HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1906-11-09, Page 5The Zurich Herald,
r * TH £ 6 t`O * 0
aA at F9 Z U R I C H of e3
Strictlyup-to-date in modern int.
provements. Dining rooms is su
plied with only the very best. 'jp¶
Bar contains choice liquors and
cigars. ¶ ¶ $ ¶ ¶
Excellent Sample Rooms
for Commercial Men.
This House has recently changed
hands, and is now one of the
most orderly and best con-
ducted Houses in the
o patter malle. in the Dominion.
Laundry ..
We use no chemicals
to destroy or injure
your Clothing, and we
Guarantee our Work.
' . H. HOFR1
During November .of
Prints, 11Tnslins, Art
Muslins, Gingham,
Wrapperetts, Dress
Goods, Lat,ies and
Chilcliens Caps, Mens
and Boys Hats and
Caps, .Mens Ready Made
Suits and overcoats and
Rain Coats Dinner Setts
Toilet Setts, Lamps,
and all kinds of Dishes,
To make room for new goods
Call and secure Bargains
Local Salesman
at once for Zurich and sur-
rounding districts.
in Fruit and Ornamental
Stock grown and for sale by
A permanent situation for
the right party. Liberal
inducements ; pay weekly.
Handsome free outfit.
Write for terms and cata-
logue, and send 25 cents
in stamps for our POCKET
cents for our HANDY HACK
Stone & Wellington,
LTi Ontario
Subscribe forTette HERALD.
Mr. Lou Preeter is building a
woodsshed to his residence. •
August Walpeir has disposed of
his farm on the 14th con. to Mr.
Ily. Restemeyer.
Messrs. Ehlers and Eidt ship1i'ed
a carload of flour on Frrday.
Fred Wells has moved his house-
bold effects to Exeter where be has
secured employment.
Rev. L. K. Eidt made a business
trip to London on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Truesnner
of I'etrolia a e at present visiting
their daughter, Mrs. Wm. Shrum.
Lenoard Kellerman had the mis-
fortune one day last week of dislocat-
ing his elbow while playing. with
some other boys at school, he has
had to carry his arm in a support
Mrs. Miller, who has been indis-
posed for several days, is, we are
glad to know, somewhat better.
iri last week's issue of Tnu II>:R-
ALD in our account of the accident
in which Miss Effie 1Viilert had her
leg broken, we stated that Mr. R.
Goetz hail stopped his rig on the eon
ad and was fixing something on the
harness when the other rig collided
with thein. 11Ir. Goetz informs ns
that he did not stop at the time of
the accident., and we willingly make
this correction. -
Rev. L. K. Eidt preached at
Crediton on Sunday morning, While
Mr. G. Brown of Crediton took
charge of I1r. Eidt's work here.
Wetlrled-On Tuesday evening in
this village the marriage took place
of Peter Martin and Miss Mary
Becker. That the sea of life before
them may be full of pleasure is the
wish of their marry friend.
The grim reaper of death has
been busy in our community of late.
On Friday, Mrs. Smith, of the
Goshen line, passed away after a
brief illness at the ripe age of 75
yearn. She was laid to rest on Sun-
d'hvaal`ern(nn in the Bronson line
cemetery, Rev. Thun of the Luth-
erinn church officiating. Then on
Sunday evenir n the spirit of .hiss
hfe'.iud 1Vinkenwcder took in-
flight after an illness of about four
w eks of typhoid -fever. The funeral
on Tar edgy afternoon was concltutted
by Rev. L. IC Eidt interment tak-
ing place in the Goshen line ceme-
tery. Also. on the same evening
little Alvin Birk 8011 of Mr. aur]
rlrs. Adam Birk fell asleep in Jesus
after an illness of only a few flours.
The little fellow was around as
1181151 on Saturday and pailonk of
hie evening meal after whicllr he
spent the evening in chilcliA anut.r-
ment and as meal was put to rest -
for the night with eo sign of any-
thing being wrong hat through the
night was taken ill and gradually
grew worse t 11 death releivcd him
of his sufferings at eleven o'clock
Sunday evening. We extend to
the bereaved friends in each case
our sincere sympathy and commend
them to the loving watchful care of
him who rules the universe. The
funeral on Wednesday morning was
gond acted by ltev. L. K. Eidt to
the Goshen line cemetery.
The following; is the standing of
the pupils, of S. S No. 11, Hay, for
the month of Oct. This report is
based on attendance, behavior and
preparation of lessons,
IV class. Vera .Tennison, 184 ;
Nellie Campbell, 174 ; Chas, Over-
holt, 120.
Jr IV class. Willie Taylor, 195.
III class. Greta, 'Taylor 202 ; josh?
Kalbfli.esch 160 ; Morley Dadrntin
102 ; Lily Overholt 79 ; Adolph
Badour 53 Engline l3adour 164.
Sr II class, Beryl Jennison 197 ;
Olive Green 96.
Jr II class. Paul Batdour 226 ;
Lily Paton 223 ; Harvey Taylor 210;
Lorne Taylor 189; Roy Green 82,
Pt I class. Willie Jennison 100 ;
Robbie Jennison 168 ; Gilbert Jeffry
143 Morey Paton 190 ; Ruby Hend-
ric 83. E. Thompson, Teacher.
The new Pure Food and Drug
Law will (nark it on the label of
every Cough Cure containing opium
chloroform or any other stupifying
or poisonous drug. .But it passes
Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure as made
for 20 years, entirely free. Dr,
Shoop all along has bitterly oppos.
ed the use of all opiates or narcot-
ics. Dr. Shoop's Omagh Cure is ab-
solutely safe even for the youngest
babe—and it cures, it does not
simply suppress, Get a safe and
reliable Cough Cure-, by simply in-
sisting on having Dr. Shoop's. Let
the law be your protection. We
cheerfully recommend and sell it,
J Monier.
Quite exciting discussions' take
place in the neighbor. cod over the
New Public School Act and corn,
meats galore are voiced regarding
the increased school taxes to be
paid this year, Bit if those who
reason so antagonistic would only
consider that the school taxes rais-
ed this year not only pays the
teacher for the present near but
Dittoes in the hands of the Township
Treasurer a sung sufficient to pay
next year's salary they surely
would find no snail reasons for
Miss Helen M. Sparks, teacher of
aur school, spent Sunday under
the parental roof.
Mr. W. H. Talbot, our old and
honest Harry, has justabout wound
up another season's threshing and
leaves us, his patrons, carrying our
boodle and his well -wishes.
Mr. Thos. Wiley, Stanley's little
tax -gatherer, will be in our village
Tueeday, Nov, 20th, gathering is
the mites.
Mr. Jos. Ducharnie still wields
the 1lanImer, and continues to guar-
antee satisfaction.
Results of examinations for Sep-
tember and October in S. S. S. No.
1, Ray.
Class V. ;atarks given 1050. The -
see Laporte 773, Isaao - Duaherrne
Class IV. Marks given 900. Max
Corrivean 422.
Class IIx. Marks given 700. Hec-
tor Laporte 406, Blanohe Laporte
404, John Denonmy 467, Eddie Bris-
son 454, Valerie LaDorte 449, Er-
nest Loiselle 432, Maxim Denomy
421, Alice Denomy and Solomon
Denomy 411, 14?aeinailian Denomy
286, Melvin Jeffry, absent for part
of examination.
Class 1I, Marks given 1100. Ed-
ward Corrivean 416, Alex Aubin
414, Wilfred Laporte 400, Lillie
Denomy 328, Eugenie Denomy 31.
Ethel Jeffry 244, Loretta Laporte
243, Bertine Denomy 232, Marie
Lcbeau and Anna Corrivean ab-
Class I Pt. II. .cranes in order
of merit. Fabien Corrivean, Man -
dine Laporte,• Armand I)t nonny,
Riehard Laporte, Filbert Denomy,
Edward Laporto.
(.''lass T. Pt. I. Adolphe Sanl-he,
Teddy- Denomy, Priscilla Dueller -
me, Leo Denomy, Lawrence Deno -
my, G. M. Lachance,
The following report. shores the
relative standing of the ptip'ls of
U. S. S. No, 9, Stanley, 'for the
month of October. The names ap-
pear in order of merit.
V class. Ruth Keys, Viola Edig-
heifet', Roy Capling,
TV clays. Isabel Manson. Flossy
ClPi g• Pearl Zapfe.
III ('lass, Mary .Douglas, Gordon
Alanson, Ethel Zapfe. •
II class,- Sr. ;Talcit) T3rennerinan,
liikie Kennel, ,Tames Ester.
II class, Jr. EMMa Fleohler, An-
nie Br.nnerman, Pearl McBride.
Part II. Katie Oes ch, Edmund
Erh, Rachel Gesaho.
Part Ia, Nancy 13rennerman,
Lorne Manson, Aaron Gesell.
Part Ib. Pearl Moyer, Clarence
Hall, Ada Kennel. G. S. Howard,
Misses S. Allan and M. Johnston
have made their round collecting
for the Bible Society. The donation
this year exceeds that of •other
ye'nrs by {mite a nhargin.
Miss Peck of near Bayfield is at
present visiting at the home of Mr.
W. J. Dowson.
Miss Maggie Sparks spent Sunday
with her friend, Miss Allan.
The fine summer-like weather of
thr. lrn.t week enabled farmers - to
get throngh with their ploughing.
The season has been rather unfav-
orable for outside work of any
ere's Jest the Bight
Bowel Laxative
Gentle, Sure—Pleasant to Take—A
Tried and True, Genuine,
Nature's Remedy.
If you do not have tree. easy and regular
movements of the bevels you lack the prime and
first essential of good health, There's more
harm done than mere uncomfortablone9s, slug-
ness—retention of food
tc reirritates
ls o y sys
scavenger instead
purest life arid un -
The ins et coo
not trifling but
are fraught
relief in
' Accent tila
aid of Lax-ets 1
force and
ea to organa of
Avoid all the dan-
and unknown med-
and your health are
aJce 1.0x-ets. The
formula is on every bon` —show it to your fam-
ily Physician. Lax•ets are Out un in a flat metal
case in bandy tabtet form --enc tablet taken be
fore meals or on retiring always brings relief;
Pleasing to talo—the moat notbat yet gentle of
rill remedies—e genuine helm of fila urea-- a
bowel laxative which aures eouStIpption, Ton.
commended and for sal,. by -•
fAtiattlat ilk JO MERNER .awl441
gishness and bilious
wastes in the bowels
poisons. You make
tem—the blood—a
of a fountain of
tainted vitality,
stipation ar e
Clearly always
with vital
Seek your
gentle, natural
Be euro not to
crowd the deli -
the stomach 1
ger-of Powerful
ioines1 Your safety
always secured—if you
Dr. McFadden, who sold out to
Dr. Ferguson, left Hensall last
Mr. and Mrs. C. Cook have moved
into Miss Warring's house, which
G. C. Petty recently purchased.
Jas, Troyer and family have
moved to Seafortb. where Mr,
Troyer has a good `position.
Mrs. A, Johnston of the London
road is slowly recovering from her
recent illness.
W. HE Elarburn of Hensall and J,
Elder of Hay township are in Al-
goma district on a hunting expedi-
C. Ran of Crediton has engaged
with J. Zueile as shoemaker.
Hensall still retains its reputa-
tion as an onion centre. A number
of car loads were shipped from
here last week.
Geo. Davis moved his family and
household effects to Rainy River
district last week. He owns a
large farm in that section.
Mr. Pinkney has moved his fami-
ly from Seaforth, He has rented
J. Troyer's residence.
Hector, the black knight, will
address meetings in the Methodist
church, next Sunday.
Nine persons are canvassing the
electors of the township of Tucker -
smith for signers petitioning the
Council to have a vote on local op-
tion at the municipal elections at
New Years. Hensall temperance
people are also making a move in
that direction.
T. Welsh is moving his saw mill
east. opposite the foundry. He will
supply power to run the engine in
the -machine shop. He will supply
power for the electric light plant.
the chopping mill, foundry and
saw mill.
R. E. Pickard returned from the
West last week.
Work has commenced on the
foundation for the new cunning
Wm. Bawden and Al. McDonald
left a few days ago on a purchasing
trip to England and Scotland,
An addition is being built to the
Times office. More room is needed
in the mechanical department.
Frank Farquhar had the misfor-
tune recently to dislocate his wrist.
He was riding a bicycle when he
fell off.
Mary Ann Andrew, relict of the
late James Hall, departed this life
on Oct. 26th. She had been ill only
for two weeks but no hopes were
entertained for her recovery. She
leaves one son and four daughters
to mourn her loss.
W. Elliott and T. Handford have
returned honkie from the West.
(neo. E. Hill, a fbrmer resident of
this eillage, died at Regina on Oct,
24th at the age of 30 years. He was
ill with typhoid fever for only a
few clays. The remains were brou-
ght to Exeter for interment.
Miss Christina McLeod, who has
been at the home of Robt. Pearson
riurinz the summer has retnrne.d'o
to her brother's home in Brooklyn,
N, Y.
Farmers are vert' blies' Fit 'hrra-
ent finislaing up their fall plowing
.Jacob Diehl, of concession 5, has
attained the rifle a.ge of 85 veers.
nnrl though somewhat feeble is still
able to go around
Mr. and Mrs. Tames Steep left rc-
rently for Hn.ltlimnncl comity where
they intend to make their fthtiire
home, T'Jr. Steep having rented a
farm there.
Miss Ella Welsh of Sanilae coun-
ty, Mich., and Miss Eva l3nr.nett of
Goderich township were guests re-
cently of Miss (4eorgina Johnston
of the Goshen Line.
Mr. Alex. 11feBea•tll, who wne ahie
to be around after his severe ..lues
is again confined to his hunt, hav-
ing suffered a release. His mimer-
ous friends hope for bis speedy re-
Yon can hardly afford to he wvith-
otit TR'S HERALD. It covers MI lo-
cal ground better than any other
county paper. Give it a trial; you
will be pleased with it.
A quiet but happy event was
eslebratcd at the home of Mr. incl
it&rs. George Dowson, Goshen Line,
nn Thnrsday. Nov. ist, when their
daughter, Miss Flossie, was united
in marriage to Mr. Arthihr Keys,
son of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Keys, of
the Babylyn Line. Rev. A, H.
Brown of Varna performed the
ceremony in the presence of only
the' immediate relatives. After
ooneratuletions and good wishes
h:id been extended all sat down to
a bounteons wedding repast. Mr.
and Mrs Keys have settled down
an the Peek farm on the Babylon
Line,. which he has rented. We
join in wishing then- a prosperous
and happy married life.
The kiln sheds at Jas. Haist'a
brickyard were blown down,.
The work on the new school
house is being rushed on apace. It
will be a credit to our pretty little
The Ladies' Aid of the Evangeli-
cal churoh sent a. box of clothing
to Toronto last week to aid in the
deaconess work,"
Rev. L. K. Eidt of Dashwood oc-
eupied the pulpit in the Evangeli-
cal church hist Sunday, Rev. Mr.
Bean conducting services in Rod-
The proceeds of the anniversary
services in Ebenezer church amoun-
ted to $855.
Miss Kate Zwicker has resumed
her former position with her
brother, Mr. 0. Zwicker.
Wm. McWilliams left for New
Liskeard last week where he will
spend a few weeks hunting.
Mr. and Mrs, Chas. McDonald
and family of Torunto visited his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mc-
Donald last week.
Bon Spencer has returned from
the West, where he pent a - few
Dr. Metcalf wife and family of
Detroit who have spent the sum-
mer here, returned to their home
last week.
Mrs. E. Elliott received Word
last week of the deatb of ]ter sister,
Mrs. Sperling of (;ec rge town, Mrs.
Elliott and -Miss F. Powlie attended
the funeral.
T. J. Marks bas returned from a,
visit with his son at Colorado,
Springs, Colorado.
Miss Maggie McKay visited her
brother, Hugh McKay, of •the Al-
Wm. Whidilou spent a few days
last week at (•lravenhiust.
Miss 14linnie Yeo, who has been
clerking for John Fraser, has left
and gone west.
One day last week Richard Smith
and Miss Maggie Lindsay, both of
this village, took the train from.
Brucefield for Sarnia and returned
man and wife. The citizens wish
the newly married couple success.
They will occupy Wm. Iiiggin's
house on the Aux Sauble.
School report for October.
IV class. (:Mara Eisenbach, Arthur
Haugh. Milton Haugh, Moses
13aechler, Joseph. Smith.
Sr III class, .Antonetta Foster,
Josephine Foster, Willie Decher.
Jr III class. Alvino L'aechler,
Laurette Decher, John Regier,
Adeline Buechler, Cornelius Foster,
Flossie Howald.
Sr 1I class. Lizzie Eisenbaeh,
Winfred Regier, Herbert Hey, Corn
Mid II class. Aallebert Smith,
Beatrice Rennie, Koietta Foster,
Asher t Hey.
Sr II class, Robert Eisenbach,
Herbert Witmer.
Jr Pt II class. Jacob Gingerich,
Christopher Buechler, Edward Hey.
Jr Pt II class, Isidore Smith,
Hurley Howald,
Sr Pt I class. Philip Eisenbach,
Lenise Reefer, Pearl Witmer
Jr Pt I class. Herbert Dabus,
Clayton Wild fonen
No. on roll 34, leverage attendan-
ce 20. M. Parsons,
A singular maple tree on the left
bank of the Odder, in Germany, is
at least a century old, and has been
twisted trod cut into a kind of cir-
cular hoose of two stories. A firm.
leafy floor has been formed by
causing the branches to become
gradually woven together. Above
this is a smaller second floor simi-
larly formed, and the ends of the
branches have been woven into
solid walls, kin which eight windows
on each storey have been cut out.
IC amber iI 's
Cough ;'ernedy
The Children's Favorite
—au eEs--.
Coughs, Colds, Croup and
Whooping Cough.
This remedy is famous for its aures over
a largoart el the civilized world. It can
always be depended upon. It contains no
onium er ether harmful drug and may be
given as confidently to a baby as to on adult
Price 25 ata; Large Size, 50 eta.