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The Herald, 1906-11-16, Page 2
moue..wew.w+:'wt+.w.w.+.:+..wn,,,i,w,n.c�.muaarwwwiaw pwumnpgasnuyk,HwM�u w.:m��wxn'+•..»�.w:uNMic41.4.,, `y(aI„*aw»M.%.,MM4s .wu amoot 4e+wan m.:IwaY...• "GOOD fay Of THE HOME." dvi'C1?;1'1' HEROES AND • MODERN D1.SCti1'Ell i.. Ancient Greece will alWaye be remem- bered fox the fine types of manhood sup- plied by the heroes of her battlefields a,nxi by the athletes of her arenas. Still more will these aheroee and athletes themselves be renuenibered for tate -cus- tom they bequeathed to later 'ages --of heading :Sore and iniured. places on their bodies by the external application of earns secret balm or salve. The Greek charioteers did not omega front their Mad races without some severe broke or gaping wound; and to anoint •eaeh `injury carefully with their favorite baht was an indispensable part of the day's programme. if we go •baek in history -- even to Bible times—ewe find that this external "rubbing" has prevailed all along the line, and the only explana- tion .of its survival, amidst so many changes in science, seems to lie in the feet that the external use of'salves and balms is dictated to us by Nature -herself. Our own instincts tell us to rub a part that hurts, and in Zani-Buk the ideal substance to apply to an in- jured or diseased surface is universally believed to have ,been found at last. • Most of the ointmeuts, ,embrocations and salves that alar•° had to suffice in the past are of a coarse consistency, and contain quantities of mineral poisons, rancid animal fits, and turpentine. What healing properties they may pos- sess are general':} eounterbalatnced by the grave danger of inflaming and con- taminating the flesh. Zane -Duk is absolutely free from any such danger. It is a preparation compounders purely from herbal jtiees, •°essences and ,extra: is—.,o. •"skin -food," which regehleratcs old and diseased tissues just as food rebuilds and re- construets the body. Zam-Buie also .gives naturally just that heel ranee which Nature is asking for when pain, swrellinas, eruptions or infl:lnmiation occur. Zahn -Bak allays all fortis of irritation, expels disease, stops sup• pure tion, stops interims and virtually "feeds" the skin, toning it up in Nature's own way. Zane -link should be in every home. It has a wide range of usefulness, but Ss especial'y recommended for eats, bruises. 1 urns, sag i' rpraine, stiff- ness, swollen ,joints, bad log, blind and bleeding pile:,, ruanin, s'a'es, et'zenln., ulcers, pinipk's, br>ti::, :,ash, raw 'chap- ped halide', scalp irritntior., sore heads, barber's rash, raw chin after shaving, sore throat and chest, sore and aching feet, chilblains, cola sores, festering sores, poisoned wounds, and other dis- eased, injured, and inflamed or irri- tated conditions of the skin. Rubbed well into the parte, affected, Zinn -link gives great relief front neuralgia, toothache, sciatica, lumbago, rheu- matism, and cheat and back pains. A11 druggists sell at 50 ceuts a box, or post free from the Zam-13uk Co,. Toronto, on receipt of price. ea® Generals at Play. 'Without doubt, the form of recreation that finds most favor with our leading generals is cycling. Lord Roberts, it Evelyn Wood, Lord Wolseley, Gen. Ba- den-Powell, anal Lord Grenfell, to name only a few, are alt enthusiastic devotees of the wheel. As is only to be expect- ed. hooting is not far behind, and to give a list of our military leader's who ewe in the hunting field would be practically to recapitulate every well-known name in the army list. Lord Roberts is a great rider to hounds even to -day, and the sante remark applies to Gen. Sir Neville Lyttleton. It is rather surprising that more soldiers do not go in for golf, and I tan, at the moment, only recall one well- known name among our geoerals who is more than an average player. This, of course, is Lord Methuen, who, a few years ago, could show the best of them round the link,. Sir Edward Ward pre- fers rowing to any other form of exer- cise. unless it be riding, while genial and popular `Ste." otherwise Beden-Powell, thinks there is no sport under the eon to e'cnne up to pig -sticking. This is only right and what might nave been "xpcel-- ed from a former holder of the ]t;dir ('up. Tennis, both indoor and of tine laww''n variety, claims many military vo- taries. including Sir Gnome. Wolsel"y, wheee retirement from the army was an -- nominal the other day.—M. A. P. November Excursion to New York 'Via West Shore Railroad.. l'Gtnvoniber and and November 20th are slates of New York excursions via -West Shore Railroad, $0.00 round trip from Snepcnsion Bridge or Buffalo. Tickets good going roily on above dates in all regular trains. (food ten days for re- turn. Drago, Canadian. Passenger .agent, wan Yonge str,'ct, Toronto, for all par- tiedf'at's. h•• revolut inn lvv leaders y'e tenlaty re- fused to '1.'n'1 by the arfiulee of ac:ree- anent for silt ; ruder, and the President of San Dimling° lin:: directed at renewal of llr,Atiii 1'"'�. ESQUJIMAU FEAST Ot+ TIIE DEAD. The Bsquimaitx of St, Michael and the lower Yukon River hold'n festival of the ' dead every 'year -at the beginning of -No- vember or the beginning of December, as well as a greater festival -at intervals of several years. At these seasons food, drink and clothes are provided -for the returning ghosts in the kasliisn, or club- house, of the village, wlhieh is iilumin- tted with oil lamps. Every man or wtnu.an who • wishes to honor a dead friend sets up a lamp on a stand in front Of the place which the deceased used to occupy in the club -house. These lamps, filled with seal oil, are kept burning clay and night till the festival is over. They are believed to light the shades on their return to their old home and back again to the land of the dead. If anyone fails to put up a lamp in the dub -house and to keep it burning the shade whom he or she desires to honor could not find its way to the place, and so would miss the feast. On the eve of the festival the nearest male relative goes to the grave and suuhmons the ghost by planting there a small model of a seal spear or of a wooden dish, according as the deceased a•aa a roan or a woman. The totems of the dead are marked on these imple- ments. When all is ready the ghosts gather in the fire pit under the club -house, and as- cending, through the floor at talo proper Mona -int, take possession of the bodies of their Ilan:esakes, to whom the offerings of food. drink 'and clothing are made tor the benefit of the dead. Thus each shade obtains the supplies he needs in the other world. The dead wlio have none to make offerings to them axe believed to suffer great destitution. Hence the Esaniniaux fear to die without leaving behind them someone who will sacrifice to their ,pi,rits. and dlildleso people gen- era1'i- adopt children lest their 'shades be forgotten at the festival'. When a per on has been mnclh disliked ids ghost is sometimes pnrp.osl'y ignored, and that is deemed the severest punish- ment that eonl'l be inflicted upon him, After the songs of invitation to the dead have been song the givers of the feiust I take a email portion of food from every, Sieh and east it dor n as an offering to the shades; then each pours a little crater on the floor so that it runs through the eraek. In this • way they believe that the spiritual essence of all the food- and water is conveyed to the souls. The remainder of the food is after- ward distributed .amoug the people pres- ent. Who eat of it heartily. Then with tinea and dances the feast comes to an sad. anti the ghosts are dismissed to their own place. Dances form a consphc- uous feature of the Great festival of the dead, which is held every few years. The ,rlaneers dance not only in the club- house, but also at the °•raves, and on the ice if the deceased ^set their death by dren 'ring.—J. G. Fraser in the " Fort- einte lv Pavievwr." our Dodo: Can euro your Cough or Cold, no question about that, but— why go to all the trouble and inconvenience of looking him up, and then of having hisprescziption filled, when you can step into any drug store in Canada and obtain a bottle of SHILOH'S CURE for a quarter. Why pay two to five dollars when a twenty-five cent bottle of SHILOH will cure you as quickly ? Why not do as hundreds of thousands • of Canadians have done for the past thirty-four years : let SHILOH be your doc- tor whenever a Cough or Cold appears. SHILOH will cure you, and ail druggists back up this statement with a positive guarantee. The nest time you have a Cough or Cold cure it with ! le '`g605 Vs.•.,�avez�.vrnrs ...nczwae:�,..caei�ac,wnnn 'y fY t,i A e'rJirS`.'.7e4e'' ;':+t'•YlT '4,nsri+;"r..$°i:>'4.G, iMexico's Handling of Trusts. The Mexirsn ;overuses era fights trusts in a Practical and direct sort of way. When the meat. trust advanced the price of meat to a practical prohibitive figure, so far as the Poor were concerned the government went into the business and undersold the trust, at the same time giving better meate. The competition had ita effect and tbe trust quick- ly reduced prices. The government has made arrangements whereby it can go into the meat business on a very large ecale at guy time the trust becomes too greedy. Sae Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. Eveytlling Her Own Way. (Boston Trstnserlpt.) Iie (after a spat? --1 sometimes think you women court domestic quarrels. Obe—We do not. If we had our way there'll he none. _.,wi, r‘); r.,1•• -10 Inn r. "i "Mir wee.. ?gateeeeese:s.cszeaka.tasita till•a it2ieeki'""•`�t.len!, o• r ikct`:L�i(: That co ° which ordinary remedies have not reached, will elttickly yield to y s , . ea ,. . 7 F I T r RkloPRUCEOU. . l` I1 tures those heavy, ,t ep-seated coughs—takes array the soreness—Smells the threat—Arm gtliens the lungs. Noise the less of octave because it is pleasant to take Just try one bottle and dee how quickly you get rid of that cough. At your druggists. 25c bottle. i. 25 0, ..a 7�u' * St pplyti g the Idol Trade. ((lovehrtd i'luln Uefloc) Several' years ago 'a Werk of fiction by a Pi 0nlineut xlgliaait author introduced as one of its loading 1 ngiteii characters a hylpi'a- ct'itival person who had enriched himself by maikitig idols' for tho heatheu trade, keeenUy l!ingiand was a g000 deal slaochscl by the story that'a factory in Ilirmingham w•as turalhig out the rho •salvo kind of gaud xiiul ,supplying ilio same heathenish delnancl. The matter ens at onto Investigated aunt after a carotin canvas ofdenying tlio luauufacthecharge turing interests of the big town a leading clergy- man issued a circular emphatically, but qualifying his deuiel by the sttttcunent thsuch. a faotorY had SX- fisted atone time,at but it lost its trade through'' American con:metltton and was finally Percent to close its ,doors. It is reported that the British nubile, which has a way of taking these things with a heavy sort or serious- ness, isn't.. quite satisfied with this exalan- ation, Britian made idols to Which the As - laths or African heathen bow the knee aro shameful enough, but to lose the trade in them to the, hustling yankee doesn't improve the disgraceful situation. +d Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. a.® Copper as a Precious Metal. (Providence, R. I., Journal.) Natural conditions and a marvelously in- creased demand doe to recent industrial de- velopment have pushed copper to the ;price to which the famous Secretan "corner" man- aged to lift it, only to go down iu a crash. It is small wonder that the metal is finding its places in the jeweler's show cases along- side gold and silver. Sultan Imports Birds, The Sultan of Turkey has taken to im- porting birds front England by the car- load. Among them are song birds as well as others that are simply useful as enemies of destructive insects. MARTYRDOM DESCRIBED. Kingston Stfan Toils 11ow lie Suffered and How Fie was Cured. "For years a mar- tyr," is how Chas.. tl. Powell, of 105 Raglan street, Kingston, be- gins his story. "A martyr to canonic constipation, but now I aan free from it and all through the use of CHAS. H. POWELL I; r. Leouhardt's Anti - 1m. "I was inctuced to try Anti -Fill by reading the testimony of someone who had. been cured of constipation by at. I had suffered for eighteen years and had taken tons of stuff .ecommencled as cures, but which made the worse rather than better. Doctors told tie there was no enure tar me. Dr. Leonhardt's Anti - Pill cured. me." All dealers, or the Wilson -Pyle Co., Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. Blowing Confusion. A steam whistle at Muskogee, which blows for fires, sounds the curfew note, advises children when to go to school, announces the arrival of the milkman, the closing and opening of the stores, the rising el the cur- tain at .elle- opera house, the quitting hour for government employees, the arrival of trains and other Ohms too numerous to men- tion is drivin hells. t?ueen City mad. The thing that :bothers the intelligent citizens when • the whistle blows is, "What in thunder is it blowing for slow?" Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria,. o World's Military Expenditures. According to a British Parliamentary paper, the world's normal annual mili- tary expenditures are as follows: Russia ... . . . ... ... —$185,000,000 Germany ... . , . ... . 157,000,000 Great Britain ... ... ... 153,000,000 France . 133,000.000 United States ... ... 112,000,000 India .. .. 98,000,000 Austria ... 84,000,000 Italy ... ... ... 55,000,(X)0 Japan .. 21000,000 Besides India's $08.000,000 a year, oth- er colonies of Great Britain •exjend $16,- 000,000 a year for loeal purposes. Tile German total does not include $25,000,- 000 25,000;000 a year for colonial military ex - pewee, and' the Franoh total also ex- ctudes $18,000,000 a year for the army serving abroad. The Britian ,empire leads with its home anh colonial total of $271,000,000. China Making Notable Progress. (New Orleans Picayune.) The war between Japan and Russia was a great eye opener to China and has apparently Succeeded in arousing the dormant energies of the 'ancient empire suet. as nothing else could have done. Whether the adoption of modern methods by Chinni will work to the betterment or detriment of western civ- ilization time alone will develop, In the rneenttme China's evident progress furnishes feed for refieetimi.,,,,,� -- #214 1i t /l. .ilii 10,;5" n;l t •:,g+ •, tdn: t"+ TRADE s5ARK REGISTERED. Ointment quickly cures Etching Piles, Eczema, and other skin troubles. Leo Centigae, 475 Ferguson Ave.. N. Hamilton. had &rema since childhood. Ho consulted speciali4ts—lay weeks and weeks in hospitals --- and despaired of ever getting better. "I thought Mira would be like other remedicr! had tried," he writes, "but, to my delight, s few hours eller the first af¢lication I felt ,great relief. It has ruorked wonders for me." e Don't put it off—get 'a box of Mira Ointment at once and bo relieved. Price 50c.-6 for $2.50. At druggiaa'—or from The Chemins ' Co, fd Canada, Limited, Hamilton—`i.0ont°. Cautious to the Limit. Jacks—Townley is' an exceedingly cautious man, don't -you think? John—Cautious!. Walt, he wouldn't pay a compliment without getting a receipt for It., • f=ifteen -Day New'York Excursion Via Lehigh Valley Railroad. Wednesday, November 28th, 'tickets only $0,00 round trip from Suspension Bridge, Niagara Falls Tickets good on regular express trains leaving Sus- pension Bridge 3.50 and. 7.15 a. m., 7.15 and 8.43 p. m. Tickets good. 15 days. For tickets and further particulars, calf or write Robe. 5. Lewis, Canadian Pas. senger Agent, 10 King street east, To - route. A trial will convince evory housewife inCanada that " Bei iance Making' Powder" is far superior to any other site has ever used. It is prepared from the hest and purest materials that money oan huy, under the direction of an expert manufacturing chemist, • therefore we are to sellit on a Cash Clu ure,nteo of serniaeih1Ction. in order to introduce "Ro/lmrfc© Making Powder" we ars making -wonderfully attractive premium oilers to !'Ioy'+s and atria. If interested drop tie a postal. F ,mess sew sem BEM'JT'ifhL PICTURE POST CARDS LI�, To any user of baking powder we will gladly Fend, absolutely free, postage prepaid, a set of four of onr latest edition of pioture post cards, lithographed 1n brilliant colors. Simply Write -us, answering the following questions : ist: Narno your Grocer. 2nd. Blaine this Paper.international Food Company, Toronto, Canada "Astc for the Purple Package." 2 4i4.'2'tseet ee.' e-°3:f,3!eg",,?r'•'a ^t,."iirvv.a ':' '.'TtrWrri+ .A6& $v" nffiidi Hair Ornaments. They are designed for the opera. There's quite unusual elaboration. Sizes vary from a blossom to a boa - net. Yes, some resemble the old-fashioned opera bonnet. One is eompoed of rows of roses and an aigrette. Another of rosebuds is supplemented by a maidenhair fern spray. Jetted bows of velvet, tulle and other materials are seen. It is doubtful if many women.will go in for the big ospreys ,and paradise plumes. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc. 5 0' Sulphurous Language Necessary. • "I can't understand this street railway sit- uation," said Mrs. Wade Parker. "I wish you'd tell me just what you think of it." "Well, my dear," said hlr. Parker, "since you ask it. I will. But you'll have to send tbe children out of the room first." y—•—es I was cured 'of Rheumatic Gout by MINARD'S Ll'T>4IENT. Halifax. .ANDREW KING. I was cured of Acute (Bronchitis by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Sussex. LT. -COL. CREWE READ. I' was cured of Acute Rheumatism by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Markham, Ont. C. S. BILLING. Turned Tables in a Hurry. (Somerville, Mass., Journal.) Jack—You say you feel perfectly sure that she is only flirting with me? Tom—Perfectly. Jack—Hang the luck! why, when I began I was only flirting with her. CUT OF , li IMPERIAL" PEMPiNS WINDMILL Outfit which won the CHAMPIONSHIP OF THD WORLD against 21 American, British and Canadian manufacturers, after a two months' thorough trial. Made by GOOLD, SHAPLEY 93 ?IUIR CO. LIMITED. Brantford. Canada. ISSUE 1N O. 46, 1.906, AGENTS WANTED. A Goo; 5a ar To ladles and gentlemen; pernament posi- tion; rapid advancement; salary and ex- penses; genteel, desirable business; exper- ience unnecessary; full instructions given. Write TIID J. L. NICIiOLS CO., LIMITHiI TORONTO. (Mention this paper.) FARMS FOR SALE. Choice Flrm Properties For Sale or To Rent 1. The Lassert farm, 140 acres, adjoining the east side of the Town of Preston; one of the best farms In Waterloo County; brick house and large bauk barn. ' 2. The Robert S. Smith farm, Township of Glanford, 7 miles from Hamilton, 60 acre's, good ,buildings and orchard, 20 acres of large beech, maple and pine timber, 12 acres fall wheat in ground; tall Mowing done. 3. The Sharpe farm, lot 18. concession 4, West Flamboro, 7 miles from Hamilton on good gravel road; stone house, large bank barn; magnificent stock and dairy farm; 100 acres, 4. 90 acres, 14 miles from the Village of Smithville, on the or., II. & B. Ry., with fair buildings, known as the old Morse farm. 6. 25 acres in rho Township of Willoughby, northwest part of lot 8, in the first cross concession, 12 miles east of Welland, known as the Sauer property, with fair buildings and soma fruit, 3 miles from railway station. 6. 60 acres in the Township of Nelson, 1? miles from Hamilton, known as the Harris farm; good bank barn and good house; some small fruit and timber. 7. 6 acres Township of Biabrook, 14 miles from Hamilton on now county stone road; no buildings, but fine soil. 8. The south 15 of lot 10, to the second concession of Glanford, near Hannon P.O.. 88 acres, good buildings. 100 acres in Grimsby !Township, lot 7, con- cession 7, formerly known as the Halligan farm; good buildings and orchard; about 4 miles south of Grimsby village; prTce 1.4200. In all the above we can give immediate possession; small paymont down and low In- terest and easy terms for the balance. For further particulars apply to T. D. J. FARMER, Barrister, Etc. 37 James street eouth, Hamilton, Ontario. MISCELLANEOUS, YOUR FORTUND TOLD FROM TEi111 cradle to the grave; matters of business, love and marriage made clear; what I tell comes true. Send birthdate and 10c. Prof. Lavas, box 16, Delorenier P. 0., Montreal, Quebec, Mrs. Winsiow'a Soothing Syrup abould al- ways be used for ell ds'en teeta!ag. It soothes the child, soothes the gums, oured vekx5 colic and ie the beet remedy for Dim'' rhoea. DR. LEROY'S FEMALE PILLS A safe, sero and reliable monthly regula- tor. Thee„ Pills bore been used In Prune. Inc over fifty years, and fauna invaluable for the purpose designed, and aro outran. sen od by the Pries PLOD eta boxfof rucg 110 ; er y mall, seot,•dy waled, on receipt of pr.ue Lai! ROY PILL CO., Box 42. littinilton, °suede. Right Side for the Heazt. Teacher—Johnnie, on which sido is your heart? Johnnie—On the right aide, teacher. Teacher—No, Johnnie; it's on your loft side. Johnnie—Yes, ma'am; that's what I said. Teabet—What you said? animate—Yes, teacher; the left side Is the right side for the heart. EDDY'S SAFETY' J L MUM , Ask fur MATCHES FOR HOTELS, WAREHOUSES, HOSPITALS, ASYLUMS, ETC. 1