HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1906-11-30, Page 1The Official Organ of Zurich,. and Hay Township. Vol. VII., No. 19 ZURICH, ONT., FRI1lDAY VNOVEMBER 30, 1906. -.. $1. Per Year, Wingnan Business College Individual instuction No vacation Gold medalists as teachers Highest standard Asti for catalogue Modern business practice Bookkeeping a specialty Ugly towards sluggards Shorthand and typewriting Interested in graduates Newest office system Enter any time Students' literary society Sympathetic teachers Commercial correspondence Ornamental penmanship Learn telegraphy Lucrative positions Excellent text books Graduates successful Enter "NOW." GEO. SPOTTON - Principal LOCAL NEWS. Miss Katie Stewart of West Mc- (illivray is visiting her aunt. Mrs. D. McCormick, at present. Mr, Watt Grieves, of Stratford, the genial and popular district agent of the Deering 0o., was here on Wednesday. John G. Erb of the Bronson Line. recently purchased 50 acres of Iand from Mr. C. Sehwartzentruher, Mr. Erb has now a hundred acres. Mr. and Mrs. Claris. Haugh re- turned from North Dakota this week. We understand that they have come back to Canada to re- side. The township council will meet in the Town Hall on Monday, Dec. 4th, at 2 o'clock. All accounts a- • gainst tc 'itownship shonad be haiidec ` in at this meeting. Jaaeob Deiohert sustained a nasty scalp wound on Tuesday while shoeing a horse. The animal struck out with its front foot and cut a gash which required a number of stitches to close it up. NARROW ESUA While cutting straw with a straw -cutter and blower on the farm of John McBride, B]ind' Line.one day last week, Mr. Sam. Mc- Bride, jr., had a fall which might easily have resulted seriously. The blower pipe had hecnme parted and Sam had mounted a ladder and was assisting in putting it together. In some way the ladder slipped out and he was precipitated to the floor below. His presence of mind saved him from coming in contact with the drive wheel of the straw - cutter. As it was he received a severe shaking up but fortunately no bones were broken. FIVE MEN IN A BOAT. A 36 -foot gasoline launch, carry- ing five men. arrived at St. Joseph last Saturday in rather an unusual way. The party had started from Leamington and were bound for French River, up the lake, on a hunting and trapping expedition. They lost their bearings out on the lake and for a time were unable to make any headway, At last they headed due east and landed near St. Joseph. A heavy storm was raging at the time, and the skipper to save the boat, put on full speed ahead and landed the launch high and dry on the beach. One of the party who had never taken a trip on a boat, had enough and left for his home. The rest of the party will continue on until they reach their destination. iM EIDINGER—FL A XB A RD An interesting event was cele- brated at the home of Mr, and Mrs. .August Flaxbard, Zurich, on Wed- nesday, Nov. 28th, at 4 o'clock, p. m.; when their daughter. Miss Elisabeth, was united in marriage to Mr. Michael Meidinger. The ceremony was performed by Rev. E. Schuelke in the presence of a large number of relatives and friends. After congratulations and good wishes had been extended to the happy. couple, all sat down to a sumptuous wedding repast. The presents were costly and numerous .and testified to the popularity of the bride and groom. THE HERALD joins with their many friends in wishing Mr,'and Mrs. Meidineer a Irappy and prosperous voyage through life. The band serenaded Mr. and" Mrs. M. Meidinger on Wednesday evening. The meeting of the Y. P. A. on Tuesday evening had to be adjourn- ed on account of no lights. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Dietrich of Mount Cannel, were guests on Sun- day, of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Foster.. Wes. Merner is again measnring out goods and weighing out grocer- ies in J. J. Merner's store, in his usual obliging manner. Mr. Geo. Innes, who has been doing the tinsmith work for Cbas. Hartleib. has severed his connection with that firm, and has engaged with J. Preeter. Alberta and Saskatchewan are facing a fuel famine. The coal miners have been on strike and the government has been asked to take over and operate the mines. Messrs. Julius Thiel and Louis from ti Hildebrandt returned South River lumber camps on Mon- day. They report the sleeping quarters as very uncomfortable, and the life throughout a rough one in the camps. Make a noise like a wild duck. That's what a number of onr sportsmen have been doing the pact week and F. W. Hess, .1. Schuettler and W. G. Hess left for the Pinery yesterday in quest of the elusive biped. Cut this out and take it to J. J Merner's store and get a free sannp le of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For biliousness and constipation they are unequaled. They improve the appetite, strengthen the digestion and regu- late the liver and bowels. The report of the Provincial W. C. T. U. convention which was held in London. from November 13th to 16th, will be given at th-e W. C. T. U. meeting. held at the home of the President on Wednes- day afternoon. Dec. 5th commenc- ing at 2.30 o'clock. 'The bean groWlitt industry ` in this vicinity has assumed large proportions and farmers along the northern part of the Sanble Line have obtained good yields from the seed sown. J. Snider has • harvest• ecl about 250 bushels this fall, Jos. Mero about 100 bushels and other farmers along the line have had good results. The price of beans at present is $1.15 per bushel and usually reaches the $1.50 mark after New Year's. Mrs. (Dr.) Buchanan visited friends in Toronto last week, Miss Stroeder, and 'niece, Julia, are on an extended visit to her home in Dunmerton, Ont. Louis Durand, of near Drysdale, has moved onto Mr. ,I', Lamont's farm, Rev. L. H. Wagner,, P. E., of Berlin, preached a powerful ser- mon in the Evangelical church Iast Sunday evening. A number froth the .village at- tended an enjoyable dancing party at the home of Alf. Reichert, near Hillsgreen, on Friday night. J. .T. Merner and P. Lamont's auction sale last Saturday was well attended and the prices obtained for cattle and horses fairly good. The two dwelling houses were not sold. After February 1 nextthe Ameri can Bank Note Company will manufacture United States postage stamps, Under a contract just made public the ooncernroust de- liver 17,00J ,000 stamps daily six times a week. Mr. and Mrs. Samnel Rannie, who have been spending the past few months on Mr. Rannie's farm in Saskatchewan, arrived horne on Wednesday. Mr. Winkenweder, Mr. Rannie's son -in -lam' has moved. from North Dakota onto the farm. Dr. OVENS, M. T3., a London Surgeon, eye, ear and nose, will -be at the Queen's Hotel,'ensall, on Thursday, Dec. 6th. : ''amours 4 30 p. ni. to 9 p..m. Glasses properly fritted for relief of fail•,ing vision, Gestrain, headaches, etc. Deafness and nasal catarrh tre atnd. 23tf. On page 5 of this is found the annual state Sovereign Bank. Thi], trade remarkable progr start in 1902, and has r, fidenco of the people ba and progressive tneth6 78 branches and 1195,.$ Huron County Comas, Goderich next Tues This will be the hi the council as it is a- stituted. The county into districts and each♦ represented by two me der the .new act the municipalities which than 1000 voters, and be reeves and deputy•reeves of municipalities which have over 1000 voters] will constitute the county council. The new regulations will nearly double the number of members in the council. e will be ,nt of the Sank has s since its i the con. s careful . It has yeholders, ' meets in )ec, 4th. a;,x g of. t con- divided strict was ers. 'Un - reeves of save. less ZURICH'S UP=TO=DATE STORE. Wedding Prese ,ts, Birthday Presents a x.d Xmas Present I have the largest rarge of presents ever shown in Zurich. Souvenir Dishes'of &rich, two views. Fancy #lowered Dishes, all kinds and different prices. Dinner Setts, Tea Setts, and Cbambe Setts, Fancy Parlor Lamps, Bailey 4 piece Setts in china and glas A beautiful range of Leather Writing Cases, just the thing far a present. A good line of Leather Toilet Cases. A full line of Ladies' Fur Ruffs, Ladies' Belts. and Ladies' Fancy 1-fankercbiefs, silk and linen. A good range of Mon's Gloves, Men's Ties, Men's Dress Shirts and- Men's and Boya' Caps. A large range of Xmas Toys for the children. Souvenir Post Card; ofZuricii, Comic Cards and Xmas Cards. Do not fail to see this large display. I always keep a fresh stock of Groceries. Produce of ail kinds taken in exchange. SFut GENERAL I"IERCHANT .-:\ _n _V, _h _n n .C, V, V, V, V, _C, .n .lam .h t. -C_� .C� .V .V, .V _h Is an important one and should receive your serious attention: 'We have taken special care in buying our fall and winter stock and are prepared to give special val- ues and quality unsurpassed, We 1aaa,ve a splendid line of fall shoes for men and women, something stylish .and. first-class quality, We ha :e everything in rubbers socks, felt shoes, etc. Come and el.:am- ine our goods. al.G;Yk10kt�iJu�'�t�'-'�&lf :, wtOf< 1 VE E D THE S w� 10,4:11 This week we are offering another'of our special snaps. We just cleaned up another line of 32 inch Flannelettes, fancy stripes, sold in the regular way at S eats per yd. price while they last will be 5 cents per yard. These goods will arrive in a few days ?natl. we would ask anyone in want of this class of goods to see the quality and prices before buy- ing elsewhere ` Of .j° L. s''"` L, ``` , KEZT S; tLE. We are showing a large line of Wool and Flannelette Blankets in all sizes and quail - ties at hock Bottom Prices: FURS! F FURS! We have just taken into stook another lot of nide new gill -to -date Fur ]tuffs. trade in this line has been the largest by far in the history of our business, and this fact alone goes to show that our prices are right and qualities unsurpassed. If in need of anything in the line of Furs, Ladies and Mens -Fur Coats and Fur Lined Coats, Caps, Etc'., we llave them. Call and get prices. REVISED PRICES IN HARDWARE. We have of late gone through our Hirdwace st)3k and have the prises oro inanylines away down. If in need of anything in this line give us a call and yon will go away satisfied that you can buy your Hardware at Preeter's Big Store, just at little cheap- er than elsewhere, and dont'forget that we handle the best lines of Stoves manufactured in Canada. We have them at all iv'ices. Call and see thein. J. PREETE HARDWARE & GENERAL MERCHANT ZURICH, rr AR ,c•;,9,�'�,,x Ili,,..'`:. . '"���; .'�c` brta in