The Herald, 1906-08-31, Page 1The Official Organ of Zurieh'Awl Hay Township, Vol. VII., Nor 6 ZURICH, ONT., FRIDAYy.AU UST 31, 1906. 1. Per Year. Bread and Butter Education Business houses have, this past year, made TEN" TrMEs as many demands upon us for young ladies and gentlemen,. who are thoroughly grounded in business principles, as we had students to send. Clinton Business College "Affiliated with Wingham Business College." OPENS SEPT. 3rd Drop a postal for information. GEO. SPOTTON • Principal LOCAL NEWS. toorae �ear��e•^ �s� � s� s� s-�ss Mrs. J. Kellerman and daughter, Ethel, of Dashwood, visited at the home of C. Fritz on Tuesday. Miss Lovina Wagner of Berlin, visited at the home of her sister, Mrs. Chas. Welker, for a few days this week. The race track is in fine condition and the races on Monday next pro- mise to be fast. Conte and bring your friends. The weekly band concert on Sat- urday night has been called off, as the band will play on the Fair Grounds onLabor Day. Mr. and Mrs. James, and children of Buffalo, N. Y., are visiting at the home of the C. Fritz. Mr. James returned home last Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. W. K1opp left on Thursday morning to attend the Lutheran Conference at Logan and ' will also visit their daughter at ,Slatikespearn:'.`.. sees. THE STORM. Another severe electrical storm passed over this section last Sun- day evening, but fortunately no serious damage resulted. A few miles south of this village the wind assumed tnrnadic proportions, and orchards and fences suffered severe- ly. Mr. Eckstein, who lives on the Bronson Line had eight or ten large apple trees blown down and Sam Gingerich, of the Goshen, bad a similar number laid low. Fences and straw stacks were strewn in all directions. While the storm raged the rain fell in torrents and the lightning was dangerously near. FAMILY RE -UNION. A pleasant family re -union took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Abrahasii Lehman on Tuesday, when their children from distant points gathered at their home to help to celebrate the event. Those present were : Mr. and Mrs. Ruso, Fairgrove, Mich., Mr. and Mrar, D. Gottschalk, Bad Axe, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Harry Zapfe, Town Line, Mr. Wm. Lehman, London, Mrs. C. Bossenberry. Cavalier, N. D. Ten grandchildren were also present, seven being unable to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Lehman were each pre- sented with a beautiful, easy chair and their children's wish is that they may spend the declining years of their life in peace and comfort. On Wednesday the party had a pleasant time at the Bend. Every- thing passed off pleasantly and the re -union will be long remembered by them all. GUN CLUB SHOOT. On account of the. trap being broken the regular shoot of the Gun Club was held on. Friday even- ing. A strong wind made it hard for the shooters to get good sight of the birds and consequently the scores are not nearly so good as those of the week before. Charlie Fritz again captured the medal with a score of eight. This is the third week in succession that he has made good and he naturally feels proud. of it. The score : C. Fritz.. 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 8 W. Riess ..0001111010 r G. Hess ..0011110011 6 W. O'Brien .... 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 7 H. Yungblut...0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 M. Meidinger...0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 P, Sipple .. , ... ,0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 7 J. P. Rau 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 7 M, Rennie 0000000000 0 E. Zeller 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 W.Hoffman ... 0000000001 J. J. Deichert 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1: 1 1 7 J. True:nner0 0 1 1, 1 0 ]. 0 1 1 6 'Our horsemen are busily engaged in fitting up their horses for the races. Mr Creech and son of Exeter were guests at the home of H. Well on Tuesday. Mr. B. Bossenberry of Grand Bend was a visitor in the village on Tuesday. Monday next, Labor Day, will be a good time to meet your friends at Zurich. They'll all be here. The masons have started on the brick work on H. l albfleisch's new dwelling. C. Shoemaker has the contract. Master John Waiper, son of Mr. Casper Weeper. has started to learn the clerking with J. Pi'.•eeter, gener- al merchant. Mr. and Mes. G. Beauregard, of Worth, Ills., visited this week at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Lebeau, 14th con. Mr. Joseph Schwar tzen truber who has been visiting friends here for a few weeks will shortly return to Miner, I11., where he has been engaged in farming for some years. Mr. and Mrs. D. Gottschalk and family, of Bad Axe, Mich., former- ly residents of our village, are visiting friends and relatives here at present. The Junior Alliance will meet on Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock, after a few week's vacation. Par- ents should send their children regularly as these meetings are made as interesting and instructive as possible. Mr. R. Wilson of Seafortll Was a business visitor in the illage on Tuesday. , Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hoffman visited relatives in .Crediton on Sunday last. Mr. Alf Gellman is attending the Y. P. A. convention being held at Rodney this week. Mr. M. Rennie has invested in a new cornet and henoeforth will play that instrument lathe band. Mr. W. Hunter is relieving at the Exeter and Crediton breeches of the Sovereign Bankfor a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hartleib left on Friday to visit relatives and friends in Sebringville, Hickson end Strat- ford for two weeks. Don't forget Labor. Day.' Come and enjoy a big half day'ssport at Zurich. The outing will do you good after a hard summer's work. Mr. and Mrs, Louis' Kraft of Stephen, and Mr. and biller. Kalb- fleisch of the 14th con'. were the guests of Mr. and .Mrs. Henry Weseloh on Sunday last. Geo. Stockley, who has been en- gaged with Jacob Deichert as blacksmith, leaves on Saturday for Lindsay, where he has secured a more lucrative position, Mr. John Truemner, late of Prang & Truem- ner, takes his place. Mr. Albert Smith, of near Cros- well, Mich., arrived here last Sat- urday evening and will visit here for some time. He states that in Mr. Richard Yellow of Usborne the section of Michigan,. where he Township sustained some loss on was working, the crops were total - his buildings through the wind ly destroyed by a hail storm, storm on Sunday. Mr. Yellow is insured in the Huron Weather In- surance Company. All farmers should protect themselves against storms, as the cost of a policy is only a small item. The Huron has already over half a million dollars of insurance in force, all taken in less than three months. An agent for maps and other , ya �,�,, �,� r a r.i c4 �. soh I supplies- has been''.visiting"f ergots avenues, 1uesd'ary inor�ling one or ito boot snore came in contact wit$ a live fee the schools of this vicinl£,y and re l t presenting that he has receiveceto i wire of the Detroit 'United' .ilt:Jiway-, and h D 4 instructions from the Public School' received a shock of more than 2,000 volts Inspector to examine the equipment He died shortly after being removed fro a O • of each school in the county and to to his perilous position. a Ernest Bull, MondayN victim, was knocked furnish all supplies found neces= 111 ' from a 30 foot pole at Clay avenue and Ilio, to sary. Teachers and Boards 4" pelle street, by a current of .2,300 Volts andg Trustees are advised to deal direct -e° died while being conveyed to Harper ho,- ly with reliable firms. and in order." I pital. He was a son of Rev. u. W. nun, of 2113 Gratiot avenue, andleaves a widow anc one son, Louis, at 802 Fourth avenue, Mrs Bull is a daughter of C. I3. Robinson, town clerk of Walkerville. At the time of the accident Tuesday Kist- . Thanksgiving Day this year is likely to be held on the same day as in 1905, viz., the third Thursday in October. The railway authorities have made a strong representation to the Government in favor of a change to Monday, so that the traveling public might enjoy Sat. nrday and Sunday at their homes 1 35 per cent. Discount Sale Of Ready-made Suits and Tweed Parrots. A large range of black, blue and brown. Men's Ready-made Suits. All sizes from 36 to 43. A fine line of Boys' Ready-made Suits. All colors. All sizes. Men's Tweed Pants, good quality. Don't miss this Sale. It is well worth your time to call and examine these bargains. S. Fl4YST9 General Merchant = Zurich. RIMPAPNWWWWYMANWAVf • QQD ing supplies it would be well ti consult with the'Inspector as to thu requirements of the regulations. -en. Aurora Banner. ind ao 0000c�ao�.Q�ac�o'0,0 q.O.p.p.p.p.©. � poovva•�o•oao•000•o�•��0•G"�• oU, t Weather Shoes. We have a fine line of Shoes for Summer Wear. Our white can- vas shoes are neatly made, look dressy and are)'reasonable in price. 'they are just t}ie thing for com- fort. and coolness. Our. ,lines of shoes for Children. Ladies and Men are complete. We have the latest styles and out.' prices are right. Givo us a Cine.'.: Good Quality—Reasonable Prices'. C. 1 117, The Shoe an. ql +eZ1i is orDestA 4' or or As the Season is advancing and new Fall Goods arriving daily, we find ourselves overstocked in some lines of Summer Goods, and in order to clear thele out we are offering there at very Special Bargain Prices. Note the following: Colored muslins, regular price j� 20 cts per yd . , 121/2 Colored muslins, regular price 15 cts per yd 10 About 15 ends Print, regular price 10 and 12e Cts per pd 8 A lot of Ladies Blouses, in plain white and dark patterns worth $1.00 and $1.255 each ....50 2 only Buggy Dusters regular $1.50, for 1.00 2 only Buggy Dusters, regular *1.25, for , .90 2 only Buggy Dusters, regular $1.00, for 2 only Buggy Dusters, regular 50, for Bargains in Dishes 2 Dinner Setts, 98 pieces regular $10.00, .for •5 1 Dinner Sett, 98 pieces regular �� $14.00, for" • • 1 Dinner Sett, 98 pieces regular $9.00, for 7000 A lot of odd colored Plates. 6 in. regular $1.00, per dozen....•5 A lot of odd colored Plates, 7 in regular $1.15, per dozen •� .•75 Farm Produce .35 Good as the Cash ardware Special, Wash Basins, regular 35 for 20o Large Strainers Tog. 35 for 200 Knife & fork trays reg. 30 for i5c Teapots, regular 25 for 15c Teapots, regular 45 for 25c^ . Tea Steepers, regular 25 for 15e Dust Pans, regular 15 for 050 Wash Boards, regular Yoe 2 Only Hammocks at Special Price We have lust Stocked with a lot of New Goods in Tin and, Grahiteware, Table Cutlery, Stoves, etc., infact we can supply your wants with anything that is carried in an Up-to-date Hardware Store and at prices as low as the lowest. A lot of the Best Portland Cement just arrived, We carry at all times a Fresh, Clean stock of Groceries and we meet all competitors, no matter how low the prices. 1° CALL AND SEE US AND JUDE FOR YOURSELF ' J. PREET HARDWARE cf GENERAL ME ZURICH. maw R, CHANT ONTARIO •