HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1906-07-27, Page 8danger to Farm nd Live Stock storms is in the onths. A policy in on Weather ce Mutual Company res you against loss for few dollars yearly OFFICERS FOR 1906 NOILT$coTT ESQ., President, Hay P. 0. . KE x,ese es ESQ., Viee-Pr, Dashwood. DIRECTORS: S. BeeetexsnIRE, - Crediton P. 0. C. PEsxIxs, - - Exeter P. 0. B a RY RAu, - - Drysdale P. 0. W. T. CALnwzLL, - Bensali P. 0. W. B. BATTLE1t, • Zurich P. 0. A. G. SienLLXB, - Hensel' P. 0. C. MoxTEirii. Thames Road P. 0. If there is no Director in your vicinity send for rates etc., to E. ZELLER, SECRETARY -TREASURER Zurich, Ont. Reliable agents wanting good territory should apply at once to the General Agent G. HOLTZMAN, Zurich rY`�a el..J RICH Meat Market. We handle all kinds of fresh and salted meats in season, sau- sages, poultry, etc. etc. We are now supplying all choice cuts, at right prices, while the quali- ty is as good, if not better than ever. While thanking the public for their liberal patronage, we solicit a continuance of t h e same. YUNGBLIUT & Zurich, ©Mario. The Zurich Herald. maramixammolimemovinevs LOCAL NEWS Results of Entrance Exams. will be found on page 5. Mr. Hy. Wettlaufer of Blythis visitng, relatives here this week. Ed. Boss enberry attended the Windsor races on Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs, Alois Brenner of Dashwood, spent Sunday at Harry Randall's. Mr. Wm. Clark of Hamilton spent a few days this week with Mr. C. Fritz. The Misses Sohilbe of Detroit are visiting at their home on the 14th con., at present. Harvesters' excursions to the west have been arranged, and the dates for points west of,- Kingston and Sharbot Lake are. Aug. 14, 17 and 22. For Ontario points east of Sharbot Lake thedate is Aug, 28 ; for Quebec, Aug. 30. The Summer School of the Ep- worth Leagues and Sunday schools of the Methodist church of Exeter district is being held this month at Grand Bend camp grounds, begin- ning on Sunday, the 22nd, and closing on the evening of Sunday, the 29th. Dr. OVENS, M. D., London, Surgeon, eye, ear and nose, will be at the Queer's Hotel, Hensall, on Thursday, Aug. .9t .. Hours 4.30 p. m. to 9 p. m. Glasses properly flitted for relief of failing vision, Gestrain, headaches, etc. Deafness and nasal catarrh treated. 23tf ORDER1'l' WORK. We always carry a well assorted stock of steel tire and rubber tire buggies, in different styles of trimming and painting. We pay particular attention to work or- dered by an intending purchaser, and we feel certain we can turn out a job that will be satisfactory. We use nothing but first class material in constructing our rigs. Our products have stood the test Repair Department We are prepared to do repairing of all kinds satisfactorily and prom- ptly. Get your buggy re -painted It will look better and last longer Give us a call. F. Hess & Son, Zurich - . Ontario , HEN$ALC-. The Bayfield football team was billed iter last Friday evening but the gamewas called off on account of the rain, Marry Taylor bas the contract for the brick work for George Joynt's house, which is to be extra good as George will live in it him- self. Mr„ W. Stoneman moved out of his house this week sothat it can be remodelled and veneered. The Indians, who are pulling 'ilex near Sippers are going to give our baseball team a game on Wed- nesday evening. Two rinks of the Exeter bowling club came up one day last week and won in the afternoon but lost at night. The Misses McArthur returned on Tuesday evening from .a lengthy visit at Stratford. They w}11 be going to,Grand Bend to join the other members of the family. James Johnston. who was im- paled on the handle of the fork over two weeks ago is speedily im- proving. Fortunately for him it kept near the surface. Flax pulling and onion pulling give work to a great many. A large number of Indians have been im- ported to help at the flax. Mr. Urquhart's new fax mill will soon be ready. Mr. Drummond of Wing - ham is ;the foreman. TOBACCO TO MINORS. Several enquiries have recently been made regarding the law re- speoting the sale of cigarettes, cigars or tobacco to minors. Chap- ter 261 R. S. O. 1897, section 1 reads :—"Ann person who either directly or indirectly sells or' gives or furnishes to a minor under 18 years of age, cigarettes, cigars or tobacco in any form, shall on sum•. inary conviction thereof before a Justice of the Peace be subject to a penalty of not less than $10, nor more than $50, with or without costs of prosecution, or to imprison- ment, -with or withovt hard labor, for any term not exceeding 30 days, or to both fine, with or without costs, and imprisonment to the said amount and for the said term, in the discretion of the convicting Magistrate. And in case of a fine, or a fine and costs being awarded., and the same not being upon con- viction forthwith paid, the Justice may commit the offender to the common gaol, there to be imprison- ed for any term not exceeding thirty days, unless the fine and costs are sooner paid." Sellers of tobacco, cigars, or cigarettes should cut this out and paste in some con- spicuous place for reference. Boys of tender years are seen day after day smoking and chewing, and the chances are that some one will have to settle a conviction under. the Act, before they will realize where they are at. Only on a writ- ten request from parent or guardian is it lawful to sell to minors. Ignor. ance of the law will not excuse you. CA.NAD'S GREATEST NURSERY WANTS a LOCAL SALESMAN for Zurich To sell High. Class Nursery Stock in Fruits and Ornamentals. Largest list of NEW SPECIALTIES ever offer- ed. START Now AT THE BEST SELLING SEASON. Big inducements, Liberal Pay, ]handsome Free Out- fit, Territory Reserved. Write for Terms and Catalogue and send 25 cents for our Aluminum Pocket Microscope (magnafies 4;l times) and 50 cents for our Handy Saw, just the 4rimming trees (cuts iron as well as wood). Stone &Wellington, FONTHILL NURSERIES OVER 800 AORES Toronto Ontario marneariumetameranuamagarecrestrammwanratmlmmorra .. .. Ring Up ..., W IS TEE TIIIE OE TUE TO BUY A RING. L FIND TREAX REItE ZES AND PRICES Only weler Ont. Our civic holiday is to be on Monday, Aug. 6th. The Methodist Sunday School will laic-nio at the Bend on that day. Rev. Dr. Wren preached in the leading Methodist church in Exeter on Sunday. Mrs. Short, and sister, Miss M. Ortwein, visited their brother, Alonzo, in Detroit last week. An agitation is on foot for better fire protection for our village. An effort is being made to have the council make a move in the matter. Mrs. R. Patterson and son, Jas., are taking a trip to the coast with the hope that it will benefit the former's health. J. B. McArthur attended the Masonic Grand Lodge meeting held at Toronto last week. The onion crop in this section is turning ont fairly well and the growers are well satisfied, lair. Attie of North Bay has taken a position with the Sovereign Bank here. Our blacksmiths talk of raising the price of some lines of work, owing to the increased cost of the material and of living. Mr. L. Scott of Exeter spent Sun- day at his home here. Mrs. D. Cantelon is visiting her sister at Clarksburg for a few weeks. A Timber of Indians have been brought here to help harvesting the flax crop. The sidewalk and steps at the station have undergone much need- ed repairs. A NATIONAL NECESSITY. The growing interdependence of the Provinces of this Dominion must be apparent to all. The pro- duct of one is a necessity for an- other. Not alone are the eyes of the Eastern Provinces, but those of every country in the world., direct- ed to the almost phenomenal wheat producing qualities of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Every hamlet, concession and side, line in Ontario has contributed to the settlement of these fertile western Provinces. The crops, according to the Governmental reports for this season, if safely harvested and garnered, will far surpass previous years in quality and quantity. It is estimated 20,000 farm labor- ers will be required from the older provinces in assisting in the har- vest of their wealth. , The sons of the West are now urgently appeal- ing to the parental and patriotic instincts of the farmers of the East to send every strong, able-bodied man they cam to aid thein in this work of national importance. The Canadian Pacific Railway has made the wonderful growth of the West possible. In the saving of the wheat and other crops, the interest of Canada and the Cana- dian Pacific are indentical. The latter is Canada's National High- way. It has announced that on Aug. 14th, :17th, and 22nd, it will transport froni different territbries in the East farm. laborers to the Canadian North-West at the nomi- nally low rate of twelve dollars; in fact, this National Highway is offering an inducement to European farm laborers by making an ex- ceptionally low rate over its Atlan- tic steamship service in connection with. its railway lines. It now re- mains for the Ontariofarmer to show his pride in the growth of his nation by co-operating with the Canadian Pacific in sensing every available able-bodied' man he oars to the West, GRED l TON We have added to our stoo Pumps. Anything in the lii Stock Pumps. Just in a large shipment of thaest and most perfect we ever We make a specialty of Galvanized Iron Roofs fletallic Ceili Tletallic Siding Eavetroug Galvanized water tanks Furnace Lining Water Troughs Sole Agents For Sherwin=Williams Paints Riliable Barn Door Hangers Peerless Fencing A. • Charlesworth Son. Hardware Merchants Zurich. About fifty Indians from Muncev- town are assisting in pulling the flax in this section. The brick wort: on the first story of the new school house has been nut up. Robt, Walker =and Wes. Kerr have returned from the northwest. Mrs. J'no. MoIsaac is rapidly re- gaining her health. Mr. and Mrs. S. Brown visited relatives in Michigan last and this week. Miss Bean, of Berlin is a guest at the BA/angelical parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. Ben, Eilber, and daughter, of Ubly, Mich., are visit- ing relatives here at present. The Crediton and Luca,n base- ball teams played a good game here last Friday, The Stars again came out victorious by a score of 9 to 1. This bunch of stick -handlers have made a splendid record for them- selves this year and the town is proud of them.. Last week another pioneer resid- ent of the township of Stephen was laid to rest. We refer to Mr. Isaac Hill, who passed away at the home of his son, William Hill, west of the village, on Monday, July 16th, at the advanced age of 81 years. The deceased had been sick only a short tine from general debility and breaking np of the system. Mr. Hill was a native of England and came to Canada when very y oung, being among the earliest pioneers. Being possessed of a particularly vigorous and robust constitution he contributed more than the average 'share of converting the. virgin timbered lands into this now beautiful country. He leaves to mourn his demise a family of three Sons and hive daughters. The furter- al took place on Wednesday to the Ezoter. cemetery. ! C Sweet to Eat �4 x Le sJ A Candy Bowel Laxative. �p WASII goons for SU E A liNEWZINIERESEEMEMEMIZVEZIEWEISHESE Attain OUR line of Wash Goods for summer wear is the most complete we have ever had in stock We bought them with the view of satisfying our numerous customers, and consequently have a large range of colors and patterns to choose from They are just the thing for hot weather and picnic suits. Call and see these goods. Pure White Linn Grey Linen Silk Finished Prints Fancy Kingcolut (kinghalns Neto r°ized ainghams in small checks. NO YST!!°AW HATS. %ME have the correct shapes for summer wear. A big as - sortment at prices to suit the pocket book. The time to buy is now, be- fore the sizes are broken. ti Jo The People's Store = = Zurich. 5'�aeZ�''tA,7a.f�•'.•DhtiM b �37kt .,.. ...� e- ''�,p `1i Z. ,'1r'. 4. ... XIBBREEIZIEW TLEII'S ;�'�lA Is Th a der. Carload of best PORTLAND CEMENT now Price $2.25 per barrel, cash. Screen Doors from 75cts up Granite dippers 100 & 15cts 12 az tin " 10c for 5c ea Galv fence staples 4cts a lb Wire Nails, base $2.25 per 100 lbs. Best outside paints $1.50 a gallon. Team Harness upwards, Single name Gasoline an from Best 12ft Leave your orders for GOLDZ M We are sole agents for Zurich an See us for your Eavetroughing Special Prices No one can and iP:Th1t.