HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1906-09-07, Page 4II.9'.1). COOKE, BARRISTER AND SO - Halter, Notary'Publi4, Uoneiull, Ontario, At Zurich (Zeller's office) every Mon- • day. PROUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR, .BAR- risters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc., Ooderich, Canada. W, Proudfoot. K.C. R. C. Hays. G. F. Blair, BUSINESS CARDS. E. BOSSENBERRY, LICENSED A17C- tioneer for Boron County, respectfully aolieits the patronttne of those who in- • tend having solos, Satisfaction auar- anteed, DR, F. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, GRA- duate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plato work a speciality. At Dominion House, ?:.rich, evory Mon- day. 1-26 E, ZELLLR, CONVEYANCER AND Notary Public, De e'ds, Mortgages, Wills and other Legal Documents care- fully and promptly prepared. Office— Zeller block, Zurich, Ont. MUSIC. ZURICH BRASS BAND IHAS BEEN re -organized and is now prepared to furnish first -egos music for all kinds of amusements. For :arms apply to or write F. W. Hess, See'y-Tress„ Zurich. INSURANCE-, ANDREW HF -SS, DIVISION COURT CLERK. Village and Farm Property insured. All the leading Companies represented. Agent for Accident and Sickness insurance. STRAYED QTRAYED—.rrom Lot 12, Con. 7, Hay, L on or about the 20th of August, a . yearling heifer, blind in ono eye. Any- I one knowing whereabouts of wane please, I notify WILLIAM i L m oLn, Zuridi, P.O. 7-3 FOR SALE. GOOD 140 -ACRE FARM for sale being lot 4 and para lot 5, concession _11, Hay. The fartr, contains 20 acres good hardwood bush; goo,.; brick house and hank barn; plenty goon water in house and barn; the farm is well fenced. and under - drained and is in Bret -class shape. For further particulars apply at premises or i; rite to John Hartman, Sarepts, P. 0. 5`_'-1m 9ARIMI FOR SALE -75 acres of choice 1L' land on the 14th Con., Hay Town- ship. Good brick hoi.•:e, bunk barn, 40x 60. Good 'wader and well fenced. Will sell on reasonable terms. Apply at prem- ises or to William Ste1ck, 4tf Zurich. I ECUTCRS' SALE OF MILL PROP-- - ROP- .PTY -the executors of the estate: ox,•tlie;lsite :Henry 'Cook will offer for sale • by pu die tzuetien by Thoinas Brown, Sea - forth, auctioneer, on the promises, Wed- nesitay, 12th clay of September, 1906, at 2. o'clock ran., the property known as the Hensall Flour Mill.,; property consist'; of a four-story frame grist mill, brick basement and steel roof, sitnated on Wellington stre- et in the villago of Bensa.1l, comity of Hu- rou; the elevator in connection can store about 40 tone of t:hra.s, 80 tons of bran, two or three cars 1;2 ;tour, eight to ten thousand bushels of n;.ear; brick engine - room; Corliss engine '.tlx30, boiler 14 feet by 72 inches; ftutne '-)odyhed, will hold about 150 cords ofwood: frame coal shed. will hold about : 0i; toes of coal; has co,'Iv oievator for unie;ating coal by steam pow- er; mill is lighted by c:ectricity with en fnghtr-light dynamo; capacity of raid, 150 b,rrr'els; busy all the year with good trade; large chopping, �,",ri_:]; and retail trade; this mill is located in the host vrheet- growing dist.] cut iu westorn Ontario, and lilts good connection, with a number of racing biscuit manufacturers; kir demand St for feed; 0011 is sitr':.rel on G. T. 14. tracks no beaming re.luircd. Rodgerville d vu1t- 1 property -There wtll alto be offered for sale a 2 •story i,r:ek dw, .lin , with In ick kitchen, stab'e and ono acre of lana, more or lea:,, pit]:a: d ,n London Road, on l-outheast corner, 1•; to le.; enuth of Bon- sai!, known is the h,c.igrrvtlle P.tsl•ottitte property.,. terms ci +,w'a. 25 per cent of the purchase money ;n t:arr, on the day of sale, and balance theee A' within thirty days thereafter, witho•;t interest. or urran;e- aneuts can ho m duo w:rh the purchaser for the securing of a por:i,rn of flitch balance by way of tuortts:ege o.; the promises; pos- secsion Out. 15, 190e; further particulars may be obtained on application to any of the undersigned. Dated at Hensel; l's :4th day of August, 1006, II, .1. 17. i;'o,;',ee, executors' solicitor. Catherine and Cornoir:y Cook, executors. 11/ PIT EVA PI7BLISRiio BY E. ZELL1a;R. FRIDAY, SEPT. 7th, 19Q6. W. C. T. V. I CAN'T STOP. The Chicago Journal of recent date oonta.ins a pathetic account of the tragic end of a prominent citiz- en of that city. The case is but one of thousands. The history of many of the most heartrending has never been written. So long as wo hsve open bar- rooms with all their incitements to dissipation, so long will we have happening's like this in our midst. The Journal says : Having fought the curse of drink for three years, Noah M. Letts, 4316 Calumet Avenue, treasurer and Manager of the Letts Promot- ing Company with offices in the First National lank Building, ad- mitted his defeat in the struggle by taking his life in the Union hotel to -day. The man wrote a note warning his two young sone to shun liquor, penned another note to his brother, Frank G. Letts, president of the Western Grocery Company, and vice-president of the National Grocery Company, and then drank morphine. The suicide followed a champagne spree of throe days. Letts was found barely alive in his room by a bellboy, who quickly notified the management. Tlie two notes left by the suicide were taken by Frank Letts, who arrived at the hotel five minutes before his brother's death, They are as follows : "To My Boys—Please for your sake and God's sake never drink a drop. I love yott better than my life. But 1 can't stop and my action is for the best. Your Papa." -Frank—Thank you for your kindness. It's best so. Take care of my boys. To -day, could you not tell I was bluffing? it's best. I've suffered. Good-bye. Your Brother. love yon tend do to -clay as one brother never loved another." Frank Letts arrived only a few minutes before his brother's death, and after the physicians had made utile efforts to save the man's ife. "There is no doubt my brother 'omrnitted suicide," said Mr. Letts. 'The nates clearly explain his etion, but when.I saw him last I ad Tao suspioion he was going to rid his life. He called yesterday ,fternoon and asked me for money. Lit first I refused, and •when he tormed about any office I weaken - d and gave him. some money. He must have gone direct to the hotel, or many years he had been drink - ng, but only in the last three ears had he carried it to such an xtreni e. " The decedent was married four• eon years ago, but three years ago ra.s divorced from his wife. He ad two sons, Ned M., 12 years old, rid Delano, 10 years olcl. The boys ave been spending the summer on farm and are now living near ates Centre, Inas. :FORECASTS FOR SEPTEMBER. By Rev. Irl. R. Hicks. regular storm period runs from the 10th to the 15th, having s ;enter on the 121h. All old relents of our forecasts, and the astronomic faots on which they are based, know that this storm period tills coincidently with the annual cris'i . arising from the peculiar relation of the Earth and Sun . The xnagnetie, and electrical forces of our planet aro perturbed and rest. less eeeh year from about the 10th to the 15Th of September. Electrioa;l manifestations in the •way of lightning and thunder, Earth cur- rents., strong enough to disturb telegrephic instruments, auroral fights. seismic and volcanic unrest, all reach, as a rule, a maximum state of perturbation about this period. Hence we conclude that the storm period from the 10th to the 15th of this month will bring markedresults in the way of storms and other phenomena. If the baro- meter falls to low readings, with high temperature and humid, mug- gy atmosphere, the appearance of angry storm clouds should be watched with calmness, but with a degree of apprehension and caution. Look for the culmination of tais period about Wednesday the 12th to Friday the 14th. Be- luxul, these disturbances, expect a decided change to cooler, with possible frosts along the northern sections. The Sovereign Bank of Canada THE BANK THAT PAYS INTEREST 4 MMES A YEAR. 1 Oil Savings Aceoilals 1 68 BBANo . JOS...SNELL - Manager. ZURICH FALL FAIRS. ZURICH , . Sept, 19 20 Exeter" 1718 Blyth " 18 19 Seaforth .. , " 20 21 Ailsa Craig 24 25 Goderich r ...... " 2b 27 Parkhill• .. , . 26 27 Bayfield„ .... .... .. . ... Oet. e 3 Brussels ,... ,... .. " u t COUNTY NEWS. I 043`43►.34.+3•- ,E++-*Es•at+E+s The annual tournament of the Clinton Gun Club, will be held on October 9-10. The Blyth Standard has been sold to J. L. Kerr, son of W. H. Kerr, of the Brussels Post. Jas. Dick has purchased the brick block, adjoining his hotel property in Seaforth, from Beattie Bros., grocers, He paid 84,000 for it. Pat Boyle, of Centralia, made a good: threshing record the other day, 34 loads of wheat, 32 of barley and 27 of oats in ten hours. The output was 700 bushels of wheat, 400 of barley and 200 oats. A large barn on the farm of Mr. Ferguson, on what is known as the Kippen road, Tuckersmuith was struck by lightning, on Sunday a week, and totally destroyed, with all its contents, which embraced his Drops of this year, together with his implements. The laxative effect of Chamber- lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets is so agreeable and so natural you can hardly realize that it is produced by a medicine. These tablets also cure indigestion and biliousness. Price 25 'tints. Samples free at J. J. Merner's store. The other evening the house of the Caretaker of the Exeter Ceme- tery was discovered to be on fire, and before anything could be done to nave it, the house and contents were entirely destroyed. The house belonged to the town. The care- taker and fancily were away at the tine, and the origin of the fire is a mystery, Thomas Warwick, who has been an inmate of the House of Refuge for seven years, died on Monday at the good old age of ninety-seven. He was next to the oldest inmate, one of the women having passed still another mile stone. Living in French Castle has certainly not shortened any one's years. -Clinton News -Record. Isanr.. Yonne, the Indian who pleaded. guilty to the charges of theft and burglary at a house near Crediton, was before Judge Doyle on Wednesday of last week and His Honor sentenced him to four months' imprisonment in the county jail at hard labor, saying the only reason he did not send him to the Central prison for a much Ionger term was that at the present time that institution was crowded. • A ,Bron stee Load—On Tuesday lait, 172r. E. Barnett drove a load of flax to the Seaforth mill, which weighed 10,448 pounds. When we consider that this amount of flax was gathered up and pitched on the wagon by Mr. S. Neely, while "Teddy" built it, all in the space of 3 1-4 hangs from the time they left the mill till they returned a- gain. the performance seems mar- vellous, while it at the same time shows Mr. Barnett to be a good load builder. What do the Hensall and St Marys men, who have been boasting of big loads, say to this? "John," said the wife, gently, "you are interested in temper- ance movements, are you not?" "Of course I am," he answered. "Well, suppose von go and make a few of then; at the pttmp handle, I want n pail of water at once."— S'niitll'd Weekly. Thousnnda of tons of cull apples are wnsteri yearly in Ontario which shonld be made into quartered dried apples, for which prufitnble prices can reedily he obtained from any country merchant Stop the waste and save scene money. Where there's a will there's a way. The Minister of Education is pre -- pared to grant- fourteen scholar- ships, to the value of 850, in the case of each woman, and 875 in the ease of each pian, to teachers tak- ing the three months' courses, at the Macdonald Institnte, Guelph. Candidates are expected to hold at Ieast second-class Provincial cer- tificates, end to send a certitieate of recommendation from the public school inspector. COULDN'T STAND IT. The members of a family residing in the suburbs, are said to be ex- cessively quiet. Two of them, cousins wore camping out for a holiday, and one morning, at break- fast,tBili said. to Lis chum :- rJirn, there is a cow in the next field. I heard it bellow." Nothing more was said till oven- ing, when on the way back to camp Jinn said : "How did you know it was a cow Bill? It might have been a, bull. " No further remarks passed, but next morning Jim found Bill doing up his pack, and preparing for his departure. "Bill, what are you doing?" "I'm off," said Bill. "There's too muoh arf,;iuneut in this camp for me." Harness DOUBLE and SINGLE HARNESS, FUR ROBS HORSE BLANKETS, FANCY RUGS, COLLARS Wi-IIPS BRUSHES,'PUR- SES, TRUNKS, SUIT CASES, Etc. Repairing Done Promptly H. WELL, F�rnit�re PARLOR SUITS, BED- ROOM SUITS, CHAIRS, TABLES, FANCY ROCK- ERS, BUFFETS, SIDE BOARDS, BOOK CASES, WRITING DESKS, PIC- TURE FRAMING. Organs and Pianos..' Zurich, Ont. `I he Old and Reliable {albfleisch's Saw & Planing Mills.... I wish to thank my customers for their patronage during the past year, and wish to announce that 1 am on hand with a large stock of Hastings Brand E. C. RED CEDAR SH1NCLES and all kinds of Building Material. It will be to your interest to call and see me if you are going to build. It is my aim to combine good work with good material. I also do CUSTOM SAWING and PLANINC W'Chopping done every Tuesday and Friday. F. C. KALBFLEISCH, Mills 14th Con. ZURICH OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT is always stocked with fresh and first quality goods. We always insist on getting first-class goods and we see that we get them. Our Reliance Baking Powder. is the Purest and Strongest made, you need only about half as much as you do of the ordinary kind. A. full. line of canned goods, such as CORN PEAS • BEANS SALMON PEACHES OLIVES TOMATOES PINEAPPLES ETC., HTC Make this the spot for purchasing your groceries. It will pay you. Courteous treatment to all. Our Flour and Feed Department is always ,stacked with the best brands of flour --Royal Household and Star --Shorts, Bran, Pig Feed, etc. Turnip and Corn- Seed at low prices. We handle the Carnefac and International Stock Foods and Louse Killer. S. Fannie Son. arm Imple : ents 3vVe carry in stock all lines of Farm Implements. Our stock is made up of the best snakes and all our goods are guaranteed. It wilt pay you to call on us and get our prices before purchasing. Cultivators Drills Discs Manure Spreaders Magnet Cream Separators Gasoline Engines Etc., Etc. In Single and Gang Plows we handle the Percival, Fleury, Wilkinson, Cockshllatt EVERYTHING IN THE IMPLEMENT LINE, MACHINE REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS ON HAND, J. F. I�riJvt%bO-ril, I3eeriAgency.. ZURICH Cents pays for the "Zurich Herald" to January, 1907.