HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1906-11-02, Page 2ANCIENT BACTERIA.
emolOgist Finds Microbes in a Vein of
1, modern discoveries concerning the ori -
Otte o disease have covered the little
6 aandsnis called becteria into such
*iurlosinenee that search has of late years
ort made to ascertain if they existed
i ., the early geological periods. In
connection a prominent Government
gist gives some interesting informa-
ttat long ago a French scientist, M.
�=nit, announced the discovery of
teria in coal. A long continued re-
!iss )eih .confirmed the evidence that bac-
lila. was probably coeval with the first
giearance of organic life on the .earth.
ese bacteria attacked vegetable tis -
es„ as well as the bones and teeth of
{male, but as a rule they belonged to
eeies of bacteria organisms quite die-
from those of to -day,
Making a Suitable Change.
"John," said the eolitical leader's wife,
"you'll have to get a new policeman assigned
Oa this beat; Bridget doesn't like the present
`tial right," said he, "and while I'm about
Gt ril get one that lakes his meat rare. I'm
aatelo.g tired of overdone beef."
A druggist can obtain an imitation of
JARD'S IA IMENT front a Toronto
house at a very lots price, and have it
Ifliselled his own product.
This greasy incitation is the poorest
a ai;ae we have yet seen of the maacy that
every Toni, Dick and Harry has tried to
rtatr':,d nee.
Ask for _1LINARD'S and you will
The, Buckingham Tragedy,
a (Montreal WItness.)
13,•av vias a company of workers who had
aarg3nLr el themselves to demand a given
ts'n.ge. If it had :lot been a larger wage than
liea eeepie would have boon glad to do the
M*orlr, `eas airy would haco had little need
eller (ramtleation and noee no:.rer force. Thay
or,- de;naaded tele, whieb they had a per -
1e; ; right to do, the alternative being to
detaiee tee work, but they deneaud-ed that
,the larded eboul.l be ncknowiodeed, that
:Ss. the eeopie conducting the business should
;;etc o all questions of wages with the Union.
Futon]; the two things together, it meant
r:,wf[t tlt9 t'rion sb'uld dietite be price of
tabor. As the man: eemeut could not indicate
the prise of its proauet. to accept this would
,have been to kill their bu incus, or, at least
chi men undertook to enforce [bele decrees
Icy forming themselves into an army to pre -
Vent any one else from working. There was
a guard to protect certain workers. Whether
ire Rae rd should have gone through certain'
•„dor<nai.ittet before firing is not. the present
.gttestion. It would be unpardonable if they
and. not use every possible method
.o* aeiuriag peace before resorting to lethal
,dafou.ce. The question with which we are
dto2iing 1s whether authority may or may
not in the last resort use force to secure
tfaerty. We must own that here always
comes the difficulty when the men denounce
the use e8 n,rme.
As a Matter ofc�' iuirple.
Meeting a newsboy whose face was soarred
'with eeratches and looked like a map of some
.0er�e st railroad center, a 'reporter asked the
lyottagater what the matter was.
"re1l r spoke disrespectful of my sister;
said he'd bet sine was cross-eyed, and I sided
°ifs, pour sister cross-eyed?" asked the
friaiu't got 110 -sister," was the reply. "It
was the p?''-nciple of the thing what I got
lifeieie't for."
Thi notion that tea is injurious t
etve same of weak nerves is a false ilea,
es, hi,s been proven ley the eminent tci-
+nisi, Jonathan llutchinson. Tea i, in
°'e'a.iitp a nerve nutrient and is extremely
•besiefieial to weak nerves. vspe;;ially
when you use pure tea direct .from the
fienedeine, 'packed in sealed leak packages,
emelt as `•1Salada" tea, tclrinh receive,! the
Yiagiest Award and Gold Medal at the
St. Louis Exposition in li)O4.
Hint to Sassy Foreigners.
(Boston Globe.)
'in the last target practice of at least two
or llnele Sam's navel vessels every shat
f ted tat the target. This extremely signifi-
cant feet should be peeled ie the hat of every
:oreigndiplomat in -Washington.
teu w
Gold Cuff
Links, $5.2
Beginning at $4 Diamond
Hall has a vast array of solid
gold Cuff Links—made by
the store's own skilled gold,
Notable value is found in
our $5.50 pair of 14k. Gold,
dumb - bell shape, suitable
for monogram; and our Cat.
alogue pages show many
Articles are sent post free,
of course.
Drop :as a i eseal rand and ase will
eendyeu tura or eh. rise our large illus-
trated c'alaioy r,e.
ato fmitta
rf t3 4iJ s Ont.,
Can cure your Cough or Cold,
no question about that,
why go to all the trouble and
inconvenience of looking him up,
and then of having hisprescription
filled, when you can step into any
drug store in Canada and obtain
R bottle of SHILOH'S CURE
for a quarter.
Why pay two to five dollars
when a twenty-five cent
bottle of SHILOH will cure you
as uickly ?
by not do as hundreds of
thousands of Canadians have
done for the past thirty-four
years : let SHILOH be your doc-
tor whenever a Cough or Cold
appears. e
SHILOH will cure you, and all
druggists back up this statement
with a positive guarantee.
The next time you have a
Cough or Cold cure it with
English Doctors Out of Work.
(New York Globe.)
The English doctors are on the verge of
financial ruin. For according to the British
Medical Journal published in London the
day before yesterday the incomes of English
doctors have fallen off 25 per cent. within
the last six years. Among the causes of this
decrease in income are the disappearance of
the epidemic of influenza and other sicknesses
and the decrease of winter ailments, attribut-
able to the mildness of recent winters. But
it would be more honorable to the distia-
guished profession to attribute the decline
to the improved sanitary arrangements, or-
ganized for the most part by the medical
profession, and also fur the increased under-
standing regarding the condition of health
which has been brought about entirely by the
study of medical science. If the doctors in
Loudon are starving they are starving honor-
'loyal crows
V llchiiazei
Toilet Soap
Only 1Oc. a cake.
3 cakes for 25c.
Floor Used for a Table.
There are neither chairs, beds, nor in
our sense, tables, in Japanese dwellings,
for in these the people live, so to speak,
upon the floor. They take their meals
from trays placed upon the floor; they
sleep on it, and during the day they ei-
ther lie stretched out upon it or sit up-
on their heels in a crouched position,
which seems awkward and is quickly
painful to those foreigners who make
their initiative attempts at it. This gen-
eral use of the floor for living purposes
enables the Japanese to do without the
greater part of the furniture with which
our western dwellings are filled, and it
alos accounts for the invariable rule
of removing one's shoes when entering
a Japanese house.
The Japanese ordinarily wear either
straw sandals or wooden doge, the lat-
ter almost always in welt weather, when
they think it desirable to have the soles
of their feet 'raised two or three inches
above the wet ground. Both of these
are held to the foot by a band which,
after passing between the great and the
second toe, divides and goes over the
arch of the foot. By pract'iee the scandal
or clog can be held by this means about
as securely to the foot as it would be if
laced, with this—to the Japaneses—great
advantage, that it can be immediately
and without trouble put off wheal going
into a house and put on when leaving.
One can generally tell how many peo-
ple there are in a Japanese house by
counting up the number of sandals and
clogs there are lying in the little ground
spar'e between the inner and outer .par-
titions --Cor• Boston Herald.
Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia.
There is a true story of one young
woman who had devoted. almost a year
to pulling wires and using all possible
influence to gain an interview with a
certain theatrical manager. At last her
hopes were reaiiced; she got her ap-
pointment and she was finally -ushered
into the manager's private office. He
received her most cordially and offered
her a chair, "Thank you," she said,
gratefully. "I think I will sit down.
I've been ,just ten months getting 'here
and I'm a Iittle tired." Anil the man-
ager, who is really a great man and
benne has a sense of humor, promptly
engaged her. ---Charles Belmont Davis in
The Rialto, in the Outing Magazine for
Nieves Up in the List of Big Cities by
By a,' Majority of more than 25,000
Pittsburg and Allegheny decided to cease
their separate existences on Tuesday and
become one Municipality, under the name
of the Fenster city, Ever since 1854 the
people of Pittsburg have tried to bring
about this' state of affairs, but have al.
ways been prevented by the people of
Even now some Allegheny people will
try to get the Supreme Court of the
United States to declare unconstitutional
the act of the Legislature which permit-
tee the vote. A public defence commit-
tee has 'been organised in Allegheny with
unliinited money backing for the purpose
of fighting consolid
propation, Pittsburg now
takes its el place among the great
cities of the country. It is the sixth
largest city in the country in population,
first in the country as well as in the
whole world in tonnage, fifth in bank
clearings and fourth in assessed valua-
By the consolidation with Allegheny
Pittsburg passes Baltimore, Cleveland,
Buffalo, Safi, Francisco and Cincinnati.
Baltimore may contest the right of Pitts-
burg to sixth place on acount of the
spurt it has taken since the fire. The
1900 census gi^es Baltimore a total pop-
ulation of 508 ,07. 7. The most conserva-
tive estimate of the new Pittsburg's pop-
ulation is S23,00+), while some people be-
lieve it to. (be_.50,000•
Pittsburg and Baltimore are growing
very rapidly, and it is a question which
will have the greater population in 1910.
St. Louis and Boston are hovering about
the 000.000 mark, and there is a possi-
bility of Pittsburg's forging ahead of
both. With the present enormous de-
mand for iron and steel products it is
believed that Pittsburg will grow at a
more rapid rate during the next few
years than any other city in the United
In creating the Greater Pittsburg no
attempt was made to take in a great
area of territory, as was the case with
Greater Philadelphia, Greater New York
and Greater Chicago. Only the city of
Allegheny was annexed.
There are still in Allegheny county, in
which PittSbi rr :s situated, and all with-
in ten miles of ti.e city limits, the follow-
ing ncunieipalit.i'': McKeesport, popu-
lation 37,000; Braddock, population, 17:
500 ; k.Iow
in t•
850, < 00, ,•"w'o;t, Id ran,. the city
foto th iu sine tee country, With only
Neu York,'. Lego a d Philadelphia in
front r g't..^1' i �e ay these districts
wilt beP
Alieght n; i, , pectiliar city in many
respects. Al i5 't had a population of
140,000, it ha nts ter a daily newspaper
nor a theatre. S years ago' a thertri-
cal manager open a theatre there, but
it was very shor lived, the people pre-
ferring to conte t this side of the river.
On the other ha 0, the Pittsburg base-
ball club has always played its games in
Alleglien.y This it can be seen how
closely the two sties were linked to-
ISSUE JN O. 44, 1906.
A 00 self SALARY
To ladies and gentlemen; permanent pool -
tion; rapid advancement; salary and ex-
peses; genteel, doairable business; oxper-
lance unnecessary; full instructions given.
TORONTO. (Mention this paper.)
A..' mortgage, 400 acres grazing farm with
good buidings, in County of Bruce; only
6200 down or secured and balance in easy
Payments, Address London Loan Company,
London, Ont,
15 for 1Oc; 50 for 60c; 100 for SOe; all dlt- •
ferent; 500 for $3 assorted; 1,000 envelopes
60o and GOc; 1,00 foreign stamps 26c. W.
R. Adams, 401 Yonge street, Toronto, Ont.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing elyrup should al
ways be used for cls ldren teething. 14
soothes the child, soot ea the gums, cures
what colic and its the best remedy for Dim -
$5 o®n REI'IAED will
be paid to any
person who proves that
Sunlight Soap cont, ins any
injurious chemicals or any
form of adulteration.
is better than other soaps,
but is best when used in
the Sunlight way.
Sunlight Soap contains
no injurious chemicals.
Sunlight Soap is pure
oap, scientifically made.
very step in its manta -
acture is watched by an
xpert chemist.
Sunlight Soap saves
labor, and the wear of
;rubbing which common
soaps require in washing
Made in Canada and Sold by alt
Orugg sts
This coupon is good for one ten
cent (10c.) Trial Bottle of the eele-
Dr. Lednitardt's Anti=Pill
a sure enre for Ind igestion, Bilious -
nese, Dyspepsia, Constipation and
all ailments arising therefrom.
Mailed free„ in a plain package, on
receipt of name and address. F11l
in your name and post office address
on dotted line . and send to
ThE WILSON-Fl1LE CO., Limited,
Niagara Fails, (int.
No Wonder.
The recruiting officer leaned back in his
chair and eyed the big raw-boned High-
la.nder. "What were you before you en-
listed?" lie asked. Lachie drew •a breath
that nearly swept ail, the attestation forms
up alto his face, and started—"Ass a poy,
sir, ehe wass a herring fuel! Then she wass
a night porter during the day aboarding
the Ienat Then she cat a ehob as a broken
stone by the roadside'. Thou she went as
a polissmen and a half for a year in Glas-
hen 1 --a"had But the recruiting -
Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere
Suburbanite in Big Luck.
"Did you hear 8f the servant girl Back-
lotz took out front the city with him the
other day? It's marvellous! Marvellous!"
said Subbubs.
"Marvellous?" queirled (Oitim.an, "She's
going to stay, eh?"
"Oh! better than that! He induced her
to buy the place for only a few hundred
dollars less than he paid for dt."
November Excursion to New York
Via West Shore Railroad.
November 2nd and November 20th. are
dates of. New York' excttrsiorns via West
Shore Railroad, ;a0.00 round trip froin
Suspension Bridge or Buffalo. Tickets
good going only on above dates in all
regular trains. Good ten days for re-
turn, •
L. Drage Canadian. Passenger Agent,
0936 Yonge street, Toronto, for all par.
Your money refunded by
the dealer from whom you buy
Sunlight Soap if you find any cause
for complaint,
Lever Brothers Limited. Toronto
Care of Rugs.
A sweeper should be run over a car-
pet or rug every day to take off the
loose dict.
Once a week a thorough sweeping is
necessary to brush out tate grit and
dust from the nap of a velvet or Wilton.
or from the close weave of a body Brus-
sels or an Ingrain.
In sweeping take a stiff broom and
brush with the weave, After the first
dirt is removed sprinkle over the car-
pet or rug damp tea leaves. Leave them
for fifteen or thirty minutes and then
brush up lightly, and the brightness of
the colors will make the floor covering
look 'almost like new.
Dampened pieces of paper spread over
a carpet will have the same effect on
the colors, for the dampness seems to
take up loose dirt that a broom or a
sweeper cannot catch.
Salt sprinkled over the carpet before
sweeping is often resorted to, though
while it does brighten the colors there is
always the danger of the salt that re-
mains in the nap rusting the chair and
furniture casters, particularly if there is
much dampness about the house.—New
York Telegram.
Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff.
Come Up and Subscribe.
There are e.. few scoundrels in Pollock who
do not subscribe for this paper, who do all
they can to injure us, but the devils are al-
ways borrowing; it. If it were not like shoot-
ing mice with canister, we would turn tho
muzzle of our gun on them, exposing the
(seniors, but thin/ are too small, too small,
A safe, sure unit reliable monthly regula-
tor. These i'lha have been used In Fnwco
for over 5117 years, ami round Invaluable
for the purpose designed, and are guaran-
teed by the makers. Ruelese stamp for
sualod circular. ]'rice 91 OD per box of
ats g 9r by mall. securely sealed, on receipt of p[..:o
Box 42, Hamilton, Osnalla.
Outfit which won the C1.1.9.11TIONSHIP OF
THE WORLD against 21 American, British
and Canadian manufacturers, atter a two
months' thorough trial. Made by
llrantford. Canada.
Unwelcome Rice Throwing.
(London Tattler.)
Fond Mother—What are you crying for,
Mabel—We are playing at wedding and
Tommy threw rice all over me.
Fond mother—Oh, you needn't cry over
that; it's to bring luck to the. bride.
Mabel—But what he used (sob) was In
Pudding form.
FOR. ALE, iflitTivi00;�
Eczema, Salt Rheum, Pudlnles, etc.—no remedy
heals merle quickly than Mira Ointment.
Mira rcIh ves inflammation, soothes pain, causes
Dew tissue to cover raw surfaces, and reltores the
akin to healthy smoothness.
Mrs. 7. Webb, fps Do✓ecoxrl Street, Taranto,'
writes: It is a wonderful cure." 7. Trortlelt,l
Hamilton, says: ' I highly secammendyourMing'
Olen:cafor Eczema.'
Mira Tablets and Blood Tonic help to a more'
thorough cure. At druggists—or from The
Chemists' Co. of Canada, Limited, Hamilton --
Toronto. Insist on getting
r,•' c
..r.:'e°.. ' 1fifs';V tC �a•`I,
One Year Later.
His Wife (daring the spat) --1 only
married you out of pity.
Her Husband --Well, everybody pities
me now.
Sunlight Soap is r.ettor than other soaps,
but is best when used in the Sunlight way,
Bu; Sunlight Soap and follow di.reetioaa.
In the Literary World.
Lady Gushington—So your son is a real au-
thor- How distractingly interesting! Anrl
does he write for money?
Practical clad --Yes. T get his .application
about once a week.
Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc.
The roan who does everything a wo-
man tells him to do naturally mattes a
fool of himself.
Ask for.