The Herald, 1906-08-17, Page 88
The urich Herald.
! }RoTECTION.. 4.
The greatest danger to. Farah
Buiidinge and Live Stock,
fronswind storms Ais in the
summer mouths. policy in
The Huron Weather
Insurance Mutual Company
insures you against loss for
a few dollars yearly ..
R. NorasRooxr ESQ., President, Hay P. 0.
J. KELLERMAN.ESQ., Vice -Pr, Dashwood.
S. BROIiENs.ana, - Crediton P. O.
C. H. PERKINS, - Exeter, P. 0.
BERRY RAU, - )rysdale P. n,.
W. T. CALDW LL, - Rensall P. 0.
W. B. BATTLER, - Zurich P. 0.
A. 0-. Snmeae, - Hensel P. 0.
C. MONTEITH, Thames Road P. 0.
If there is no Director in your
vicinity send for rates etc., to
Zurich, Ont.
Reliable agents 'wanting good
territory should apply at once
to the General Agent
Meat Market.
Eti erything in the
line of salt and
fresh meats. Poul-
try in season. We
make a specialty of
supplying thresh-
ing roasts.
V.Men iXii p )kik Ke.e eiF4. :'Ne'; 4 Miss Susie
LOCAL NEWS friends in Cli
eigaMeeek�kpK YXEKIRilee?.aeale w Mr, Ed.:
latives on Su
A few more weeks and the 'fall Mr, Fred
fairs will be in full swing.
We always carry .a well assorted
stock of steel tire and rubber tire.
buggies, in different styles •of
trimming and painting. We pay
particular attention to work or-
dered by an intending purchaser,
and we feel certain we can turn
out a job that will be satisfactory.
We use nothing but first class
material in constructing our rigs.
Our products have stood the test
Repair ':Department
We are prepared to do repairing of
all kinds satisfactorily and prom-
ptly. Get your buggy re -painted
It will look better and last longer
Give us a call.
F. Hess & Son,
Mr. Otto Sipple of Detroit, Mich.,.
is visiting at .his home here at pre -
Horace Klopp of the lath con., is
recovering from severe attack; of
typhoid fever,
Mr. Geo. Schoellig, of the Goshen
Line south, visited relatives in
Detroit over Sunday.
Messrs T. Wnrm and E. Magel
attended the I. 0. F. excursion to
Detroit last Saturday.
Harold and Oliver Johnson of
Clinton spent a few days this week
with their uncle, Mr. Thos. John-
son. .
Miss Grace Waugh of Seaforth
was the guest of her friend, Miss
Freda Hess, for a few days last
The weekly band concert will be
given at the band stand tomorrow
evening. .A select programme will
be rendered.
Mise Schaefer • and Master Karl
Loth of Tavistock visited at the
home of Rev. E. Sohuelke the past
few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Swayze .and child-
ren, of Point Edward, are visiting
the former's brother, Samuel, of
Blake. at present.
Mr. Abe Shetier, who has been
visiting friends here for a few
weeks, returned to Gretna, Man..
on Monday, where he holds a good
Rev. Mr. Petchge of Heidelberg
occupied the pulpit at both morn-
ing and evening services in the
Lutheran church last Sunday. His
sermons were eloquent and well
delivered and made a deep impres-
sion on those present. The church
was well filled on both occasions,
Quarterly services will be con-
ducted in the Evangelical church,
14th con., on Saturday and Sunday
next. Rev. L. H. Wagner P. E.,
and Rev. A. D, Gischler will con-
duct the several meetings. There
will be HO service here on Sunday
forenoon. The evening service will
begin at 7.30.
Keep the weeds cut aroundyour
place or along the road in front of
your home, There is no more un-
sightly thing than to see a lot or
the roadside growing rank with
weeds. By taking just a little of
your time you can improve the
looks of the place a whole lot and
it helps in keeping the nuisance
from. spreading. Keep the weeds
- Ontario.
To sell High Class Nursery Stock
in Fruits and Ornamentals. Largest
list of NEW SPECIALTIES ever offer-
SELLING SEASON. Big inducements,
Liberal Pay, Handsome Free Out-
fit, Territory Reserved, Write for
Terms and Catalogue and send. 25
cents for our Aluminum Pocket
Microscope (magnafies 4i. times)
and•50 cents for our Handy Saw,
just the q.rimming trees (cuts iron
as well as wood).
Stone & Wellington,
Toronto Ontario
Ring Up
Now 15 THE TIME OF Tale
YEAR. TO )3171t A RING.
Gold Only
F. W. 11J SS , eweler
ITRICH - - Ont,
ohnstou is visiting
ton at present.
visited Michigan re -
day and Monday.
uiser of Seaforth call-
ed on old ver uaintanoes in the vil-
lage on Sunday. t
Mr, Hy. Lipphardt has disproved
the appearance of his residence by
a coat of paint.
Miss Sohoellig is . spending her
vacation with her parents : on
Rosedale Farm.
Mrs. Conrad Thiel is on the sick
list. Her many friends hope she
may soon'recover.
Mr. Henry Weil, and sister, Miss
Emma', left last friday to attend
funeral of their sister, who died in
Stratford last week.
Miss Minnie Doan left last week
for Minneapolis, Minn., from which
place she will leave for Edmonton,
Alberta, for a visit with friends.
Mrs. E. Rupp, who has been visit-
ing relatives here for some time,
returned to :her"home in Croswell,
Mich„ on Saturday. Miss Maggie
Rupp accompanied her.
Mr. and Mrs. Gottlieb Merner, of
Zurich,visited friends here this
week. They were the guests of his
brother, Mr. Chr. Merner, Huron
street. Hamburg Independent.
Miss Freda Hess, daughter of Mr.
F. Hess Sr., who attended Sea -
f orth Collegiate Institute, has been
successful in passing her second
class and matriculation examina-
tions,' with honors.
The intense itching charaoteris -
tic of salt rheum and eczema is in-
stantly allayed by applying Cham-
berlain's Safe. As a cure for skin
diseases this salve is unequalled.
For sale by J. 3. Merner.
Chas. Hartleib has the contract
of installing a complete system of
waterworks in the residence of C.
Fritz. People, nowadays, do not
have to live in the city to have the
modern conveniences in their
Men have various ways of carry-
ing money Grocers, butchers and
millers carry it in a wad, Bankers
in clean bills, laid full length in a
pocketbook. Brokers only fold the
bill once, doubling the money as it
were. The young business man
carries it in his vest_ pocket. Far-
mers and drovers in their inside
pockets whether it ie $50 or 15 cents.
Printersusually carry their money
in other people's pockets.
Last Saturday morning at 7
o'clock, a quiet wedding was cele-
brated in Henna. when Miss
Blanche Petty, daughter of Mr. G.
C. Petty, became the bride of Mr.
J. Lorne Scott, formerly. teller at
the Zurioh branch of the Sovereign
Bank, and now pro -manager of the
Exeter branch. The happy couple
left on the early train for a short
honeymoon trip, after which they
will settle down to housekeeping
in Exeter. We extend. congratula-
On Thursday evening last, owing
to the wet weather, only four
members of the Gun Club competed
for the medal. 0. Fritz is said to
have made a score of 9 and the
medal adorns his expansive chest.
As the official referee was not pre-
sent, and no other spectators near,
some malicious person comes with
the report that the blue rocks were
placed in a row along the top of
the fence, hence the good score,
The other competitors were J. P.
Rau 7, J. Truemner 6, M. Meiding-
er 5. This match will likely be
protested, but in the meantime
Charlie is in his glory, protest or
no protest.
We have added a large - number
of names to our subscription list
during the last few weeks. The
cheap rate, 25 cents for THE HER-
ALD to the end of 1906, is account-
able for this, Tell your neighbors
about this great offer.
Mr, Sol. Zimmerman arrived
home from the West last Saturday.
He states that the crops in North
Dakota are very promising. Har-
vesting commenced last week.
Three dollars a day is being paid
for men during the harvest.
Mr Hardy, after a three weeks'
visit in ,the West returned home
Monday. bight. Mr. Hardy speaks
favorably of the propects of that
great country but says it is not
without its drawbacks such as aro
met in every other country.: Exe
ter Advocate.
Dr. OVENS, M. D., London,
Surgeon, eye, ear and nose, will be
at the Queen's Hotel, Rensall, on
Thursday, Sept. 6th. Hours 4.30
p. m. to 9 p. m. Glasses properly
Bitted for relief of failing vision,
Gestrain, headaches, etc. Deafness
and nasal catarrh treated. 23tf
Mr. and Mrs. P. Eicher have been
visiting relatives and friends in
this vicinity the past few weeks.
They are engaged in evangelistic
work and have labored in all the
central states of the U. S. They
leave for India shortly to engage in
the missionary work in that coun-
Report all items of interest to
this office. They will be appreciated
and each item will help to make
the paper that much more interest-
ing. We can not get all the news
but by your help we can get the
lion's share and that is what we
wish to do. We want all the news
that's news.
"It is just about time for Ontario
to sit up and blow its own horn,"
remarked Hon. Nelson Monteith,
Minister of Agriculture, the other
day. "The West has had about
enough of public attention. Ontario
this year will have the most valuab-
le crop she ever hod. Our reports
indicate that we will not only have
quantity but quality, and the prices
are unusually good. The only pity
is that producer and consuaner can-
not get closer together."
Vegetarians, and th.ose who are
abstaining from theeating of meat
on account of the stook yard reve-
lations, will find in the September
DELINEATOR a recipe, for vegetable
curry, given by Swami Abhedanan-
da, leader of the New York Vedan
to Society. He first fries his vege-
tables separately in oil until they
are a little more than half cooked.
He theft sets them aside and fries
in oil, also, cloves, cardamon seeds,
bay leaf, finely chopped, chili pep-
pers, etc. He then dissolves the
curry powder in gaited water, after
which he mixes the ingredients .to-
gether, adding the curry last, The
entire mixture is then placed in a
tightly covered pan to cook gently
over a slow fire until all of the
vegetables become tender.
We find that we are overloaded in.
some lines and in order to reduce
these lines we are going to give you
Special Prices, riz
23 lbs Redpath gr M n. Sugar , $1.
est roasted Coffee at r 22c a lb.
Best green Coffee at roc a lb.
3 cans Corn, Peas or Tomatoes,
for 25c.
Boys' all=wool Serge Suits, were
$1.50 for 75C.
2 men's Straw Hats for 5c.
I2 Prints, dark and light, for
8 and ro cents.
15c Uinghams for iocts.
15, 20 and 25C Voiles for ioc.
Women's fast black Stockings,
only 5c a pair.
Speci . 1 bargains in men's Suits
'Call early to get Bargains.
The P'eople's . Store
[s The Leader.
Carload of best PORTLAND CEMENT now i11 stock,
Price $2.25 per barrel, cash.
Authorities of the Ontario Agri-
cultural Department express the
epion that the unprecedently high
prices at present being paid for
hogs throughout the Province, is
in a measure due to the recent
packing -house exposures in the
United States. They point out that
the decrease in canned goods ex-
ports of the United States so far
this year has been about $344,000,
and ofthis amount the decrease in
June alone was $336,000. It
claimed that this decrease has
ueeessitated a demand for meat,
and .particularly pork, from other
sources of supply, while the Cana-
dian product has a reputation for
cleanliness and freedom from re-
volting manufacturing
e-volting.manufacturing conditions.
exporters, it is also said, are now
trying to hold the market and
,00nseouently are will to pay large
prices to obtain. hogs.
Screen Doors from 75cts up
Granite dippers 10c & 15cts
12 dz tin " 10c for 5c ea
Galv fence staples 4cts a lb
Wire Nails, base $2.25 per
100 lbs.
Best outside paints $1.50 a
Team Harness from $25.00
Single Harness $8 and up
Gasoline and Coal Oil stoves
from $3.50 upwards.
Best 12 ft iron gate $5. cash
Leave your orders for GOLM MEDAL Twine.
We are sole agents for Zurich and no one else.
See us for your Eavetroughing. ,:„: Fencing at
Special Prices.
No . one can undersell us.
G. UARTL1tIB - Zurick
This week will see harvesting
operations in this vicinity pretty
well over, excepting possibly in
reference to peas. Qrops are good
and have not been particularly in-
jured. Oats are an unusually heavy
crop. Peas generally appear to
have escaped the bug. Roots have
suffered somewhat for want of rain
but will now pick up as the result.
of last week's moisture.
3. J. Kelso, Superintendent of
Neglected Children, reports that
the applications for children for
adoption are greatly in excess of
the supply, and suggests that as
there are usually 50 or 60 applica-
tions sent in about Exhibition time
any who are desirous of having
children adopted should send in
particulars. He further suggests
that all municipalities or institu-
tions who at present are burdened
with the support of homeless child-
ren should communicate with him,
as good homes are waiting for
many. The demand. as usual is more
for girls than boys, but the supply
of both sexes appears to have al-
most completely run out, Over
3,000 children have been placed() by
the Barnardo. Homes during the.
past year in Canada.
L ^vett Swept to ,
A London, Eng.. engraver Mr. D.
Sutton, has just completed a mar-
velous piece of work in connection
with his calling.
Mr. Sutton's work consists of
forty-three characters–the alphabet
numerals, engraver's initials, and
year—upon a pin's head only two
millimetres in diameter, and is
equivalent to some 2,800 letters up-
on one side of a three-pennypiece.;
Although only discernible be-
neath a powerful glass, the letters
are quite distinct and not at all
There is hardly a king in cliris-
tendom today whose wife does not
overtop him by a head. The czar
is overtopped a full head by the
czarina.. Kaiser Wilhelm is of med-
ium height, but the German em-
press is tall, and that is why the
proud. kaiser will never consent to
be photographed beside his wife
unless she sits, while he stands.
The King of Italy, short and squirt,
hardly Domes up to the :shoulders
of the tall athletic Queen Relena,
The King of Portugal, though fat-
ter, is less tail than his queen.
Even the Prince of Wales is a, good -
four inches shorter than , the prin..
cess. The young icing of Spain is'
several .inches shorter. than Queen
Victoria.. The Queen of Denmark
towersabove her royal spouse,-