HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1906-11-02, Page 8ar7 .,Sk.,'X31 ISY.i liillelel .NiMM C-NKEV MC
:R?3 Ma li i IRSN EVS,Ikik liFi NENEN31)li
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The greatest danger to Farin
Buildings and Live Steele
from wind storms is in the
summer months. A policy in
The tinfoil Weather
insurance mutual Company
insures you against loss for
a few dollars yearly ::
R. NORTRCOTT ESQ., President, Hay P. 0.
.3. IiEI LERMAN ESQ., Viee-Pr, Dashwood.
S. BROXI:REHIRE, - Crediton P. 0.
C. H. Pins, - - Exeter P. 0.
HENRY" RAC, - - Drysdale P. 0.
W. T. CALDwELL, • Hensall P. 0.
W. B. BATTLER, • Zurich P. 0.
A. 0. SrIn.LIE, - Hensall P. 0.
0. MONTEITH. Thames Road P. 0.
If there is no Director in your
vicinity send for rates etc., to
Zurich, Ont.
Reliable agents wanting good
territory should apply at once
to the General Agent
G. HOLTZMA.N, Zurich
eat Market
Everything in the
line of salt and
fresh meats. Poul-
try in season. We
make a specialty of
supplying thresh -
ing roasts.
MHO' &
We always carry a well assorted
stock of steel tire and rubber tire
buggies, in different styles of
trimming and painting. We pay
particular attention to work or-
dered by an intending purchaser,
and we feel certain we can turn
out a job that will be satisfactory.
We use nothing but first class
material in constructing our rigs.
Our products have stood the teat
Repair Department
We are prepared to do repairing of
all kinds satisfactorily and prom-
ptly. Get your buggy re -painted
ft will look better awl last longer
Give us a call.
F. Hess & Son,
Zurich - - Ontario.
To sell High Class Nursery Stuck
in Fruits and Ornamentals. Largest
list of NEW SPECIALTIES ever offer-
„BELLIN(4 SEA SON. Big indncenients,
Liberal Pay, Handsome Free Out-
fit, Territory Reserved, Write for
Terms and Catalogue and send 25
rents for our Aluminum Pocket
Microscope (magnafles 4e times)
and 50 cents for our Handy Saw,
just the Brimming trees (cuts iron
as well as wood).
Stone & 'Wellington;
Toronto Ontario
A few samples of the
in stook. See them.
They cost a few but
they are the only.
Mantle Clocks and
all kinds of Watches
F. W. HESS ffi Jeweler
ZURICH - - . - Ont,
Th A Zurich Herald.
vangelical Association
Sunday School at 9 :30 a. tn. ;
Preaching Service, German, 10 :45
a. ea, ; English Service, at 7 p.
m, ; Senior Alliance, 8 p. m. Tues-
day evening; German Prayer meet-
ing, Wednesday evening at 7:30
o'clock ; English Prayer meeting,
Thursday evening at 7.30 o'clock
Choir Practice, Friday evening at
8 o'clock ; Junior Alliance, Satur-
day afternoon, at 3 o'clock,
For a fine pair of fall shoes go to
C. Fritz. He can please you.
Galloway Fur Coats, regular
$30.00 for $25.00 at Hartleib's.
Just in, fall shoes for men.
Guaranteed waterproof. C. Fritz.
Fall house cleaning is occupying
the minds of the housekeeper at
12 dozen horse blankets to choose
from, lined at $1.00 and upwards,
at Hartleib's.
Mike Meidinger bagged four rab-
bits and one partridge, while out
shooting on Monday.
Mr. J, Steacy of Hensall is paint:
ing the new residence of Mr. Hy.
Kalbfleisch this week.
Owing to the disagaeeable
weather last Sunday the attendance
at the churches was small.
Wm. Bender returned from South
River last week. He intends taking
up another gang of men for the
lumber camps.
During the heavy windstorm on
Saturday and Sunday Jac. Brown's
windmill and Alonzo Foster's wind-
mill were blown down.
Mr, C. Hartleib reports a good
business in the stove line. He dis-
posed of six last week and the sea-
son has just commenced.
The Grand Trunk will proceed
against those who throw rice at
wedding parties in the company's
depots. In Glencoe 30 subpeonas
have been served on both boys and
Charlie Fritz spent a few days
last week in the Pinery looking for
wild ducks. They say he would
have shot some nice once if they
hadn't happened to be decoys that
he shot at.
Mr. P. Lamont returned on Mon-
day evening from a business trip
to the Toronto cattle xnarket. Mr.
Lamont ships a large number of
cattle from this section in a year
and thus puts rnany dollars 131 the
farmers' pockets.
Dr. OVENS, M. D., London
Surgeon, eye, ear and nose, will be
at the Queen's Hotel, I:Iensall, on
Thursday, Nov, 8th. Hours 4.30
p. in. to 9 p. m. Glasses properly
flitted for relief of falling vision,
Gestrain, headaches, etc. Deafness
and nasal catarrh treated. 23tf.
In a recent bulletin issued by the
U. S. Weather I3ureau it is recom-
mended that lightning rods be
placed on all buildings that stand
isolated in the open country. It is
the consensus of opinions of ex-
perts that all farm buildings should
be protected by lightning rods
erected by competent work men.
Mr, and I1rs. Andrew Desjardine
of Grand Bend, Ont., Canada, are
guests this week of her sister Mrs.
Jos. Ayotte, on. R. F. D. No. 1. The
appearance of fine farm homes and
outbuildings on cleared land that
was simply forest twenty years
ago, was something of a revelation
to Mr. Desjardine. Mr Ayotte is
making his friends' visit a pleasant
one by showing them the finest
farming country in Americli,—
Caseyille Oritic.
Here are we Canadian editors,
grunting our Collor buttons off on
the lover that moves the world,
with the old handle flying up every
few days and knocking out our
teeth, taking fifty per cent, of the
legal rate for printing while the
statemen are taking 150 per cent, of
the pay ; here we are galloping up
and down the earth carrying other
people's burdens, bearing other
people's sorrows and taking our
pay in due bills on St. Peter—and
all for what? For the fun of get.
ting the smell of news ink in our
noses, for the joy of ripping open
the familiar old exchanges, for the
pleasure of making a three days'
speech every ninty days at the note
counter of the bank, for the de-
lectation of getting complimentary
tickets to socials, and for the sweet
satisfaction of being so unpopular
as not to be pall bearer at funerals,
It is a great business, this news-
paper work. And reforming the
world is a mighty happy diversion,
and if Andrew Carnegie forgets us
with his hero medals there is some
comfort in knowing that as we turn
to the right when we finally go up
we have our harp check paid b'v
the best line of advertising that
has ever been printed in the world,
j --Comber Herald,
Dried Apples and butter wanted.
in exchange for goods. C. Hartleib,Znrioh
C. Fitz reports a big business in
the shoe trade. Charlie keeps the
right kind of shoos,
New ads --D. S. Faust, J. J. Mer-
ner, 11. Well, Jos, Lebeau, Wm.
Dowson, Sovereign Bank.
The Flax Company started a gang
of men in the mill on Thursday, to
soutoh the season's crop.
Rev. Father Stroeder has so far
recovered from his recent illness
that he was able to conduct a short
service in the church yesterday.
A loots' hotelkeepor was brought
before Chas. Greb, J. P., on Wed-
nesday on a charge of selling liquor
to a. man from Dashwood who is on
the Indian list, A fine was imposed.
An moving pioture entertainment
will be held in the Evangelical
church next Tuesday evening.
Sheldon's story. "In His Steps,"
will be illustrated. Do not fail to
Dr. E. J. Hagan, formerly princi-
pal of the Zurich Public School,
and now of Williston, N. D., is a
candidate for coroner for the county
of Williams. The election takes
place next Tuesday.
Richard Laid:nen of Binbrook,
who was' one of the guests at the
Foster wedding anniversary in
Oneida Township, (lied Sunday.
This makes the fourth victim
among those who attended the
affair. . .
If you want to have. an income
when you are sick or injured you
should carry accident and sickness
insurance. It pays for your doctor's
bill and pays a large death indem-
nity. Get particulars from Andrew
Hess agent for Empire Surety and
Accident Co.
William Vallean, who lives on
the Lake road, near Hamilton, re-
ports 30 barrels of apples were
stolen from his orchard. A deep
inlet runs direct from the lake to
his farm and the police say the
thieves loaded the apples nu a
steam launch and escaped to the
lake. The thefts were committed
three nights in succession.
It is feared that the barge Thomas
H. Cahoot),'owned in Saginaw. is
lost with a crew of seven men on
Lake Huron. The Cahoon was in
tow, of the sterner Horner Warren
and anchored off Thunder Bay Is-
land Saturday night. She may b ave
drifted :are. the lake to the Cana-
dian shore. ut vesselnren do not
think the ,-ecould have lived in
the gale.—'
A rail an e ghth of an inch one of
plumb on a tfestle,bridge at Atlan-
tic City, N. 3., hurled over seventy
people to death. The esplaration
given telly serves to acnentuate the
fact thatmodern travel is attended
by refine- dangers, No (Inv nusses
witlrmit its railway wrecks, tlinugh
11 tinnily the loss of life rarely athins
to the terribly high figures of this
latest horror,
tit Oseende Hall writs were is-
enee against The News. Mail and
Em.'Tive, Wnrldand Stat' new$nsper.
by W, Wall:see Morenov for x,.000
Ranh, (1nne:zee for libel. The nrtiole
which is the basis for snit ,itrneared
in tlw newspaper issues of Angnst
10, when statements were made a
rrainrt the plaintiff at the time of
his neliee court ahnearanee ever
the eels of a medical book '•I1edico-
The .Tnnrnr Arlie nee of the Evan-
gelical Church held their election
of officers on Saturday afternoon
which resulted as follows ; Pres,,
Pearl Wurtz; Vice -Pres., Eva Wil-
liams ; Rec.•Seo., Elnora Hartleib ;
nor -Sec., A.lvena Bossenherry ;
Treasurer, Gertie Hartle(); Organ-
ist, and Assistant Superintendent,
Etta Hartleib; Assistant Organist,
Ada Koehler; Librarians. Muriel
Preeter and Olive O'Brien ; Page
Boys, Marshall Zeller and Clayton
"It is one hundred years since
the failure of a bank in China.,"
said a bank examiner. "More than
nine hundred years ago, in the
reign of Hi Hung, n. bank failed.
Hi Hung had the failure investigat-
ed. and to his indignation. found it
had been due to reckless and shady
conduct on the part of the directors
anel the president, Hi Hung at once
issued an edict that the next time
a bank fai]ed the heads of its pre-
sident and directors were to be cut
off. This edict. which has never
been revoked, has made China's
banking institutions the safest in
the world.
Rev. Ie.t R. Tioxs 1907 ALMANAC.
The Rev. Irl R. Hicks has been
compelled by the popular demand
to resume the, publication of his
well. known and popular Almanac
for 1907. This splendid Almanac
is now ready, For sale by news-
dealers, or sent postpaid for 25
cents, by Wenn AND WORKS 'PUB-
LISHING COMPANY, 2201 Locust street
St. Louis, Mo., publishers of WORD
ANI) WORKS, ono of the best dollar
monthly magazine in America. One
Almanac goes with every subscrip-
Zurich's Busy Store.
Pall Buying.
We invite you to our store to exam-
ine our large stock of Fall Goods.
Never before in the history of this
store ha re the shelves been stocded
with such a fine line of goods—
goods that were bought right and
which we are selli ng at close prices.
Our line of Dress Goods has been
greatly admired by the ladies and
we have made many sales, and we
still have a large stock to make
your selections from. In Under-
wear, Overcoats, Suits, Caps, etc.,
etc., we are offering some first-class
goods at very reasonable prices.
We have already sold a large num-
ber of Fur Coats, Ruffs, Boas, etc.,
and the demand for furs this sea-
son promises to be a record break-
er. We have prepared ourselves and
carry a fine stock of Coats. Boas,
Ruffs, etc., which we will be pleased
to show you.. We handle nothing
but the best furs. Call and see
goods before purchasing elsewhere.
We are showing something special in
Floor Rugs, Carpets, Curtains etc.
J. J.
The People's Store = = Zurich.
r fa, v W 17.1•NC `77ad,8, .,k 5r�.4" i4niii iX1MiYv"e,.:'Dr1`F�
:P'+f,R,ct 9, rico
is easily decided if you
buy a PANDORA Range.
Every dealer claims to
have the best stove even
if they just launch out.
But if an explanation is
required that is where the
PANDORA shines, and
the other fellows are out
of the game.
HE PANDORA is the. range where the fire
circulates twice around the oven before it
strikes the pipe, and. it is the'only one on
tll.e market to do this. This range has 'been on
the market only four years and during g that time
160,000 have been -sold. No other stove has won
such a reputation.
The PANDORA is made by a firm with 60 years experience and
is today the largest firm under the British flag. You can ai-
ways get repairs not, like some stove firms in business today and
gone to -morrow. We have a full line of heating stoves and
prices as ueual, always the oheapest.
Also largest stock of HARNESS, ROBES and BLANKETS. Call and see.
Li Zurk;
The Zurich Herald
end that Best of all Weeklies •
130TH }'OR
The Family Herald and
Weekly Star, of Montreal
And with the Family Herald and Weekly Star will be .includ-
ed the most beautiful picture ever given to newspaper readers.
It is a gravure 22x29 inches, entitled "A TUG OF WAR." It
is easily worth a two dollar bill.
THE HERALD will supply all local news, markets, social hap-
penings, etc., etc., and the Family Herald and Weekly Star
will give you a combination of the greatest weekly newspapers
covering every portico of the Globe, a great family magazine,
far surpassing any of the English or American magazines in
interesting family reading, and without doubt the best farmer's
paper on the continent. No paper printed in the English lan-
guage gives its readers such big value as the Family Herald
and Weekly Star. Sample copies of the beautiful picture may
be seen at this office.
Call or send your subscriptions to
Z w ! H,
u, t v n:,! 4 ...
41, eiT