HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1906-11-16, Page 1TIE The Official H RAIL Organ of Zurich and Hay Vol. VI I., No.E17 Township. ZURICH, ONT., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER Wing�an BusinessCollege Individual Individual instuction No vacation Gold medalists as teachers Highest standard Ask for catalogue Modern business practice Bookkeeping a specialty Ugly towards sluggards Shorthand and typewriting Interested in graduates Newest office system Enter any time Students' literary society Sympathetic teachers Commercial correspondence Ornamental penmanship Learn telegraphy Lucrative positions .Excellent text books Graduates successful Eater "NOW." GEO. SPOTTON - Principal Mai cLOCAL NEWS. ar�aQ'atr.=,R-t-aQ aAiA-s4"fl94'ie Puffed rice is the best breakfast food made at S. Rannie & Son. Mr. C. Eilber and daughter, Miss .Rosie, spent Thursday in Crediton. Rev. A. Geiger preached in the Evangelical church last Sunday evening. Mr: Thos. Johnson. treasurer of Ray Township, is in Goderieh at present, having the books of the township audited by Municipal Auditor Laing of Toronto. John Fuss was taken suddenly ill last Thursday and has been con- fined to the house since. We are pleased to state that be is recover- ing. 1 We have decided to give the balance of 11,01 free to new sub- soribers to'Thio 'HERALD. Send us One dollar and you will receive TEE HERALD from. now to January, 1908. John Gascho purchased the 100 acre farm on the Bronson line, owned by Mr. Andrew Johnston The price paid is $4750 00: This is a good piece of property and is con- sidered cheap at the sum paid. J. E. Tem, P. S. I., paid our school a visit on Tuesday. On Monday evening he addressed a ineeting in the Town Hall, explain- ing the new Education Act. and other matters pertaining to school work. DEATH OF MRS. D. B. GEIGER. Another of the pieneers of this Township joined the silent major- ity. on Thnrsday evening last in the person of Magdalene Kaercher. widow of the late Daniel 13. Geiger, which sad event took place at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Oswald Fisher, where the deceased had been visiting. Her demise took place very suddenly from heart disease, and although over 78 years old, she was quite smart and ac- tive, having walked from her home the sawn day- Mrs. Geiger was born in Alsace, Germany, and cave to Canada with her parents when three years of ago, settling in Wat- erloo County, and came to this Township over fifty years ago. Her husband predeceased her a- boutlthirteen years ago, since which time she had been iirving with her son, John, on th• e • old homestead. 't She leaves a family of six sons and live daughters, nearly 70 grand- children, and a number of great- grandchildren, besides one brother and two sisters. The sons are : Moses and John of this Township, Owen of Hensa]l, Samuel, Jacob yi and .Noah of Huron County, Michi- gan ; the daughters being ; Mrs. Peter Weidman, Mrs. Samuel Wit= , wer and Mrs, Louis Eckstein, all of Huron County, Michigan, Mrs, Os- wald Fisher, near Zurich, and Mrs. Henry Geiger, all of whom were #+ present at the funeral except the last named. The funeral was held on Sunday afternoon and was very largely attended, the internment taking place in the Bronson Line cemetery, and was conducted by Rev. A. D. Gischelor, pastor of the Evangelioal church, of which con- gregation deceased was an. active ?; and. consistent member for years. The family and relatives have the sincere sympathy of the eomrttniter in their.. bereavement. Mrs. Jacob Geiger and Mrs. Samttel Geiger were also here to attend the funer- al. uner.-al. Henry Brown returned home from North Dakota last week. Mrs, Tornan, of Dundee. visited relatives and friends in the village last week. Mr. Dan, Ayotte, of Michigan, was the guest of J. P. Rau for a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. S. Brown of Credi- ton spent Snnday at the home of J. Preeter, of this village. H. Well has received an order for a Thomas chapel organ to be ship- ped to Bombay, India. Louis Weber, of Rochester, N. Y., was tbe guest of Louis Weber of this village on Tuesday. • Mr. Cyrus Sararas, of Dundee, visited his brother, Jacob Sararas, of the Blind Line over Sunday. Rev. Alfred Geiger. of Elnnvale, attended the funeral of bis grand- mother, the late Mrs. D. B. Geiger, on Sunday. Dr. OVENS, M. D., London Surgeon, eye, ear and nose, will be at the Queen's Hotel, Rensail, on Thursday, Dec. 6th. Hours 4.30 p. m. to 9 p. m. Glasses properly flitted for relief of falling vision, Gestrain, headaches, etc. Deafness and nasal catarrh treated. 23tf. Mr, W. J. McNevin, who has held a responsible position in the big mill at Goderich for several years, has removed from that town and taken a better pusition with the Headley -Shaw Milling Com- pany, of St. Catharines. Previous to leaving Goderich, his fellow employees in the mill there pre- sented him with a complimentary address and a handsome mantle clock and Mrs. MoNevin with a beautiful silk upholstered chair. Mr. and Mrs. MoNevin have many friends throughout the county, who will always be pleased to hear of their prosperity. . The execrative of the W. G..1'. U. met at the hone of the President and appointed the Superintendents for the erect departments of work. ' et'ii; `e as follows s Pre:., Supt., Ethel Williams ; Evangelis- tic, Mrs. Bender; Missionary and Lumber Camps—Supt., Mrs. Wil Hams, Assistants—Mrs. J. Geiger, Mrs. Wilson; Parlor Meetings— Supt., Mrs. S. Merner, Assistants -- Mrs. M. Geiger, Mrs. S. Rannie, Mrs. P. Witwer, Mrs. E. Zeller ; Law Enforcement, The Union ; Purity and Mother's Meetings— Mrs. Carrie Heyrock ; Membership Committee—Mrs. Fritz, Mrs. Jen- nison. 16, 1906. $1. Per Year. Mr. G. Holtzman visited relatives in Michigan last week. Ronnie has piles of corn on tlie, cob, at S. Rannie & Son. Buy a Saskatchewan or Buffalo Robe at H. Well, sole agent for Zurich. Mrs. Wetlaufer, of Blyth, who was visiting relatives in this vicini- ty has returned home. Owing to the illness Of Rev.' E. Schuelke, no .services were held in the Lutheran church last Sunday, Weare pleased to state that be has folly recovered from his illness.. Mr. Henry Steinbach, ref the '4th con., has a sow which; ought to be as profitable..as a gold mine. She recently littered 207 pigs, sig teen of whteb. are alive and doing -5vr11. New ads --D. 8, Faust, F. Gess & Son, J. J. Merner, Ems. Jey t, . J'. J. Merrier & P. Lamont, J. L. Gerber & R. Schwarzentrube , Sovereign Bank, Clinton Business Oollege. Jos. Lebieau's sale last Thursday was well attended and' geocl prices were realized. A11 the Cattle and horses were not sold. owing to length of time it took to sell the other things and those remaining unsold were purchased by Messrs. J. 3. Merner and P. Lamont. Cut this out and take, it to J. J Merner's store and get a. free camp to of Channberlsin's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For biliousness and constipation they are. unequaled. They. improve the appetite, strengthen the digestion and regu- late the liver and bowels. A law will be passed at the next session of the Dominion'Parliament making it a criminal offense for any person to offer arailway con- ductor money for passage on a train. That difficulty can be over- come by sending his wife a new dress or the conductor a box of cigars. A similar law holds good respecting asking for liquor in licensed places after prohibited hours. • 1t is estimated that Vent 7;O0C licenses were issued fol' the deer shooting, which closes on the 15th inst. The fee for each license is $2. About 40 noose ,hunting licen- ses have been issued, the fee for each being $5,. Ono license has been issued to a lady, the applicant being Mrs. R. Patrick, of Galt, who has regularly accompanied,her husband to the northern hanting grounds for a nnriiber of years. Last year several ladies took out licenses. csr [ k i 9 4 ZU fC 1'S =TO =DATE SORE. T have a large display of the choicest Chinaware T Dinner s ttts9 Tea setts, Water setts, 4 ieee setts, 'toilet setts, Berry setts, Fancy Lamps and sra] . fancy China Dishes. Do not fall to see tL(e Dishes. Produce of all kinds taken run exchange. GENERAL flERCIIIANT as ��,'a000,'v o..„.,.,••O.,,,,....„:„,,,,,,,,„,s., Q�OOv•oo..o.�o•oor�•o•o•o,• o• -• , 15,,,,) 0,0 ', e eP Outki The e p 0. D 00 .A. 0 D.� 00 D,0 +?0 0,0 0.4 OD Or, better still, buy a pair of Fritz' Shoes and keep dry. Our stock of Fall Shoes comprise the best of the leading snakes in Canada. For a nice stylish Fall Shoe call on me, I can suit you.. A large selection to choose from. Make your selections early. A full stock of Rubbers wi hand. a. 00 C F 1T s The Shoe an. ;rr 0a f.:,49 A. S AP 1 Li TOWELLING. r a res 9ai►a We have just picked up a big lot of Linen Towelling at a snap, and we have deeided to give our customers the benefit of our purchase. This is a regular 10 cent hill ;, i while this lot lasts we will sell it at 5 cents per yard. REaEMBER this i4 a chalk you will not see again and you should not Miss i.t. We have also been fortunate in securing a special line of 86 in. fancy stripe Flannelette worth. 1.21 cents per yard which we are clearing out at rO cents per yard, while it lasts. These are only a few of the'many Bargains we have to offer. Our Dress Goods Depart- ment is now stocked 'with everything new in that line, and Quality and Value unsurpassed. A large stock of Men's and Ladies' Fur Coats and Neck Ruffs at close prices. Are yon looking for a Good Stove? We would like to call your attention to the splendid stock of stoves, Ranges and Heaterswe are showing. If you need a new stove this fall you should not fail to see the splendiclvalues we are offering. Our leader is the Bonne Peninsular, see cut, and for a first-class cooking and heating stove it cannot be beaten. It burns either coal or wood and is made on. the latest improved pattern. There are many of the Peninsular Stoves in use in this section showing that they are giving entire satisfaction. We also carry a full line of other makes. We keep everything in the line of Hardware, Tinware, Etc. FARM PRODUCE OF ALL KINDS TAKEN IN, EXCItANGE FOR GOODS. HARDWARE a,srcvmR p GENERAL MERCHANT ONTARIO it 1 " � f IVIA i4 r�t,x7vv.r.