HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1906-09-21, Page 4r.� t h,e . ur-ich Herald.. LEGAL CARDS. LJ. D. CQOKE, BARRISTER AND SO- licitor, Notary l?nblie, Y'eusall, Ontario. At Zurich. (Zeller's office) every Mon- day. PROUDFOOT, HAYS iL BLAIR, D3AR- risbers, Solicitor's, Notaries Public, etc., Goderich, Canada, W. Proudfoot. 1 Q. R. C. Hays, G. F. Blair. BUSINESS CARDS. E. BOSSENBERlt'[, LICENSED AUC - tioaeer for Huron County, respectfully solicits the patronage of tb:oso who in- tend having 64100• Satisfaction guar- unteed. VR. F. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, (IRA- duate of the Royal College of Dental ilurgeons, `Poronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University, Pab11es3 extra,tiou of teeth. Plato work as speciality. At i:)omin.ion Heise, Z.arieb, every ton - day. 1-26 11;ELLER, CONVEANCEJ AND Notary :Public, Deeds, Mortgages, Wills and other Legal Documents care- fully and promptly prepared. Ofice-- Zeller block, lurish, Oat, r?i'1 d:c'S PO. ZURICH BRASS BAND IFAS BEEN re-organis:el1 and is now prepared to furnish tr,Ht-el;t<s air. le for all kinds of a>:nitsementy For t"_rru apply to or w'i'ite F. VIT. Boss, ."le - 'y-Treas., Ztr.rich, INSURANCE. ANDREW HESS, DIVISION COURT CLERK. Village <,.>Ld Farm Property insured. • All the leading Companies represented. Agent for Accident and Sickne9:7 Insurnnoe. FOR SJ Ln . irN 001) i40.A.U1=iE li A1;11 for sale being Or lot 4 and put 1,s 5, cat:cession 11, thy. Tho farm nonwJ acres gond bardwood bush; good :rick bcttee and bank barn; plenty, goo �r,r,cr in bonne and barn: the farm t r.,tl fed and limier. and i, in tiL .. t c u.rs :,hays,,. For further particulars npp'v Ito prc.tt:i±t•S or write to Jelin liartr.0 n, 'apt+., P. O. S3 -let CRyI FOR .SAI, il--.; :tcrcrS of choice laud u' t 1.1,in r.;c., Hay Town ':;hip. Good blkli be t Dunk lktrn, •4a),r CO. Gond water and r ._ fenced. Will asst. on reasonable terms. Apply at prem- ise: or to �� ail: t n Steluk, 41f Zurich. AUCTION SALES. AUCTION'SALE 0 ' 100 -ACR.,?, 1('AR11 :teek and Itn:ilonteut!:, en Lot 25, Con. 13, Bronson Line, flay tc:wilt:hip, on iL.ornday, Oct. let. Sate conune-ac s at 1 o'clock. E. Bosser.'berry, auctioneer; Conrad Sie- Inon, proprietor. • TENDEit3 WANTED. Soxlo:i ttsnders will be roce'Y sal at, the Cler'k's Office, 'lurirh, rp tc Septe nber ' `26;h., 1000, tor t;••.rrstra.•riog a cement arch, le fent eit:nr on 'retie, oprna.ite lot 8. Concaas..ion 2, my town -hip. Coutr:ict- or,ro remove rn!rl do 0xonvatin',rr, a*:'I lar, ia:h 11 a r ttI. Tenderers Ln est it 3 t:isre per _-au.: .. , P.704J.l. perti•m- 1tr'rrp`v •t.o : ho li ,:3 r. f.owesc or any • Datta the ten sl reptemlter 1>?f,0. 8 a ' :INNS ; ,. , f•l.,rlr, Ec no y True economy enables one to enjoy many luxuries of life -which the spendthrift can never hope to have. It is true economy to open a savings account in The Sovereign Bank of Canada. Deposits et from t1.O0 and upwards retched. Interest paid 4 times a your. Prat your money in a place where you can get it when you want It. Zip uurr r. JBan .ofQa;abs. an1nge.r. ZURICH FALL PAIa S. ,IetreII.CH - Sept. l0 n0 exeier 17 12 13ivtb . . " 13 1:1 loea tear th .4 iils.ai, ('uig (3cxltarirh Park hitl..,,,..... Payfid'id • , . . Ir•ustit,la•,.,, ... 2021 11 25 " a 20 27 , Zai 27 Oct. 2 I :Lh EA.RKE TS Wlxnaat .. .... .... .... 67 e 704 i1-4 33arlf'y . , 40 45 Peas.. 60 00 elute: .2 00 2 25 &an . , 14. 0+? 14 00 Shorts , 19 00 19 00 Butter .. .. .. 10 17 Et;te 10 17 Potatoes .,... .,.. 30 35 T-Tos;n (per .wt), .,., 6 00 6 00 ZTay, per ton,,,,,,,,.6 00 6 00 y 4ngfi JL: PIJBLISTIVB BY It, Z1 LLR1t. FRIDAY, SEPT, 21th, 1906, w, C. T, u. EVILS OF STRONG DRINKS. I warn young men that drink will destroy them. Itmuddles the brain; it shakes the nerves; it paralyzes the gill; it stirs and' mad• - dens the worst desires. Not one good word can be spoken of drink. I leave persons over fifty years of age to determine for themselvee. what stimulant:, they may suppose themselves to retlnire; but, speaking to the young, 1 would plead with them on eveiy sacred. .ground to touch not, taste not, handle not, the unclean thing. Death is in the cup. An adder will sting the de- banchee. The young tippler will go from bad to worse, until he ends by devestxng leimself of every feature of dignity and in qualifying himself for the solitude of outer 'darkness I have watched. the drink foe ie his -fetal' nilvaneee; 1 have traced: him f'reln exhilaration to intoxica- tion, from intoxication to madness, from maduess to hell. One or two of the •finest glen I have ever known • have been addicted to secret drink- ing. Who ean tell the misery of heir .intake -holds? I have seen it, and gladly I draw a thick veil over its ghastly features. I have seen homes broken up. families scattered children orphaned, and the fairest social prospects riven and blasted as if by lightning,. by this. aecursecl and all -^urging drink.' To xne these are not imaginations, but facts, and such fates are arguments that carry away all p tty and self -regarding raitl,osition, Convert the young man to tetal • abstinence, and in one teen. ration England will be evanne- 11zedl. When the public -house dis- appears, the church will lift its roof towards a cloudless sky.— Josepb Parker, .), D. - Vi= ieleI•tel ARE THE CHILDREN. The Mitchell Advocate moralizes thusly and there is a great deal of solid truth in what it says. Its remarks apply to both town and otee ttry alike : The public school .renpenrd on Tuesday after the holidays, but the streets did not appear thronged with the little folk as they used to he years ago, nor could the merry chatter of their voices be heard. A .severe ehaange is prevalent over the country. • Is the younger generation growing less:' We aro inclined to think this the c'a e end the many. towns. are suffering from the effects. Trades- men of all classes are getting scarce and it is almost imposeible to find a lad who wishes to take up mechanical work. The world is el -alleging, or at ]east the man and the children. Years back when the married xnan had a much hard- oeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeteeefeefeeeeeEeeeeeeso COUNTY NEWS. • Ohes. l3irney, Exeter, is the hap- py possessor of a violin whioh is said to be 200 years old. It was left to him by an old friend who reoerltee died in Windsor. The. amrriage'of Miss 0. Bartner, of Exeter xior'th, to D. W, Davis, of Winnipeg and formerly of Exeter, was soletnnized at Winnipeg, Aug. 17th. . Mr. and Mrs. Davis have talren up their residence in Winni- peg. 11,..Sinith, of near Exeter, the well, knowin breeder of thorough- bred. Shorthorn cattle, was success- ful in winning five firsts, several seemed:end third prizes at the To- ronto:fair .. out of his exhibit of Seven .lead; . James Hannon, proprietor of the only hotel in Shipka, and well known throughout the township of Stephen, has disposed of his house, the purohek-ser being Ezra, Brenner of Grand Bend. The new proprie- tor intends making a number of itnprovements in the premises. A happy event kook place of the Metbodist parsonage, Heensall, on Wednesday, 'Sept. 12th, The event was the marriage of Garnet Prayne of Usborne to Annie M„ only dau- ghter of Mr. time Mrs. Wnx. Reid, of Exeter north. Rev. Toll per- 1ornled the• ceremony. epretty wedding was solemnisea at the first Methodist church, Lon- don, Wednesday, Sept. 12th, when Vivien l.1ay, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. W. 0. Wilson,' London, was to Wallace D. Clark's, ac- countant of the 112olsons Bank, Exeter. `,Cheadjourned case against Mr. Bobier, for alleged fraudulent re- presentations to the Davies Pack- ing Co., came up before Police MagistrateHumber in Goderich, when judgment was given com- pletely-:: exonerating Mr. Bobier from the charge nnadle against him. A pretty wedding was celebrated at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Webber, of Hensel., on Sept. 5th, when their daughter, Dora. ,l' , tte- caine the bride of James R. Em- mons.: of London, Ont. The cere- mony Was performed by Rev. Biel, Snaith. - After the weddling trip Mr. and Mrs. .Emmons will reside in London. The long-standing dispute be- tween (iolborne and Goderich town- ships in connection with the ]:Inlmessille bridge hill has been settla„ . eotleri:etx township has agreed to reduce its claim against Qolhrrne from $100 teen, and the Colborne council has voted to pay the smeller amount. The settle- ment should be fairly satisfactory to the people of b townships. er path to tread, he generally rear- ' Pel at levee family. The expense was While driving. home from. Bay- field Manager Jas, Buchanan of Goderich: Planing Mill, and Dan. Harrison collided with another rig, in tt narrow part of the road, and were thrown into the steep ditch. The horse was killed instantly, Mr. Buchanan fractured three ribs, and Mr:. 'Harrison 41)aken up. They returned to Bayfield, where Mr, Buchanatn received medical attend- ance, teed procuring- another horse, completed the journey to Goderich. As i--. felt, end hta the boys grew up they Born. elate:el the shop; that they might earn .'or themselves. The parents o'.nld not efford to give theta more tbsan a-ntlaiin school education, and even with tluat they are some of the briebest men of to -day. How is it now? The large families are roplaN-'l by a household of one, twri' and thrtla. The father is in a .setter ftnanriacl pr+sitinn and each child is Melted upon as the one only suited for a cellsge edacation and some high profession. In this they meet an easier life with bettor results, but will it continue so? The conn- try is hecomiog overly cro'w'ded with professional men of all classes and even at this date nialty of the yorreger graduates are finding it difficult to locate. OH the other handtradesmen are scarce, wages arta going up and the time is ahead of us when the man who is in the shop nr factory will have the eats. ser time of gaining the worldly ?leech). Married. EillAooss-PxnDma.-At the parsonage. Bayfield, On Sept. Sth, by Rev. Mr. Steadman, May. second slaughter of. William Perdue, to John Beacom, all. of Goderich township. Pit.t.'vzsc-B. en -In Hensel. on Wed xesday, Sept, 12th by the Rey, S. T,. Garnet, J, Frayne of Usborne to Miss Annie Reid of Exeter. DAvxs-BAnTxisR-At Winnipeg Aug. 171,1, Mr. D. W. Davis, formerly` of Exeter, to Miss O. Bactner, 0tan'xr-Wtesoet-Tn London, on Wednesday, Sept. 12th, Miss, Vivien May Wilson, to W. D. el'arke, . Aco•attntant Molson's. 7'a nk Deter. eloweocx-In C(eretiiton. Sept. 11th, the wife of John Morlock of a son. .Moteeet Stir ondale, '.1'nes0ray, Sept. 11th. the wife of tied. Meir of a daughter. WIiTJ'i,-Tn. Ste peen, Satnrrley, Sept. Fath, the wife of William Winer, of a daughter. iDieta. STRUT -At Billsgreen, on Friday, Sept. 14th, Mary J., beloved wife of Charles Stelck, aged 54 years,' 5 months and 27 days. FAUST -in Zurich, on Sunday, Sept 10th, lIanoy E'llenbat m, beloved. wife of D. S. Faust, aged 64 years, 4 :months and 10 days. 1'xxda-ln 0redtton. • on Mendav Sept. 10 Amelia Melville, Daunoey beloved wife of Albert King, aged 42 years 3 months and 16 days. Heeteerse-1n Exeter, on Sept. 7th, George Edward, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Harness, aged li Months and 12 days. • PAxtal0N5-1n Centralia, on Friday, Sept, 7, John Parsons aged 77 years 0 months 27 day's. $oGert-At Mt. Carmel, on Sutday Sept, 9tb, Michael Hogan, aged 78 years. P.gTTn1.•-..At Shipka, on Tuesday, Sept, 4th the beloved wife of Mr. R. Patten.' STA,BBLi7B.In Crediton, on Monday Sept. 10th. Christina, . Staebler, beloved wife of Rev. John Steele ler, aged '?7 years 6 months and 37 days. ' JOHNS -At Etinville, Sunday Sept. 9th, the infant daughter of Mr. and bins, Chatries Johns. artless DOUBLE and SINGLE HARNESS, FUR ROBES HORSE BLANKETS, FARC!' RUGS, COLLARS WHIT'S DRUSI-IES,.'PUR- SES, TRUNKS, SUIT CASES, Etc. Repairing Done Promptly f. WELL, Furniture PARLOR SUITS, BED- ROOM SUITS, CHAIRS,`, TABLES, FANCY ROCK- ERS, BUFFETS, SY.DI BOARDS, BOOK CASES, WRITING DESKS, PIC- TURE FRAMING. Organs and Pianonal _ = = Zurich, Ont. The id and Reliable Kalb leisch's Sawtom- Planing 1 wish to thank my customers for their patronage during the past Year, and wish to announce that 1 am on hand with a large stock of Hastings Brand B. C. RED CEDAR SHINGLES and all kinds of Building Material. It will be to your interest to call and see hie if you are going to build. It is nay aim to combine good work with good material. I also do CUSTOM S.f WI1R1C and PLieeMSIG '"Chopping done every Tuesday and Friday. F. C. lEALBFLEISCH, Mills .14th Con. ZURIC>-i OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT is always stocked with fresh and first duality goods. We always insist on getting first-class goods and we see that we get them. Our Reliance Baking Powder is the Purest and Strongest made, you. need only about half'as mnuch as you do of the ordinary kind. A full line of dammed goods, such as CORN SALMON PEAS PEACHES .BEANS OLIVES TOMATOES PINEAPPLES ETC., ETC Make this the spot for purchasing your groceries. It will pay you. Courteous treatment to all. Our Flour and Feed Depart, lent is always stacked with the best brands of flour --Royal household and Star ---Shorts, Bran, Pig Feed, etc. Turnip and Corn Seed at low prices. We handle the Caenefae and International Stock Foods and Louse Killer. 1?e carry in stook all lines of Farah Implements. Our stook is made up of the best makes end all our good, are guaranteed. . I•t will pay you to Call on us and get our prices before purchasing. Cultivators Drill Discs Manure Spreaders Magnet Cream Separators Gsaoline Engines Etc., Etc. In Single and Gang Plows we handle the Percival, Fleury, Wilitinson, CocicshUtt EVERYTIIING IN THE IMPLEMENT LINE. MACIIINE REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS ON HAND J. ickb Deering 1` 11 9 Agency ZURICH Cents pays for the "Zurich -Arai IL" Herald" to January, 1907.