The Herald, 1906-11-23, Page 5T
e Zurich
0 $ e re 0 THE * *
* ZURICH $ $ 0
•eetoiam evmeatee*ee*G000ster
0 Strictly up-to-date in modern im,
tb provements. Dining rooms is sup
Y plied with only the very best. ¶ ¶
tp Bar contains choice liquors end
cigars. ¶ 11 I ¶ ¶
Excellent Sample Rooms
for Coname'cial Men.
This House has recently changers
hands, and is now one of the
most orderly and best con-
ducted Houses in the
o getter 'Malik in the Dominion.
R. R. J ohnstan &Son•
We use no chemicals
to destroy or injure
your Clothing, and we
Guarantee our Work.
A NARROW EsoA$Bz.--On Thurs-
day of last week .while in the mill
here, David Pfaff met with a bad
mishap and one which might have
resulted seriously. It seems Herman
Eidt was in the act of fixing one of
the sports in the chopping depart-
ment and Dave of course lent a
helping hand and while so doing be
got too near a revolving shaft
which began to wind his clothes.;
and in an instant he was drawn
bank over the shaft, Herman made
a dash for the engine and closed
down bite before the great machin-
ery could stop Dave was free, his
clothes having given away which
'we believe saved him, Had it been
otherwise he would have had to go
with the shaft or have been so
pinched by his clothes as to have
made death almost a certainty. As
it was his clothes were all torn
frcm him in the twinkling of an
eye. " While not seriously injured
he feels pretty sore, but thankful
nevertheless that matters are no
We are sorry to note tbat Henry
Hoffman is confined to his house
with typhoid fever. We hope it
may prove light and that in a short
time he may be around again as
Dr. McLaughlin of this place
intends leaving in a short this& for'
Europe where he will take up some
special study of his profession. He
will visit the leading hospitals in
London, England, Liepzig, Ger-
many, and Vienna. His practice
here will be looked after by Dr
McBride, L. R. 0, P. & S. Eden,
who has just returned from Europe
The Doctor expects to be away till
May. We hope he may enjoy the
ocean voyage and the time spent
in Europe.
Missionary subscriptions were
taken in the Evangelical church
here on Sunday last. Appropriate
sermons were preached both morn-
ing and evening by the pastor, Rev.
L. K. Eidt.
Committees have been appointed
by the Evangelical Sunday School
here to make the necessary arrange-
ments for the annual Xmas enter-
During November .of
Prints, Muslins,' Art
vIuslins, Gingham,
Wrapperetts, Dress
Goods, Lat,.ies and
Cllildrens Caps, Mens
and Boys Hats and
Caps, Mens Ready Made
Suits and overcoats and
Rain Coats Dinner Setts
Toilet Setts, Lamps,
and all kinds of Dishes,
To make room for new goods
Call and secure Bargains
The house oleaning's.eason is now
here and the passing wayfarer can
observe the carpets. mats and rags
everywhere strewn .about, The
farmer on returning tothe house
is compelled to eat WS peal in the
pantry or off the ilnpboard and
often in case of emergency has to
sleep on a conch, in the woodshed
with an oyster.. oar for, a.pillowe,
Just imagine the,, patience mon
must have,
J, Durand, air:xn,ptor;,erector for
the Brantford ComPaly, spent a
few days at his hqn, a In the village
during the past week.
Quite a number from this vicini-
ty attended the aniversary services
which were conducted in St.
Andrews church, Varna, on Sun-
day' last. Eloquent and inspiring
addresses were delivered both
morning and evening by the Rev.
J. G. Stewart, pastor of Knox
church, London.
Miss P. Walsh, who for the past
year has successfully taught in
Sep. S. S. No. 1. Stanley. has tend-
ered her resignation and has secur-
ed a school near sirindsor.
The Misses M. Stelek and E.
Dowson were guests at the home of
Miss E. Snider Last Sunday.
Mrs, I. Linderfield, who has spent
the latter part of last week visiting
at the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs T. Jobnstnn, Sr., of this place
has returned to her home in London.
W.m M. Harburn. who was
bunting up north, returned with a
fine deer last week.
Peter Melville has returned from.
his trip out west.
Fred Howald visited relatives
and friends in Zurich on Sunday.
Mrs. Shirray and danghter, Miss
Aggie, are visiting relatives in
Detroit for a few weeks.
Mrs. Chas. H. Cook, who has
been visiting relatives here, loft
last week for Alabama to visit her
The farriers of this vicinity have
been busy shipping their sugar
Mr. and Mrs. W. 7. Wilson are
now comfortably settled in their
new home, on the corner of Nelson
and Oxford streets.
Miss Mageie Pepper has returned
from a •visit with relatives in
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Murdock
visited at the home of their
rlanghter, Mrs. (Dr.) Campbell on
Large gnantities of grain are
being marketed here at present.
Good prices are paid.
.Tos. Diretine of Zurich visited
relatives here on Sunday.
Andrew Johnston of the London
road, has disposed of a number Of
his farms in the county but still
retains the homestead farm.
Local Salesman
INT r=
at once for Zurich and sur-
rounding districts.
in Fruit and Ornamental
Stock grown and for sale by
A permanent situation for
the right party. Liberal
inducements ; pay weekly.
Handsome free outfit.
Write for terms and Bata.
logue, and send 25 cents
in stamps for our POCKET
cents for our HANDY HACK
Stone ,ec Wellington,
Toronto , Ontario
• Sttlisd U)O for*!'n.E Ifialiee z fe.
Thos. Mason of Clinton was in
the village Friday afternoon,
Charlie says Snider and Grainger
are fakirs and that the hawk wits
dead for a week.
11. Williams has given up his
position as seotionman on the L.
H. & B. and will go with Oudmore's
hay press.
On Friday afternoon the young
men of the village and country
chose sides.,, and had a Minting
match, Jaok Grainger's side were
winners by over 500 points. The
losers under P. McKenzie put up
the price for an oyster supper at
the Dixon House.
.T. Cantelon of Clinton shipped
the balance of his apples from this
station on Friday.
J. Tennent of Hyde Park, valua-
tor for the Western Real Estate
Co, of London. was in the village
and vicinity several days last week
looking over property which they
have on their sale lists.
J. Rattenbnry is very busy at
present breaking in a colt.
John Ireland of Clinton was in
the village Friday in the interests
of the Dominion Life Assurance
The workmen, whn have been
engaged in the construction of T.
Snowden's large ne* barn, have
completed their work. The building
is of large capacity, composed of
choice material, resting on a wail
of large dimensions consisting of a
combination of cement and stone,
with neatly- fitting doors and
windows built therein. Adjoining
the main wall on the west side is a
root -cellar of large size and pre-
senting to the observer an attrac-
tive appearance. A new steel track
has recently been installed in the
barn and this connected with the
other improvements heretofore
mentioned goes to r-•actke it in every
respect an • up-to-date modern
The trustees of the Drysdale P.
School have accepted the applica-
tion of Miss Horto.a of Tnckersmith
as teacher for their `school to eue-
ceed Miss H. M. Sparks, ,at a salary
of $350.
James C, Parsons, who liveix east
of Hillsgreen, has just returned
from the west and likes the country
so well that he will move out in
the spring. He is advertising kis
farm for sale.
Graham Bros. recently purchased
about 20 head young cattle near St
Helens. They have also purchased
13 young horses.
Douglas McTavish, formerly of
Stanley, now of Strathroy, visited
friends on the 2nd last week.
rot i! CAsTS,Fog 'MEMBER...
By Rev. Irl.
Miss Rice of St Marys has been.
engaged to tenele Miss Dcrrington's
room at our school. She has com-
menced upon her duties.
Principal Martin of St. Marys
High School, and brother of Mr. S.
Martin, of Exeter, has been elected
as representative of High Sohoot
Teachers on the advisory Council;
of Education.
Messrs. Thos. Harvey and C. IS.
Sanders were in Hamilton, Grims-
by, ,Beamsville, Delhi, Aylmer and
London inspecting the different
canning factories.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. Sweet. jr.,
have returned. from St. Catherines
and have taken up their residence
here for the winter.
Wm. Fletcher of 'Osborne has
moved with his family into the -
house he recently purchased from
Joseph Cobbledick.
Jos. Senior was called to Blen-
heim last week owing to the illness
of his father .
Andrew Hoclgert has returned
from a trip out west, He was on
the train which was wrecked near
Sudbury, and on which Mr. Puddi-
combe of New Hamburg and others
lost their lives.
John Gardiner has fixed ti the After twenty -ono years of silence
front of the postoflice. 1 during which time he was unable
Dixie Bailey and Geo. Erwin
have arrived home from the West.
Mrs. (Dr.) T. Gardiner is visiting
her husband, who has been here
waiting on his mother, who has
been i11 for some time.
G. E. Greenslade has moved into
Mrs. J. Wamsley's house on the
main street. Mrs. Wamsley has
proved into W. Elliott's house on
Louise street.
Arlie Attwood, who has been
driving the afternoon stage be-
tween Bayfield and Brucefield, has
left for Point Edward, where he
has taken his brother's position.
Christie Cooper has engaged with
H. Little to drive the stage.
The members of Trinity church.
Bayfield, held a meeting at the
rectory recently and organized a
Guild, with the following officers :
Hon. president, Mrs. (Rev.) Hindes ;
president, Mrs. D. McNaughton ;
vice-president, Miss 0. A. Parke ;
secretary, Miss E. Marks: assistant
secretary, Miss Millie Cameron ;
treasurer, Mr. J. W. Tippet. Tlie
organization will known as Trinity
Church Guild, Bayfield, and has
for its object the upbuilding of
the home church.
Miss Lenna Erwin has returned
home after spending the past two
months at London.
Miss`C. ?arsons, who spent the
past few months at Hillsgreen, re-
turned home last week.
Thomas Elliott has sold his tin-
ware and hardware business to Mr.
Worsen of Goderich, who took pos-
session at once.
Jhmes McDonald, who spent the
summer here, has left for Washing-
ton, D. 0., to spend the winter with
his son.
jetties Johnston has returned to
spend the winter here after an ab-
sence of two years in Saskatchewan
A reactionary storm period is
central on the 25th, 26th and 27th.
The Moon is`on the celestial equa-
tor on the 26th, and this fact will
insure more or less rise in tempera-
ture, with decided fail of the baro-
meter, cloudiness and return of
rain and snow. The disturbance
of this period will cnlininate on the
26th and 27th, by which dates
storms will have passed well to the
east, with high barometer and
colder, clearing weather following
in the immediate rear of storm
areas. .
A. regular storm period begins on
the 29th and runs at least four
days into December, being central
December tbe 2nd. The full Moon
falls on the 30th, which fact will
greatly tend to bring on the dis-
turbances of this period on and
touching that date. The inferior
conjunctions of Venus and Mercury
fall within an hour of each other,
at twelve and one o'clock on the
night of December the 29th. At
this time Mercury nnd Venus will
pass between the Earth and Bun
almost simultaneously'. We believe
that phenomenal perturbations of
the barometer. excessive magnetic
end electrical disturbances, 'with
heavy seismic shoots in many
:sections of the globe, will occur on
and touching the 29th.and 30th,
Naturally, storms and atnospheric
trouble are of a kind yvith.all these
things and need not surprise any
one on land or. sea es . November
goes out.
Miss Lola Dowson of the Babylon
Line has recovered. from her recent
The trustees of S, S. No. 13,
Stanley, have engaged Mervin Keys
of the Babylon Line as teacher for
Mr. Sam Pollock of La Riviere,
Man., is at present lying ill of ty-
bhoid fver at the home
other, Mr. Calvin Dowson of her
Miss Viola Burnside, wha has
been 111 with pneumonia, has near-
ly recovered.
R. M.oCorkendale and his wife and
obfld have gone to Loudon where
they will Spend the winter. They
Mead • going west in the spring.
Cough Remedy
The Children's Favorite
Coughs, Colds, Croup and
Whooping Cough.
This remedy's famous for its ouros over
Is largo part or the ce ft1red world. It can
always be depended uppon. lit contains fro
opium or other harmful drug acid mN7 bo
given Ns confidently to a baby as to f18 adult
Price 25 ens; Large 51Ze, SO eta.
CREDITON going to bed, and a speedy cure is
A number of our citizens enjoyed certain. This salve is also invaln-
a feast of venison last week, Mr. 11:. able for sore nipples, itching piles
Eilber, M. P. P., who was in New and skin diseases. For sale by .T.
Ontario on a hunting trip, return- J. Vterner.
ing home with two fine deer. — IN MINING. -
.aoob Heist has recovered from ,.T think you said 'Rastas, that
his recent illness.
er in
The date for the public school liuyiness in bhad a,r&'h est?" the mining
concert has been fixed for Dec. 21. "Yeh, bos, that's right."
Matthew Guenther has erected IL "What kind of mining—gold
frame addition to his dwelling. mining, silver mining, copper min.
Mrs. Harry Dyer has returned to ing?"
Detroit after visiting relatives and ''No sal ; kalsomining.'
friends here.
to utter an intelligible sound, Louis
Mendelson has suddenly recovered
his power of speech.
The return of words was as
mysterious as the affliction which
silenced him so long. Mendelson is
38 years old, and be had not spoken
since he was 17 years old. To the
surprise of his three brothers and.
his friends he walked into their
wholesale liquor store and said:
"Hello, is this hot enough for
Samuel Mendelson, one of the
brothers, was so shocked by the
unexpected remark that he failed
to answer the question. He called
his two other brothers, Jules and
Anton, and to the greater surprise
of all three, the man who had been
dumb since boyhood repeated his
question. The mystery perplexed
all three.
Mendelson himself, was unable
to explain the phenomenon. He
told his brothers he had felt a sud-
den tickling in his vocal chords
and the impulse to attempt speech
bad gown so strong that he could
not resist it. When he tried, he
discovered that his voice respond-
While bis brothers were standing
speechless, Mendelson ran to the
telephone and called up his mother.
"Hello, is that you, mother?" he
cried over the phone, and Mrs.
Mendelson refused to believe the
voice at the other end of the line
was that of her son Louis. He
then boarded a car and rode to his
mother's house. Running up the
steps, he threw himself into the
arms of the gray haired woman
and lets his mother into the house,
crying with her.
Mendelson lost his voice after an
attack of fever when he was in his
seventeenth year.
Wash your hands with warn
water, dry with a towel and apply
Chamberlain's Salve just before
Dr. McCue has had the interior
of the dwelling he recently pur-
chased re -modelled.
Frank Taylor, who recently left
for Elkton, Mich,;lias purchased an
80 acre farm near that town.
Frank Finkbeiner has excepted a
position with J•. H. Holtzman.
Rev. Matthew Morlock of Chica-
go is visiting his parents and other
friends in and around town.
R. 5 Code, C. E., of Alvinston,
was in this viotnity for a few days
last week taking the levels of the
Mud Creek drain.
A number of telephones are be-
ing installed in the business places
in our village.
Harry Eilber- and Wm. Brown
were in Ilderton last week digging
The home of Ezra Heist was
brightened by the arrival of a sen
last week, and the home of George
Lawson, jr,, by the arrival of a
bounding baby girl.
Young Bros. have placed a fur -
nate in G. K. Kienxle's dwelling-.
Albert Wolf hag nearly reooverod
from the effects of his recent aeoi,
If You S ffor with
br. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy Wit
Bring the Utmost Relief that
. Medicine Can.
The ono remedy which many physicians reit•'
tpon to tree the system of the Rheumatic Pois-
ons which are the cause of un Rheumat.tsm.
Lumbago, Sciatica Goat, is 1.M. Swooe's Rani?„
SUA.TIOREMEDY. 1)r Shoop spent twenty years
In experimenting bo fore bo discovered the;
combined ohomieals which made possibl
ne almost always i� ., certain euro fo
Rheumatism, etc ;* Not that D8
8800•'9 RHm-'4 MA=EDDIED..
can turn bony s , Joints into de
gain—that is ,1� , impossible
and . It 444 will drtv*'
from the / • blood be
raison*, , w h i es
*Sneed the �;;r pain an
*Weling And i -r then that ist
e$ of the pain ti ; •; and awellin
the end of the suf- tering— tho en
e Rheumatism.\ ;� j' This remedy neve
lolls where assure is \ Possible. It is to $
Rut ftp in tablet or li- ! child form --ask foir
eti6�b�e�t., You who have \,Y suffer $Qd and are snip
fefinstories from pains end Ms es which yogi,
k1ow to bo Rheumatism you who experten
hemeneas or twinges of pain in damp weather
you who easily become stiff and lame witbou
;wont cause—fust try DR. SROOP'S RilRti�
'hat IC CURE. It Is fust tho land of areNeconaplisheit results. Sold sari rmaonin
lasealst by 1 �
ds J. M 1RNER. i , t,