HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1906-09-07, Page 1TME HE The Official Organ of Zurich AL and Hay Township. Vol. VI1 No. 7 ZURICH, ONT., FRIDAY, S,I PT8MBBR .7, 1906. $1. Comer .Year. Bread and Butter Education Business houses have, this past year, made TEN TIMES as many demands upon us for young ladies and gentlemen who are thoroughly grounded in business principles, as we had students to send. Chelan Business College "Affiliated with Wingham Business College." OPENS SEPT. 3rd Drop a postal for information. GEO. SPOTTON - Principal Good 16 -months' old gelding. by Westside, for sale. Apply to Geo. Smith, Zurich. Mr. E. M. Brokenshire of Dash- wood gave THE HERALD a friendly 'call on Wednesday. Wm. Bender is making arrange- ments for holding a grand concert on the second day of our Fall Fair.. Mr. and Mrs. 0, Beaver, who have been visiting relatives here, ]eft for their home near Elkton, Mich., on Wednesday. Mr. Parker, of Waterdown, N. Y., and Miss Edith Neelands, of Seafortb, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Charlesworth. W. E. Jarrott of Hillsgreen called on old friends in the village on Tuesday. He intends taking a course in the Normal school. A number of trotting sulkies` were smashed during the races on. Monday, and it is a wonder that none of the drivers were seriously hurt. There will be no Sunday School School in the Evangelical onurch next Sunday morning. Preaching services will begin at 10 a. m., in- stead of 10.45 a. m. London Fair begins to -day. Tho best days to go will be next Tues- day, Wednesday and Thursday. The Grand. Trnnk will run special trains so as to enable people to re- turn home after the evening per- formance. An order -in -council were passed at Ottawa, setting apart Thursday. October 18th, as Thanksgiving Day. the Government having de - aided not to heed the request of tie railway companies for the se- lection of a Monday. Mr. Goodnow, who lives near Thamesford, has received the good intelligence that he is heir to $800,000, his share of the estate of aorich uncle who died in New York recently. How would you like to have an uncle like that? You never know when. ,you may need it. Better be prepared.. An accident and sickness policy don't post much and provides an income when it is needed. most. Better act now. A. F. Hess, agent for Empire Accident & Surety Co. Dr. OVENS, M. D., London, Surgeon, eye, ear and nose, will be at the Queen's Hotel, Henea.11, on Thursday, Oct. 4th. Hours 4 30 p. m. to 9 p. m. Glasses properly flitted for relief of failing vision, Gestrain, headaches, etc. Deafness .and nasal catarrh treated. 23tf LOCAL NEWS. John Laporte visited friends in Chatham over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sol. Hardy, of Exe- ter, were guests at the home of J. F. Rickbeil on Sunday. Milfred Faust left on Wednesday to resume his studies at the North Western College, Napierville, Ills. The work on the cement walk out to the Fair Grounds has been commenced. The walk will be four feet wide. John Sahuettler has the contract of building it. Among those who are attending the Toronto Fair this week are : F. Kalbfleisch. S. E. Faust, Ferdinand. Hess, Peter Lamont, Jacob D.ei.- h- ert, Ezra Smith, Mrs, Ed. Merner and Mrs.- Godfrey Nicholson. If the weather is suitable the 'weekly band. concert will be given on Saturday evening. These con- certs have been the means of giving the people, anubpeaaant entertain- ment Miring 'th i • seiner months. The lecture given in the Evarge- noa.l Church on Monday evening by Rev: Mr. Berger on 'Palestine and the Orient was well attended. Mr. Berger is a fluent speaker and his discourse was very interesting and instructive. Mr M. A. Buchanan, who 1:as been lectnrer in the University of Chicego, returned home last Sat- urday for a few weeks rest, when he will take up his new duties in the Toronto University as lecturer in French and Spanish. CHANGE IN TICKETS. All members of the Hay Branch Agricultural Society will this year, receive only two instead of three extra admittance tickets. RACES FOR FAIR DAY. The following races will take place on the Zurich Ruce Track on Thursday Sept. 20th. Farmers' Trot or Pace—for horses employed on the farm, mile heats, 2 in 3, 1st Mize $10.00,• 2nd $6.00, 3rd. $4.00. No entrance to members. 2 year old colt race, half mile heats, 2 in 3, lst $7.00, 2nd, $5.00, 3rd. $3.00. No entrance to members. WEDDING BELLS. .A quiet but happy event took place at Rosedale Farm, the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Schoellig, on Saturday, Sept. lst, when their daughter, Miss Susan, was united in marriage to Mr. R. F. Schiedel, of Detroit, Mich. Rev. E. H. Bean, cousin of the bride, officiated. Mr. 'and Mrs. Schiedel will reside in Detroit, Mich. THE HERALD joins in extending congratulations and best wishes for their future wel- fare and happiness. GUN CLUB SHOOT. The weekly shoot of the Gun Club was held. last Thursday even- ing. A large number of the mem- bers were present and the finish was tin exciting one. Three were tied for the medal, but W. G. Bess -won out. The shoots will be held , in the afternoon hereafter as the eeeiihigs are getting too short. The score : Chas. Fritz.....0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 5 W.G. Iless ..:.11 1 0 011 0 1 1 7 W. O'Brien 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 j. P. Rau 0010101110 5 l3. Yungblut0 0 0 0.0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Jac. Deichert0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 7 J. Truemnor, 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 5 M. Meidinger0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 • P. Sipple . 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 5 F. W. ]`-less 1 0.0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 6 E. Zeller .0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 xi. C. Doan..... 0000001100 2 3, Schtaettler.:.000000} 1 01. 2 Mr. Ales. MoLeod spent Sunday at his home in Bayfield. New ads—C. Hartleib, H. Well, Wm. Leibold, Sovereign Bauk. Miss Maggie Yungblut of Auburn is visiting at the home of her brother, Mr. H. Yungblut. Mr. and Mrs. Geo Innes have moved into the house lately vacat- ed by Wm. Hildebrandt: J. Stuebing, of Berlin, was in the village this week in the interest of Stuebing & 1907. t giv . ;'•u a ia; news of Zurich and the surrounding places. The number of people' carried from Ontario on the Western har- vesters excursion up to. date is 12,582, nearly 2,000 more than for the corresponding period of last year. One way of ridding the house of flies is to put into an atomizer some oil of lavender, slightly diluted. Spray it freely into the 'lie. This. moreover, leaves a, delightful fresh odor in the house. A grand stand. for the convenien- ce of the people, and a fence along the inside of the track for a short distance on either side of the jud- ge's stand. for the safety of the on- lookers, are needed at the Fair Grounds before another race meet- ing is held. The package containing last week's HERALDS for our St. Joseph subscribers went astray in some way and did not reach their desti- nation until Monday. This was no fault of ours as the papers were taken to the post office here on Thursday evening. Huron's Record—The British Bowiere have now completed their tour. They played with 61 Ontario clubs and they won out against 47 and were defeated by 14., This is a pretty- good record, Vet Hur o n player" wade a better.. 'l i k,.t,lsh- ers played with representative rinks of five different clubs in Huron and were defeated by four. Huron is, also, the only county in the pro- vince in which the British suffered an all round defeat. The Corinthian Football CIub, the champions of England, defeated every club they played with in Canada except the Hurons. of Seaforth. They also defeated the celebrated Chicago club. Hurrah for Old Huron. She can beat the world in almost any- thing.—Huron Expositor. kg” ei d.;er rich' ,iiWWMEANWWWWMWMAMIWI6f: ; a 25 per dent. Discount Sale Of Ready-made Su.u.it.s and. Twced Pants. , A large range of black, blue and. brown Men's Heady -made Suits. All sizes from 36 to 43. A. fine line of Boys' Ready-made Suits. All colors. All sizes. 3.den's Tweed Pants, goof, quality. Don't miss this Sale. It is well worth your time to call and examine these bargains. General Merchan ��'� = Zurich. i5\PAP lel '>S?MRR Ni YWMMVFP1f�S�.'V�lRrilk rV f ,o o.o.o. , -. -.�>. . . 0000.�.„tea�,.�.•©•o Lee WAAMMAMPARMWMWM.M oho p•o a•a•o �^•r�'�o•o-�•o•a fl v �'•a•�a o•o•c�•.�°�•o�.el �i Hot Weather Shoes We have a fine line of Shoes for Simmer S -ear. Our white ea:i- vas shoes are neatly macre, look dressy and are reasonable in price, They are just the thing for com- fort ox^-fort and coolness. iiaeS' f 'r Chii e 1, Ladies and.$ Men are complete. We have the latest straye, and or,12 prices are right. C e 2'iS a t........ Good Qitaatity—Reascma`le Pry es. Ca FRITZ9 The S oeinan. our •b �`C V ev x-soc ��oG�ccx -yc y C`,� �•O•C 'O 4°O` �^..•'�•4+moi � C;:'Li•°ti.' O,''CG Cl' CY� 11 EA gie V4r "- ® .42" '. . 'tom ""lelii-41 41 As the Season is advancing and new Fall Goods arriving in. some lines of Summer Goods, and in order to. clear them Special Bargain Prices. Note the following:. argai _ s hi Dishes Hardware Specials. (laic s.', we find 0 r ;c;ives overstocked outr. we are offering- them at very Colored muslins, regular price �� 20 cts per ycl j2 10 Colored muslins, regular price 15 cts per yd About 15 ends Print, regular price 8 10 and 12 cts per pd A lot of Ladies Blouses, in plain white and dark patterns worth $1.00 and $1.25 each .... 5 G 2 only Buggy Dusters regular • �� $1.50, for 2 only Buggy Dusters, regular $1.25, for .90 2 only Buggy Dusters, regular •� $1.00, for 2 only Buggy Dusters, regular .° 50, for .35 ice". 2 Dinner Setts, 98 pieces regular $10.00, for 1 Dinner Sett, 98 pieces regular �•�® $14.00, for..... 1 Dinner Sett, 98 pieces regular ,. oo $9,00, for A lot of odd colored Plates, 6 in. regular $1.00, per . dozen. ... °5 A lot of odd. colored Plates, 7 in regular $1.15, per dozen • Farm Produce Good as the Cash We h st Wash Basins, regular 35 for 2o<; Large Strainers rog. 35 for .20c Knife & fork trays reg. 30 for 150 Teapots, regular 25 for Ilso Teapots, regular 45 for 25c Ted Steepers, regular 25 for 115c Dust Pans, regular 15 for o5c Wash Boards, reE4iilar told 2 Only Hammocks at Special l"ii.ce with a lot of New Goods in Tin and Grahiteware, Table Cutler-, Stoves, etc,, in fact we can supply your wants with anything that is carried in an Up-to-date Hardware Store and at prices as low as the lowest. A lot of the Best Portland Cement just arrived. We carry at all times a Fresh, Clean stock of Groceries and we .meet alt competitors, no matter how low the prices. CALL AND SEE U'S AND JUDGE FOR YOU t' SELF r ,,,E ., TE HARDWARE cf GENERAL MERCHANT ZURIOH, ONTA •:T /O ,fit 4 ,,e rr 7,F 1!'.410_•, J