HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1906-11-09, Page 88 The Zurich Herald. LSTORf11 PROTECTION s• a• Y. •• The greatest danger to Faris Buildings and Lir(• Stoi k frau wind storms is in the summer months, A policy in The Huron Weather asnrance 1Iufua1 Company insures you against loss for a few dollars yearly ;. OFFICERS FOR 1906 • R. NoitTncorr Esc., President, Hay P. 0. J. KELLERnAR. Eads, '4 iee-Pr, Dashwood. DIRECTORS: S. BROKErsrilxE, - Crediton P. 0. 0. H. PERKINS, - - Exeter P. 0. HENRY RAr, - - Drysdale P. 0. W. T. CALDWELL., - Hensall P. 0. W. B. BATTLER, - Zurich P. 0. A. G. SMILLIE, - Hensen P. 0. C. Mo r-Txrrit, Thames Road P. 0. If there is no Director in your 'vicinity send for rates etc., to E. ZELLER, SECRETARY -TREASURER Zurich, Ont. Reliable agents wanting good territory should apply at once to the General Agent G. HOLTZMAN, Zurich ZURIC k ! eat M`. massimms EN erything in the line of salt and fresh meats. Poul- try in season. We make a specialty of supplying thresh- ing roasts. GIVE Us YOUR ORDERS. YUM B 5 DEICHERT. ORDERED WORK. We always carry a well assorted stock of steel tire and rubber tire buggies, in different styles of trimming and painting, Vt'e pay particular attention to work or- dered by an intending purchaser, and we feel certain we can turn out a job tha•twill be satisfactory. We use nothing but first class material in constructing our rigs. Our products have stood the test Repair Department We are prepared to do repairing of all kinds satisfactorily and prom- ptly. (get your buggy re -painted It will look better and last longer Give us a call. F. !less a Son, Zurich Ontario. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an nvcntion is probably patentable. Cornmunirn• Mona strictly conadenttal. riattdbook on Patents Nems free. Oldest agency for securing patent.,. Patents taken through Munn £c Co. reeetva ageciattnotice, wtthoutcharge, in. the citn flfl1fic' f handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest elr. natation of any Reientttic lmtrnal. Terms, $3 a �ye�ya�rp;�fynnr .nonths, $L Bold by all�n¢ewsdealere. 491JNN & Co361Craadway, New York ttranch Office. ea" :' Rt.. Waa11 naton. usimstuncirramautarmouror.aisrpsirmanesmaguroareatiiibiTo V,. • aA JEWELLERY A few samples of the celebrated CARMEN BRACELETS in stook. See them. They cost a few but they are the only. Mantle Clocks and all kinds of Watches F. W. HESS T Jeweler ZUB.TOH - - - Ont. IIMA1`.TUIEL CHURCK-1 , Mr. Alonzo Meliok of near St. VaugelicaI As ociation J'oseph,.ziioted to Hensall on Tues - SERVICES AND MEETINGS WILL BEHELD IN THE EMMANUEL E.vANYCICLIOAL OHUROH, GURICII, AS FOLLOWS Sunday School at 9 :30 a. Preaching Service, German, 10:45 al. m. ; English Service, at 7 p. m. ; Senior Alliance, 8 p. m. Tues- day evening German Prayer meet- ing, Wednesday evening at 7 ;30 o'clock ; English Prayer meeting, Thursday evening at 7.30 o'clook; Choir Practice, Friday evening at 8 o'clock; Junior Alliance, Satur- day afternoon, at•3 o'clock, REV. A. D. GISCHLER, PASTOR. LOCAL NEWS k A full range of men's and ladies' woollen underwear at D. S. Faust. Mr. Conrad•Siemon has moved to Hensall, where he recently pur- chased a dwelling. All parties indebted to H. C. Doan, V. S., are requested to call and settle their accounts by cash or note, at once. Master Erwin Grob had the good luck to bag a 20.pound coon in the woods lase Saturday. Mr. Henry Gallman recently bagged one that weighed twenty-three pounds. • Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Welker left last Saturday on a trip to Niagara. Falls and intervening points. They will drive all the way there and back and expect to be gone about three weeks. The gain in Canada's postal re- venue is astonishingly large- For October it amounted to $660,796, a gain of $150,441 and $286,847 when compared with the same month in 1905 and 1898. Miss Catherine Cook of the Babylon Line has purchased the dwelling occupied by H. Randall and owned by H. Bauer. The price paid for it is $700.00. Miss Cook takes possession next spring. Cut this out and take it to J. J. Merner's store and get a free same, le of Chamberlain's Stomach. and Liver Tablets. For biliousness and constipation they are unequaled. They improve the appetite, strengthen the digestion and regu- late the liver and bowels. Dr. OVENS, M. D.. London Surgeon, eye, ear and nose, will be at the Queen's Hotel, Hensall, on Thursday, Nov. 8th. Hours 4.30 p. ni. to 9 p. m. Glasses properly flitted for relief of falling vision, Gestrain, headaches, etc. Deafness and nasal catarrh treated. 23tf. The moving picture entertain- ment held in the Evangelical church on Tuesday was well at- tended. The pictures were good and the story "In His Steps," was well portrayed. "Ten Nights in A Bar room" will be given in the Town Hall here, to -night. Friday, doors open at 7 o'clock, and enter- tainment a.t7.45. Admission Adults 10 cents, Children 5 cents. INFRACTION OF LIQUOR LAW. Two cases finder the liquor license act were tried here before Ohas. Greb, J. P.. and Inspector Torrance last Friday. Dan. Bennett was charged with giving liquor to Wm. Dabus, who is on the Indian list, and was found guilty. A fine of $25 00 a.nd costs, payable in 15 days was imposed. and on non-payment of the fine, 30 days in jail, Wm. Dabus, who is on the Indian list, was found guilty of demanding liquor from ahotelman and was fined $10 00 and costs. Y. P. ALLIANCE. The monthly business and liter- ary meeting of the Y. P. A. on Tuesday last was well attended. The literary program based on the Life and Labors of Bishop John Seybert, was very interesting. It was opened with the Coronation Hymn, "All Hail the Power Of Jesus Name," followed with the "Early Training of the Bishop" by Mise DianaRiekbeil, Duett by the Misses Laura Hartleib and Pearl Nicholson. 'His Ministerial Career' by Miss Ida Well, a Chorus by a number of the members,' the "Episcopacy" by Miss Lydia. Faust day: Nevonibar 20th is the date of Thanksgiving Day in the United States. Mrs.'lowald has moved into the dwelling recently vacated by Mrs. Chris, Hex-., Mr. G. Splin11dt of Sebringville visited friends and relatives here over Sunday. New ads --P. Baker, C. E. Hack- ney. Sovereign Bank, Stone Wellington, Frank. Bossenberry is managing the livery stables during Mr. Welker's. absence. The Grand Trunk has dismissed Conductors Higgins, Manley and McKenzie' at London. A sitting of the Tenth Division Court will be held in the Town Hall hero next Tuesday. Work in the' apple evapora tor was finisned last week. A large quantity of apples were worked up. Mr, and Mrs. Wni. Baker, and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Boyce returned from their visit in the west last week: . . Dan. Smith, of the Saublo Line, is visiting friends and relatives in Stratford and other eastern places this week. Misses Phoebe Riekbeil and Roxie Silber returned on Tuesday from London, where they spent the past few months. Mr. John Zettel returned from the West on Monday evening. He was in the vicinity of Davidson, Sask., while out there and likes the country. Mrs. H. C. Doan left for Exeter on Tuesday, where she will visit for a few days prior to ]saving for Winnipeg, where she will make her future home. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Daters, and son. visited at Tavistock. and Shakespeare last week, and also spent a short time with kir. and Mrs. Wm. Klopp, at Stratford. "That excellent, independent paper." is the manner in which the Wingham Advance characterizes The Weekly Sun. The characteriza- tion is just. The Sun has no friends in dealing with political questions. It hews to the line, utterly regard- less as to whom the chips may fall on See that The Weekly Sun, the one paper that fights the farmers' battles. stn your home during the corning.*T'i We like to work and we like to see others work, but we just arise to remark that when we get to be worth as inuoh money as some we know, work with us will cease. We could never discover why men sixty and seventy years of a,?e and worth from from forty to one hund- red thousand dollars should con- tinue to toil from early until late incl in all kinds of weather We like to see men provide something for their family after they are gone but the average boy is better off if not ]eft too much property. You who have labored your threescore years should stop work, and enjoy life the few short years you have left to remain with us,—Exchange. sere Lary hatterton, of the Pe- trolia board of trade, has written Mr. Thomas, giving hien the hearty approval of the board, and suggest- ing that it is very possible that lo- cal (Petrolia) support might be so - cured. He also produces letters from the itndjjtn Whito Co., of Montreal, ating,,that they were prepared to tke up the.project if financed, and it was attractive that they would elp to finance it, and from Mr. ohn Kerr, of J. & J. Kerr and ons, of Petrolia, stating that he as prepared to give t a share of nanoial aid. towards preliminary pense. President r'oraf of the Petrolia. oard of trade has also assured. Mr. gonias of financial success toward 8 scheme. Whatever may be the outcome of is engineer's enterprise, some re- utal;ble men in the country ',are oking at the plan. in anything tit a fiippnat lnanner,-4-London ree Press. chamberlain's po3c,hCoenty. 'never fails, IIGy it now. it may save life. ff l *ti'Oh. gal :.. •. Zurich's easy Store. Fall Buying. We invite you to our store to exam- ine our large stook of Fall Goods. Never before in the history of this store ha (e the shelves been stocded with such a fine line of goods— - goods that were bought right and which we ar e selling at close prices. Our line of Dress Goods has been greatly admired by the ladies and we have made many sales, and we still have a large stock to make your selections from. In Under- wear, Overcoats, Suits, Caps, etc., etc., we are offering some first-class goods at very reasonable prices. FUR DEPARTMENT. We have already sold a large num- ber of Fur Coats, Ruffs, Boas, etc., and the demand for furs this sea- son promises to be a record break- er. We have prepared ourselves and carry a fine stock of Coats. Boas, Ruffs, etc., which we will be pleased to show you. We handle nothing but the best furs. Call and see goods before purchasing elsewhere. We are showing something special in Floor Rugs, Carpets, Curtains etc, The People's Store = = Zurich. ? 7.57,1 „• ;k+a t1': l • �+;i, •�A THE STOV B QCESTION is easily decided if you buy a PANDORA Range. Every dealer claims to have the best stove even if they just launch out. But if an explanation is required that is where the PANDORA shines, and the other fellows are out of the game. HE PANDORA. is the range where the fire circulates twice around the oven before it strikes the pipe, and it is the only one on the market to do this. This range has been on the market only four years and during that time .160,000 have been sold. No other stove has won such a, reputation. The PANDORA is grade by a firm with 60 years experience and is today the largest firur under the British flag. You can al- ways get repairs not like some stove firms in business today and gone to -morrow. We have a full line of heating stoves and prices as usual, always the cheapest. Also largest stock of HARNESS, ROBES and BLANKETS. Call and see. G. IIIkkTL11B - Zurich. OUR REST COMBINATJON' THE TWO PAPERS YOU WANT The Zurich Herald BOTH FOR 0 and that Best of all Weeklies The Family Herald and Weekly Star, of Montreal) And with the Family Herald and Weekly Star will be includ- ed the most beautiful picture ever given to newspaper readers, It is agravure 22x29 ino'hes, entitled "A TUG OF WAR." It is easily worths two dollar bill, TEE HERALD will supply all local news, markets, social hap- penings, etc., etc., and the Family Herald and Weekly Star will give you a combination of the greatest weekly newspapers covering every portion of the Globe, a. great family magazine, far surpassing any of the English or American magazines in interesting family reading, and without doubt the best farmer's paper on the continent. No paper printed in the English lan- guage gives its readers such big value as the Family Herald and Weekly Star. Sample copies of the beautiful picture may be seen at this office. Call or send your subscriptions to THE:itEgALD ,mit!WA•', x,. r krt,f ; , 'V)-., 0BRIIMV 2 lye