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The Herald, 1906-11-23, Page 6
Eccentricities of a Professor, , it is seldom that we hear of a more eccen,trio man than was Professor Oed• mann, a Swedish theologian, who died a short tune ago in Stockholm. One time during a prolonged illness he was et in palled to remain in ',led for many weeks and during this tilne conceived a liking for lying snugly ensconced in warm bleu stats, free from the caprices of the wea ' ther and protected'froin the perils of catching another cold, 'After his illness the professor was seized with a senseless dread of taking cold and insisted upi;n ' keeping his bedroom •windows Closed down, tight, and from that time until his Berth spent practically all of his time in bed, where he did all his regular work and ate his three meals a day. So very odd was he that in examining written exercises by the students he re- fused to touch the paper upon which they were written until it had first been. • warmed over the stove. It is claimed that the professor's death was actually caus- ed by a visit from an old gentleman on a stormy day who desired an interview with him. This latter incidentally entered the chamber of the professor with his clothes covered with snow, a sight which aggravated the professor and he ordered his visitor •to leave the room at once. Unfortunately the visitor was quite deaf and misunderstood him, approaching nearer to the bedside of the angry pro- fessor. Herr Oedmwnn became greatly al- armed and in his frantic excitement broke a blood vessel and expired. He Knew Enoti`gh. Papa—Is the teacher .latisfiea with you? Toby -0, quite. Papa—Did he tell you so? Toby—Yes after a close examination he said to me the other day, "If all my schol- ars were like you, I would shut up my school this very day." That shows that I know enough. ' NO DIFFERENCE Dr. Leonhardt's Hem -Road cures any form sof Piles. Internal, External, Bleeding, Blind. Itching, Suppurating, etc., are simply names of the stages through every case will pass if It continues. Piles are caused by congestion of blood in the lower bowel, and it takes an internal remedy to remove the cause. Dr. Leonhardt's Hem -Road is a tablet taken internally, and no case of Piles has ever been found it failed to cure. Money back if it does fail. $1.00 at all dealers, of The Wilson.Fylo Co.. Limited, Niagara Fails, Ont. 14 The Price of Proficiency. Herkimer James, the well-known sci- entist, was talking in New 'York about the bill of $25.000 that Dr. Frank Bat- /nes presented to the Marshall Field es - tae. "It seems a big fee," said Prof. James, "But whenever physicians' fees seem ex- tortionate I think of a certain famous eye specialist. ".A. patient of this specialists, coming to pay his bill, growled: "'Doctor, it seems to me that $500 is a bigcharge for that operation of mine. It didn't take you over half a 'minute.' "`My dear sir,' the other answered, `in learning to .perform that operation in half a minute I have spoiled over eleven pecks of such eyes n.s .yours.'" The Natural Beatty AM The only atreatmentu a woman needs, to make her complexion beautiful= and her hands soft and white—is the daily use of "Royal Crown" Witch -Hazel Toilet Soap It cleanses the skin by Stimulating the pores, and dissoly- inp, and carrying off all excretions of the skin. The perfect com- plexion soap. 3 cakes for 25c. tisk your druggist for "Royal Crown" Witch -hazel Toilet Soap. OUT OF "IMPERIAL" PUMPINO WINDMILL Qtttfit which won the CHAMPIONSHIP 011" '?B2 WORLD against 21 American, British chid Canadian Manufacturers, after a two months' thorough trial. Made by GOOLD, SHAPLEY el • MUIR CO. LISIGTED, ternnt1ord, Canada. ZAM-BUK WINS WORKERS' PRAISE.. MARVELLOUS CURE OF BURLS, Zam.Buk has been called "the work- er's friend" because it brings such .re- lief and healing to workers who suffer from cuts, burns, bruises or any skin injury or disease. Mr, Alf. J. Clark, of Cavendish street, London, .Ont,, tells how Zara -Bilk cured him of severe burns. He says: "I got my hands very severely burned with line. The burns were so deep that, as I plied my shovel the blood actually ran down the handle. The, agony I suffered you may well imagine. I tried several different kinds of salve, but the burns were too severe for these preparations to heal. "I obtained a supply of Zam-Buk, and the very first application gave nie ease. This pleased me, you may guess, but as I applied the balm each day I was more and more pleased with the effect. pletelyThe pain was relieved cons - "I had often heard of Zam-Buk, but thought before I tried it that it was similar to the ordinary salves you see advertised. In a very short time Zam- Buk healed my burns completely, and my head actually felt better — teh muscles more firm and the skin in bet- ter condition than before I was burned." Not only for burns, but for cuts, bruises, sprains, etc., Zam-Buk is the best and surest cure. It also cures eczema, ulcers, abscesses, ringworm, boils, eruptions, poisoned wounds, chapped or cracked hands, cold. sores, chilblains, bad leg, piles, etc. All druggists sell at 50c. a box, or post free from the Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, on receipt of price. 6 boxes for $2.50. ase v Manufactures From Sisal Hemp. Consul Golding writes from Newcastle that the Australian cultivation of sisal hemp, which is generally making its way in Queensland, has now been brought within the range of the manufacturers' and traders' outlook. The government experimental plantation at St. Helena has been producing first rate fibre, and this has now been manufactured at the Kangaroo Point Rope Works with ex- cellent results. Coils of one inch rope for shipping and other purposes, clotheslines, binding twine and lashing have all been made and placed on view in the Brisbane stores. The appearance of the articles is equal to those imported. The binding twine on a recent test bore a strain of more than 137 pounds and the lasbings resisted up to 255 pounds. TRADE MARK RE61sTEREo. Blood Tonic is a pure, safe, pleasant cure foe nervous exhaustion, palpitation of the heart, variable appetite. sour atomach and otherdisordere caused by bad blood or overwork. Don't negledt yourself. Clear the poison out R of your body—by using Mira Blood Tonle. Every detail of its manufadture is personally supervised by experienced chemists. - Made frons. the purest and best ingredients on the most effective formula offered by modem science. $1 a -bottle. At drug-Stores—or from The Chemists' Co. of Canada, Limited, Hamilton—Toronto. With Mira Tablets and Ointment—a triofor health. Tithe Joys of November. We have reformed the great Novem- ber game, and football players can now break their bones Humanely, says The Travel Magazine, but -we have not suc- ceeded in reforming the November gales. The autumn wind is an unregenerate around the Flatiron Building to -day as it was around the family clothesline in Oli- ver Wendell Holmes' boyhood. Nobody has hung a shorn lamb on that gusty. corner. But we in New York don't care. Out in the country, November bring a certain sadness with it; the dead leaves swirl, sometimes oust of the gray sky comes a spit of snow, the weight of coming winter rests on the spirit. But here in town there is a re- compense. For every fallen flower, blos- soms an electric light bulb in an amuse- ment sign. We have returned from na- ture and the ploaeures of solitude to the pleasures of society. The last rose of summer may be fallen in the garden, but it is just being sung of by Sembrich. Oee+ Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Brevity Appreciated. While Archbishop Trench was dean of Westminster he delegated Canon Cure - ton to preach at the abbey on e. certain saint's day. On such days the boys of Westminster school attended service and afterward had the rest of the day as a holiday. While Mr. Cureton, on the morning of the day he was to officiate, was looking over his sermon at the breakfast table, his son asked, in a tone vibrating with anxiety; "Father, is yours a long sermon to -day?" "No, Jimmy; not very." "But how long? Please tell me." "Well, about twenty minutes, I should say. But why are you so anxious to know?" "Because, father. the boys say they will thrash me awfully if you are more than half an hour." gag Parisians' Bread. (The Bystander.) There Is no city in the world where so amok bread is consumed as in Paris. it is esti- mated that every inhabitant oats one pound a day on an average. Even in past centur- ies the French—especially -Parisians--had a horror of stale bread. And, as in those days people manufactured their own .broad; they had a ourious way of making it palatable. ,Strange as it may seem, the bread they prepared—huge round or square slabs—was used as a dish on which the moat was carved, and bore the name of "traucboirs," or "tail- leire." The 11.11004' of the meat having pene- trated into the bread imparted a pleasant taste and oreeesoes earl becoming dry. Not on Speaking Terms Lately. "Decency and rolitics," says Dr. park - buret, "havebeen divorced," By the way, haven't they been living apart for some time in New York? SOME :ADVANTAGES OF LATIN, Reasons Why Dpotors Use Dead Tongue in Prescriptions,, Why does the doctor write his pre- seription in Latin instead of English? In t11e fust' place, Latin is a more ©x- aet and concise Language than English • and, being a dead language, does not cheap, as all living tongues do., St'*5ndly, s111eC n very large proportion of all dnugs in use are botanical, they have iii the pharmacopoeia the same names as they have in botany— the scientific names. Two-thirds of such amps, are without an Tnglish equiva- lent for their lttin navies. They. can- not, 'therefore, be indicated in English. The third mason is a very practical one. Suppodo .a physician should write a prescription in English. The patient, it is to be supposed, reads the prescrip- Isatent ,a careless or uneducated man tion, thinks he; remembers it, and so tries to get it filled from m�nemory the second time. It may, for &Stance, have called for iodide of potassium, which the perha,ps, confuses with cyanide of potas- sium. Of the first drug he can safely take • ten grains, but one grain of the second would kill him. Perhaps theabove is an extreme as- sumption, but it will serve as an illus- tration. In this respect Latin is a. posi- tive protection sand a safeguard to the patient not being able to read Latin, cannot therefore have recourse to his mThe final reason is this: Latin is a language used by scientific men the world over. No other language is so honired. A Latin prescription may be filled in any country, on the face of the earth where there is a drug store. Deas Mother Your little ones are a constant care in Fall and Winter weather. They will catch cold. Do you know about Shiloh's Consumption Cure, the Lung Tonic. and what it has donefor so many? It is said to be the only reliable remedy for all diseases of the air passages in children. It is absolutely harmless and pleasant to take, Itis guaranteed to cure or your money its returned. The price is 25c. per bottle, and all dealers in medicine sell 354 This remedy should be in every household. Whip Dog Day. St. Luke's day is also called Whip Dog I day in the almanacs, which refers us to the quaint offices of dog whipper and sluggard , waiter, that used to be held generally by 1 one person attacher to every church. As l late as 1857 there is krocord if one of these officials at Dunchut'h, who, armed with a 'wand that had a folk at the of it, used to I go round the chute T.lring sermon time and wake the sleeper, crooking it around .., their necks. So the *and had a fox's brush at the 4thea 1%With which to arouse : lady sleepers mourteously. In some driving dogs out of 1 church is still preserved; and till quite re- I cently the schoolboy's had a custom of whip- ping the dogs out of the streets on St. Luke's day in a similar way. A curious entry in the Wakefield church accounts runs thus: "1703: For Mitts, shoes and hoses, for sexton and dog whipper, 18s 6d." I was cured of painful Goitre by MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT. Chatham, Ont. : BYARD MCMULLIeT. I was cured of rnflauamation by MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT. Walsh, Ont. MRS. W. H. JOHNSON. I was cured of Facial Neuralgia by MINARD .S LINIIIIENT. Pala:dale, Ont, J. H. BAILEY. Willing to Experiment. Hascoyne—Do you mean' to tell me that you really could live on $5,000 a year? Wentbroke—I could live 011 less than that— if I had it. Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. One Way of Check/ tg Divorce. (Modern Society.) A clergyman was rating against di- vorce. "We ought to have the divorce law that was .enforced. in anelent Greece," the said. "If that old Greek clause was tacked to every separation I am :persuaded that divorces would. fall off 60 to 70 per cent. This law was thta when a man got a divorce she Could not under any circumstances, marry a woman younger then his ex -wile. .An, innocent law, a brief laity, not miae't ,to look at, but how anany divorce alms would be nipped in the bud if all : hus- bands knew that after the separation they could not marry younger women than the wives they had cast off?" - Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. Though Lost to Sight. '(Hanger's'' Weekly,) Lsundrymaa—I r,'egrot to tell you, sir, .that one of your shirts is lost. Castomer—But here. 1 have just paid you 12 cents for doing it up. Laundryman—Quito right, sir; We laun- dered 1t before we lost it. deb BETTER TAN. SPANKING Spanking does' not eure children of bed- wetting. There is a omistitutioual cause for this trouble.. Mrs. M. Summers, Box, W s, Windsor, Ont., will send free to any mother her successful home treatment, with full in- structions. Send no money, but write her to -day If your children trouble you in this way. Don't blame the child, the 'chances are it can't help it. This treatment Mao cures adults and aged people troubled With Urine ' diffieultioa by day or night. v4e ;op e • e a. fie t1111RA111 • A trial will convince every housewife in Canada that"Reliance Making; Powder" is far superior to any other also has ever used. It is prepared from the hest and purest materials that money can buy, under,the direction of an expert manufacturing chemist, therefore we aro able to soli it on a Cash Guarantee of Satisfaction. In order to introduce "Reliance Baking Powder" we are making wonderfully attractive premium offers to Boys nnsd Girls. If interested drop us a postal. FR E E BEAUTIFUL PICTURE POST CARDS F,E E To any user of baking powder we will gladly send, absolutely from, postago prepaid, a set of four of our latest edition of picture post cards, lithographed in brilliant colors. Simply write us, answering the following questions; 1st. Name your Grocer. grid. Name this Paper. International Food Company, Toronto, Canada. "Ask for the Purple Package." 2 FARMS FOR SALE. ISSUE NO. 47, 1900. Choice Farm Properties For Sale or To Rent 1. The Lassert farm, 140 acres, adjoining the ' east side of the Town of Preston; one of the best farms in Waterloo County; brick house and large bank barn. 2. The Robert S. Smith farm, Township of Glanford, 7 miles from Hamilton, 69 acres, good buildings and orchard, 20 acres of large beech, maple and pine timber, 12 acres fall wheat in ground; fall plowing done. 3. The Sharpe farm, lot 13. concession 4, West Fiamboro, 7 miles from Hamilton on good gravel road• stone house, large bank barn; magnificent stock and dairy farm; 100 acres. 4. 90 acres. 1'4 miles from the Village of Smithville, on the T., H. & B. Ry., with fair buildings, known as the old Morse farm. 6. 25 acres in the Township of Willoughby; northwest part of lot 8, in the first cross concession, 12 miles east of Welland, known as the Sauer property, with fair buildings and some fruit, 3 miles from railway station. 6. 50 acres in the Township of Nelson, 17 miles from Hamilton, known as the Harris farm; good hank barn and good house; some small fruit and timber. 7. 36 acres Township of Binbrook, 14 miles from Hamilton on new county stone road; no buildings, but fine soil. 8. The south 3` of lot 10, in the second concession of Glanford, near Hannon P.O., 88 acres. good buildings. 100 acres in Grimsby Township, lot 7, con- cession 7, formerly known as the Haniamn farm; good buildings and orchard; about 4 miles south of Grimsby village; price $3,200. In all the above we can give immediate possession; small payment down. and low in- terest and easy terms tor the balanee. For further particulars apply to T. D. J. FARMER, Barrister, Etc. AGENTS WANTED. Y god Salary Igo ladies and gentlemen; pernament posi- tion; rapid advancement; salary and ex- penses; genteel, desirable business; exper- ience unnecessary; full instructions given. Write THE J. L. NICHOLS CO., LIMI'risD, TORONTO. (Mention this paper.) MISCELLANEOUS, •TOUR FORTUNE TOLD FROM THE cradle to the grave; matters of business, love and marriage made clear; what I tell comes true. Send birthdate and 10e. Prof. Lavas, box 16, Delormier P. 0., Montreal, Quebec. IR p W: pn gay �r THE FARMERS' MANUAL contains a series of special lessons in Farm Bookkeep- ing with full instructions, separate ruling and printed headings for grain account, poultry- account, cattle account, hog account, Iabor account, dairy account, expense ac- count, department for each kind of grain, cash received account, and cash paid account. THE MANUAL also contains a complete in- sect department, a veterinary hand -book, a Perfect system of horse -training according to the methods used by Prof. O. W. Gleason, besides the Farmer's Legal Department. 400 naaea. {{ The J. L. NICHOLS CO., Limited, Publishers, Toronto, Canada. Agents wanted. (Mention this paper.) Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should al- ways be used for children teething. It soothes the child, soothes the gums, cures wind collo and is the best remedy for diar- rhoea. 37 .Tnmav a+ -,+e0 cn.,+h Hmrnil+nn reee -tn, • ri#teer1- )ay New York Excursion Via Lehigh Valley Railroad. ' Wednesday- November 28th. Tickets only $9.00 round trip from Suspension Bridge, Niagara Falls. Tickets good on regular express trains leaving Sus- pension Bridge 3.50 and 7.15 a. m., 7.15 and 8.43 p. m. Tickets good 15 days. For tickets and further particulars, call or write Robt. S. Lewis, Canadian Pas- senger Agent, 10 Icing street •east, To- ronto. Oxy Fear of the Electric Cradle. (Albany, N. y., Argus.) The man who invented an electric cradle, the newest in baby tenders, must have been inexperienced in the ways of fond mothers or he would have known the futility of patent- ing the contraption to which no woman with the average amount of maternal nerves would for a minute trust her offspring lest it might be electrocuted at the first rock. For some time tb come the baby rocking of the universe is likely to be done by hand, DR. LE OY'S FEMALE PILLS A safe, sure and reliable monthly regula. tor. These Pills have been used in France for over fifty years, and found invaluable for the purpose designed, and are guaran- teed by the makers. Enclose stamp for tats; r aeelod circular. Price 11.00 per box of ru 6'g 4 y mall. securely scaled, on receipt of pmol LE ROY PILL CO., Box 42, Hamilton, 'Canada. Valuable Helpmeet. (Detroit News.) Mrs. Krick, wife of a farmer near Belding, Is worth having. Recently between the hours of 1. and 5 o'clock p. m. of an October day Mrs. Krick picked up forty-six bushels of Potatoes, besides having to atop and bother with the baby, which it was necessary to have in the field with her. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc. -a-•-e-- Stopped for Dinner. "Melte, Leo," panted the tieress, "I've been chasing a nice, 'tender antelope for an hour of more. Did it'pass by here?" "No." replied the lion, licking his chops contentedly. "It didn't pass here." 1 sears' .aiY&v i. vfJ„ a en. 8t! i' 05' Jtl i"uz#TL-.G Cures Cough GRAY'S SYRUP does that one thing, and does it well. It's no "cure-all," but a CURE for all throat and lung troubles. GRAY'S SYRUP 0'1* ICED SPRUCE GUM stops the irritating tickle --- takes away the soreness --soothe and heals the throat—and CURES COUGHS to stay cured. None the less effective because it is pleasant to take. 25 cts. bottle. tit r '. "E: ll, 4*' PA010 ' •,. al ,l , Pir{i ee05 :'w,J0 Fo At Fit L.a IFt LP) FAUrP2 *X Ask for 1 EDDY'S SAFETY MATCHES FOR HOTEL'S, WAREHOUSES, HOSPITALS, ASYLUMS, ETC.