HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1906-11-23, Page 1• TAB HERA". The Official Organ of Zurich mid Ray Township. ••••••••••••••••0•••••••••, VoI VIL, No. 19 ZURICHs ONT., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1906. Winghan Business College Individual iristuction No vacation. Gold medalists as teachers Highest standard Ask for catalogue Modern business practice Bookkeeping a specialty Ugly towards sluggards Shorthancl and typewriting Interested in graduates Newest office system Enter any time Students' literary society Sympathetic teachers Commercial correspondence Ornamental penmanship Learn telegraphy Lucrative positions Excellent text books Gradinites successful Enter "NOW." GEO. SPOTTON - Principal wesactamszysnrsorsamaracr...a eersea-a-ssreaesers-ss-se,sasesres-ea-vtasee L LOCAL NEWS. 7,\ eessaraseesersseseiessaeeeses,ssleaseasesseves Mr. Henry Magel left last Satur- day for Detroit to visit relatives and, friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Roth of New Hamburg aro visiting at the home' of R. Sehwartzentruber, Bronson Line, Hay. ID. S. Faust has just received a largo range of fancy souvenir dishes of the Main street of Zurich, different views. Dr. G. Sohoollig of Detroit was here for a few days last week, vis- iting his father, who is on the sick list. He returned to Detroit on Tnesday. The auotion sale of horses, cattle, dwelling houses, etc., of Messrs. J. •.T,Mern&PLaront has been ipoStponect tisSaturday, Nov. 24th, at 1 O'clock, on account of the wet 'weather. Mr, Jaynes Hagan was successful in getting home a 3 -year-old steer, purchased at Mr. Dowson's stale last week. it took three days and the combined efforts of as many mon to get the unruly animal to its new winter quarters. Manitobe, Saskatchewan and the North Weetern states were visited by a disastrous Snowstorm last Fri- day and Saturday. Trains were stalled, and telegraph end tele phone wire were torn down in all directions. The Rev. A. D Gischler organ- ized a young people's normal class which will meet every Thursday evening at S p. in. The object of the class is to awaken an interest . in the Bible and aiding those who are seeking for preparation in teaching it. Class motto—"More of Christ, more for Christ." Mr. Chas. Troyer. tax collector for Hay township, was in the vil- lage on Tuesday collecting the 1906 taxes, The money did not come in very fast, taxpayers seeming to hang back for the later date, Mr. Troyer will be in Zurich again on the afternoon of Dec. 4th, when the balance of the taxes should be paid. Only four weeks more to Christ- mas. Miss Boobies of Blake is learning the tailoring at W. H. Hoffman. Bring along your turkeys, ducks, geese, chickens and hens, to D. S. Faust, He is paying highest prices. Mrs. Hebei of Colborne visited at the home of Rev. A. D. Giiohler last week. Mr. Ed. Kalbfleisch, who has been occupying Jacob Deichert's dwelling, has moved in with Mrs: Elizabeth Hess. The merabers of the Junior Al- liance of the Evangelical will ren- der a literary program on Saturday beginning at 1.30 p. m. Mrs. Mary flowald, of the 14th concession, has purchased 'the residence owned by Mrs. Chris, Hey, and has moved into it. All parties still indebted to O'Brien & Smitii must settle up by Dec. lstsle06, or the accounts will be given into other hands for col- lection. W. O'Brien. J. W. Hogarth of Hi]lsgreen leaves S. S. No. 3, Hay, at the end of the present year, having been engaged to teach Eden School, S. 8 No. 4, Usborne, next year. The shipping day for hogs pur- chased by Mr. C. Eilber for Mr. G. Dick has been ehanged from Mon- day. to Thursday. The change will make it more convenient for the farmers. $1..00 pays fbr TEE HERALD to January, 190S. Now is the time to subscribe, you can get it free for the balance of 1906. It keeps you well posted in the happenings of Zurich and vicinity. Give it a trial. Cut this out and take it to J. J 1'ierner's store and get a free sump le of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For biliousness and constipation they are nuequaled. They improve the appetite, strengthen the digestion and, regu- late the liver and bowels. Very little .is heard in the town- ship re municipal matters thrts far,, Everybody most be perfectly well satisfieId with the way the town- ship's affairs have been, conducted during:the past year. For reeve we have heard the names of P. Lamont, W. Schmidt, L. Kalb- fleisch and J. K. Goetz mentioned, but nothing definite has as yet been stated. Any of the above gentlemen are well qualified to fill the position in a capable manner. The reeve -elect will be a member of the county council next year. V' 4.4 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Grob have returned from a pleasant visit with friends in Stratford and Milverton. They report having had a good tinie, and also had the pleasure of seeing the 0, P. R. passenger train on the new Guelph and Goderioh line come in to Milverton, on Wed- nesday evening the 15th, they say the interior of the coaches, were beautifully furnished and lighted by acetylene gas. Milverton is now a booming town, having also a branch the G. T. R. DENOMY—DUCHARME. A pretty wedding was celebrated at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ducharrae, Bronson Lineon Tries - day last when their dang'liter, Miss Josephine, became the bride of Mr. Edward Denomy, of the Sauble Line. The ceremony was perform- ed in the R. 0. church, Drysdale, Rev Father Loiselle officiating. The bride was supported by her sister, Miss Mary, and the groom by his brother, Philip Denomy. Mr, and Mrs. Denowy will make their home on the Sauble Line, Hay. We join 'with their many friends in extend- ing congratulations and good wish- es to the young couple, `;1444 • y $1 . Per Year. Good Jersey cow for ;sale. Get particulars at this C. Hartleib has placed tt, • furnace in ,T. J. Merner's newSreSidence. The Sunday Scheele of the church are already preeering for the Christmas festivals,' Miss Mabel Mohring of Benmiller visited at the home of Mr. Henry Oitwein over Sunday, Ed. Wurna, who has ,been work- ing in Crediton dnringthe sumnaer, has returned to his home here. A number of our teeters were up along the Bayfield River on Monday and succeeded in bagging four rabbits. Mrs. Chas, Shoemaker. and daughter, Miss Sadie, returned on Tuesday from visiting relatives in Hawksville, Ont. Mrs. Howald, Sr., who has been living with her son, Jaeob, for sense time, -left recently for Ne- braska, to spend some time with her daughter. Tho squeel of the porker is again heard throughout the lands The people of this vicfnity have their annual butchering clay and store away the meat for use (luring the winter. The weather the past week was very disagreeable, a cold drizzling rain falling most of the thne. In the Northwest they are having their first winter, over tWo feet of snow has fallen. Dr. OVENS, M. D. London Surgeon, eye, ear and nose, will be at the Queen's Hotel, B.ensa,11, on Thursday, Dec. 6th. Hours 4 30 p. in. to 9 p. m. Glasses properly flitted for relief of falling vision, Gestrain, headaches, etc. Deafness and nasal catarrh treated. 23tf. A large quantity of fosil is being marketed in the village Oitring the past few weeks. Dncks tiled geeso are fairly plentiful, fuOeys are very scarce and. foneteetVlats per pound is being paid. 1 rnei• fowl for the market is a ale in - 's s‘ daistr es 4 " Praventics, as the man prevent ail Colds and Grfppe when 'taken at the sneeze stage," Pre- ventics are toothsome candy tablets Preventics dissipate all colds quick- ly, and taken early when you. first feel that a cold is corning, they check end prevent them. Preven- tics are thoroa&rbly safe for child- ren, and as effectual for adults. Sold and recommended in 5 cent and 25 cent boxes by 3 J Merner. ..114/60:121r40.1102001.1:131141.11{1.11193111.1[1.1072[111*IIMMIL ZURICH'S UP=TO=DATE STORE. have a large display of the choicest Chinaware Dinner 3 ; Tea setts, Water setts, 4 piece setts, Toilet setts, Berry setts, Fancy La.mps and small fancy China Dishes. Do not fail to see these Dishes. Produce of all kinds taken in exchange. stelasesaunr...zzgas....e.narenruat.... GENERAL nERCHANT e ep ''st• lit Of The $114Ei t Or, better still. buy a pair of Fritz' Shoes and keep dry. Our stock of Fall Shoes comprise the, best of the leading makes in Canada. For a nice stylish Fall Shoe call on me, I can suit you. A large selection to choose from. Make your selections early. A. full stock of Rubbers on hand. • • s = ses _ • ,G e s. s es, , si stss, \'''s-Tssesses-Z:4'sss."'e:40:4•Cseeza qvra ,crg The Shoeman. crp 1 trAsits....msir re.A. aktk ROVNIVO e.iromia.q4; ,i4„Vp7;irtlf.4,00 ;,',01-02420.41' 5,,gff,Negaver,"P'.is'IMMWAX "14,' elf ir r WE L s This week we are offering another of our special snaps. We just (,leancd up another line of 32 inch Flannelettes, fancy stripes, sold in the regular way at 8 cts per yd. Or price while they last will be 5 cents per yard. These goods will arrive in a few clays and we would ask anyone in. want Of this class of goods to see the quality and prices before buy- ing elsewhere 'EO/AL LANKET SALE, We are showing a large line of Wool and Flannelette Blankets in all sizes and quali- ties at Rock Bottom Prices. URSI FU resiffe F e I We have just taken into stock another lot of nice new up-to-date Fur Ilufs. Our trade in this line has been the largest by far in the history of our business, and this fact alone goes to show that our prices are right and qualities unEurpassed. If in need f anything in the line of Furs, Ladies and Arens Far Coats and Fur Lined Coats, Caps. Et,-., -we have them. Call and get prices. REVISED PRICES IN HARDWARE, We have of late gone through our Elarawara st-nk anl have ma -L."1:31 tilesprice o.i .many lines away down. If in need of anything in this line give us a call and you will g.) away satisfied that you can buy your Hardware at Preeter's Big Store, just a little cheap- er than elsewhere, and dont forget that we handle the best lines of Stoves manufactured )en. Canada. We have them at all prices. Call and see them. FREETE HARDWARE ce GENERAL MERCHANT ZURICH, "" ONTARIO r4 Th le' Si