The Herald, 1906-08-10, Page 4The Zurich Herald. LEGAL OAR':dSS. . J, 1), COOKE, BARRISTER AND SO- licitor, Notary Publie, Hensall, Ontario. At &web, (Zellerx's three) every Men- ciao. PROUDFOO'T, BAYS & BLAIR., BAR- udsters, Solicitors, Notaries Publie, etc., Glodcoich, Canada. W. Proudfoot, R. C. Hays. G. F. Flair. BUSINESS CARDS, E. BOSSENBERRY. L 10ENSED AUC- tioneer for Huron County, respectfully solicits the patronage of those who in- tend having sales. Satisfaction guar- anteed. DR. F. A. SIILLERY, DENTIST, GRA- duato of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department el Dentistry, To- ronto Uuiversiily. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, 3a.714b, every Mon- day. . ZELLER, CONVEYANCER AND Notary Public. Deeds , Mortgages, Wills and other Legal Documents care- fully and promptly prepared. Office Zeller block, Zurich, Ont. MUSIC. ZIi.ICH BRASS BAND HAS BEEN re—organized and is now prepared to furnish first-el.ass music for all kinds of amusements. For tslims apply to or write F. W. Hess, Sc, 'y-Proas., Zurieh, INSURANCE. ANDREW RESS, DIVISION COURT CLERK. Village and Farm Property insured. All the leading Companies represented. Agent for Accident and Sickness Insurance. FOR SALE. GOOD 140 -ACRE FARM forsale being lot 4 and part lot 3, concession 11, Hay. The farm contales 20 acres good hardwood bush; good brick house and bank barn; plenty good water in house and barn; the farm hi well fenced and under - drained awl is in first-class shape. For fdrther particulars apply at premises or write to John Hartman, Sarepta, 1'. O. 52 --Ina Clerk's Notice of First P oat lug Of 'Voters' :List 1906„ Municipality of the Township of Hay, County of Huron. Nutiae is hereby given that I have trans - tatted or delivered to the persons .men- tioned in section $ nn(l J of the Ontario the little church was filled to over - Voters List Aot, the copies required by flowing. It formed a pretty picture said seetions to bo trau gritted or delivered the gaily decorated church, the of the list, made purer.z .t to the said Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the. ,aid Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said rammer- yr,;se of Soft white silk fell around palityn. Elections for Members of the her in graceful folds. ''The riohJg• Elections: d he said • list as first postedipal stained windows, cast its rndcly Election; unit the saul,list was first posted up at my office, rat Zurich' on the first day of August A. 1)., 1000, and remuine there for inspection. Electors aro called upon to examine the said list and if any ono.. ions, or any other errors ni'e found therein to take immed- iate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. Dated at Znrich, August Ist, 1000. 1!'. Hess, SR., Township Clerk. PUBLISHED BY D. ZELLEit. FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1906. THE DOCTOR'S STORY The sink woman had sunk into unconsciousness. The two silent took their plates by the bed. How wearily the hours dragged by. No sound broke the intense stillness of the summer night except the faint splash of the water at the foot of Seaborne rooks and the gentle tap, tap of the roses against the win - clow -pane. Still no change. Twilight cast its grey shroud over the country. Evening deepened into night, and at last, about nine o'clock, there was a,slight movement of the bed- clothes, a low cry of "Allan, my husband," and she sank back on. the pillow, dead. "Leave me alone with my wife." It was the doctor who spoke, and Kathleen quietly left the room. Hour after hour passed, and still he came not, and at last, really fearing something was the matter she went upstairs andlsoftly opened the bedroom door. The moonlight shone in at the open window and flooded the little rooxn with its silver light. It played on the still calm features of the dead woman and fell full on. the upturned face of the old doctor as he knelt by the bed. Kathleen crossed the room and touched his hand, starting back with a cry of horror, for it was cold so cold. Then she called his name. but no voice answered, and she knew that she stood alone with Death. Merrily the waters danced and played at the foot of Seaborne rocks, and still the roses bruised their delicate petals against the window -pane ; but husband and wife were united never to part again. Chapter III. << when the music roseawith l Ant` e its voluptuous swell, Soft eyes looked love to eyes that snake again, And all went merry as a marriage- bell." A glorious morning in early spring. There is a wedding at Luinford church. Long before elegy* - en, the time fixed for the ceremony eager crowd of spectators, and the bridal party. She stood at the altar the central figure of the group Her 143-43►4« . - 3r - -cf• COUNTY NEWS. 45 .43. 43.0. *c -p -o E4.c+-eM+£ • Jonathan ; Miller, ofeoderich, has purchased the Boggs' hotel at Car- low and is now in possession. Geo. C. Black has been appointed bailiff of the Plest Division Court, Huron, vice Thos Gundry resigned. For dry, cracked lips, or rough skin, use Dr. Shoop's Green Salve. It positively Snakes lips and .skin like velvet. Sold by J. J. Merner. People are busy taking up their dutch setts at present. The crop is not nearly so good as in some for- mer years, the setts being on the small si de. Mr. and Mrs. Wm• Grigg of Exe- ter celebrated the sixty-second an- niversary of their marriage on Saturday, July 28th, an event wnich is celebrated by only a very few persons. Win. Wood of London 'has dis- posed of his hundred -acre farm in Usborne township to Wm. Ford, who has been working the place for several years. The price paid was $6000. Dr. Shoop's Restorative (tablet or liquid form) is a constitutional nerve tissue tonic. It brings renew ed strength, . lasting ambition and vigor to weak, lifeless women. Sold by J. J. Merger. .ziness ('_•_ Banking Tho Sovereign Bank of Ca- nada's up-to-date }methods facilitate the despatch of business for men of affairs. NO red tape. 4 roper degree of Coss• servolisbcIambined with enterprise snake for soma:gess and .iaiisfde. tdiy brarakiaig' servic .. The Sovereign Bank of Canada 3OS. SNELL - Manager. ZURICH 11....1111.11.111.10011 Ontario newspapers of late years have been singing too Winch . the praises of the West to the neglect of their own province, which is and always will remain, the flower of this broad Dominion. Land, con- sidering the improvements, is cheaper here today than it is in the west . everything the farmer has to sell will bring a better prioe than in the west, and here we have all the advantages of an old civiliza- tion—roads, schools, churches and social. fellowship. Ontario is not only a land of wheat and cheese butt is a great fruit land. and will ever remain so while the west re- mains barren of luxury. While the vest remains flat and lacking in soenio beauty Ontario has her lakes streams, valley's and rnoti:ntains in endless profusion. No 1 on the oon- tinent of America there is not :a more desirable place of habitaticn than Olcl Ontario. glow on her bowed head. The last solemn words are spoken, the bells peal merrily forth, and Kathleen Markham and Edward Haldane are proclaimed man and wife. Mrs. Jones, still unable to forget her loss, solemnly declares, There's another good woman gone wrong. - Nannette de Belle, in The Alliance News. (The end.) Died. Pnax—At 14th con., Hay, on Mon- day. Aug. 6th, Mary Jane Peck, aged 60 years. Married. INEES-TaovnR—At the residence of the bride's parents, Hillsgreen, on Wednesday, Aug. Sth, Miss Mary A., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Troyer to George Innes, of Zurich. Thos. Handford of Exeter disposed of iris sale stables and residence in that town to Chas. E. Hackney of Usborne. Mr. Hand ford has not decided what to do. He holds possession until February lst, 1907. The by-law to loan $10,000 to the Exeter Canning and Preserving Company, Limited, was carried on. Saturday by a vote of 337 to 27. It was also agreed to fix the assess- ment of the factory for ten years at $5,000 per year. Get a 5 cent box of Lax-ets at our store please. We think they are great. Just test these toothsome, candy -like Laxative Tablets for• constipation, sour stomach, bilious- ness, bad breath muddy complexion eto. Risk 5 cents and see. J. J. Merger. Itis reported that C. P. R. sur- veyors are at present engaged lay ing out a line between Walton and Brussels. This looks as though the line from Seaforth to Brussels to connect with the Guelph and Gode- rich branch at Walton was an as- sured faeta• On ,7uly 26th a quiet wedding was solemnized at the Exeter Main at. Methodist churbb when Miss Eva Browning, secoiud daughter of 3. W. Browning, M. D.. and Mr. Geo. A. Hawkins were united in mar- riage, the ceremony being perform- ed. by Rev. E. A. Fear. Another of the one -tinge leading business men of this country has passed away, in the person of Mr. Richard Irwin, of Clinton. Mr. Ir- win died at his residence in that town, on.stturday, July 28th after an illness of several weeks, the re- sult of a severe cold, contracted while at Peterboro attending a con. vention. He was sixty years of age. Recently a gentleman got on -a train at Clinten station to see a friend away, and before he could get off, the train had started. He rushed to geic out but found cars facing him on either side, and not until he was clear of the yard, with the train running at 35 miles an hour was he able to jump off, the result being that his face was se- verely cut by gravel. There is a' good deal of activity just now among temperance people throughout the 'Province. They are looking forward to the submis- sion of local option by-laws in a large number of municipalities this year. Under the new law voting takes place the same day as the municipal elections, but petitions for the submission of by-laws niust be presented to the councils on or before November 1, which means that in most'. cases they must be presented at the October meeting. It is anticipated that by-laws will be submitted in Hensall, Usborne, Stanley, Ttckersnzith, and possib- ly also in Turnberry,- Morris and Grey township. When a woman suffers from de- pressing weaknesses, she . then keenly realizes how helpless -e -how thoroughly worthless she is. Dr. Shoop has brought relief to thou- sands of such women. l=ie reaches diseasss peculiar to women in two. direct, pacific ways a, local treat.. anent known by druggists every- where as Dr. Shoop's Night Cure, and a constitutional or internal prescription: called Dr. Shoop's Night Gore xs applied locally, and at night. It works wh±.le you sleep, It reduces inflamation; it. stops dis- charges, it heals, it soothes, it com- forts, it mires. These two remedies, singly, or used together, have an irresistible, positive helpful power. Try then a month and see. J, J. Muter. Born. BED,ARD—At St. Joseph, on Aug. 5, 1906, to Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bedard, a son. Saxriiu. —At the Goshen Line, Hay on Aug. 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. D. Schnell, a son. Dii0nBR--At the Babylon Line, Hay, on Aug. 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Decher, Jr., a son. Me.trox—At the Bronson Line; Hay on Saturday, July 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Meliok, a, son. SUTTON—At the Town Line, Hay, on Aug. 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. A. Sutton, a daughter, GUENTH ER—In Dashwood, on Sun- day, July 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Guenther, a son. MAIMS—In Exeter, on Thursday, July 26th, 1906, to Mr. and Mrs, B. Makins, a son. SWARTZ-Lot 17, con: 8, Stephen. on July' 29th, 1.906, to Mr. and Mrs. Jaoob Swartz, a son. —.o a.. .• The apple crop in Huron. County will be. only' an average yield this year. The Baldwinswill turn out fairly well, but the Spies and Twenty.ounce will be a light crop. It is exoeoted that the price will be about the same as last year. The pear and plum crop will also ba a light ouec OUTDOOR FURNITURE. For Lawns and. Verandahs. Our designs are up-to-date. Reed and Rattan Goods, Steamer Chairs and Lawn Croq uet. Organs and Pianos. HARNESS For an up-to-date single Harness this is the 5plaee. D usters. Fancy Rugs, Trunks, and Valises., H. WELL, = = = = Zurich, Ont. The Old and Reliable Kalbfleisch's Saw & Planing .Gillis.... I wish to thank my customers for their patronage during the past year, and wish to announce that 1 am on hand with a large stock of Hastings Brand B. IC., RED CEDAR SHINGLES and all kinds of Building Material. It will be to your interest to call and see me if you are going to build. It is my aim to combine good work with good material. I also do CUSTOM SAWING and PI- NiC r"'Chopping done every Tuesday and Friday. F. C. LB.,fG' LEISO.ice., Mills 14th Coil. ZURICH OUR GROCER' DEPARTMENT is always stocked with fresh and first quality goods. We always insist on getting first-class goods and we see that we get them. Our Reliance Baking Powder is the Purest and Strongest made, You need only about half as much as you do of the ordinary kind. A full line of canned goods, such as CORN SALMON PEAS PEACHES BEANS OLIVES TOMATOES' PINEAPPLES ETC., ETC Make this the spot for purchasing your groceries. It will pay you. Courteous treatment to all. Our Flour and Feed Depart ent is always stacked with the best brands of flour ---Royal Household and Star— Shorts, Bran, Pig Feed, etc. Turnip and Corn Seed at low . prices. We handle the carnefae and International Stock Foods and Louse Killer. 8. Rennie Son. Dont Wait until the last minute if you need a Mower or Binder. Your old machine may give out at a time when you need it most, and valuable time may be lost in repairing it. Better make sure and buy a new one. D +ERING Im'pleraents are noted for their lasting qualities. They are made to give satisfaction. That is why so many of them are sold. Hay Making Tools. The Hay Loader we handle is the best on the market. It loads raked and unraked hay equally well. Call and see it. Hay Rakes and Side Delivery Rakes also in stock. Binder Twine. Your Twine order will receive prompt attention here. We handle only the best--DEERING. EVERYTHING IN THE IMPLEMENT LINE. MACHINE REPAIRS OF ALL HINDS ON ITAND. V. F.lilickbeilDeeringAency ZURICH 11 Cents pays for the "Zurich Herald" to January, 1907. •