HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1906-11-09, Page 44 The Zurich' Herald. LEGAL CARDS. IL J', 1). COOKE, BARRISTER AND SO- lioiter, Notary Public, "Hensall, Ontario. At Zurieh (Zeller's ofriee) every Mon- day. P,ROUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIIt, BAR - rigors, Solicitors. Notaries Public, etc., °Cloderich, Canada. W. Proudfoot. R. C. Have. (r. F. Blair, BUSINESS OI4RDS. tet. S. PHILLIPS, LICENSED A.UC- tioneer for tho Coraaties of Huron and Porth, Farm stack sales a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. All orders left at Lott 3, Con. 2, Hay, or •sdciressed to Hensen P. 0. will be iiromptly attended to. OR. P. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, GRA- euate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Tororeo, also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a spee.iality. At Dominion ]rouse, Zurich, every Mon- day. 1-6 E. ZELLER, CONVEYANCER AND Notary Public. De e d s , Mortgages, Wills and other Legal Documents care- fully and promptle prepared. Office - Zeller block,lrrrieh, Ont. MUSIC. 7URIC1i BRASS BAND HAS BEEN re-organieetl end is new prepared to furnish first-e1ti music for all kinds of amusements. For t rnts a ply to or write F. W. IIess, `ee'y-Taeas., Zurich. INSURANCE. .ANDREW DESS. DIVISION COURT CLERK. Village. and Faro: Property insured. All :':e leading Companies represented. rigeet, for Accident and Sickness irsura e.e. Wanlit Pi7BLSSRI t BX E. Z1 LLEE. FRIDAY, NOV. 9th, 1906. W. T. 1T. SHATTERED HOPES. Daniel was no subject for strong mental excitement. A brain -fever was the result of his disquietude? and he sank under it. His high spirit could not brook the affront that he had brought upon . himself. • The powers of life were exhausted in the agonies of the tortured spirit mil medical skill was of no avail. It was hard to perish in the• bloom. of youth, when the leaves of hope were green, and life was bright with goldenpromise. }lard to pass away to the dank, silent tomb in the flush of h atth and glad young life. "I thought to have l.ed a noble life, and I had glorious dreams of ease and comfort for the poor old mother in her declining days," he • sail. sadly smiling, to the friend who watched his last moments. "Anel had. I been tree to my early- . principles, I would have left behind • me the memorial of a good name." Young mien, looking forward to a life of sucoess, beware of putting yourselves in the mocker's power. • You may fondly dream that you are f made of sterner stuff than Daniel Moffat, but remember the enemy possesses a secret power against which you Have no safety if your tamper with his agencies. Neither ;for the sake of business nor friend- ship be persuaded to join tipplers, for the mocker lurks in the social - _ glass. FOR SALE. 001) 140 -ACT? F AR Ll far sale being 7i lot 4 ned pa:.t, lot 5, cos cession 11, Hay. The farm eentaeN 2't, scree good hardwood bleee Betel brick house arta bank barn; plontt ,d water it house and barn; the farm ie fenced anti under. drained and i; 'ti it-'l,ts,a .rape. For further par;i'tti ?' apply :tr.. -premises or tw••lte to john }h ...a:tn, , a septa, P. 0. a•'-1 nr 'ARM F0 SALE -75 acre.,- of choice unci on the 4:h Con., May Town- ship. C:oocl brick house, bank barn, 40x flood. water t nd well fenced. -twill sell on reasonable -.eras. Apply at prar..- isos or to i ilt+,rn Stelok. 414 - Zurich.• ry'aHOPOBRliD BROWN LEGHORV > d • Cockerels for sale. They are all tine births and ja t ♦ir..t you wart, to improve your poolt'r': ileac. Price 50 rents each. Peter Baker,.0'a.a , Lina, Blake, P. O. AUCT:C:!"af SALES. AUCTION HALE OI' 1+A`AYI SITOC1c. anis Imploinei.ts c' Lot 27, Con. 15, Hav, on lrt"ednesdnv, 14t.h, 1:106, at: 1 o'clock sharp. E. Boeswo tarry auctioneer: Win. .1% Dow -eon, t roprietor, "T:'1.URS1)A r , Nt.)15, Moe. AUCTION male of horses tic -i . olti at r.;,rj Metropolitan Hotel, Exeter, P.^nimenein;r of 1 o'clock rlittri,. tl. T;. 11.t:•k;,er. ;sro;aaietor; .T s \.'bite anti 'hrnn,:- r:amezen, auctioneer•, • a Do You It not so much what you get, as what you save on pay day that determines your fu- ture success. Therefore get the habit of saving as nruch as possible every pay e day. In The Sovereign Bank of Canada $1,00 opens an account, and interest is paid 4 times a year. J.OS.. r4E-LIL - And masters, see that ye put no i temptation in the way of your ser - wants. When ye brad them orer to your interests, exact no• more from them than your due, -a cot,- selentious falli.ment of duty on the prieeiIt1ee of truth. -Scottish Tem perance Le..gac Leaflet. (The encl.) ANOTHER OPEN WINTER. "?'tie fire going to have another open winter in 1907," said Ezekiel Bnnzy, the aged weather prophet. "I can smell it in the air. -The birds stayed later than ueual this full, which is always taken as a sure sign that Winter will not conte till after Christ/nes. I saw swallows and bumming birds rnd thistle birds, all of which are in the habit of getting away late in August. - "The hens hare hardly begun to • e sed their feathers yet, anti most J. Broadfoot, Tucker mith, 527x. gears they have moulted and start- 'When the tip of a dog's nose is ed in to lav by October 1st. The cold and moist, that dog isnot sick. partridges are very thinly clad with A feverish dry nese means :sickness tea there.r “The corn husks are very scant with.a clog. And so with the Int- - roan lips Dry, cracked and color- 90.4-3.43,43.4-3.+3.€ COUNTY NEWS. •01-34,43.430,43,43•-4-3* 4C-im -*E0 44+E+4+•+Ere 13,ev. Wm. Elliott a retired minis. ter is already in the field for the Glodericb mayoralty'. The C. P. R, st ?tion at ]Blyth is completed and the grading all done ready for the rails. .Mrs, Wm. Traquair and family who resided on the town line west of Kippen and who a short time ago rented her farm, removed this week to their olcl home in Essex cenntyth. In e case of Jasper Brindly, convicted of bigamy, a further ad- journment was made by Judge Holt, until December 3rd, pending the, decision of the court of Appeal to Which the case was referred. Mr. Newton McTavish, brother of John McTavish, of Seaforth who has represented the Toronto Globe in Montreal, for several years, has been offered and has accepted the position of Editor-in-chief of the Canadian Magazine, and will re- move to Toronto. People are asserting that the re- cently constructed drainage conal in Llhicago, will in time drain all the lakes connected therewith. First thing we know Goderich will be an inland town, and they will be offering fine farms for sale out in the Iltiddle of what is now Lake Huron. The... ooristituences in Huron County in which Local Option con- tests will t,dte place next January are Usborne, Tuckersmith, Stanley Grey and Hensall. In all these the Municipal Councils hare agreed to submit a by-law. The hoteIs that will be affected should the act pass in each are 1 in Usborno, 2 in Tuokersmith, 4 in Grey, 2 in Stan- ley and 2 in Hensall. Preventics, as the name implies, prevent all Colds and Grippe when ',taken at the sneeze stage." Pre- vent ios are toothsome candy tablets Preven'ics dissipate all colds quick- ly, and taken early when you first feel that a cold is coming, they check and prevent them. .Prevc'n- tics are thoroughly safe for child- ren. and as effectual for adults. Sold and recommended. in 5 cent and 25 cent boxes by J 3 ;Verner. The dispersion stock sale of Mr. Thomas Robson, held in London was fairly successful. Thera was a good:-4tendance of buyers. Forty- three e ttle.were disposed of for a total'; Q05, an average of about $.11fir°a frr.each animal. The pur- chases. made by Huron stockmen were as follows : Jealous Girl, J. Cowan, of See forth, $300 ; Buchan Fumy, H. Smith, Huy, ;115: Helens Rose, A. G., Smillie. Tuckersmith. $1010; Whitehall Ramsden, A. and and gauzy. Burrs on beechnuts less hos mean feverishness, and are and hazelnuts are so thin and soft as well ill appearing. To have beau - 'that a child can cut through the tiful, pink, velvet-like lip,, apply at bedtime a coating of Dr. Shoop's (green Salve. It will soften and heal any skin ailment. Get a free trial box et our store and be con- vinced. Large nickel capped glass jars, 25 cents. 7 J Merner. toughest of them. ..Cattle and horses out at pasture are looking as sleek as they diel in June, indicating that they have !not begun to think of putting on winter overcoats. Woodehneks, which should have retired for the !winter in September, are out loafing I at the entrances to their burrows. -Chipmunks have laid by very small stores of nuts and grain, though the beechnut crop has been the biggest for ten years. Look anywhere you will and the eviden- ce stands out and tells yon that the , winter will be brief and warm. "Hunters who have shot deer • say that the antlers are still grow- ing, or in the velvet , tret e, though t Le love -making seueon is wily two .weeks awu v'. Though the=re have l;sen several cold nights, and though I have rubbed. the backs of several fat eats to get electric sparks on t (Ifthe fur, I have not Zrli11€irrF`r heard so much, as a crackle as yet. ZURICH re This is because the coating of fur on the oats has not become thick enough, proving that the cats are not making any haste about putting on winter garments. "Right here in the village the eld maids and grass widows are still 'coming out in white and peekaboo shirtwaists, and the fathers of tnarriageable slaughters have not set the parlor stoves or bought the coal for the winter's courting. It seems as if they ex- pected that most of the courting, would be done on the piazza or over the garden gate as is the custom in the summer. "Unless the signs fail, ice will be high and pneumonia will be plenti- fui and graves will be opened often between now and next March," MARKETS 'W ...heat... • Oato . Barley . ... 40 45 Peals 07 70 Flan!! ..• .......1 85 2 Ge: Bran., .............. 10 00 16 00 hclrts . 1l 00 1i) 0(1 Butter 19 Eggs .... ......... 1(i Lard ,.,. 1:3 Dried .Apples .. 3 ,Sett Onions.. .... 4 Large Onions bus. 60 Chielten8......... t Old !Hens ..:... ..... Ducks..., 10 Geese 9 White Beans, bus1 25 Clover Seed, bus, G 75 Hay, per ton—, 6 00 Potatoes.... ..., 30 ;Hoge (per e yst) .... , . 6 00 6 25 67 0i70 30 :14 20 20 13 L Gu 8 10 9 1 25 6 00 :35 CHAPPED HANDS. Wash your hands with Warm `eater, dry with a towel and apply Chamberlain's Salve just before going to bed, and a speedy cure is certain. This salve is also invalu- able for sore nipples, itching piles and skin diseases. For sale by J. J. Merrier. FORECASTS FOR NOVEMBER. By, Rev. Irl. R. Hicks. A reactionary storm period is central on the lath, 16th and 17th. The New Moon in perigee falls on the 16th, 'et a time when the full force of the Mercury equinox will blend with other per tit elnne. causes. One of the most .severe disturbances of the mondh will culminate within forty -eight -hours of noon on the 16th. The barometer will drop to one of its lowest reactings for the month, thick cloudiness and great humidity Will prevail, and general storms of autumnal main, turning to destructive sleet, and later into blizzardots snow and northwest gales Inas be expected, covering the northern and extending far into the central sections. Died. Slwtzrre-At the Goshen Line, on Friday, Nov. 2nd, Mrs. Smith aged 75 years. NVIIMBNw itis . Near Dashwood, on Sundity, Nov. 4th, Miss Melin- da Winkenweder. BIfg-At Dashwood, on Sunday, Nov. 4th, Alvin Birk, son of Mr. and Mrs, Adana Birk. ;Via. rrriecil.. K1Xs-D0Ws01-••At the house of the bride'sparents, on Thursday. Nov. 1st. 1906, by Rev. A, H. Brown, Miss Flossie, daughter of of Mr. and Mrs. George Dowson, Goshen Line, Stanley to Mr. A. Keys, of the Babylon Line, Stan- ley. MA1.'rIiv-131101 tsR -- At Dashwood, en Tuesday', Mr. Peter Mai tin to Miss Mary 3ot:ker. SASKATCHEWAN BUFFALO ROBES --•410.1. .1. In buying a Buffalo Robe it is better to buy the best. A cheap one is no good at any price. A Robe should last twenty years if made from good ;material. The Saskatche- ,wan has been tested and has won a reputation for itself. It is interlined with rubber and is absolutely wind and water -proof, Every Saskatchewan Robe is guaranteed. We sell thele. Everything in the line of Harness Trunks Furniture H. WELL, Rugs Valises Piauos Robes Suit Cases Organs = Zurich, Ont. 1 he Old a ' d Reliable KatbfIeisch's Saw & Planing I wieh to thank nay customers for their patronage during the past year, and wish to announce that 1 am on hand with a large stock of Hastings Brand B. C. RED CEDAR SHUt3CL S and all kinds of Building Material. It will be to your interest to call and see me if you are going to build. It is my alni to combine good work with good material. I also do CUSTOM SL WDNC and pLickpasicc ;Chopping done every Tuesday and Friday. . C. KALI Mills 14th Coli. .3: L E I C , ZURICH ZURICH'S GROCER' and FLOUR and FEED STOP.: I+1 beg to can your attention to our nicely • assorted stock of fresh Groceries. Our aim is to buy nothing but tho best, and a look through our stock will convince you that our goods cannot be excelled. 13uy your Groceries here and save money, A. call solicited. Fine and Coarse Salt, $1.4o per i]F E. Barra. „• s,^UR FLOUR AND FEED DEPARTMENT ttl.tt' S's contains a frill supply of Shorts, Bran, Middlings, etc., etc. In flour we handle only the best at prices as low as any_ Try some "ROYAL HOUSEHOLD" or "c,TAR" and you will -ise 110 other. Give it a trial. INTERN A.TIOX AL and CARNEFAC Stock Foods. S. So DOMINION PARLIAMENT. Ottawa, Nov. 3 -The Canada Gazette contains notice of the call- ing of Parliament fur the clesptatoh of business on Thursday, Nov, 28. This will he the first time that the Canadian House has sat during the month of November since the ses- sion following the general election of 1806, when it met in October, and sat for about six' weeks. The session which will open two weeks from Thnrschty promises to he one of the most important and interesting ever held. The two principal Government measures will be the new tariff and the new Insurance Act to be fram- ed on the findings of the Insurance Commission. Considerable excitement is cer- tain to arise out of the, develop- ments rs to the prevalence of whole sale corruption _in bye -elections, the revelations as to Western land deals and other .natters. It is. fully expected that the tariff will be brought down. shortly after the House meets, but the insurance legislation will, in all probability', not be ready for consideration be- fore February. Piles quickly and positively cured with Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. It's made for Piles 'alone -and it does the work surely and with sat- isfa.ction. Itching, painful, protud• ing orblind biles disappear like magic by its use, Large. Nickel Capped. glass jars, 50 cents. Solea a.ncl recommended by J J Merner. There is in Ontario a great dear- th in candidates for 'ministerial service, and Inane- pulpits are vacant thru this cause alone, The deinnnd from the west has been so creat as to exhaust every source of supply. and in the presbytery a Paris in Western Ontario, there are six vacancies thru 'this cause, four of the pulpits being vacated by removal to the west. The total number of students graduated from all the Presbyterian colleges to the ministry last year was forty-six, the mmher of deaths was twenty: six, and twelve were placed on the retired list. The tide is, however, turning, and the students now entered num- ber more than last year. AI AP - The apple crop in the United States has just been estimated at 36,120;000 barrels. This is 12,025,000 barrels more than the 1905 orop, and may explain why the New York Central Road has been forced to place an embargo on the apple shipments from the north. The estimated crop in New York State is 4,900,000 barrels, or larger by 1,000,000 barrels than the pro. duction in any other State. The estimated New York crop equals the crepe in Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky and Tennessee combined, and if equally distributed to the people of the State would give half a barrel to each man, wonian and child." Subscribe for Tron