HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1906-11-23, Page 44 The urich Herat LEGAL. CARDS. R. J. 1), COOKE, BARRISTER AND SO - 'loiter, Notary Public, Hensel', Ontario. At Zurich (Zeller's office) every Mon- day: PROUAPOOT, HAYS & BLAIlI, BAR- risters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc., Goderich, Canada. W. Proudfoot. K.C. R. C. Hays. G. F. Blair. BUSINESS CARDS. 11, S. PHILLIPS, LICENSED AUC- tioneer for the Counties of Huron and Perth. Farm stook sales a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. All orders left at Lot 23, Con. 2, Hay, or addressed to Hensel' P. 0. will be promptly attended to. DR. F. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, GRA- 1uate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painless extraetion of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every Mon- day. 1-26 E. ZELLER, CONVEYANCER AND Notary Public. De e ,t s , Mortgages, Wills and other Legal Documents care- fully and promptly prepared. Offiee— Zeller block, Zurich. Ont. MOE ill,R- PUBLISHED BY E. ZELLEE. FRIDAY, NOV. 23rd, 1906. WHAT MILLIE SAID. "I won't go home any more, ao I won*t." and the tiny speaker "tamp- ed her foot, exhibiting considerable anger, withal. The storekeeper to whom she was addressing her remarks looked at her pityingly, and then managed to say at last: "Why, Millie, I am astonished that you would display such a temp- er. Of course, my dear child, I understand what you have to put up with, but then, dearie, you must remember that God bears you and enters every word you say that is wronglagain$t yon. Now, taste my advice and guy home, and 1 believe everything will come out all right Here are some candies for you to eat, as you go up the road." Thus saying, Grocer Tanner 1 INSURANCE. banded the child a package of sweetmeats, and turned toward his desk to examine one of his• books. Millie left very quietly. The twelve -year-old child was quite entail for her age, and on her youth- ful face were the traces of much rrffering and sorrow. Her mother had died only two years before, and the care of a house and two young children fell 60. Good water and well fenced. 'Will on her all too frail shoulders. AN1)ltEW IIESS, DIVISION COURT CLERK. Village and Farm Property insured. All the leading Companies represented. Agent for Accident and Sickness Insurance. F®,JSALlb. FARM FO SALE -75 acres of choice land on the 14th Con., Hay Town- ship Good brick house, bank barn, 40x t. COUNTY NEWS- 114-31,43.43.43,41,-4-30•+.441404C+404£4011 1.a3,-• 4c+•04C+404£+c1 The Presbytery of Huron has ap-. pointed Bev. J. L. Small, B. A., of .Auburn interim moderator of St. Andrew's 'Church, Blyth. sell on reasonable terms. Apply at prem- ises or to • William Stelek, 45f Zurich. fpppi0TtOBREl) BROWN LEGHORN JL Cockerels for sale. They are all tine birds and just what you want to improve your poudtry flock. Price 50 cents each. Peter Baker, Town Line, Blake, P. 0. STRAYED On my premises, Lot 19, Con. 7, Hay, on or about the month of July, a 2 -year-old red heifer. Owner can claim by proving property and paying expenses. Apply at premises or address James Green, Hensel'. Onto Lot 3, Con. 8, Hay Township, a 3 - year -old steer, dehorned. His color is grey, neck and shoulders red. with white star on forehead. Owner can claim same by proving property and paying expenses. Apply at premises or address George H. Brod sick, Zurich. AUCTICAF SALES. ACTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, Implements and 95 acres of land, on Lot 1L Con. 8, Hay, 2,1 miles south of Zurich, on Tuesday, Dec. 4th, 1906, at 12 o'clock. E. Bossenberry, auctioneer; R. Schwarzon- truber and 'John L. Gerber, executors. MEETING OF THE HU- RON COUNTY COUNCIL., The Council of the County of Huron will meet in the council chamber in the rerun of Goderich at a o'clock, p. m., on the] rye. Tuts lax in December next. All -Peri-Int., to name before the contvil description of the work of the be placed with the Clerk before tart Volunteers, "Christmas Sunshine of the meeting. in the Shadows,'' Christmas stories 20th, 1:)O0. for adults acre "The Evergreen Tree," by Marion Aries Taggart and "The Shoplifter at Sattert:h- waite's" by William Hamilton Osborne, and those for children. "The Blue Kimono." by Virginia Woodward Cloud, and '.Betty Evolves a Christmas Idea," by Elizabeth Preston Badger. Agnes and Egert )n Castle's romance, "A Young,* Conspiracy," and Anthony's Hopes short story, "The Duke's Allotment" seem especially suitable for reading on winter evenings. But the crown of the Christmas literature is Edwin Markham's eaptenclid poem, entitled. "The Great Guest Comes. "It is illustrat- ed in colons by J. C. Leyer. decker', The serial stories 'Fraulein Schmidt and Mr. Anstruther' by the Coun- tess von Arnhim, and "The Chauffeur and the Chaperon" by the Willramsons, are continued, while Barry Pain's "Tho Diary of a Baby" is coneluded. Essays for every -day are `The Slavery of How pitiful; But Jones Quigg, her father, was a confirmed drunk- ard, and his home and family were neglected by hint. Like all dankards, he had his sane moments, but they were at rare intervals. There was one thing, however, that held the little family together after Mie. Quigg's death, and that was the monthly al- lowance froni the estate of Mrs. Quigg's fath-r. Owing to Jonas' dissipated habits, old Afr. rTartum, the grandfather, left only a , certain sum monthly as long a: she lived, and after that the money was to be continued as an allowanceto the children, but not a cent was to be handled by Jones. The executor of the estate saw that the money was judiciously expended. (To be continued.) The WP if Willis Shoe Company's new factory, the latest addition to S'eaforth'e manufacturing indnat- ries, has ,aomrnenoed operations, Abort fifty hands will be employed at the start, and the output will consist of Omen's and children's fine'shoes and a complete lino of leggings. Piles quickly and positively cured with Dr, Shoop's Magic' Ointment. It's; made for Piles alone—and it does the work surely and with sat- isfaction. Itching, painful, protud- ing or blind piles disappear like magic by its use. Large. Nickel Capped glass jars, 50 cents. Solp and recommended. by J J Merrier. A movement is on foot for the purpose of organizing a joint stook company in Seaforth to operate one of the salt wells there. The Persons at present interested are James Dick, Colin Kennedy, .john Beattie, John Cardn, Alex. Wine ter, and H. Box, together couple gentlemen from London. Thos. Cottle of Clinton recently brought -with hila from Toron- to a sample of the seedless apple so much talked about at present. It is a good firm apple,, much like a. Baldwin, unci the only evidence of &.core is lines that divide the apart- ments where the seeds usually are. There are no seeds, no vacuum, and to use a common phrase it is "as sound as a dollar.'' When the tip of a dog's nose is cold and moist, that dog is not sick. A feverish dry nese means -sickness with a dog. And so with the hu - Mall lips. Dry, cracked and color- less lips mean feverishness, and aro as well ill appearing. To have beau- tiful, pink, velvet-like lips, apply at bedtime a coating of Dr. Shoop's Green Salve. It will soften and heal anyskin ailment. Get a free trial box at our store and be con- vinced. Large nickel capped, glass jars, ;:5 ce'lts. J J Merner. THE CHRISTMAS DELINEATOR. The December DELINEATOR is a typical Christmas number. It is sufficiently premature to assist Christmas -makers with its hints for Christmas gifts and holiday en- tertainment, besides containing an abundance of seasonable literature calculated to fit in from now until New Year's Day. Maud Ballington Booth contributes a most touching sato Nov. IV, LAN1-1. Clerk —systematically give you the means to enjoy and own many things thought only possible to the rich. A vacation abroad ; a home ; a rooter -car; a college education or anything else you wish for can be yours if you save the dines and dollars. $1.00 opens an account and interest is paid 4 times a year in The Sovereign Bank of Canada Jos. SNELL - Manag ZURICH er. MARKETS Wheat .......... .... t7 ®70 Oat^ ...... 9n 34 Bar3ey 1.'eca.s F.lonr,..,...... Shorts...... Butter .... 40 1 85 2 „ 1.6 00 16 . 19 00 19 21) Eggs .......:. . Lard 11 Dried Apples 5 Sett Onions ... 4d Large Onions, bus... 90 Chickens, ........ 9 Old Hens . ' Ducks... ,...... 10 Geese . , 9 White Beans, bus1 25 Clover Seed, bus, 6 75 H t , per ton ... 6 00 Potatoes , ........... 30 1cto;s(per avet).,,..,6 50 45 70 00 00 00 2L 21. 11 44 90 9 7 10 9 1 25 7 25 6 00 35 g0 D. Cant: len has nearly completed the work •..f picking and packing apples for This fall, .He has already flilled thre` separate orders of five thousand ing to W' a th ouse. Notwitle Scotia �s Province,! der of one. thousand barrels for ht. John, N. Br By the end of the sea- son be expectsto have handled some 35,000 barrels; or about 200 car loads. While oiling some gearing of• the threshing machine of Hugh Stew- art, at the: barn of Samuel Pent- land, near Dangannon, a few days ago, Fred McGlynn got the fingers of one hand caught in thecogs and in attempting to release it the oth- er was also caught and both hands were fearfully mangled, After an operation of about two hours the doctors succeedeu in fixing up the injuries, but the unfortunate man bas now only the thumb and first finer on the right hand and the thumb and little finger on the left hand. rrels each, ane lot go - peg, and ashipment of fag west, as • Calgary. 1Rg *ell ct'tlia:t rge apple producing r. Cantelon filled an or - the Old and Reliable Kalbfleisch's Saw St Planing "'tills.... . 1 wish to thank my customers for their patronage during the past year, and wish to announce that 1 am on hand with a large stock of Hastings Brand B. C. RED CEDAR SHINGLES and all kinds of Building Material. It will be to your interest to call and see me if you are going to build. It is my aim to combine good work with good material. I also do CUSTOM SAWING and PLANUN•C WChopping done every Tuesday and Friday. F. C. KALBFLEISOH, Mills 14th Con. ZURICH Superstition," by Lilian Bell, "Eli- minating Non essentials," by Lida Churchill, and "Pulling Together Through a Crisis," by William George .Jordan, David Belasco con- tributes a most interesting descrip: tion of "Making the Play Seem Real." The usual amount. of space is de- voted to up-to-date fashions in gar- ments and millinery, and practical papers and departments for house- keepers, ZURICH'S GROCERY and FLOUR and FEED STORE. • WE'beg to call your attention to our nicely assorted stock of fresh Groceries. Our aim is to buy nothing but the best, and a look through our stock will convince you that our goods cannot be excelled. Buy your Groceries here and save money, A call solicited. The new Pare food and Drib Law will mark it on tho label of every Cough Cure containing opium chloroform or any other stupifying nr pni;;'nnu° (hile. Bat it pasees Dr. Shonp';: Clough Cure es mads for 20 years, entirely freee Dr Shoop nil along ha5'.rttetly oplros- :el the rise of ail opiates or, narcot- ie ., Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure is ab- sohitely safe even for the youngest babe and it cures, - it does not simply snepressGet a safe and reliable Condi Cure. by simply in- sisting :m slaving Dr. Shoop's. Let the Taw be your protection. We cheerfully recommend and sell it, J J Merner. Fine and Coarse - Salt, $ 1.4o per Barrel. • UR FLOUR AND FEED DEPARTMENT always contains a full supply of Shorts, Bran, Middlings, etc., etc. In flour we handle only the hest at prices as low as any_ Try some "ROYAL HOUSEHOLD" or "STAR" and you "'ill use no other. Give it a trial. INTERNATIONAL and OARNEFAC Stool Foods. S. a Son. .) C****Ti's-*****+".****** ******* SEASONABLE 600n . I0 tO DON'T LEAVE SCHOOL TOO SOOT. How often are the boys rushed off from comfortable farm hones to a business college without hav- ing finished the public school studies. The value of a thorough public school education cannot be overestimated. After finishing public school the question of cost comes in for consideration. With - the funds at disposal, the greatest good for the most reasonable cost is. wanted. If the intention is that farming will be the boy's occupa- tion, a ,term at high school or col- lege, followed be' a cotirae at an ageiculitaral oolleke, is the ideal method of fitting him for his work. If some other occupation is the aim, the Ooiurse must be selected to suit. In every ease a strong foun- dation in a rural school ib essential. Mike Ward, the Sarnia boxer; diet. from injuries received in a prize fight with Lewis at Grand Rapids, Mich. The binder twine department at the Kingston penitentiary has been Started again, with forty men at the machines. The large stook of Manila on hand will ensure a long runs; and it has gone rip in market value oonsiderablp since rtrct sled. lltial�,rrI ed. DeNosax Du'e tArtMME'=, At R, C. Clrnreh, Drysdale, on Nov. 20th, Miss Josephine, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Peter Dnohc►rme, to E Denon» Alt of He.T•.Townehip, W e have in stock Root Pulpers and Slicers, both cylinder and side- wheelers. Magnet Cream Separators, the best in the country. Machine Bevel Jacks. We also handle Wood Sawing Machines. Straw Cutters, Horse Pow- ers, 1. C. Gassline En- gines. n gines. All kinds of Farming Implements. - CALL ON US BEFORE YOU BUY. FRED. HESS & SON, Rikkbdit's Old -Stang b ZURICH. *************100041444#0147* 0 0 0