The Herald, 1906-08-24, Page 5The Zurich Herald.
foometooiseti888818888888888 041,
0' • I9 3 le 3 53 THE gii to 3 3 t&
• F,3ry ZURICH a3 3 ry f3
• Strictly up-to-date in modern im
O provements. Diniugrooms is sup-
• plied with only the very best. °,( ¶
Bar contains choice liquors and
cigars. 4 ¶ ¶ If ` if
sExcellent Sample Rooms
for Commercial Alen.
;*018888 31Eiap3.''v*c 040G* gt33380
This House has recently changed
hands, and is now one of the
most orderly and best con-
ducted Houses in. the
o Fietter tgable in the TPominien,
R. ;.Johnston&Son
ILaundry . .
We use no chemicals
to destroy or injure
Iyour Clothing, and we
Guarantee our Work. "
This Way for
Dinner and Toilet
Setts, and Dishes
of all kinds.
Girls' a n d Boys'
Hats and Caps.
Remnants of Mus-
lims and Prints.
Men's and Boys'
Ladies' and Gents
.Rain Coats, Cheap.
Only a few to sell at a
sacrifice, to make room.
What your don't see,
Ask for, we'll have it.
General IN.Ierehailt
Colic, Cholera & Diarrhea Remedy
Almost every family has need
of a reliable remedy for colic or
diarrhea at some time during the
This remedy is recommended
by dealers who have sold it for
many years and know its value.
It has received thousands of
testimonials from grateful people.
It has been prescribed by phy-
sicians with the most satisfactory
It has often saved life before
medicine could have been sent for
or a physician summoned.
It only costs a quarter. Can
you afford to risk so much for so
little? BUY IT NOW.
?. W. Ortwein is visiting rela-
tives in Detroit, Baltimore and
Wilmington, Deleware.
Mr. and Mrs, F. G. A.rnold of
Bieffalo are visiting his parents and
other relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs, W. Helnn of St.
Marys and Miss Annie Beek of
London are visiting their respective
hones here.
Mr. Henry of Manitoba visited
his daughter, Mrs. 0, Smallacombe
last week.
The executors of the estate of
the late Hy. Cook are offering the
flour mill in Hensall. a dwelling in
Rodaerville, and the Lucan electric
light plant for sale.
The pertnershitl existing between
Messrs. Wilson & Boyle, general
mere), nts, has been dissolved,
Mr. Wilson taking over the busi-
Geo..l'oynt has started running
his evaporator.
Our married and single men
have had some interesting games
of baseball
Dr. B. A. Smillie. of Palmer.
Iowa, visited his mother here last
Building; nperations are going
rapidly ahead in the village.
Among those who left for the
west last Friday on the harvester's
excnrsion were : Mr. Dougall. 1,
H. Petty, Peter Melville. W. Ja,ek-
son. Garnet Webber. J. Hobkirk.
For some time farmers nn the
2ncl and 3rd concessions have been
losing sheen, n. dog wnrrving them
to death. Mr. Glenn lost about a
dozen, and other farmers lost
smaller numbers. One night 3aat
week a certain farmer heard a dis-
tnrbenee emnne his sheep, and his
cnn *.rent out with e. eon, finding n
dog' et work worrying them. A
well -directed shot nut the doe nut
of business, incl it is anticipated
that there will be no further troll)).
Thomas Werd. for many veers n
resident of this phi c' .butt lately of
T+,gmnnd,villp. (lied nn iirnndav 'Met,
the rPTnnine being interred at Bay
field all Wednesday.
It'.'and Mrs. R. H Peck of See -
forth are cr,Pndingr a. ennple of
weeks at the home of Mr. H. Peck,
Miee Frencec'Reims has left to
visit friends at Toronto, Buffalo,
p.ndlira. ifoed, e .
Am one diose for whom Mr.
l arvev 13Payen s of (Tinton 'tinned
wells this spnaon in tliis tnwnchip
were : Jobb Watson, Snowden Bros.
and John Etne.
Rev. W. E. Kerr of ('•lintnn
pre nc'u1e( i'u (Tnshen Methodist
ehurch last Snnrlav morning and
the raster Rev. A. H. Brown took
his work in Clinton.
Jas. Ferpmson of Detroit trap
last week visitino ole aeonaintanee
on the second. Mr. Fereusnn was
ninny veers ag•o n prominent teach-
er in Stanley and Tuckersmith,
Mrs. John Cilnvmr returned
from her trip to Meese Jew. She
brae aeeomnanied by 1•er clan grb.ter,
Jeanie, who is rnntrnn of the
(;rowstnncl Indian School, and is
home on feirlongb.
Misses Lottie and Kate Wylie,
Tarnberry, are visiting relatives
on the second.
In the baseball game between the
Stars of this place and the Irish
Nine of Inman, played here last
Friday, the Irish Nine won out by
a score of ,5 to 2,in a fast game.
August Hill is having an addition
built to his hotel, which will give
hint more accomodatiorl for the
travelling public.
The Financial District meeting
of the Exeter District of the Metho-
dist church, was held here last
Wednesday. There was ;a good at-
tendance and the work for the
current year was mapped out.
Joe Sholdice is recovering from
his recent illness,
John Eilber, who has been visit-
ing relatives here, returned to his
home in Ubly, Mich„ last week,
Fred Haiet has purchased the
residence of the late Mrs. John
Wm. Yearley is spending a few
weeks at Snowflake, Man.
Mr. Kelso and wife of Detroit are
visiting at the home of. W. Gaiser.
Tobias Fanner is still on the sick
The vault, Mr. Eilber, M. P. P,,
has had built in his office, has been
completed and he now has ample
room to put away his documents.
School re -opened. last: Monday
with a good attendance. The work
on the new school house is being
rapidly pushed ahead and will soon
be ready for occupancy.
Wes. Brown and Fletcher Gower
left last week for the West. A
large number left last Friday.
During the severe thunder storm
last Monday night, a barn, belong-
ing to M. Finkbeiner, an() situated
about one and one quarter miles
north of this village, was struck by
lightning- and totally destroyed. A
large amount of clover seed and
other articles were consumed. It
was insured in the Hay Tp. Fire
Insurance Co.
Don't forget the Labor Day
sports at Zurich on Sept, 3rd.
Everybody welcome.
2 Trip $ Elifetforllre
in Manitoba
SEPT 5 Stations south of, but not including main line, Toronto to Sarnia,
including Toronto.
SEPT 7 Main line Toronto to Sarnia and Stations north, except north of
Cardwell Junction and Toronto on North Bay Section.
SEPT 8 From all points Toronto and east to and including Sharbot Lake and
Kingston, and north of Toronto and Cardwell Junction on North Bay
and Midland Divisions.
One way second class tickets will be sold to WINNIPEG only.
Representative farmers,. appointed by Manitoba and Saskatchewan Governments, will meet
laborers on arrival at Winnipeg.
Free transportation will be furnished at 'Winnipeg to points where laborers areneeded.
A. certificate is furnished when each tioketis purchased, and this. certificate. when executed
by farmer, showing that laborer has worked thirty days or more, will be honored from
that point for a second class ticket hack to starting point in Ontario, at $18.00, prior to
Nov. 30th. 1906.
Tickets will be issued to women as well as to men, but will not be issued at half fare to children.
Tickets are good only on special Parra Laborers' trains.
Fon full particulars see nearest C.P.R. ticket agent, or
write G.B. Foster, D. P.A.. C.P.R., Toronto.
No better evidence of the wealth
of Canada's resources in the way
of sport can be adduced than the
appearance each month of the fine
magazine devoted to their exploita-
tion, "Rod and Gun and Motor
Sports in Canada. This month,
in a finely illustrated article, the
story of the tour of Prince Arthur
of Connaught is told, . and many
will read the narrative, ado ire the
ltne4,iIIvret a,i3iva r 1. °;fits Lean t.
something of the great; 'sporting
advantages the Dominion ° offers to
Prince and ordinary tourist alike,
Their immensity and variety is
proved by the fact that the maga-
zine apparently experiences not the
slighest difTicull r- in maintaining
its ever varying monthly budget
of out door stories; and all who
love fishing like to indulge in
hunting ; want to know about ex-
ploration ; are fond of boating ; or
wish to keep themselves abreast of
the times in all the problems .that
concerns the development and best
use of the sporting interests of
Canada, can alone find 'these, and
other natters pertaining thereto,
adegnately dealt with in this bright
magazine, whicn is published by
W. J. Taylor, at Woodstock, Ont.
The first summer camp of the Al
pine Club of Canada is the theme
of a specially written article, and
as the official organ ofthe Club
the magazine is the first in the
field with an account of the camp
and the performances of the mem-
Wingham Ont. Aug. 19—A drown-
ing accident occurred here to -clay,
in which two lives were lost. A
number of boys and young men
were bathing in the Maitland River
when one of them, Frank Mee, got
beyond his depth and, being linable
90 swim, was seen to be in danger.
Clayton Grisdale, seeing his conn-
rade's danger, jumped in. He was
at once clasped by the drowning
young man, and both sank togeth-
er. Another voeing man, Harold
Buchanan, also plunged in, but was
seized by Grisdale, and had hard
work to escape, being dragged un-
der. The bodies were recovered,
and medical men were speedily at
the scene of the accident, hilt life
was extinct.
Both were young men of good
character and about the same age.
Winnipeg, Aug. 20,-- Excessive
heat still prevails in almost unpre-
cedented intensity ; indeed, some of
the old-timers declare that no such
protracted spell of hot weather has
been experienced since 1886. It is
feared that it is playing havoc 'with
the wheat crop, and the damage
throughout the grain fields, which
aro still in process of filling, inay.
run, according to experts, frona
three to five bushels per acre.
The first car of new wheat from
the C. N. R.linos passed through
the city on Friday night for Port
Arthur. It was grown at Minto and
inspection of it at that place show-
ed it to be of good quality.
Ottawa, Aug. 20—The fruit divis-
ion of the Department of . Agricul-
ture has issued instructions to the
Dominion fruit inspectors to en-
force strictly the system of marking
and grading of apples established
by the recent amendments to the
Fruit Marks Act.
The division is arranging a series
of demonstrations in boring apple;
to be given by an expert, who has
been brought from Oregon, especial-
ly for the purpose. The (livision is
seeking to introduce in the fruit
districts the system of packing in
boxes, particularly of fanop grades
of apples.
St. Petersburg, Aug. 20,—Last
week's statistics show that 58 of-
ficials were murdered. and 43 were
wounded in Russia proper, that 50
bomb depots were discovered, that
six safes were robbed of money, and
that 63 persons were robbed. These
official figures do not incletcle the
pillaging in the country, nor do
they give the number of military
executions or arrests of agitators
and revolutionists, and there are
no figures showing the number of
persons sent into exile. The St.
Petersburg Gazette says that 2,300
persons were banished on Saturday'
from St. Petersburg alone 'and that
750 were placed on trams for Si-
astern air%
The Exhibition That Made
Fall Fairs Famous,
An ideal occasion for a family outing.
Daily ascensions of a navigable airship, always under perfect
control. The most wonderful invention of the age.
Royal Venetian Band, the most celebrated European musical
organization, under the great leader, Victor, will give concerts
Fireworks on a more magnificient and imposing scale, pictur-
ing the great Carnival of Venice.
Many splendid educational features tfor the boys and girls.
S W. J. REID, President.
For information write i A. M. HUNT, Secretary.
SEPT. 7--15, 1.906.
Kenora, On f. , Aug.—Passengers
who reached Kenora by the steamer
Kenora report a very disastrous
cyclone in the Rainy River Valley
on Wednesday night last. Great
4,a1)39ae, .... ;tivaas , caused.. between
Bouohervilie and 'Barwick, the
storm passing north between Strat-
ton and Emo. The damage will run
into the thousands of dollars, and
everyone in the path of the storm
lost more or less heavily. On the
Canadian . side at Boucherville
great damage was done to a number
of houses. The warehouse of the
Navigation Company is gone. All
the crops and the haystacks in the
course of the storm are completely
demolished and the unfortunate
farmers will have practically noth-
ing loft for their season's work.
When a woman suffers from de-
pres-ing weaknesses, she then
keenly realizes how helpless—how
thoroughly worthless she is. Dr.
Shoop has brought relief to thou-
sands of such women. He reaches
diseasss peculiar to women in two.
direct, pecific ways=a local treat-
ment known by druggists every-
where as Dr. Shoop's Night Core,
and a eoustitutional or internal
proscription called. Dr. Shone's
Night Lure is applied locally, and
at night. It works while you sleep.
It reduces inflamation, it stops dis-
charges, it heals, it soothes, it coin -
forts, it cures.
These two remedies, singly, or
used together, have an irresistible,
positive helpful power. Try them a
month and see. J.J. Merrier.
The Signs of
Heat Trouble
You can Surely Secure Heart Health
and Strength through Dr. Shoop's
Heart 'weakness which can be dealt with at
all is nerve weakness. Just as your hand trem-
bles when its nerves are weak. when your heart
nerves are weak your heart flutters and palpi-
tates, Other signs are shortness of breath after
slight exercise; fainting spells; pain or tender-
ness about the heart caused by irregular heart
tion as if the heart was
sensation in the
the heart isn't
pain when you lie
usually the • lett
natty di fi•cu dict
There is ab-
ly ono way
weak heart.
bring back
nerves. Can you
thing else can be
Restorative w ill
strengh to the
There is nothing in
Acton; choking sense
in the throat; uneasy
chest, showing that
working right;
on ono side—
side, but fre-
brearight, thpaingitrfu; 1
solutely on-
to treat a
What is to
natural and
imagine bow ani' -
done? Dr. Shoop's
bring back the
heart nerves always.
this remedy to stimu- late; nothing, that
leads to reaction. The .strength that it gives is
natural and permanent, It just the same
strength as Nature gives to those who are well.
Dr. Shoop's Resterative (Tablets or Liquid)
creates strength which extends over tho whole
Inside nerve system --it overcomes the Cause
of this trouble as well as the result, Sold by
With the death of Leonard F.
Bland, M. P. for North Bruce, there
are seven federal constituencies
now open. They are:
North Renfrew, vacant thru the
ai eath. of.. Peter IrVIaite.
Ste Mary's { (Montreal). vacant
thru the member (Piche) becoming
a police magistrate.
East Elvin, vacant time the ap-
pointment of .Andrew Ingram to
the Ontario railway board.
Quebec Connty, vacant thru the
elevation of Hon. Mr. Fitzpatrick
to the bench.
Shelburne and Queen's, vacant
thru the unseating of Hon. Mr.
Gaspe, vacant because Hon. Mr.
Lemieux was elected to represent
both Gaspe and Nicolet and chooses
to remain with the latter, and
North Bruce.
Ie Western Fair
London, Ont.
Will Be a Great Success!
The Western Fair, London, Ont.,
which is held Sept. 7th to 15th this
year promises to eclipse all previous
exhibitions, although they have
been good. Fifteen Hundred Dol-
lars have been added to the Prize
List. Entries are coining in from
all sides. Reserved seat plans have
been adopted this year for a part
of the grand stand, which will be a
great accommodation to the public,
and everything indicates a very
successful exhibition. The attrac-
tions this year are above the aver-
age, being both new and novel. The
Royal Venetian Band originally
frons Venice, one of the best musi-
cal organizations of the day are
under engagrement for the entire
week. C. W. Williams with his
airship "America" making his
daily flights through the clouds ;
the Kite Banzai Japanese troupe in
their acrobatic acts and eslide for
life" ; the Norins in their high and
fancy diving ; the Les Remote or
Polite Burglars, trick house per-
formers, slack wire and. comedy
ladder acts ; Aldo and Amour, bar
comedians, in their comic acts, and
many others. The Fireworks . this
year, the leading feature of which
will be the Carnival of Venice, will
Surpass anything of the kind ever
presented at the Western Fair. Re-
duced rates on all railroads for
which see timetables. and also late
trains for accommodation of those
remaining to the evening perform-
ante and fireworks. Programs and
all information will be given on
application to the Secretary Lon-
don, Ont. Take a holiday and visit
the only Western Fair sometina
between Sept, 7th and 15th,