HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1906-11-30, Page 2.e...s,e....m.., y-e...>..m �......., .�..w , .. �..�.....�
anent Pasta Up a Notice That Gets Him
the Desired Repairs.
rd a certain London suburb, which need
emote be named there is a row of typical
modern twentieth century, jerry-built
semi-detached villas. The houses, al-
though quite new, are jerry-built struc-
tures of the most perfect • stamp, with
damp, cracked walls and plaster and
windows and doors which rattle at the
slightest breath of wind.
The tenant of one of them had re-
peatedly petitioned the landlord to make
;the necessary repairs, but each time he
was put off with unfulfilled promises
to attend to the matter as soon as pos-
At last, rendered desperate and reek -
/less, the tenant painted the following
'notice on a big board and stuck it in
Isis front garden:
"Caution! Pedestrians are earnestly re-
quested to walk softly past this house.
Drivers of vehicles of all kinds are im-
plored to slow down when passing, or,
preferably, to go around by the other
road, as the slightest disturbance may
briny the building down. the cobwebs
which the spiders have woven in the corn-
ers of the rooms being not yet quite
etrong enough to hold the walls togeth-
The landlord has capitulated -London
Tit -Bits.
elle rn"ka4' _ •t''1."` .r ij?Ni ' Li'l C1tJ
� r
Can cure your Cough or Cold,
no question about that, but -
why go to all the trouble and
inconvenience of looking him up,
andthen of having hisprescription
filled, when you can step into any
drug store in Canada and obtain
a bottle of SHILOH'S CURE
for a quarter.
Why pay two to five dollars
when a twenty-five cent
'bottle of SHILOH will cure you
as quickly ?
Why not do as hundreds of
thousands of Canadians have
'done for the past thirty-four
,years : let SHILOH be your doc-
tor whenever a Cough or Cold
SHILOH will cure you, and all
druggists back up this statement
with a positive guarantee.
The next time you have a
Cough or Cold cure It with
Selfish Interests.
(Chicago Chronicle.)
"Nature knows no political Parties, no
race exclusiveness, no division of territory
by artificial boundaries." So says James J.
Sill, and he speaks the truth. But selfish
Interests know all these things and profit
dry them to the enormous injury of the
•reneral interests. Theytake advantage of them
special viees promote cruel
injustice, toinstillthligantt virus of
race hate and to plunge nations and races
Into bloody and destructive ware with one
When a Horse Gets Hurt
But don't wait until an animal is
injured. GET IT NOW -and you
have the remedy that CURES all
lameness in horses.
If your dealer does not handle
it, send 50c. to
National Drug & Chemical Co., Limited,
CUT or
A powerful ex'mple cf the healing
virtue of Zam-liuk is provided by the
case of Mrs. Lizzie Gilmour, Princess
Street; Kingston (Ont.), She says
"Five years ago I bruised my leg,
"and caused an ulcer which developed
"into a *erioue wound. 1 was in the
" hospital nine months, whore the doct or
"wanted to amputate the limb. After
"leaving the hospital I hoard of Zatn-
"Buk. I tried it, the uloors bega•e to
"heal, and new pink flesh began to grow
"where before was a raw and inflamed
"sere. I can now walk about, and can-
" not feel too grateful for what Zain-Buk
"has done for me."
All druggists sell it at 60o. a box,
or post free from the Zam-link Co„
Toronto, upon receipt of price (6 boxes
for 52,30).
A Feathered Quadruped.
Professor W. S. Campbell, the super-
intendent of the Indian school at Pine -
stone Minn., was talking about the ex-
aminations which, at this season, rack
and harass the breasts of the young of
"The stoical young Indian, no less than
the emotional young paleface, is scared,"
said Professor Compbell, "at the June
examinations coming. And in examina-
tion he, hie the rest of the juvenile
world, make a great many odd mistakes.
"At Pipestone, at a recent examina-
tion in etymology, a teacher said to a
"'Black Eagle, what is a quadruped?'
"'A thing with four legs,' the boy
answered. promptly.
"'Good," said the teacher. 'And are
there any feathered uardqupeds?'
"'Yes,' was the reply.
"'Oh, there are, are there?' laughed
the teacher. 'Well, name one.'
"'A feather bed,' said the boy."
The Lord Mayor's Coachman.
The Lord Mayor's coachman is still the
theme of the Paris papers. "Nobody who
has not seen him can imagine him," says Le
Maths,. "He is as roujd as an apple, as round
as a ball, or rather, as round as the earth
itself. He is rosy and chubby of face, and
his body is a formidable paradox. And this
astonishing man sits enthroned with a won-
drous dignity midway between earth and sky.
His lip is scornful, and he heeds not the re-
marks of the crowd, He sees or hears noth-
ing but his horses.
Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
o . e
Vegetariub Rules. 1
T. Owen, of Oewestry, who is a vege-
tarian of 00, stated at the vegetarian
conference in Manchester that for some
time he • has made it a rule to fast
twenty out of the twenty-four hours of
each day, He allows himself two meals
a day, and these consist invariably of a
little bread or biscuit, fresh dried fruits,
and a few nets,' To eonsume these he
takes from forty to forty-five minutes,
and to each mouthful he administers
front fifty to a, hundred bites. Mr. Owen
claims that on this diet he is able to
cycle considerable distances and undergo
severe. mental strain without the least
fatigue. -London Daily Graphic.
I Dissipation in Reading.
(Ohio State Journal.)
One must do . nometbtng besides read. Fie
must digest what ne reads. He must in-
crease the range of his perceptive powers,
start up a new 'set of relations and draw
some fresh conclusions. There are people
who but know aead a reat greatpeopleeal more than other
deal les. Theyread just
to read—to put in time; or a pleasurable
sensation that one gets lying in a hammocir
or drinking a glass of soda. There is no
digestive force', in it that builds up brain
fiber. It is the sort of reading that sustains
circled turn awayminkdisgust iwhenitaleserious
subject is referred to. The fact is, the only
kind of reading that is worth the time em-
ployed is that which arouses reflection and
builds up ideals.
Why She Fails.
. "I don't see why it is," said a girl the
other day, "that I never seem to do any-
thing as well as other girls."
Anyone else could see why it was per-
She never finishes anything. She rushes
into each new thing as though her life
depended upon it, and tires of it before
she is half way through with it.
She does nothing really well. She sings
a little and plays a very little, dabble,
at painting, plays an indifferent game
of tennis and the same kind of golf.
"Jessie tires of things so quickly,"
sighed her mother. "I am afraid she will
never be successful in anything. She
wants to try a new thing before she has
half learned the old."
It would be very much better for that
young woman if site could be thorough
in any one of the many things she dab-
bles at.
If you are going to try a thing at all
you might as well put your best effort
into it.
Whether it is work or play, it is worth
doing well.
If you have a piece of uncongenial work
to get through with the quicker you set
to work to thoroughly master it the
quicker you will be rid of it.
If you want an accomplishment pick
out one that you feel you, will be most
likely to succeed in, and put your whole
heart into mastering it. Don't shilly-
shally over it and break off when you
are half proficient in it to try some-
thing new.
One real accomplishment is better than
half a dozen sham ones, And don't im-
m•agine that you can work in a half-heart-
ed manner and succeed.
Success in anything means hard work
and courage in face of repeated failure.
The more hardly won the sweeter the
The girl with an accomplishment is
never without some interest in life. She
is sought after by other people interest-
ed along the same lines, and the keeping
herself up to the mark is a constant
stimultis to her mind.
A great many girls have no time for
any occomplishment-these words are
merely for the girle who, having time,
scatter their interests, thus achieving
A superficial smattering of many
things is not half as useful as knowing
a fesv things really well.
Learn all you can, but Iearn one 'thing
thoroughly before you begin another.
Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc.
Says Results aro "Truly Marvelous."
Mrs. I. Hunter, of 111
Raglan Road, Kingston,
Ont., says:
"I have suffered with
kidney and liver trou-
ble and chronic consti-
pation for some time. I
was subject to dizzi-
ness, bilious headache,
nervousness, drowsi
Mrs. I. Hunter. Bess, pains in the back
and side, and a tired,
weary feeling nearly ail the time.
"I tried. almost every medicine, was
treated by doctors and druggists, with'
little or no benefit.
"I tried Dr. Leonhardt's Anti -Pill, and
the results have been truly wonderful.
I am so much better. Anti -Pill is a
most wonderful remedy."
All dealers, or the Wilson -Fyfe Co.,
Limited, Niagar Tal1s, Ont. 603
The Power of the Prune.
Weatherwise prophets are predicting
a hard winter, but there need be no. hun-
ger. The giae`' +lug news comes from
California that
elude 110,000,0
will reign in e
country. Bre
evaporated fru'
dull upon the j
fronts and hal
prune, plum. -p
perennial pet
lady. -New Y
Mutfit which won the CHAMPIONSHIP OF
e81 WORLD against 21 American, British
end Canadian manufacturers, after a two
tatonthet thorough trial. Made by
1rantford, Canada.
harvest there will in-
ounds of prunes. Joy
boarding house in the
et foods may pall and
es and puddings grow
taste of second -floor
omers alike But the
e and palatable, is the
e hand of the land-
-Eczema, Ern
-the moat intense
No News of Importance.
(Adams, Ga., Enterprise.)
We are eorry to record that an unfeel-
ing sawmill cut off the left leg of one
of our leading citizens last week. The
accident was caused by his losing his
head from getting tangled in the machin-
ery, after which he lost his leg. There
is no news to speak of.
.Ague is one of the things that will
give a fellow the shake and still stay
right with him.
i5implas—are surely cured
ering at once relieved --by
Ointment --the safe and speedy remedy.
"I was'iroxbled wifirchin Piles," writes one
man whose address we ill furnish on request
' I used all ane. selves and remedies I ever heard of.
Then I used Afire; Ointment—and obtained more
relief ram it than all the others. I recommend*
all a :tied with tins com Hosni."
5 . each box -6 for $2.50. Used with Mira
Blood Tonic and Tablets means a quicker etre.
At drug -Mores -or from The Chemitts' Co. of
Canada, Limited, Hamilton -Toronto.
Exchange of Compliments.
(Detroit Free Press.)
Mrs. Rapes—My Husband says he wouldn't
cents for your husband's opinions
Mrs. SIapps—Of course he wouldn't. In my
husband's opinion he isn't worth two cents.
Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria
Berl is At Arius eJagweeJW4vviiordeia,eveittievils totel1,ftveourdedsolorewQ eoneoisbevivbfiv edW'L'
A trial will convince every housewife in Canada that "Reliance rta!eing Pow-
idess� canrbepueodtandbtielttor resulover
s obtained uses it ie more effective and
"iReliance leaking Powder" it' u'nuposed of the very best and purest materials,.
under the personal supervision of an export manufacturing chemist, therefore we are
able to sell it en a Cash Guarantee of Saticrfaction. Being pure and healthful,
"Reliance Binding Powder" insures perfect baking•—cash baking as you would
give to young children and invalids because of its easy digestion.
Are You Interested in Picture Post Cards?
Almost everyone has the postal card craze. A set of our colored post earth' is
pet a set
needed Co complete overt' jcjolloebion. They aro not for sale, hut yon can g
not overlook this opportunity to geett a sot free by simpare ly dropping ar ' postal it' you can -
To anyone writing us, answering the following questions, we will gladly send
bac postcards,e,li�hog postage
npd rs bald, at colo your of our latest edition of beautiful
1st. Name your Grocer. and, Name this Paper. 3
International Food Company, Toronto, Canada
"Ask For tho Purple Package." e�
wtrasitii Ar otiwa.'ara,'ww m "'ern,'afaro rma wti°aoro
Choice Far Properties
For Sale or To Rent
1. The Lassert farm, 140 acres, adjoining
the east side of the Town of Preston;
one of the best farms in Waterloo County;
brick house and large bank barn.
2. The Robert S. Smith farm, Township
of Glanford, 7 miles from Hamilton, 65 acres,
good buildings and orchard, 20 acres of large
beech, maple and pine timber, 12 acres fall
wheat in ground; fall plowing done.
3. The Sharpe farm, lot 13. concession 4,
West Flamboro, 7 miles from Hamilton on
good gravel road; stone house, large bank.
barn; magnificent stock and dairy farm;
100 acres.
4. 00 acres. 114 miles from the Village of
Smithville, on tee T., H. & B. Ry., with
fair buildings. known as the old Morse farm.
5. 25 acres in the Township of Willoughby,
northwest part of lot 8, in the first eros
concession, 12 miles east of Welland, known
as the Sauer property, with fair buildings
and some fruit, 3 miles from railway station.
6. 60 acres in the Township of Nelson, 17
miles from Hamilton, known as the Harris
farm: good bang oarn and good house;
some small fruit and timber.
7. 36 acres Township of Binbrook, 14 miles
from Hamilton on new county stone road;
no buildings, but fine soil.
8. The south 3 of lot 10, in the second
concession of Glanford, near Hannon P.O.,
88 acres. good buildings.
100 acres in Grimsby Township, lot 7, con-
cession 7, formerly known as the Hanigan
farm; good buildings and orchard; about 4
miles south at Grimsby village; price $3,200.
Good 100 acres in Binbrook with orchard
and' buildings, all under cultivation; 15 miles
from Hamilton, near new county stone road;
Price, 82,600; a snap.
In all the aeove we can give immediate
possession; small payment down and low in-
terest and easy terms for the balance. For
further particulars apply to
T. D. J. FARMER, Barrister, Etc.
37 James street south, Hamilton, Ontario.
Capital Idea.
"I have come to ask your advice and
assistance, old man," said young John-
ston, as he dropped into Watson's smok-
ing room the other night. "Xou know
I've been courting Miss Meredith for
about a year now, and I'm not euro if
she really cares for me, you see. How
am I to find out ?" "I'll tell you what
to do," replied his friend. "Send a tele-
gram to yourneif-`Situation in India
waiting for you. Will you come?" "Cap-
ital idea," said Jolmston; "I will try
it." He was back next night looking
rather excited. "Well," said Watson,
"how did the scheme work?" "Work!"
groaned Johnston; "it worked only too
well. I showed her the telegram and
said, `Would you mind if I went away?'
and she laid her head on my shoulder
and said, 'Not a bit -I'll go with you.'
Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows.
Suggesting a Better Course.
(San Francisco Call.)
"That's my best work," said the Moet
after reading the verses to Crittick. I'm
When in Doubt. thinking of Navin§ it copyrighted."
By Jerry J'. Cohan in The Spot Light Copyright?" said Crittiek. "If I were
When the sky's kind o'eloudy, ole feller, you I'd have it patented."
An' it looks jest e. leetle like rain,
s safer to wear thastout aneberel0r
If ye ketch yerself coughin' or sneezin',
Got a pain, a head -ache, or a chill,
Kind o' reckon ther's atl'ers a reason,
Nip th' cause an' yer save doctor's bill.
Likely folks learn. etch signs o' 'th' weather
As fool folks don't think much about,
'Till they bunch many troubles tergether,
'Cause they didn't steer right, when in
If ye let yer friend borrer yer money,
Ye may lose friend and cash if taint paid,
Drones and bumble bees never give honey,
An' mistakes are best check'd b'fore made.
Ye needn't go fussin' ler worry,
It'll come with a rush, when it's due.
If ye burnin' yer bridges, don't hurry,
P'raps yer may need to cross one or two.
Never put off yer chores 'till to-morrer,
13eJest mas God'Wade eyr eiit tuckered ut.
skip sorrer
'N grab bull b' the horns when in doubt.
The "SALAD A" Tea Co. up to the be-
ginning of November have had an ell
around increase •'in their business' in
Canada and the united States of 26 per
cent. over the corresponding period of
last year. This is the most extraordinary
increase they have ever known, and is
the reward of serving the public well.
Cure for Ailing Wives.
You men with delicate wives, why not give
up doctors for a while and try entertain -
Ment as a euro for them? It le noticeable
that the women who are always complaining
ment. Their
hehealth have are htosotalktheir wh4 of ve no amuse -
That is all they have to think of. Pack 'em
down to St. Joseph every few welts and give
'em a dose of vaudeville. ,E7011 run up to
Chicago with 'ern. Let 'etn ride en the sleep-
ing car and oat in the windows, go to a few
good shows and take an automobile ride.
This is not nearly so expensive as doctors.
When they take is trip do not let it be to at
watering Pince 'where all they see is others
afflicted with shnblar woes. Tho same old
stenos and feed and, .above all, lacir of
entertainment is what ails nine -tenths of
the women who aro nffiidted with achsl
an4 pales.
ISSUE NO. 48, 1906.
FA :1ER'S 543@:5
THE FARMERS' MANUAL °entalt s a ser-
ies of special lessons in farm bookkeeping,
with full instructions, separate rulings and
printed headings for grain account, poultry
account, cattle account, hog account, labor
account, dairy account, expense account;
department for each kind of grain, cash
received account and cash paid out account.
The Manual also contains a complete insect
department, a veterinary handbook, a per-
fect system of horse -training according to
the methods used by Prof. 0. W. Gleason,
besides the farmers' legal department. 400
The J. L. NICHOLS 00., Limited,
(Mention this paper.) Toronto, Canada.
Agents wanted.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should al-
ways be used for children teething. It
soothes the child, soothes the gums, cures
wind colic and is the best remedy for diar-
A safe. sure and reelauie monthly regula-
tor. Those ails have be:nulle,l in France
for over fifty years, and 'Nand invaluable
for the purpose designed, and aro gnaran.
teed by the makers. Enulose stamp for
scaled circuits. Irice 51.00 ger box of
ugglste ;. or 7 mall ,e n::eev ;.,.led, on receipt of Noe
Box 431, Hamilton, Canals
Might as Well.
When a man ceases to aspire he might
as well be dead, for his soul is stagnant.
And, vixen be contemplates what social-
ism really means sad is, where is the
m®.n who wo11d find life words living om
any plane above that of the brutes that
perish? -Chicago Inter-Oeean.
I was cured of terrible lumbago by.
I was cured of a bad case of earache
I was cured of sensitive lungs by MIN
"In this instance," explained the pro-
fessor of surgery, to the group of med-
ical students, "the left leg of the pa-
tient is somewhat shorter than the
right limb, thus causing the patient to
limp. Now, Mr. Fresh, what would you
do in a case like this?"
"Well," responded the alert Mr.
Fresh, "1 guess I'd limp, too." -Brooklyn
F4 lrC
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