The Herald, 1906-08-31, Page 44 Tib. 1 rich Herald. L.EQAI. CARDS.. Tl :1 D. COOKE, BARRISTER AND SO - lie itor, Notary Public, I ensalt, Ontario. At Zurich (Zeller's office) every Mon- day. PPOUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR, BAR- risters, Solieiters, Notaries Public, etc., Goderich, Canada. W. Proudfoot, K.C. R. C. Hays. C. F. Blair, BUS/NESS CARDS. E. BOSSENBERRY. LICENSED AiGC- tioneer for Huron County, respectfully aolieits tho patronage of those who in- tend having vales. Satisfaction guar- anteed. 'OR. F. A. SELLERY; DENTIST, GRA- . : rtuate..of, tho Royal Coillege of Dental Surgeons,, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plato wo:k a speeiality. 'At bomiriiori• Elrause, Zurich, every Mon- day. 1-26 E. ZELLER. CONVEYANCER AND Notary Public. De oils, Mortgages, Wills and other Legal Documents care- fully and promptly prepared. Office— Zoller block, Zurich, Oat' MUSIC. 7tJRICH BRASS BAND HAS BEEN re -organized and is now prepared to furnish first-class music for all kinds of amusements. For tsrms apply to or write F. W. Hess, Sec'y-Treas.. Zurich. !JVSURANCf=. ANDREW HESS, DIVISION COURT CLERK. Village and Farm Property insured. All the leading Companies represented. Agent for Accident and Sickness Insurance. FOR SALE. • GOOD 140 -ACRE FARM for sale being Lot 4 and part lot 5, concession 11, Hay. Tho farm contains 20 acres good hardwood • btish; good brick house and bank barn; plenty good water in house and barn; the faun is well fenced and under - drained and is in First-class shape. For further particulars apply at premises or writ to John Hartigan, Sarepte, P. 0. t2 -1m iAR y1 FOR SALE -75 acres of choice land on the 14th Con., Hay Town- ship. Good Krick h_oase, bank barn, 40x 60. Good water and well fenced. Will sell on reasonable terms.; Apply at prem- ises or to William.Stelch, 4tf Zurich, FXECUTORS' SALE OF MILL PROP - ERT X— the executors of the estai e of the late Henry Cool: will offer for sale by public auctien by Thomas Brown, Sea - forth, auctioneer, on the promisee, Wed- nesday, 12th day of September, 1906, at 2 -o'clock r,an., the property known as the Hensall Flour property consists of a four-story frame grist mill, brink basement and steel roof, situated on Wellington stre- et in the village of Hensel', county of Hu- ron; the elevator in connection can store about 40 tons of aborta, 80 tons of bran, two oz three cars of dour, Dight to ten thousand bushels of wheat; brick enaine- room; Corliss engine 16x36, boiler 14 feet by 72 inches; frame woodshed, will hold about 150 cords of wood; frame coal shed, will hold about 300 tons of coal; has coal elevator for unlording coal by steam pow- er; mill is lighted by eieotrieity with an eighty -light dynamo: capacity of mill, 150 barrels; busy all t1 -:e year with good trade; large chopping, gri�ting and .retail trade; this mill is located in the hest wheat - growing disttict in western Ontario, and has good connections with a number of leading biscuit inn eefaeturor;i; bin, demand for feed; inill is _:ca ;ted. oar R T. it. tracks no teaming rerluired. Rodgerville dwell - big p.operty-•There will also be offered for sale a '2 -story brick clwelling, with brick kitchen, eta.l,'e and one acre of land, more or 1e's, eiuta;ed on London. Road, on Southeast corner, J i miles south of Hen - known as the Rodgorvflle Postoffice property; terms of tale, 25 per cent. of the purchase money in cneh on- the day of sale, .a.ncl balaneo thereof within thirty days thereafter, withers .'nterest, or arrange, menta can be mole with the hnrchnser for the securing of a portion of such balance b5• ''.y of itimeg,.gs on the promises; pus- •, 5ionOct. I., it•bd; further particulars way 1,e obtained on application to any of the under,,igine7. tatted at Hem -4111 th:'.s 14th dnv of August, ls406, i•.f. J, D. 0,.'•ke, exonntors' uolicitor. (atlierino nisi Uurnel.us Cook, executors'. gammaiimimmimommil Sense aid Dollars Go hand-in-hand, The afeuent of to -day are those who used good common-sense yesterday and the day before. They made a point of saving something each week ; and their wealth and independence grew and grew. Von can commence to -day, $2.00 opens an account. Interest paid 4 times a year. The Sovereign Bank of Canada. Rut -your money in a place where you can eget it when you want it. JOS. SN ELL - Manager. ZUR1C Get a 6 cent box of Lax-ets at our store please. We think they are great. Just test these •toothsome, candy -like Laxative Tablets for constipation, sour stomach, bilious- ness, bad breath muddy complexion etc. Risk 5 cents and see. .3,,L :Merner. a MG I P1J Li9HED BY E. ZELLER, FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1906. W. C. T. U. YOUNG MAN DON'T DRINK. Under the above heading the fol- lowing, by Rev, John F. Hill, D. D., appears in the editorial columns of the Kansas City World : The young men who drinks strong liquor is like the commander of a fortified city who deliberately admits a known enemy . within its walls. Drink is more hostile and more deadly than any army. It has sent more men to destruction •and death than have all the armies of the world. There is nothing in it. You can- not gain by its you may lose every- thing health, position. reputation, self-respect, manhood, soul. The first Oink admits a demon that even successive drink strengthensintil some day it may be strong en ugh to dominate and glut its ravenous appetite with our brain and blood. Don't deceive yourself about your strength. You know nothing about that ' untilthe test comes, and then it often is too late. You may never be sure you have the strength to resist until you have asserted that strength by reeistan- ce. To resistonce or twice, or a doz- en times does not prove a strength to resist always. It can be proved only by constant and unfailing re- sistance. Any man can resist sometimes. The only . man who can have absolute oondfience in his power to resist is he who never drinks at all. If you have the streagth use it. Assert it now. One drink more may be too much. Be strong right now. It is your best chance. Strong young man 1 If you can today mock at the assertion teat one drink is too much, sonic day you may think the same of ten drinks. and later of twenty. And when that day comes the strength that could not resist one drink. before appetite was formed, will be as tt straw in a whirlwind. If you have not the strength and sense to stop drinking right now, when will you have it? Will continued yielding give you added strength or better sense? When the raveled nerves of a disordered stomach, and the flaccid tissues of a softeninglbrain demand whiskey. will you, who could not resist when strength and sense were whole and craving was un- known—will you be better able to resist then? • It is not an abstruse question of piety, or ethics, or morality ; it is a simple question of common-sense and health. One does not need to become a drunkard in the gutter to be injur- ed by whiskey. It is poison even in small quantities. HE PLAYED THE FLY SPECKS. she following story from the Boston Herald reminds us of a. ps.rallal case, of a young recruit. (we will not mention his name) while. we were an honored member of the Little German Band of this town :— •'Bandmaster. Hemenway of South Fretninghatn led the band in the old drys of E flat cornets..One day while filling an engagement he selected a march, and while playing it the rest of the band were sur- prised to hear, instead of the custoneery E flat melody, a series of startling and brilliant variations. One of the -players looked over lenienway's shoulder and noticed that his page was so covered with fly specks that the notes could hardly be seen. "How could you read and play that part?" ho asked. "Oh," replied Hemenway. "I just played everything there, fly specks and all." Stomach Troubles and Constipation. No one can reasonably hope for good digestion when the bowels are constipated. Mr. Chas. Baldwin, of Edwardsville. I11., says : "I suffered from chronic constipation and stomach troubles for several years, but, thanks to Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, am al- most cured." Why not get a pack- asre of these tablets and get wel- and stay well? Price ;:5 cents. Samples free. For sale by J. J. Merner. ZURICH Exeter Blyth FALL FAIRS. Sept. 19 20 " 17 18 18 19 24 25 a. hH Seefortb Ailsa Craig.. ,6 Coderioh .... i Parkhill'. 26 27 Bayfield , ......... Oct, 2 3 Brussels , , 5 1 COUNTY NEWS. 1 4 eeeeesaaaies-43eeeeeEheE eCiese++£+• Next.yeer will be W. R. Lough's twenty-fifth year as principal of the Clinton public school and will probably be his last in that capaci- ty, as he wishes,to retire. For d.rv, cranked lips, or rough skin, use Dr. Shoop's Green Salve. It positively makes lips and skin like velvet. Sold by J. J. Merner. During the storm of Sunday evening the barn of Robert Bean, near Carlow was struck by: lightning and destroyed togeth- er with the season's crops. • The other day Mr. Winters, of Seaforth, made a shipment of good export cattle from Clinton station. Twelve head bought from W. Grant London road, weighed 18150 lbs., or an average of over 1500 lbs. each Forty-two head bought from M. McEwen, Stanley, totalled 511,500 lbs. John O'Reilly of McKillop met with a' fatal accident the other morning. They .were hauling in oats ander. O'Reilly was on the load. In some manner he lost his bale ea arid fell of the load, strik- ing on his head. Medical help was summoned but he died before the doctor arrived. Mr.'S. Freeborn Johnston won the Edward Blake scholarship in Classles.and Mathematics at Toron- to Universitp Matriculation. Mr.' Johneion stood second in General Proficiency, • first in Classics and Mathematics. second in Mathema- tics and Moderns,first in Mathema- tics and second in Science. He is the eldest son of Mr. Wm. H. John- ston, teacher of S. S. No. 14 Stan ley. Word was received at Crediton last week from Hanley, Sask., that the home of Mr. Chas. Lamport, formerly of that place was destroy- ed by fire. The fire started by a defective stovepipe and had gaind such headway when discovered that all attempts to quench the flames were fruitless. Everything in the house was burned, the family losing everything except the cloth- es on their backs. Mrs. John McAllister of Hensall received word the other day from her daughter, Mrs. W. C. Kyle, of Strome, Alberta, which conveyed the sad intelligence of the death of her third son, Roy, on the 13th of Augnst, together with that of a young neighbor lad, both having been the sesitlt of suffocation from natural, gas in a well which was being dug. Mr. Kyle ane family formerly lived near Kippen and moved west about three years ago. Dr. Sheep's Restorative (tablet or liquid form) is a constitutional nerve tissue tonic. It brings renew- ed strength, Lasting ambition and vigor to weak, lifeless evonien. Sold by J. J. I4lereer. Frank Periso, a Frenchman, whose home is at Grand Herd, was the unfortunate loser of three fing- ers and thumb of the right hand a few dans ago, the result of an ac- cident while engaged at a threshing Periso has been following the Thanes Road threshing syndicate machine and while. cleaning the cutting box at Mr. Chas. Monteith's threshing his hand accidently came in contact with the knives with the above result. Only the little fingers can be saved and even that is se- verely injured. The ease of the. Davies Packing Company versus A. Q. Bobier was tried before' Police Magistrate Humber of Goclerich at Exeter on Wednesday. The case is one in which the plaintiff accused defend- ant of falsifying the weight of . car of hogs shipped on Aug. 6. The evidence taken went to show that the hogs were two nights up- on the road, and therefore the shrinkage would be more than normal ; that part of the load had been fed by Mr. Bobier for six days ; and that the weights had at first beetxacciepted by the comyany. Crown Attorney Seager of Gode- rich and J. G. Stanbury were con- ducted the examinations. A quiet, fa.shioneble, society event took place at Mt. Carmel, on Wednesday, Aug. 22nd, when one of `Exeter's most estimable and ac- complishecl. .society young ladies, Miss Ethel I., eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs, John Farmer, of town was united in tnarria.ge to Mr. Edtnond W estropp Horne, who was with the Sovereign Bank at Exeter for some two years, prior to being transferred. to . the Milverton and Stratford Branches of the same bank as Manager. The bride wore a beautiful gown of lace net over Duchesse Satin and wore pearl ornaments.. The bride and groom were unattended. The Rev, Father Forster officiated. The bride's travelling suit was a very elaborate gray silk.with hat to match: After a three vtl`eeke' boat trip to Ottawa, Quebec anal Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Horne will return to Stratford and wilt take up their residence at the corner of S. David and St. Vincent street. OUTDOOR FURNITURE, For Lawns and Verandahs. Our designs are up-to-date. Reed and. Rattan Goods, Steamer Chairs and Lawn Croquet. Organs and Pianos. HARNESS For an up:to-date single. Harness this is the rplace. Dusters. Fancy Rugs, Trunks, and Valises. H. WELL, Zurich, Ont. The Old and Reliable Kalbfleisch's Saw • & Planing Mils.... I wish to thank my customers for their patronage during the past year, and wish to announce that 1 am on hand with a large stock of Hastings Brand B. C. RED CEDAR SHINGLES and all kinds of Building Material. It will be to your interest to call and see me if you are going to build. It is nay acro to combine good work with good material. I also do CUSTOM SAWINC and PLANING SarChopping done every Tuesday and Friday. F. C. KALBFLEISCH, MVlills loth Con. ZURICH OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT is always stocked with fresh and first quality goods. We always insist on getting first-class goods and we see that we get. them. Our Reliance Baking Powder is the Purest and Strongest made, you need only about half as much as you do of the ordinary kind. A full line of canned goods, such as CORN PEAS BEANS SALMON PEACHES OLIVES TOMATOES PINEAPPLES ETC., ETC Make this the spot for purchasing your groceries. It will pay you. Courteous treatment to all. Our Flour and Feed Department is always stacked with the best,brands of flour ---Royal Household and Star— Shorts, Bran, .Pi; Feed, etc. Turnip and Corn Seed at low prices. We handle the Carnefac and International Stock Foods and Louse Killer. S. Ronnie Son.. Farm Implements We carry in stock all lines of Farm Implements. Our stook is made up of the best makes and all our goods are guaranteed. It will pay you to .cull on us and get our prices before purchasing. Cultivators Drills Discs Manure Spreaders Magnet Cream Separators Gasoline Engines Etc., Etc. In Single and Gang Plows we handle the Percival, Fleury, Wilkinson, Cockshutt EVERYTHING IN THE IMPLEMENT LINE. MACHINE REPAIRS OE ALLLKINDS ON HAND,. V. 1a ickbOii Deering Agency ZURICH Cents pays for the "Zurich Herald to January, 1907.