The Herald, 1906-07-27, Page 6CUT OF 'IMPERIAL" HEN WINDMILL Outfit which won the CHAMPIONSHIP OF THE WORLD against 21 American, British and Canadian manufacturers, after a two months' thorough trial. Made by GOOL». SHHAPLEY el IITJIlt CO. LIMITED, Brantford. Canada. HALF AND HALF. A Materialistic View of the Marriage State. • General Young, at a wedding in Wash- ington, was condemning materialists and nnaterialisan. "Wlat, precisely, is a materialist?" a young girl asked. "A materialist," said General Young, "is one who sees .only the 'material side of things, one to whole the spiritual side is invisible." He looked about bin at the happy bridal party. "Thus a materialist," he went on, "would call marriage merely a state wherein you give a woman hail your 'victual, to get the other hall cooked" TRADE MARK REGISTERED. Blood Tonle is a pure, safe, pleasant cure for nervous exhaustion, palpitation of the heart. variable appetite, sour stomach and otherdisordera caused by bad blood or overwork. Don't neglect yourself. Clear the poison out • of your boly—by using Mira Blood Tonic. Every detail of its manufacture is personally supervised by experienced chemies. Made from the purest and best ingredients on the most effective formula offered by modern science. $1 a -bottle. At drug-stores—or from The ChemistsCo. of Canada, Limited, Hamilton—Toronto. With Mira raids and Ointment—a trio for health. Nerve. "Mr. Farsyte sent me over to ask you if you'd lend him your umbrella," said the boy. "Certainly," replied Suburbs, "but what does he want with it? It isn't rain- ing." "No, sir, but he said it was pretty sure to be rainin' some day soon, and he'd need it then."—The Catholic Standard and Times. Wits n's Y ONE PACKET HAS ACTUALLY KILLED A BUSHEL. OF FLIES Sold by all Druggists and General Stores and by mail.. TEN CENTS PER PACKET FROM ARCHDAL.E WILSON, A iWFILTON. O?TP. NORWEGIAN SUPERSTITION. Curious Incidents of the Dethroning of Ring Oscar. The Anises des Seiences Psyciques publishes some ungainly stories in con- nection with the substitution of Ring Haakon for Ring ()sear as ruler of Nor: way. On November 18, it says e nlina- ber of officers were assembled in the Casino of Agershus, where Ring Haa- lion was expected to make his entry. They awaited with impatience the first cannon shot which should announce the arrival of the war ship Heitndal in the roadstead. Suddenly a peculiar crackling sound was heard coming from the far end of the room, and it was perceived that a large portrait of Ring Oscar in a frame, surmounted with a crown was falling. The picture and frame suffered no hurt but the crown was smashed into atoms. Several days afterward, at a supper given by a former Minister, Herr Ha- gerun, the incident was mentioned, and a journalist remarked ironically thatl the walls of the Casino were defective, and indulged in other pleasantries when the attention of the company was sud- denly arrested by a grinding noise. A second afterward a bracket supporting a life-sized bust of King Oscar gave way, and the bust fell with a bang. This co- incidence created an immense impres- sion, and the company separated earlier than they intended. Similar incidents happened in other places, says the An- nales. •e' THEY MEAN IT. No one should suffer a moment longer with Piles, for Dr. Leonhardt's Hein -Raid will cure any case. No matter what kind you have, Blind, Bleed- ing, Internal, External, Itching or Suppur- ating, Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Roid will cure you. This statement is supported by a thousand testimonials from those who have been per- manently cured. If you are not cured you get your money back. $1.00. All dealers, or 1The Wilson- Fyle Ca., Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. 20 The Queen Ant. Dr. William Morton Wheeler shows in the Popular Science Monthly that the queen ant has not had justice done to her by naturalists. As compared with the famous queen bee, he regards her as a far more admirable creature. In fact, they are, in many iimportant' respects, diametrical opposites. The queen. bee is a degenerate creature, unable to nourish either herself or her young, to visit flow- ers, to build combs or to store them with honey. With the queen ant quite the re- verse is true. She is "a perfect exemplar and embodiment of her species; and the I worker ants suffer from incomplete and I retarded development. The queen ant is a very industrious and intelligent work- er, and Dr. Wheeler points out that she forms an exceedingly interesting subject for study, and has not hitherto been well understood. Give the Boy a Pup's Chance. If a man has a $10 pup he would look after it carefully and not let it run all over town, but if he had a boy it would be different, He is turned loose at a certain age and let go to the devil. The people ,wonder where the great army of tramps, loafers, dead beats and sots came room in each decade, fThey are germinated from the pure seed gathered from aur homes and sown broadcaste upon our streets and alleys. It may be your 1s starting In that direction. At all events the boy ought to be given the Sante chance with the pupa. o.a On the Trail. "Tommy, what ancient King was it ho played on the fiddle while Rome was rising." `Hector, ma'am." o, no—not Hector." hen it wuz Dook." flee? What do you mea▪ n, Tom - 1, then, it' must a been Nero. I it wuz somebody with a dog's • ase takes no sur? mer u need flesh and ,+ arse ' Emulsion 'n winter. r free sou:apit• OWNS, Chemie% . t •1l druggists. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. India's Excess of Widows. (Lahore Tribune.) The number of widows 1n India is dally on the incroase. ,Sucli a state of things is attributed to marriageisrespo siblefor the highest nuns ber. The total number of women inhabiting India is 143,966,447, out of which 25,801, 930 are widows, which means that out of every five there is one widow. The Fundus carry the highest number of widows, which is 19, - We give below in detail the age and the number of widow in India, of all religions combined:• Widows. Ago• Under one year .....• ••• ••• ••• ••- 1,004 From 1 to 2 years 2,271 1,2'27 17 From 2 to 3 Years ... ... .. •... ••• 12,271 From 3 to 4 years .. ... ... ..• ••• 15,423 From 5 to 10 years ......... ••. •.• 595,403 From 10 to 15 years ... ... ••• ••• 673,662 From 15 to 20 years .. •.• ••• ••• 5922;167 Prom 20 to 25 years ... ... .. • 1432,725 3,725 From 25 to 30 years ... ......... • • • 4 432,408 From 30 to 40 years. ... ••• ••. 4,135,552 From 40 to 45 years ... ,. •• ••• ••' S 134,033 From 60 to 60 years ... ... • • • • •. 6,634,033 Above 60 years .,. ... .•. Total .., .. ••• .•. ... .....25,891,936 ifts Use SUNLIGHT SOAP and GET THE PREMIUMS The Coupons are the same as cash because they can be exchanged for Toilet Soaps for which you have to pay out money every week. Users of SUNLIGHT and CHEERFUL SOAPS can get their TOILET SOAPS for nothing. Read circular in every package, br write us for Premium List. A gift is of little value if it consists of something you have no use for. In exchange for Sunlight Soap Coupons you can get something you need and use every day. AVE SUNLI,, T SOAP Ck iU Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto, Cassaccr, ONS 16o MERELY AN OLD WOMAN. Her Social Position Didn't Affect Her Digestive Powers. A famous American physician was sl lilnioned to the bedside of an, elderly geese dame, of distinguished name and iris millions, says the New York Press. The physician examined her care- fully. Then he said: "You must get up every morning at 6 o'clock. Take for breakfast a cup of weak tea and two pieces of dry toast. From 9 to 11 exercise, either walking or sweeping or dusting. At noon lunch on a, slice of coldheat, filtered, uniced water and stale bread. Don't sleep in the afternoon; exercise again. For din- ner take nothing but a little meat, a vegetable and toast. No sweets, no wines, no social dissipation of any kind." The eyes of the grands dame flashed with fire as she said: "But, doctor, do you comprehend my position? Do you know who I am?" `4Perfectly, madam," answered the physician. "You are an old woman with a sour stomach" ----:.tea Exodus of American Farmers. It is not to be wondered at that the states of the northwest, and those especially abut- ting Canada, (should view with regret that in its intensity verges the alarm the constant and Increasing trek of American farmers es - cross the border. It is naturally dishearten- ing to see coming into our our ports each years aliens by the hundred thousand for whom the cultivation of the soli has no at- tractions, while from the other side of the country the flower of an agricultural popu- lation is forsaking its old holdings and clti- zenshio and finding homes on the rich virgin acres of Canada. a-� New York and Return $9.00—West .S ETTER THAN SPANKING Spanking does not cure children of bed-wetting. `There is a constitutional cause for this trouble. Mrs. S. M. Sum- mers, Box 8, Windsor, Ont., will send free to any mother her successful home treatment, with full instructions. Send no money, but write her to -day if your children trouble you in this way. Don't blame the child; the chances are it can't help it. This treatment also emelt adults and aged people troubled with urine difficulties by night or day. Getting Along in Years. (Topeka, lien., Capital.) We find that we have reached the poiht in life where "you don't look so old as that" la the most pleasing thing that can be said to us." Henry Elliott, of Sherbrooke, N. S., Inspector and Supt. of' Bridge Construc- tion for Nova Scotia, says: "A bottle of 3dINARD'S LINIMENT cured me of a very severe sprain of my leg, caused by a fall while building a bridge at Doherty Creek, Cumberland Co." Shore R. R. From Buffalo and . Niagara Palls, Thursday, Aug. 16, tickets good. 15 days. The West Shore takes you through the Mohawk Valley and along the Hudson River, and gives you the privilege with- out charge of a trip on the Hudson River steamers between Albany and New Lork, if desired. For particulars consult ticket agents or address Harry Parry, General Agent, Buffalo, X. Y. 4mta Sound Business Sense. Smart wife—Don't worry, George; I wrote an article for the paper to -day showing how to get up a family dinner for $1 and I took it around and the edit- or gave me $1. Husband—That's a rare piece of luck. What are you going to do with the dol- lar? "I'm going to try the recipe myself and. see if it will work.'—New York Week- ly. Looking Forward. Scientist—I know I haven't long to live, doctor, and when I die want you to perform an autopsy. I'm very anxi- ous to know just what's the matter with me.—Translated for Tales from "Filegende Blatter," Welcome Awaits Edward. The suggestion has been made that it would be graceful and appropriate for King Edward oeeimake the a istdoptiie occasion for pytgavhe Unid States. The suggestion is an exoelient ono and it Is to be hoped that "the king and emperor" may be pleased to act upon it. He will convince shims of the e a lChospitome awhichre hospitality and good will of the American people. Nearly fifty years ago, when a youth, the king paid a visit to Canada and the United States and was eVerywhersl,welcomed with acclamations. ah Theking,t part of the United Statesthe Prince of . Theret is not a city which he would recognize 1f he Were to come here next year -and go over the route he took !n_ il3i0. A Family Likeness. Some soldiers quartered in a country village, when they met at roll -call were asking one another what kind of quar- ters they had got. One of them said he had very good quarters, but the strang- est landlady he ever saw -sloe always took him off. A comrade said he would go along with him and take her off. We went, and offered to shake hands with her, saying, "How are you, EIspa?" "Indeed, sir," said she, `ye hae the better o' me. I din'na ken ye." Mrs. VTlnslow's Soothing Syrup should al - `Dear me, Elspa," replied the soldier, ways be used for alalldresl teething. it "d' ye no ken me? I'm the devil's sister's °Ooh the 1111' ldsoothes the gums,. cDures w6 oo2io and ie the best remedy for ier- son:' rhoea. "()ear, save us!" quoth the old wife, looking him in the face; "anon, but ye're like your uncle!" ISSUE NO. 30, 1906 MISCELLANEOUS. ENVELOPE BARGAINS G0c 1,000 up in quantity, size 1, 2, 3, G, 7, 8. Goldl point fountain pens 65c. W. R. ADAMS, Toronto, Ont. $10 --Atlantic City, Cape May—$14 Four seashore,excureions via Lehigh Valley Railroad, July 20, August 3, 17, and 31. Tickets good 15 days, and only $10, round trip, from Suspension Bridge. Tickets allow stop -over at Philadelphia. Far tickets, further particulars, call on or write Robt. S. Lewis, Oanadian Pass- enger Agent, 10 King street east, To- ronto, Ont. d.• "I Love Youl" (Life.) A Danish paper compares "I love you" in 2neny languages. Here are some of theme—the Danish paper is our only au- thority for their correctmeeu-: The China- man ,says, "Uo ngai ni"; the Armenian, "Ge einem ez hez"; the A'rabiam, very shortly, "Nehabeeck"; the Egylptinn, similar, " tvT'aclrkeb"; the Turk, "Ski sev- ejorum"; and the H•indoo, "Main Lyne loo gar kaarym": But ,oversvlaelming is the declaration of love of 'an Esquimau, who tries to win the chosen one by the pleas- ing sound. of the dainty little word, "Uni- figs aerntdiluinalerfimaajungnarsigujak." Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. 1 Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Something to Brag About. Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Brown were bos- om friends. It was astonishing what a lot they knew about other people's bust- . uss i.ness. ,The conversation turned. in the di- rection of a Mrs. Tittlesay, a new ar rival in the next street. "I hear she's suffering from appen- dicitis," declared Mrs. Brown. "Suffering!" echoed Mrs. Jones con- temptuously. "Why, yes; didn't you know that?" asked Mrs. Brown. "Yes, I heard she had got appendi- citis," replied. Mrs. Jones, "but, Lor! judging by the way they bragged about it I thought it was some sort of piano player. What is it, any- way!" -'-Answers. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc. Stopped Him (Cleveland teader.) "Do you think your father would like mo as a son-in-law?" "Yes, I believe he would." "Oh. Ioyt I—" "Papa and I never agree about anything, you know," Not Confined to Water. Boarding House Beeper—Will you have soup to -night? Lodger—No ,thinks. I'm off the water wa- on. + AWMF A true friend is ane who won't hold you responsible to -morrow for what you ear today. How to Know Them. The soda water man—By his phizz. The temperance man—By his no's. The conceited manBy his I's. The surveyor—By his feet. The captain of industry—By his hands. Tro military man—By his arms. The stovepipe man—By his elbows. The rubber man—By his neck. The miserly man—By his chest. The tourist -By his trunk. The dairy man—By his calves. The iron man—By his nails.. DR. LE OY'S FEMALE PILLS A safe, jure and reliable monthly tor. These Pula have been used fa eo for ever fifty years. and PAM( Inraluateo for the purpose designed. and oro g inren- teed by tho makers. Enclose stump for sealed circular. Price *1.00 per box or y mall securely sealed. on reaetpt of .price LE ROY PILL 00., Box 42, Hamilton, Canada - Where Will You Go This Summer? If you desire rust and recreation, why not try "The Biter St. Lawrence Trip? Folders descriptive of the Thousand Islands, Rapids, Montreal, Quebec; Murray Bay, Ta- dousac, the far famed Saguenay River, etc., on application to any railroad or steamboat ticket aarent. For illustrated guide, "NIAGARA TO THB SEA," send six cents in postage stamps to H. Foster Chaffee, Western Passenger Agent, Toronto. Between the Horns. (New York Sun.) Johnny—What's a dilemma? • Tommy Well, 'it's when you can't sit down because your pa licked you for going in swimming„ and you can't stand up because, a crab bit your toe. Sunlight Soap is bettor than other soaps, bat is best when used in the Sunlight way. Euy Sunlight Soap and follow directions. Oar So It Does. (Philadelphia Public Ledger.) "You ought to take a trip through one 0' them big oboe manufactories down east," remarked the old-fashioned gobbler. "I've been through one," replied the other. "What d'ye think of all that modern mach- inery?" "Well. it certainly does beat awl." The Short Line to Pittsburgh LAKE SIIORE THE FAMOUS "PITTSBURG LIMITED" Leaves Buffalo s • • . • .,... .... 10.00 a. m. Arrives Pittsburg .. .. .............. 4.00 p. in. OTHER SPLENDID TRAINS Leave Buffalo .. .. .... .. .... .. 1.25 p. m. 11.111 p. Arrive Pittsburg ....... . ... .. ........ 7.55 p.m. 7.35 a. m. Obdervation• Cars, Parlor Cars, Dining Cars, Smoking (c l s and Ladies' Coaches. Quickest Time, Best Service. 3, W. DALY, A. J. SMITH, Chief Ass't. G. P. A., Gen'l. Pass'r, Agt., Buffalo, N. Y. Cleveland, Ohio, W. J. Lynch, Pass'r, Tieff. Mgr., N. Y. C. Lines, Chicago, Ill. m. That p®■ m •Y tgeso iv cure f ' female co p ■[on circular and tree sample. R S. McGILL, Simeon, Ont. sesaall~rassOSSexaselealarunAesSioteMeesers4041000.44001~11104Selleirotstleenseelereetellaraineare Farmers and Dairymen When you requi!ra a TUh, Pail, Wash Basin or Milk Pan Asia: your grocer liar E De EDDY'S FIBRE WARE ARTICus You will find they give you satis— faction every time. THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE Insist on being supplied with EDDY'S every time. t ire au IwM+fwrt•~...A N