HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1906-11-02, Page 1THE HE The Official AL Organ. of Zurich find Hay Township. Vol. VII, No. 15 ZURICH ONT,, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, ftlELP WANTIEID Young ladies and gentlemen who are desirous of making a record are wanted at the Clinton Business College (Affiliated with the Wingham Business College) to prepare for Bookkeepers, Sten- ographers and Telegraphers. Dur- ing July and August we could only fill o z.ra TH of the positions offered our graduates. Catalogue free. GEO. SPOTTON - Principal 6 LOCAL NEWS. Tons of glass aucl putty to keep the cold out at Sartleib's. Miss Dora Eilber returned on Monday from a visit with friends in Hamilton. For a good stove such as the Pandora Range, just follow the crowd to Hartleib's Mr. J. Torrance, license inspector for South Huron, visited the hotels here during the past week. Missionary services will be con- ducted at the 14th con. Evangelical church next Sunday at 3 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Merner re- turned to their home in Elmira on Monday after a pleasant visit with relatives here. .At the auction sale of the real estate of the late Simon Hartman last Saturday, Mr. Leno Kipfer purchased the 50 acre farm, the price paid being x`1600.00. Mr. William Dowson, of the 15 con,, has rented his farm to Mr: Aserich Brisson for one year. Mr. and Mrs. Rowson intend going 'G4 est in the near future. Mr. Alonzo Foster had his power - mill blown clown by the violent storm of last Saturday evening The mill was insured in the Huron Weather Co., and the insurance will partially cover the loss. The Ohl People's Day in the Evangelical Church last Sunday was postponed until next Sunday. The change is due to the inclemen- cy of the weather. The service will begin at 10 o'clock. a. m, The members of the W. C. T. U. will meet at the home of Mrs. C. Fritz on Monday afternoon, Nov. Cath, at 2.30 o'clock, to hold their annual election of officers. All the members are requested to he pres- ent. THANKS. The members of the Jubilee Band take this means of thanking the business people of Zurich and others who so heartily responded to the subscription list which has been passed among theta during the past week. The members now feel that their effort in trying to keep up a land that the town can feel proud of is appreciated. With the addition of two new horns and a new drum they will be in a better position than ever to furnish a high class of music. TRANSMITTING TELEGRAMS. 'Has the time arrived when we will all be our own telegraph operators? Apparently. it is in sight at least.. Mr. J. P. Conway, of Los Angeles, Cal., and a former Lon- doner, has invented and patented a new machine whereby any one who can operate a typewriter can send a telegraph message. The machine is built somewhat after the style of a typewriter keyboard, and by striking the letters a concealed transmitter delivers the necessary dots and dashes, This instrument will revolutionize the business of telegraphing, if found to work as represented, as there are so many ways in which it can be utilized. Local promoters are said to be in- terested in the promotion of a Company, and no doubt more will be heard of the new transmitter at' an early date. "--London Free Press, Mr, Conway was on the staff of Tit HERALD some time ago, and was at that time perfecting the telegraph transmitter which he had invented. We will be pleased to hear of his success in placing the machine on the market. Fur Coats worth $20.00 for $15.00 at Hartleib's. At the by-election in North Bruce on Tuesday, Tolmie, Liberal, was elected by over 300 majority. All parties indebted to H. C. Doan, V. S., are requested to call and settle their accounts by cash or note, at once. Mrs. D. Ruby. who has been visiting relatives in this vicinity the past summer, returned to her home in Cavalier, N. D.. on Tues- day. The hour for conducting the Sun- day School in the Evangelical church has been changed from 9.30 a. m. to 2 p. in. beginning with next Sunday. Mr, Nicholas Foster, Sr,. cele- brated his 84th birthday on Thurs- day of this week, Mr. Foster is still hale and hearty. having fully recovered from his recent illness. The ntario Fish and Garvie Pro- tective Association have issued in- structious to prosecute all bob's who are detected robbing birds' nests of eggs. The penalty is a fine at ;1 to $20 or 12 days in jail, Mr. Jos. Lebeau, whb has been a resident of this township for a number of years, has decided to sell his farm stock, etc., and is holding an auction sale on Nov. lith. Mr. Lebeau intends going out west in the near future. Messrs. F. Hess & Son are busily engaged in manufacturing a large number of Butters.and sleighs for the coming season's market. As they personally select the materials used in the construction of the sane, durable work is turned out by them. Out this out and take it to J. J. Merner's store and get a free sump. le of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For biliousness and constipation they are unequaled. They improve the appetite, strengthen the digestion and regu- late the liver and bowels. , Sia hien killed is the record thus tar in the present hunting season in Maine. Last week was the worst of the year, three deaths being reported and scarcely a day passes without the report of one or more accidents due to careless handing of guns or mistaking human beings for animals. The game receipts are far below those of last year. Up to Saturday 822 deer, 55 moose and 10 bears had been brought in, as against 1376 deer, 70 moose and 19 bears for the same period last year. 1906. $1. Per Year. 144 tin dippers at 5 ciente each at Hartleib's, Graniteware, just about half price at Hartleib's. Genuine American oil, 20 .cents per gallon, at Merner's, Mr. C. Eilber was in Goderich for a few days this weak assisting Mr. Gundry. Hay Council meets in the Town Hall here on Saturday, Nov. 10, at 2 o'clock, p. m. Tell your friends that they can get the Zurich H1flRALD to Janizary, 1907, for 15 cents. They 1,-n1 appre- ciate it. Miss Nesbitt, who has been at. tending at the sick room.'of Rev. Father Stroeder, . returned to Clin- ton last Thursday. The wet weather is . keeping the farmers from completing their fall work. Many have nearly all of their fall plowing to do. We had another snowfall on Sun- day night and a' few inches of the "beautiful" covered the ground for a few days. By all appearances we will likely have an early winter, Hallowe'en was celebrated in the usual way on Wednesday night. Gates, steps and vehicles were car- ried off and the owners wore busy the neat day gathering their goods. The deer hunting season" in On- tario opened yesterday and many hunters from all over the Province have made their way to this north- ern wilds. Every hnntei.. shoot ZURICH'S UP=TO=DATE STORE. 5000 pounds Fowl about the second week in No= vember for which will p.‘37highest Cash and Trade prices. st GENERAL fERCi1ANT 'b :��,C ,c ..o� i .c ,:acc-"c�% e ,,,""7:0-' *.'".':0'145'; 'o:4::*Gi% 4:%''•G'•4 ;J',G•<i'G 4- '©'4.O40). c. * qOp kVe 4G 8 Quo : n. t�tW Vr �«°!?r° 6qi 0 Of" ,:rG C. FRiTZ, The Stlee man. Ok e recen . iso osur s „ , in the investigation into thetnnclon election rases show 11 r aSrltezaeat:is Rome oonstitue-iciea` CJompnlsory voting, a penalties for buying as ling votes at election ti do away with much of tl tion. a. The Sun as a farmer written for the practical: sl< °aid corrup- )Ur'nai is everyday farmer. It is not filled cith long essays or doubtful theNries, but lives in plain, everyday laeguage a host of helpful sugg ,scions to the tillers of the soil n this particular The Sun is w itre'si an equal. You ought to re gu.- larly. eep Out Of Ine r, bette still, • buy a pail' !it ' SE c ekmill k,'ep thy. the Ili, 'Lock of.Fall hoes comprise t e best of the ' leading in kei3 Canada. For a nice stylish Fall Shoe call on me. I cern suit largv .t'lertiou to e'}la>aiSt' Fi"e is;l, flake y c i.2 A full stock. of T.iu1,';<al': 1,1111 rtkiyi ALVr 4 f + tOyth •-4.774:751: .yF.TL'u%r 144 .. . F.^,aY AP G LINEN 7. c ELL,J, rte' We have just picked up a big lot of Linen Towelling at a snap, and we l:,i.',r, +1 iia;a etl to give our customers the benefit of our purchase. This is a red llla,� 10 stent l:•a•,t•t'1 i'1;;, la:li, while this lot lasts we will sell it at 5 cents per yard. REMEMBER this is a :'nanlcP you will not see again and you should not miss it. We have also been fortunate in securing a special line of 36 in. fanny strip- la.;lpleito, worth 123- cents per yard which we are clearing out at zo cents per yard, While it, IRI,e ,. These are only a few of the many Bargains we have to offer. Oui .Dress (4-ond:4 De),ar'i - ment is now stocked with everything new- in that line, and Quality and Value llilSilh;":iw' Pd A large stock of Men's and Ladies' Fur Coats and Neck Ruffs at close j fives. Are yon looking for a Good Stove? We would like to call your attention to the splendid stock of stoves, Ranges and Heaters we are showing. If you need a new stove this fall you should not fail to see the splen.didvalues we are offering. Our leader is the Home Peninsular, see cut, and for a first-class cooking and heating stove it cannot be beaten. It burns either coal or wood and is made on the latest improved pattern. There are many of the Peninsular Stoves in use in this section showing that they are giving entire satisfaction. We also carry a full line of other snakes. We keep everything in the line of Hardware, Tinware, Ete. FART/ PRODUCE OF ALL KINDS TA1EN IN EXCHANGE .FOR GOODS, J. ,1' cifR E ET E A R DW ZURICH, GENEIAL NERC 0 DEN IAN ITAR/0 "SIO t 0