to it, The groom it is said was engaged to another estimable', young lady than the one who became his wife. He went to her and offered $1000 to he released from his engagement. The young lady, knowing thatshe had the young man in a box, refused to accept the offer, but slie •said, "you pay me $2000, and I'll release you, and you can go to the dickens.' Pay the $2000 he is said to have done, and the way was clear to his marriage. Miss Georgina Johnston is ill with typhoid fever. Born—To the wife of Mr. Wm. Dowson of the Babylon Line, a son. Miss Enema Peclt has returned to Seaforth where she will remain for the winter. The Methodist people of Varna intend having, their anniversary services next Sunday and on the following evening their annual fowl supper. A good programme will be rendered. Albert Nott, 2nd con., had the misfortune to slip off the steps one day last week and break his leg. Alex, 14Zonteith, who was in New Ontario visiting his brother, has returned home, He brought with hire a fine deer. .Tohn Dennison had the misfor- tune to lose a. valuable horse a few days ago. It attempted to jump a fence, fell and broke its log and had to be shot. The council will meet on Deo. 1st instead of Dec. 3rd as formerly stated. i4QraI�T, TheS`( ref Office of the 2nd Vice -Presider. wnd General Manager. To the Shareholders, THE SOVRREIGN BANS O7± CANADA. We have pleasure in enclosing herewith statement of the Bank's position as at the close of the fiscal half-year, ending 31st October, together with comparative statistics for the past five years. The figures require no special explanation, and we feel sure the progress and stability which they indicate will afford the proprietors and friends of the Bank complete satisfaction. The Bank's 'American and Foreign business has now attained considerable importance.' Our connections., abroad, as well as our facilities at home, enable us to handle British, Continental and American transactions entrusted to us on a favorable basis, and the results so far have been satisfactory to all concerned; Our principal business is, of course, confined to Canada, and is concentrated in the provinces of Ontario and Quebec, which long experience has provers to be the safest territory in the Dominion for the. conduct of a general and commercial banking business. In these two provinces the Bank has 55 branches and 22 s:1b-offices, the latter being managed from central eioints, and in some instances open only two onflissee days a week. We have not yet opened any brandies in the North-West, as conpe- t:tion glare seems to be unusually keen, but with the undoubted progress'which the country is soaking, these COo!:::':Ona will proba.ls!et right themselves later on, and in the meantime we have very satisfactory banking arrau einents for the conduct of our business throughout that territory. The capit la of the Bank ($4,000,000) will be fully 'Said up in a few months, and it is a source of great sa`.isiac.iO11•to 1:now that ot'r sh'ar'eholders number nearly 1,290 and include some of the most ewer7ui financied'eeeonle in the world.. I'iiz Sop• rc ge Bank is at present the -eighth largest chartered bank in Canada in point of capital. • Its assets• amount. to $2:5,343,401., a large part of which are "liquid," and the continued growth of • denosito testifies to the poenlarity of the institution throughout the country. The Note .,..L.. t: lou s:.oi:•, an advance of 83% over last year, and bot.( the Circulation and Depositshave ire:mescd materially since the present statement was compiled. Tile St 17:-.1 year i.i th;: best the Bank has ever had, and we have every reason to think that the current ..,µ.-; e.. will be e: le et az good. Your obedient servant, D. V. r.'.. ne 7 lT f, lr. F; .� x, t `.'�'_:'� Genera! p.rra,; er. MONTREAL, 10th November, 1901; ' >c�^4 Statement 31 wr OGTGE_F., i see Ca :.'J1 `It'c': i a:d dt... dZ `; ot.-' 1 r + Paul: l,c ::y,::_+lh ort ^ t LINEN -IT) C3 647.'22f;':1,17,7;,557:-.22 *:na:ai . ''1;t 9$,rit> 1?,ri75,I119.7. . . 1,635,249.75 • ASS L1S Cold. and Sher C plitsrnd . • 588,980.58 Dominion C.1v'm son hand 1,121,447.00 (rotes and Chem ;' er Lank4 1,155,304.99 13:.1a:i:.es with Bait. . . . 1,1.01,101.0: Cash Assets . $3,916,842.57 Casa Deposited witli..;M ,minion Go- vernment for Seca {:'sty of Note Circulation . 'i:. . . 80,000.00 Provincial Governin ' ' and -other Securities . . . . 1,612,831.16 • Call and *Short T.oans 'Secured by Bonds, etc. , t '' . . . 4,614,067.00 1510,223,740.73 $25,343 x011") Commercial Loans, (less rebate of interest) . 14,640,510.40 Bentz Premises, Real Estate, Safes, ether Assets . . . . . . . 473,837.57 5,312.42 15,119,660.39 $25,343,401.12 D, M. STEWART, General Manager Comparative Statistics LIABILITIES est Unto- Der Ca' :tai i'apc:-::p Reserve Puna. and t'udivided Prnfit; S„verei•ni Bank Motes in Circulation Deposits 1:„12 1903 1904 1905 1410• 41,143,4,1 1,300.000 1,3(10,(3) 1,610,478 3,042,710 $ 240,000 362,838 -120,373 523,461 1,335, .47 $ 459.995 1,237,650 1,281,840 1,550,7t:0 2,850,675 $1,031.,730. 4,809,432 ; 7,196,741 , 10,134, 203 15,576,920 . ASSETS 3rst Octo- ber Cash on Land and at Bankers Bonds, Debentures, etc. r. oaas at Can Lintunercial acnes and Discounts 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 9 333,007 622,774 1,214,822 1,491,398 :1,016,842 $ 439,363 713,397 672,034 701,153 1,612,831 $1,630,199 1,747,342 1,179,540 1,566,144 1,1314,087 81,3558,469 4,074,048 7,01.4,123 9,578,850 14,640,510 GENERAL grst Otto- tier Total Assets Excess of Assets over Liabilities to the Public Branch es and Sub -offices No, of shareholders 1902 1903 1904 • 1905 1906 93,855,203 7,209,920 10,201,954 13,818,938 25,343,401 91,413,478 1,662,838 1,720,373 2,133,939 5,278,557 17 28 42 53 78 757 819 854 1004 1195 N.B.—This Bank commenced business 1st May, 1992. D. 112. STEWART, General Manager. . BAYFI EL D. Mr. Worsell has rented Charles Tippet's store and will occupy it as a hardware store when fixed up. Mrs. Jas. Perguson and son visit- ed her parents at Marnoch last week. The evaporator has closed down for the season of ter running for a- bout three months. • Miss Maud Cassel is Visiting' with friends at Drysdale. A heavy storm raged on Lake Huron on Monday and Taesday of last week A bottle oontaieing It message supposed toT, • from a wrecked boat was found near Gode- rich after the stone. For the Stomach Heart and Kidneys Dr. Shoop's Restorative is a Cause Cure—not a Symptom Cure. It is a common mistake to take artificial diges- ters for stomach troubles—or heart stimulants 2 o weak heart --or so-called kidney remedies for diseased kidneys. These organs donot act separ- ately or of their own accord—they have no con- trol over themselves—and not entre in 81X1 times is the sickness the fault of the organ. It is the fault of the nerves which control the organ— and only through these .nerves can stomach, kidney I or hoar t dig. ? orders be cured. Dr. Shoop. of Racine i Wisconsin, learned earlyinhis medical Q la experience that those inside nerves '4 , were the power nerves — thtt; ' through them only was it pox -s . sibletoourein- digestion.hearrpl, . burn, belch- ing, insomnia, )' 'C^r t baokaohe, heart weak- , t +5' nesse% and Bright's ins.�v T ease and an other affections , + „ "t of the kid- neys, t , \ �. hesettC]menta all Hess, I'or al are not separate a sleknesses and are not to be treated �. r?u y” as snob, They are merely symptoms of t e inside nerve weak- ness, and when the ,I rr nerves are restored the symptoms and the 17 sickness sappar The remedy which Dr. " Shoop presedit•ibedofor. these ailing nerves is known as I)r. Shoop's Restorative. it relieves the pain and distress of kidney. stomach and heart troubles gtkiolter even than those medicines designed sIuap t' to give temporary relief. Dr. Shoop's Restorative (Tab- lets o1 liquid) can now be had of drursisti rsrpv:ore. or gale ((■■tiit}a//rrtnd recommended bs . ..... ... 1 Y. ,.IERNER. HENSALL. Mr, (Seinlon is erecting a neat stable on the dwelling property he recently purchased from Mr. How - aid. The new addition to our .foundry is now all enclosed and makes a good appearance, and will add greatly to the accommodation of the increasing staff of machinists and moulders. Professor Day, of the Ontario Agricultural college. and several. of his loading students have been attending several farm sales of live stock in Central Ontario, so as to get those young men opportuni- ties for becoming practically eon - versant with the commercial value of the animals sold There is no surer way for qualifying as a. business judge of farm stock and it would be well worth while if every young man on a farm would take E. es. Cuclmore, assistant at our every possible opportunity of get_ station here left last week for Lonclesboro, as railway agent there. J. F. W. Paterson, of the Hensel( planing mill, bad the misfortune to get his finger caught in the cogs of a machine he was operatime in - Rioting painful but fortunately not very serious injury. Mrs. Robert McArthur, of the township of Hay, and her daughter Miss Violet, spent last week in Toronto with relatives and friends. Jaynes Troyer of Seaforth for- merly of town. was kicked on the abdomen by a horse a few days ago and severely injured. Married. M0Cv]*---CouortLIN—At St, Peter's church, south of Centralia, on Wednesday, Nov. 21st, by Rev. Father Forester, Dr. P. J. McCue of Urediton, to Miss Angela, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Coughlin of Centralia. MnIDINGEnt-FLAxBARD— A the home of the bride's parents by Rev. E. Schuelke, on Wednesday, Nov. 280,, Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. August rlaxbard to Michael Meidinger, all of Zurich, BEDA t»—Matto—At R. 0. Church. Drysdale, on Nov. 27th, by Rev. Father Loiselle, Miss Josephine Mero to Mr. Edward Bedard, all Of the Sauble Line. ting knowledge along this line. The subsequent discussion among themselves or with the help of the professor, would still more benefit there in an educational point of. view. We might try the same thing here, even if we had no pro- fessor. ChamberiZZI WIJUliVhatottiVillartilic4044i Cough Remedy The Children's Favorite .OURE$•++ Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. ' This remedy is famous for its Butes over a large part of the civilized word. It can always bo depended upon. et contains no opiupn or other berrettas drug and may be given as confidently to a baby as to an adult Price 25 Cts; Large Size, 50 as.