HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1906-11-09, Page 6LORD OF LACE AND RIBBON.EVERY HOME NEEDS ZAM-BUIL, To ,A.ccaunt fox titrant t Dreams.
I think. very often our dreams are a
l t'essmaker of Paris a Marvel and `. Experiences of Housekeepers Who beep I Jumble os.'.deal that we have inherited,
a Magnate, It Handy. 1 and that dreazliing is largely a kind of
In ever home cuts,bruises. scalds and flee play of what I have called ances-
tral ?on dressmaker is a slim ;young man y tral memory.*
with a longnose and big, winsoinc came, similar injuries are ware to occur, espee- 4Ve dream, of things which we have
leasing a ray frock and patent leather ia3ly where there are children. In most never ex eri our g waking
'clyses --•corseted and powdered raid per- ' homes too chat>ped hands, chilblains, oats I xem�en erd attve y realistic dream.
cczeina yin worm ulcers and other skin
tatsneel--.he is more than a Tann; he ie a diseas s occur.
�$ti ,nsniaker. Ile r s t 1 with l•tn i� or these you
was a battle, and I was in a regiment
of cavalry , that received an order to
charge. Tile' whole •scene is vividly be-
fore me as I write, and wore I an art-
ist I could sketch the face of a man who
rode by my side. I can feel the throb of
eagerness +the thudding of the horsee
hoofs in the. mad rush as we quickened
stir pato to get to closer quarters with
diose we were,pursuing.
Suddenly the squardon of men in front
opened, wheeling off to the right and
left, and we were looking into the iron
throats of a masked battery, They open-
ed fire upon us—a moment after the ear
splitting thunder, and I was in a hell
of smoke; dust, blood, and metal; every
piece seemed to sing a war chant of its
own. Then I awoke and I was shouting
"God! I never knew it wee anything like
this." Here surely is something experi-
enced by an ancestor which has descend-
ed from generation to generation and
taken its place in my collection of im-
pressions. --Frons the Nineteenth Cen-
scar ec t ` a balm which is
clyrbtai, It is not of'an offensive kind. are herbal free from mineral con
Iiia manners are a stra efe mixture of pound, free from animal fat, antiseptic,
humility arid insolence, for he is at once 'tile to stop bleeding and .which should
to salesman and an artist. And he talks, peal.
talks, talks—bending h}'s siim body into Zaixl-Buk meets all these require -
polite curves--gesticuhtfin with his thin meats, Why not prove its merits? Read
:v?site kande-..rosin his eyes in their this:
painted orbits. ancl while he frostier 'ales. Angus, of Fenelon Falls, says:
sake and velvets and satins and lace and <j1L 40 years of housekeeping I have
?`re mere man who comes into a dress-
maker's shop of an afternoon—in Paris
t;3o ate goes to the dressmaker's save
csnky in the afternoon—begins by sneer -
tag at this fantastic creature. That
mood does not last long. Contempt gives
way .to admiration. There is something
marvellous in the way this lord of lace
ana Hien dominates the women—the
royal highness as well as the spoiled
a,et'r els.
1=Ye is charming. he is frivolous. Then
cru a sudden his fare darkens; he 'be-
comes serious; he stares at her royal
highness, studying her form from +head
to foot; he smites his brow and cries
-espairingly: "No! no! I can't see you
ire that gown to -day!"
Cheap German Labor.
(New York Journal of Commerce.)
Due there has probably been no more
hi labor
onditions. factortent n aboristhanh cheaper en ino Germany
end more amenable to discipline. La -
h;r unions in rv+� established classes an mongd n workmen,
and b their restrictions have created a
never met with such an excellent salve
Mrs. Everett Brown, of Markham, Ont.,
says: "Zam-Duk cured some bad bruises
on my knee. I also find it excellent for
chapped hands."
Mrs. Lizzie Gilmour, of Kingston,
says: "I had an ulcerated leg, which
became so bad that I could not wear a
boot. Tho foot and ankle were swollen
to nearly double their ordinary size, and
the pain was terrible. Tho ulcers spread
'n a ring all round the limb. Doctor's
treatment brought no relief, and at one
tinge it was thought only amputation
could end the agony I suffered. Zam-
Buk was brought to my notice, and I
bought a few boxes. Each box gave me
more ease and healed the ulcers. To-
day I am quite cured, the limb is sound,
and whereas before I could not stand,
now I can go up and down steps with
ease. I owe it all to Zam-Buk"
Zaui-Buk also cures eczema, cold sores,
ringworm, stiff joints, bad leg, sore nip-
ples. boils, abscesses, blood poison, pois-
oned wounds, etc. Used as an embroca-
tion it cures rheumatism and sciatica,
and rubbed well into the chest cures lung
eeree nert grade of the unemployed which is troubles, colds, etc. For all purposes to
ereeeating a perplexing problem to the Gov- which a household balm is put 'Lam-Buk
ervea cut. By limitieg appreaticeshi,s, re- will be found unequalled.All druggists
et sng produetl•an per men,. and foreing C.k g
Yr°,__"er wage, eel shorter hours in favored sell at 50e. a box, or direct from the
weer.::inns, they rave dune much to retar,l ;dam-l',ulc Co. upon receipt of price. 0
•the t.ros;r<•ss of the country, Germany L•aa ' boxes for 2.50.
Nem free from t'ih' trammel.
Result of Wearing High Collars.
J. BROAD S,ToiTEPHNT. That high collars tend to produce ner-
vous `l.ct ^harut'a Hem-P.oicl will cure 1 Vous heacdaches among both men and wo-
any cetee cf Piles.
men is the most recent diseovery of a
-tahnent is made without any well-known Viennese physician. Quite
quell:eeatiun', accidentally the doctor's attention was
It is in the form of a tablet. {lirertted to the very high and very
It is impossilde to curd an established tight style of collar worn by a patient
ease of Piles with ointments, snppoai- wlio was always complaining of hea:d-
teeles, inject erns or outward appliances. aches and giddiness. The collar was
A X1.,000 gnarantce with every pack- laid aside, thus removing the compres-
za;ar. Of Dr. Leanitaidt's Hem-Roid. sion of the neck, and the patient's head-
&i.GO, all dealers, or the Wilson-Flye aches and giddiness disappeared, Sthuek
0o., Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. by this result the doctor paid particular
attention to the kind of collars worn by
Negative Advantage at Least.
(Kansas City Journal,)
there Is this in favor of tho automobile,
..vs Mack Crotchet.. It doesn't get its tail
over the line or shed its hair is your face
,cn a windy day
pr ra ae eeee
L'Ra4at'N ' `„sn. ' ..fir. -l7 M/ .....76;:, .34
. trial will c onvinoo every holism: ire el
• in Canada that "Fitelistrano r:3a£ri eve el
Powder" is far superior to any other
kr' elle has ever used. It is prepared from eleo
If the best a.nd purest material:a that 0
money can bug, under the dircetipnr et
of an expert manufacturing chemist, e•
therefore we aro able to sell 11 on a it
Gash Guarantee of Satisfaction. in:,
4 order to introduce "Reliance uatelneee ( t
Powder" we are making wonderful;y g+'
attractive premiurn offers to Boys and k
Girls. If interested drop us a postal.
~ EE uaPOST car'.lisuialr ;;REE
To any user of baking powder we will
gladly send, absolutely free, postage
prepaid, a set otfouroforrlatestedirion
of picture post cards lithographed 'tit t'
brilliant colors. Simply write 05, an-
awering the following questions:
Ist. Namos our Grocer.
'lad. Name this paper.
Toronto, Ota.rnacla 1
ONLY as manufacturers
is it possible for us to
offer Me"' special eight -inch
Cut Glass Bowl at x$5.00,
packed at our risk and carp
riage paid to your door.
It is of ci':. test crystal glass,
deeply and tr:iliantly cut in
" " star design..
Our illustrated catalogue
will tell you cf other remark-
able price -savings in highest
quality cut glass.
Terse>:d U4ON erg::r:-tfrrrel chow
our largo ilia:aruted (weal:rem,.
tr:SkM�+`"rm:,t r,�ro-�raacr�,♦
his "headache patients," and in very
many instances the change to lower and
easier fitting collars brought immediate
relief. In the rase of woolen wearing
high, stiff neckbands it was found that
doing away with these hada similarly
beneficial result. The doctor declares
that nobody with any tendency to head-
ache should wear high collars.
Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows.
)ata, O t.
What Became of a Lie?
First, somebody told it,
Then the room wouldn't held it,
So the busy tongues rolled it
Tull they gut it outside;
When the crowd came across it,
It never once lost it,.
Till 0. grew lung acrd wide.
rrom n -very enl'tll lie, sir
1t grew deep mini high, cur,
Till it reeelv.d to the sky, sir,
Anr frightened the moon:
For elle hid Ler ewect face. sir,
In a veil of elo:utdace, sir,
At the dreadful disgrace., sir,
That happened at noon.
This. lie brought for others,
Durk sister:; and brothers,
And fathers and mothers—
A terrible crew,
An while headlong they hurried,
The people they flurried,
And troubled and worried.
As lies always do.
so,ev tl
This mnstrous lin goaded,
'ria at last it exploded,
In smoke tend in shame;
While from mud and from mire z z
The nieces flow higher,
And ,,i, the sad It'rr,
And killed his good name.
—.firs. M. A. Kidder.
Sunlight Soap is bettor than other soaps,
bat is best whoa used in the Sunlight sway
Sae Sunlight seep and follow direet_'ns
Postmaster Works With His Feet.
New Zealand possesses a postmaster
who, for all practical purposes, is arm-
less. Owing to a physical deformity
which renders his halals useless, he is
obliged to do and actually does all the
clerical work of bit office with his feet.
Ile uses an idelilrle pencil in his office'
work, with whieh he writes clearly and
legibly. Ile leas been iu charge .of the
post office at Te Uku for the last eleven
year. The official reports of the inspec-
tors of the New Zealand Postal Depart-
ment show that he has given every satis-
faction. in the discharge of his duties. He
slakes out money orders, postal notes,
and the periodical official statement by
using his feet. In the sante 'way he
applies the date stamps to letters with
wonderful rapidity. He can. also use a
hammer, saw and other carpenters' tools
with his feet.
Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. •
Toronto's Calamity.
Baby's Bed.
It must be soft. I
It must be aired.
It should be in the sun.
Mattresses are declared unsanitary.
Baby should not sleep on hair, .feath-
ers, wool or cotton.
A soft, thick blanket is best,'folded
four double.
This blanket should be put on a good
wire spring.
Next to the blanket is placed a rubber
And over the rubber blanket is one of
softest white cotton.
Then comes the upper sheet, and last
a blanket heavy eough to keep baby
warm. Aired daily in the sunshine, this
is- hygienic. if not orthodox.
ear Mother
Your little ones are a constant care in
Fall and Winter weather. They will
catch cold. Do you know about Shiloh's
Consumption Cure, the Lung Tonic, and
what it has done for so many ? h is said
to be the only reliable remedy for all
diseases of the air passages in children.
It is absolutely harmless and pleasant to
take. Itis guaranteed to cure or your money
is returned.. The price is 25c. per bottle,
and all dealers in medidne sell 3r4
This remedy should be in every household.
King Edward as a Reformer,
(New York Mall.)
Future historians will , be likely to couple
Edward VIT with henry V. as an example
of the roist** ovine who becomes an ex-
ceedingly wise beg." niplomar.y has furnish-
ed numerous proofs of Edward's wisdom
since he became monarch, More imports:ft
than these, however. is his latest edict that
the dinner hour shall be at 6.30 o'clock.*
Dinners amo of more mom
at togn t kine
than diplomacy. 'By de
late dinner hour the king is only reforming
a bad custom of his own making. London
dines to -day from 7.30 to 5.30 because "the
Prince's set" made earlier eating unfash-
ionable in the days gone by. Past errors
are now forgiven, however. as he comes to
the aid of the art and digestion of the world.
sots had blood—with irritated or diseased skin--
rrvous system out of order stomach clogged ; l
�+t are anaemic ;with cold hands and feet--'-
alpitation—shortness of brcalr--
It is useless to cry for the impossible either
to the City Council or the philanthropic In-
vestor. Alen of enterprise are not building
homes because it no longer pays. This is.
another way 'of saying that our growth bas
reached the point at which the ordinary pro-
ductive worker can tooa g
lon er afford a home.
Offers Prima Facie Evidence.
Judge—You meati to say that you base your
demand for divorce on the allegation that
your wife Can't cooir a decent meal? That's
nc ground for divorce.
plaintktf—Your honor, would you mind
ooming around and taking dinner with us
Home day?
•emedies will soon set you right—made to wont
ogether, healing the soreness on the skin, while
and cleansing
ming to the root of the troubleg
•lie blood. Mira Ointment and Mira Tablets,
•ach 50e. a box. Mira Blood Tonic, $1.00 a
bottle, At dcuggitts—or from The Chemists' Co.
.1 Canart„ 1 :.e d, I3amilton—Toronto.
Sunlight Soap is better than
other soaps, but is best when
used in the Sunlight way (follow
Hard rubbing and boiling, are
things of the past in homes
where Sunlight Soap is used as
directed. -
Sunlight Soap will not injure
even the daintiest fabric or the
hands, and the clothes will be
perfectly white, woolens soft
and fluffy.
The reason for this is because
Sunlight Soap is absolutely pure,
contains no injurious chemicals
—indeed, nothing but the active,
cleansing, dirt -removing proper-
ties of soap that is nothing but
Equally good with hard or
soft water.
by the dealer from whom you
buy Sunlight Soap if you find
any cause for complaint. 155
fifteen -Day New York Excursion Via
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
Wednesday, November 280. Tickets
only $9.00 round trip from Suspension
Bridge, Niagara Falls. Tickets good
on regular express trains leaving ti os -
pension Bridge 3.50 and 7.15 a. in., 7,15
and 8.43 p. m. Tickets good 15 days.
For tickets and further particulars, call
or write Robt. S. Lewis, Canadian Pas-
senger Agent, 10 King street east, To-
Some Time in the Future.
' We see the serious -faced, high-browed Iit-
tle boy take his antisepticized, disinfected
fire-crteker to bis rubber -gloved haud, strike
a safety match and apply the radium flame
to the sparkless fuse. Then he lays the fire-
cracker on the ground and stops back a foot
or two and watches expectantly until the
fire reaches the charge of smokiess powder.
The firecracker breaks apart silently, but
the boy smiles almost gleefully. He is fancy-
ing what racket it would have made had
it been one of the style that were favored
in the days before noiseless firecrackers
were invented.
A Philadelphia Story.
A Philadelphia minister told a story rec-
ently of the oonversatiou to a religious life
of a worldly woman. "I used to be," said
ehe, "foolish and vain, Worldly pleasures
and fashions were my only thoughts. I was
desperately fond of silks, jewellery, ribbons,
laces, automobile$, eta But my friends, I
draggingnme hdown to pe dition.So
thingsd 1 gave
all to my dear mother-in-law."
the best: -
Matthias Foley, 011 City, Ont.
Joseph Snow, Norway, Me.
Charles Whooton, Mulgrave, N. S.
Rev. R. 0. Armstrong, Mulgrave, N. S.
Pierre Landry, sen., Poleemouche, N.M.
Thomas Wasson, Sheffield, N. B.
Sufficient for Location.
Great country, though. Where else on the
face of the globe would you find Coroner
Aeritelli investigating the case of Aram
Tashjian, charged with chopping up his
brother, Msukbar Tashjian, the prisoner
being ably represented by Harold Spielberg.
Were it not that Dr. IvieGulre, the Tombs
physicians, testified in the case nobody would
ever know it happened in New York.
Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
Look But Do Not Touch.
(MJiwaukee Sentinel.)
"Has your wife got your don fixed up yet?"
"Yes, and you ought to see it. It's the
cosiest place in tbo whole bouse."
"I suppose you find great comfort in 1t,
don't you?"
"0h. she won't let me go In It. It's merely
to look at
Outfit which won the CHAMPIONSHIP OF
THE WORLD against 21 American, British
and Canadian manufacturers, after a two
months' w o'tge, trial. Made by -
SOOLb, Sala' (, r S `1' eit/S11 CO. LIMITED,
eeest i. •:. (snitch.
ISSUE 1i O. 45, 1006.
A oo. Salary
ao ladies and gentlemen; pernament post -
tion; rapid advancement; salary and ex-
penses; genteel, desirable business; exper-
tenee unnecessary; full
full instructions gives.
TORONTO. (Mention this paper.)
OR SALE, AT ONCE, CHEAP UNDERmortga.ge, 400 acres grazing farm with
good buldings, in County of i3ruce; only
$200 down or secured and balance In Bair
payments. Address London Loan Company,
London, Ont.
15 for 100; 50 for boo; 100 for He; all dif-
ferent; 500 for $3 assorted; 1,000 envelopes
50o and 60e; 1,00 foreign 'stamps 25o. W.
R. Adams, 401 Tongs street, Toronto, Ont.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should al-
ways be used for children tectatng. It
sootbee the cdifid, soothes the gums, cures
whoa collo and is the best remedy for Dim '-
A Bare, sure ana ranch, monthly regal*.
tor. mese Pills have been used in Promo
for over fifty years, and found invaluable
for the purpose designed, and are paean,
toed by the makers. Bl ulus0 stamp for
sealed circular. Price 01.00 Dur box. of
uggisto ;. or uy man, securely sealed, on receipt of pros
Box 42, Hamilton, ifaisena.
November Excursion to New York
Via West Shore Railroad.
November 2nd. and November 20th are
dates of New York excursions via West
Shore Railroad, $4.00 round trip from
Suspension Bridge or Buffalo. Tickets
good going only on above dates in all
regular trains. Good ten days for re -
L. Drago, Canadian Passenger Agent,
69: Yonge street, Toronto, for all par-
Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc.
• -•
It Had Been There Befor.
"Hello, pummel, I bear you had your
watch stolen the other day?"
"Yes, but the thief is already caught. Just
think, the fool took it to the pawnshop and
'there they immediately recognized it as mine
and detained him."
oughs and Colds.
IP Fe 1....42 8.13LF Fri Ct.;l SIX
Ask for