The Herald, 1906-08-10, Page 6THE TRUNK NUISANCE. The Extra Work Unnecessarily Imposed on the "Baggage -Smasher," :he happiest, most contented Ameri- Can is he who in his journeying is free. from an encumbrance of trunks. One or two should be sufficitnt for the aver:te Calan or woman and of moderate stye. "('lie well-dressed, the refined ,the mod- est, do not require an outfitter's shop as se part of their daily wardrobe. 11 it fa a fluffy summer girl, whose nuest,+ll to, the seaside or mountain is not for health or enjoyment, but to pose as a milliner's model, or a newly rich matron whose mantua-maker has been given carte blanche. ,and who is aching to shine and outshine, that is another mat- ter, and the number of trunks is not per- mitted to interfere in her plans. The other side of this trunk nuisance is the amount of extra work which is unnecessarily imposed upon the vast army of men once known as "baggage- emashers," but now known as baggage men. During this season of the year this branch of the railroad business is eatly overworked, It is exacting, hurried and exasperating labor, and the only wonder is, considering the number of pieces handled during the season that snore are not lost or smashed than re- ports show. The baggage smasher of twenty years ago would stand little chow of retaining his place under the present system. The exercise of care and the necessity of reducing damage claims to the minimum has revolution - $zed, in great measure, baggage handling methods. Where trunks are ruined now $t is either because they were of Mary construction or partly damaged at the outstart.—Philadelphia Press. F CUT OF Are yoti list -1 less,'fagged' and without energy? Have you headache, back pans, or pains in the chest? Have you that " all -gone" feeling? if so, you need a stomach and liver stimulant, and the best is Bileans. Mrs. R Saville, of Oakwood, Ont., says:— "For "Summer fag," debility, indigestion and biliousness I tried many medicines, but I never met with anything to equal Bileans. They cured me." Of all druggists at 50c. per box. Needlework's Wages, The a.pprelttice in dressmaking bas to week sits mewls for n.othlnr, or perhaps a mere pittanee as errand girl , Then she, starts on linings at $4 per week. Next, she does over -sewing and finishing at $6. Trimmers oil, skirts or waists receive $12 to $14'per week, and fitters. from $15 to $18. A. small esteblisl1ment is considered: better than s4 large one for learning, the trade, as more personal attention is givers apprentices and there is quicker advancement, Any woman who sews neatly by hand or does fine embroidery along popular lines can secure a position in a shop without difficulty, and the fall rush in dressmaking opens up Sept. 1. A girl with the shopping gift can usu- ally secure a position with a dressmaker as shopper. Her first duties consist of snatching thnes.•d, buttons, linings, etc., and later she is entrusted with trim- mings,laces, cc. She starts at $4 per week, spends most of her time in stores and usually ,beeemes a professional shop- ped - Operators in, snit and waist factories do piece -work principally, and as a rule make $12 per week. Finishers, who sew on .buttons, etc., receive no more than. $7 per week. In underwear factories, girls start the trade by running ribbon through bead- ing, ironing, running buttonhole ma- chines, and gradually learn to sew on in- sertion, tucking, cis.. They quickly work up to $6 per week, An expert in under- wear makes $12 or $14 per week.—Anna Stec e Richardson in Woman's Rollie Companion for August, Something About Valuable Stones. The black diamond is so hard that it cannot be polished. An unnut diain4,inl looks very much like a bit of gum arable. The diamond. in sufficient heat, will burn like a pieee of charcoal. The island of Ceylon is the most re- markable ;gens depository in the world. Every gem known to the lapidary has been found in the United States. The carat used is estimating the weight of gents is a grain of Indian wheat. When a fine ruby is found. in Burmah a procession of elephants, grandees and soldiers escorts it to the King's palace. The sapphire which adorns the sum- mit of the English crown is the same that Edward the Confessor wore in his ring.—Louisville Courier -Journal. O o • Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. "IMPERIAL" PUMPING WINDMILL ()atilt which won•the CHAMPIONSHIP OF THE WORLD against 21. American, British sad =meths'adian thoroughant trial. Madafter a two Made by aq:OOLD. S11APLEYart HUM CO. LIIMITED. Brantford, Canada. (Plenty of Room Then. Author—Sorry, old man, I can't dead- head. you to -night, Every seat is sold Friend—Oh! That's all right. I'll wait Till after the first act. Food. Products enableyou to make good meals out of ".burry" meals. Libby's Food Products are ready to stove when you get them, yet are cooked as carefully and as web as you could do it in your own kitchen. Ox Tongue, Dried Beef, BonedChick- en, Deviled Ham, Veal Loaf—these are but a few of the many kinds your dealer keeps. Try for luncheon or supper tomorrow, some sliced Chicken Loaf. Booklet, "How to Make Good Things to Eat," free if you write Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago. NEW YORK EXCURSIONS August 16 is the date of West Shore excursion to New York City, good 15 days for return, giving privilege of trip on Hudson River steamers between Al- bany and New York, in either or bo directions, without extra charge. August 28, "American's greatest railroad," the New York Central, will run one also. Full particulars at 69% Yonge street, Toronto. Thomas Hardy's First Love, That Thomas hardy, although he aban- doned his profession of architect to be - mule a writer, has not forgotten his first love. is shown by an interesting paper reeentiy written by hien for the jl society f6r the Protection o,f Ancient Buildings. The subject was the restora- tion of churches; and the author, after speaking of the many open abuses in so- called "restoration," goes on to say that were he nnv practising as an architect • he would not undertake to restore an lold church under any circumstances. In such an edifice the human interest al- !ays ranks before the architectural in.- �rterest, and therein lies the whole diffi- • culty of restoration. The ideal method, be thinks, would be to enclose the ruined church in a crystal palace and to build a new one alongside—although it is scarce- ly necessary to say that he does not of- fer this as a practical ,experiment. AFTER TEN YEARS Mr. G. L. Stephenson, of Peterborough, says: "For over ten years I suffered con- stantly with Piles, first Itching, then Bleed- ing; pain almost unbearable; life a burden, Tried everything in vain till I used Dr. Leonhardt's Hem -Road. "I had taken but a few doses when I be- gan to notice an improvement. Now I am completely cured." A 51,000 guarantee with every box of Hem - Reid. 51. All dealers, or the Wllson-Fyle Co., Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont, 21 Big Price for a Rare Coin. One of the rarest American coins is the $5 gold piece of 1822. One of these coins sold the other day for $2,165. The last owner of this particular coin had paid only $6 for it. Not until about twenty years ago did it become known that the half eagles of 1522 coinage were scarce enough to he classed among coins that command fancy prices because of their rarity. There were 17,796 of them mint- ed, but at the present time only three of them are known to exist. Besides the one just sold there is one in the coin cabinet of the Philadelphia mint and another in tin; solvate collection of Vir- gil M. Brand. -Nashville, Tenn., Banner. TWash oilcloths and linoleums with 41) warm water and Sunlight Soap, rinse clean and wipe dry. The colors will be preserved and the surface unharmed. Common soaps fade the colors and injure the surface. Sunlight Soap cleans, freshens and preserves oilcloths and linoleums. Sunlight Soap washes clothes white without injury to the most delicate fabrics, or to the hands, for it contains nothing that can injure either clothes or hands. Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way (follow directions). Equally good with hard or soft water. 152 LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED. Toronto Urging a New Secession. (Texas Medical Journal.) In Texas the negro is not elgiible un- der our bylaws either to state or county medical societies and can never be af- filiated with the medical profession of Texas. The southern people—the medical men of the south—cheerfully accord to him all that is coming to hint .We grant him all • civil, political and religious rights, but the line is drawn—and will never relax—at social and scientific af- filiation with him. The time has come for the southern states to secede from the American Medical association and establish a southern medical confeder- acy. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, eta. Glass to Keep Out Heat. An Austrian inventor, Richard Szig- inondy, is reported to have 'made as new kind of window glass whose chief .pecul- iarity is that it prevents the passage of nine -tenths of the heat of the sun's rays. It is well known that ordinary win- dow glass allows nearly all of the heat derived from the sun to pass through, + but, on the other hand, intercepts all , heat coming from non -luminous sources, such as a stove or the heated ground. This is the reason why heat accumulates under the glass roof of a hothouse. If covered with Saigmondy's glass a hothouse would, it is claimed, become a cold house, ,since the heat could not get into it. Scaly SKin Diseases —Eczema, SaltRheum,Tetter, etc.—yield quickly to the healing power of Mira Ointment. Why suffer with the burning and itching? Whp let the thing go on? Don't be miserable? Mira costs only 50c. a box -6 for $230. Get one to -day. At druggists—or from The Chemists Co. of Canada, Limited, Hamilton-- Toroo , nt,4 f.ew hours after the first application," writes Leo Corr igan, ¢75 Ferpuon Ave., .N., Hannon, ••(fell:nat vette: Myra has worked wonders for ase." (He had Eczema foryears.) Insist on getting lite 5enuine, with this trademark41. - ;Does Not Believe in "Boiler Plate." (Jewel City, Nan., Republican.) Machine -made editorials are like machine, made sermons and machine -made music. .i`?eaple do not like the hollow boiler -plate wound of such things. They avant the hu- man, flesh -an -blood touch of personality and sincerity tbat is lacking in all made- to-order expressions of opinion and judg- ment. A paper that hadistinctive cwl- awing, no individuality, no wayof iWould better quit, It is as tiresome as the fast speech at a fourth 0f July celebration. ``.*AeSeessis es MhEtYEaUUS l +F�cs �f .y; SRAM MARK REGISTERED, Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen,—In June, '98, I had my hand and wrist bitten and badly mang- led by a vicious horse. I suffered great- ly for several days and the tooth cuts refused to heal until your agent gave me a bobble of MINARD'S LINIMENT, which I began using. The effect was magical; in five hours the pain had ceased and in two weeks the wounds bad completely healed and my hand and arm were as well as ever. Yours truly, A. E. ROY, Carriage Maker. Safe From Serious Consequences, (Philadelphia Press.) St. Antoine, P. Q. ISSUE NO, 32, 190G MISCELLANEOUS. PICTURE POST CARDS 15 for 10c; 50 for 50c; 100 for 80e; all dif- ferent; 500 for #3 assorted; X,000 envelopes 50c and R. Adams, Yonge street, Torronto, Ont. W. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should al- ways be used for clifldren teething. It soothes the child, soothes the gums. cur It WI:Zoe collo and is the best remedy for Diar- rhoea. Making War on a Pest. (Cleveland Plain Dealer.) The gypsy moth,. if it is not checked in the east, will certainly within a few years overspread the entire country and each state a l will as that with which M ssnrronted with as difachusettsprob- has been struggling for a long time. The Posts reproduce themselves at an Increditable rate and if Massachusetts has not suoceede din exterminating least begratefultoherhe e statesr forIsavingo uld atre- f the toeMssacilusettts there is auuniformed destroyers. In for- est police, which devotes Its entire time to seeking out and destroying moths, caterlfil- lars, pupae and eggs. Ittlentails abgreat ex- t- neuditure of money, not willing to see its woods denuded with- out vigorous resistance. "It's just scandalous the way the bearded lady is loadin' himself with booze these days," remarked the wild man from Borneo. "I should think he'd be afraid o' delirium tremens." "Oh, no he considers himself safe," re- plied the living skeleton; "he'sknmarried to the snake charmer, you Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in, Cowsc $10—Atlantic City, Cape May—$10'. Four seashore excursions via Lehigh Valley Railroad, July 20, August 3, 17, and 31. Tickets good 15 days, and only $10, round trip, from Suspension Bridge. Tickets allow stop -over at Philadelphia. For tickets, further particulars, call on or write Robt, S. Lewis, Canadian pews_ eno r Agent, 10 King street east, To- ronto, Ont. SCOTT'S (EMULSION wonn make a hump back straight, neither will it make e short kg iong, but it feeds soft bone and heals diseased bone and is among the few genuine means of recova y lit rackets and bone consumption.. Send for fret sample. SCOTT ti IOWNE, Cheeses.", Toronto. ioc. and $s,00; ail druggists. 000411) A man is often speechless because a woman speaks more. Easy Identification. The newest boarder (sarcastically)* How am 1 to distinguish the milli from the cream, Mrs. Skinner? Mrs. Skinner (of Sylvandale farm)— You'll allus find the milk in that there pitcher with the chip off'n its snoutt Sunlight Soap is bettor than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight Soap and follow directions. Plaint of "Denatured Woolen." Minneapolis Tribune.) the clubwomen of Ubiquity of the Human Hog. The seasons pass in opulent,procession, parties and governrenLs succeed each other ,thrones totter, dynasties peter out, but the human ;log survives all change and accident. He is as super- ior to argument and denunciation as the whisky drinker is to prohibition laws or the gambler to municipal persecution. He does not limit his activities to street cars. Ile is omnipresent, pervading, in- domitable. No pentup Utica confines his evil powers. He ravages alike the pub- lic vehicle and the private drawing. room. He is everywhere like high tem- peratures, mosquitoes and bad smells.. It New parks of chi been erywli of thi shoul men, of ttici tee 1 we're who DR. LEROY'u FEMALE PILLS A rare. sure and reliable monthly regula- tor. These Pills have been used in Franco for over fifty years, end found invaluable for the purpose designed, and aro pintan- teed by tho makers, Enclose stamp for sealed circular. Pries $1.00 Dor box of ;. pr y mail. securely scaled, on receipt of price LE ROY PILL CO.. Box 42, Hamilton, Canada - Where Will You Go This Summer? If you desire rest and recreation, why not try iiThe River St, Lawrence Trip?" Folders descriptive of the Thousand Islands. Rapids, heiadSav douaac,s famaguenayRier, etc.. on application to any railroad or steamboat ticket agent. For Slsendasiixx cents in postage stamp to THE SEA.' H. Foster Chaffee, Western Passenger Agent, reroute. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. Miss Gushleigh--t suppose you had a great many narrow escapes in the Philippines, Colonel. Colonel Oldbach —Well, I should hardly say a great many. I was in three engagements, but all three of the girls generously lest ane off. Farmers and Dairymen When you require a Tab, Pail, Wash Basin or 1111k Pan Ask your grocer tow E Br EDDY'S FI R WA E ARTICLES You Will find they give you satis- faction every time. THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE Insist on being supplied with EDDY'S every timae, „m irar„arno urooatsossam °t�aarnM'pa�wts~olo~ wsiww`iaro aoastaetr ►wi Short Lhe .• to Pittsburgh tt ., ALIL �} itAY is via Bu'.falo au4 FAMOUS "PITTSBURG LIMITED.'....(, .'... ... 10,00 n. Tin. Leaves Buffalo • • Arrives Pittsburg .., ,.... • •" • • . • • 4.00 p. m. R SP.I•ENDIID TRAINS. n,, ll11.10p Leave Buffalo .. .. . • • .. 1,9G 28 p p . 7.35 p. ns. . Arrive Pittsburg .., • , • Dining Observation Cars, Parlor Cars, Cara, Smoking (ass and Ladies' Coaches. Quickest Time, Bast Service. W. DAILY,, A, J. SMITH, chief Aate't. G. P. A.,, GOO.'Paes'r. Agt., Buffalo, N. Y. Cleveland, Ohio. -. ..W. J. Lynch, ]Faxen Ttrtff, t, g, C. Lines, Chicago, `Y11. -- Pr Fr Thur Th Moh Rive ou stea if. d Fe or a Buff ;r,