The Herald, 1906-07-27, Page 44
LEGAL al -Aiwa,
Iicitor, Notary Public, Holman, Ontario.
At Zurich (Zeller's office) every Mon-
riders, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc.,
oderieh, Canada. W, Proudfoot, E..C.
R. 0, Have, ti. F. Flair.
ti ,r plFluron Ccr.nty, respectfully
soli, is the 'patronage of those who in -
ton o_ai�g chiles. Satisfaction. agar -
ant .,ed.
OR,' )n. A. SE.LLER:tr, DENTIST, GRA -
dilate of tho Royal College of Dental
Burgeons, Toronto, a:so honor gradu-
ate of Department of. Dentistry, To-
ronto University. Painless ortraetion
of teeth. Plato work s speciality. At
Dominion House, ^ieh, every Mon-
day. 1-20
Notary Public. D e e.ti s , Mortgages,
Wills and other Legal Documents care-
fully and promptly prepared. Office—
Zeller block, Zurich, Ont,
-A re-orgnnizodd and is now prepared
to furnish first -plass music for all kinds
of amusements. For :arms apply to or
write F. W. Hess, $ee.'y-Treas., Zurich.
CLERK. Village and Farm Property
insured. All the leading Companies
represented. .Agent for Accident and
Sickness Insurance.
OOD 140 -ACRE FARM for sale being
Lot 4 and part lot 5, concession 11,
Hay. The farm contains 20 acres good
hardwood bush.; good brick house and
bank barn; plenty good water in house and
barn; the farm is well fenced and under -
drained and is in first-class shape. For
further particulars apply at premises or
Write to ,john Hartman, Sarepta, P. 0.
T::e Wsra.-Kxo-::N' STALLION'
Young Orchard Willow
Will stand for service at the farm of
Alonzo Foster, Lot 4, Con 9, Township
of Hay, during the present season.
Be is dark bay in color, has plenty of
muscle and bone, good actio,,, has sired
good colts, and is a sure ,stock getter.
Terms: To insure, $0.00, payable 1st
February, 1007.
Babylon Line,
37-2in Proprietor.
Go hand -in -band. Theefflueut
of to -day are those who used
good common-sense yesterday
an&t7seel ,, ebefoce.. They made
a. point of `saying something
each week; and their wealth
and independence grew and
Yon can• commence to -day.
$1.00 open an account.
Interest paid. 4 times a year.
The Soverei r1►
Bank.oaf Canada
vyearr 3r iib ,. ii,bete
Pi;8LIS11.4D 13)!. Lr, Z&LLi3ll
FRIDAY, JULY 27, 1906,
W. C. T. 1J.
on4krrElz. 1.
"Thirty' years ago I becameac-
quainted with Kathleen O'Connor.
She was very beautiful, as you will
see by the painting; full of fun,
hot-tempered, impulsive, and gener-
ous—altogether a most entertaining
companion—and the friendship rapid-
ly ripened into love. She was an
orphan who had spent her girlhood
on the banks of Loch Latrine with
a bachelor uncle.
"The engagement being approved
of by him and the members of my
own family, we were quietly mar-
ried some four years after our first
meeting. I had been trained from
babyhood to despise teetotalers of
something weak, the refuge of men
not strong willed enough to keep
from drunkenness,. I was very an-
noyed, therefore, very annoyed, to
find that Kitty was one of the hated
"At our wedding breakfast the
guests•chaffed her unmercifully be-
cause she, wished to drink the toasts
in water, but she remained firm un-
til I added my entreaties to the rest
and then she yielded. Our married
life commenced very happily, and
when, some two years later, our
baby girl was born, the cup of joy
seemed full. We called our little
one Kathleen after the mother she
so much resembled. •
"Then I began to notice a change
in my wife. I could not understand
it, until one day I returned from a
long clay's work to find her drunk
on the floor of her room, the empty
brandy bottle on the table beside
"1 said nothing then, but the
next morning, when she had recov-
ered, I hurled endless reproaches at
her, regretted the day we ever met,
cursed the dao we were mermen. I.
was mad with anger and shame;
the thought that Kitty, whorl I
loved so well, could do it seemed
more than I could bear. In this
mood I left the house, and, owing
to the press of ' work at the time,
c3uld not get back untilitiftht, when
I returned to find both she and baby
"I did all I could to find then,
but in vain, ,and at length, weary
of the fruitless search, I left the
place, and have lived here ever
rinse. Both seemed to have passed
from my life as surely as if they
were dead, but only I know what
these years of agony have been. The
thought that it was I who had given
her the drink which eventually
proved her rain is sometimes more
than I can bear."
The old man stopped abruptly,
took his candle, and retired to his
own room, leaving Halde ne to pity
or blame the ',picture girl," es he
called her, as he thought lit.
(To be continued.)
JOS. SNELL - Manager.
Wiughain is to have a ne'w hos-
pital all of its own. A joint stock
company has been formed and a-
bout $6,000 subscribed for the pur-
pose. •
The Roliert Bell Engine &
Thresher Company, Seaforth, are
asking for tenders for the erection
of two large new brick buildings in
connection with their works here,
to be completed this fall.
The W. H, Willis Shoe Co., has
purchased the old skating rink site
on Southain street, Seaforth
The work f excavating for the
foundation of the factory was com-
menced last week.
On Tuesday evening of last week
John J. Strachan, son of Mr. Thos.
Strachan; a prominent resident of
Grey Township, left house and has
not since been heard of. He is about
29 years of age and of exceedingly
quiet disp 'sition. Searching par-
ties are out:
Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy—
when used faithfully will reach
chronic and dfficult cases hereto-
fore regarded as inciiraable by phy-
sicians and is the most reliable pre-
scription known to clean out and
completely remove every vestige of
rheumatic poison from the blood.
Sold by J J Merner.
An eminent English surgeon says
that a kiss ought to be felt for at
least 20 minutes afterwards and
that kissing produces a sensation
which the system requires to keep
it in a healthy condition. Bless his
old heart ! There is a elan who
thoroughly understands as good
Do not hesitate to ask for a free
sample of Chamberlain ;s stomach
and Liver Tablets. We aro glad to
give then', to anyone who is troubl-
ed with biliousness, constipation
or any disorder of the stomac ri
Many have been permanently cure
by their use. Sold by J. J. Merner
;--In East Crediton, on Satur-
,y .July 14th, to Mr. and Mrs.
veldt Sims a daughter.
Stephen, near Crediton,
on July 16th, Isaac Hill, aged 81
COMINGWOOD—.GosSarAi-1n Dash-
wood, on Tuesday, July 417th,
Miss Kate Gossnan to Mr, John
Collingwood, of Exeter,
For Lawns and Verandahs.
Our designs are up-to-date.
Reed and Rattan Goods,
Steamer Chairs and Lawn
Organs and Pianos.
Mr. Thos. Coleman; of Tucker -
smith, states that while they may
grow tall flax in Hay township,
still it cannot compete with the
product of Tuckersmith, From his
field he last week pulled several
stalks measuring 00?, inches in
length.—Seaforth News.
The breaking of a limb of a
cherry tree on which Mrs. John
McLaughlin of Exeter was standing
the other day was an unfortunate
occurrence. In the fall she broke
one arni at the wrist besides bruis-
ing,her face and body considerably.
It was with difficulty that she was
taken into the house owing to the
injuries being so painful.
Women with weaknesses should
never forget Dr Shoop's Night Cure
This magic -like local treatment, is
used at bedtime all night while
the system is at rest, it is constant-
ly boilding up the weakened tissues
soothing the inflamed and sensitive
surfaces and will surely clean up
all catarrhal and local troubles.
Sold by J J Merner.
Henry feambrook of Exeter met
with the misfortune of having his
left collet bclne broken besides
sustaining other internal injuries
a few days ago. He was in the act
of lifting some sacks of feed out of
a rig when he became overbalanced
and fell out onto the (ground, with
the result as above. Mr. LambrooL-
is 73 years of age and his condition
is considered somewhat serious.
A young son of Mr. Pfaff, S. B..
had a narrow escape from a serious
injury owing to the team running
away while cutting hay with a
mower a few days ago. The team
betaine frightened by a passing
automobile. The young lad fell off
the mower but was rescued from
his perilous position by his father
who was fortunately near at the
time. The mower was a complete
wreck but the horses escaped with-
out being hurt.
At the recent session of the Ont-
ario Legislature a measure of
special importance to farmers was
adopted. The act provides in effect
that all agreements or stipulations
Providing for trial of action at a,
particular place shall be null and
void. This law will compel the
trial of all division court suits a-
gainst farmers and others at the
court nearest which the defendant
resides. unless the whole cause of
action has arisen in some other
Place, In the case of County and
High Court action, it 'is left to the
judge to direct that the trial shall
take place at the most convenient
and least expensive place for trial.
Manufacturers of implements and
nurserymen, in selling on time,
have been in the habit of inserting
a clause in their agreements of sale
that, incase of litigation arising
the case shall be tried in the court
nearest the seller's headquarters.
These agreements are now null and
As a dressing for old chronic
sores there is noth.igg so good as
Chamberlain's Salve, While it is
not advisable to heal old sores en-
tirely, they should , be kept in a
good condition, for which this
salve is especially valuable. For
sore nipples Chamberlain's Salve
has no superior. For sale by J. J.
Laketst. iht-z
aedW e�rd�l'
HARNESS For an up-to-date single
Harness this is the !place.
D esters. Fancy Rugs, Trunks, and Valises.
H. WELL, =
= = Zurich, Ont.
The Old and Reliable
Kalbfleisch's Saw & Planing Hills....
I wish to thank my customers for their patronage
during the past year, and wish to announce that 1 am
on hand with a large stock of Hastings Brand
and all kinds of Building Material. It will be to your
interest to call and see me if you are going to build.
It is my aim to combine good work with good
material. I also do
g"Chopping clone every Tuesday and Friday.
mills 14th Con. ZURICH.
is always stocked with fresh and first quality goods.
We always insist on getting first-class goods and we
see that we get them. Our Reliance Baking Powder
is the Purest and Strongest made, you need only about
half as much as you do of the ordinary kind. A full
a line of canned goods, such as
Make this the spot for purchasing your groceries. It
will pay you. Courteous treatment to all.
Our Flour and Feed Department
is always stacked with the best brands
of flour --Royal Household and
Star --Shorts, Bran, Pig Feed, etc.
Turnip and Corn Seed at low prices.
We handle the Carnefac and International Stock
Foods and Louse Killer.
Dr Shoop's Restorative brings
lasting relief in Stomach. Kidney
and Heart troubles through the in-
side nerves. No matter how the
nerves became impaired this reme-
dy will rebuild their strength, will
restore their vigor. Remember it
does no good to treat the ailing or-
gan—the'irregular heart, the rebel-
lious stomach, diseased kidneys.
They are not to blame. Go back to
the nerves that control them—treat
the cause—use a remedy that cures
through the inside nerves. Sold by
J J Merner,
The Road and Bridge Committee
of the County Council met last
week to consider tenders for con-
crete work and other matters.
Contractor Hardy met the com-
mittee regarding abutment at St.
Joseph's bridge and other matters.
Mr. Hardy has just completed one
abutment to the bridge, and having
material and tools on hand, the
committee thought it wise to let
the other abutment to Mr. Hardy
at $5 per cubic yard, the contractor
to do all excavating, to straighten
up the bridge and have the job
finished by August 20th. A claim
for cement work on Stanlake
bridge, between Stephen and Hay,
from Nagle & Looby, of Mitchell,
was before the committee. The
claim was for 15 or 16 yards which
the contractors claim was not paid.
for. The Council had the work
measured by Mr, Hardy, who veri-
fied the measurement paid for, but
who, on account of the water being
high at time of measurement,
would rather not attest it on oath.
Consequently Clerk Lane and Corn.
Patterson were appointed to mea-
sure the work, first notifying Nagle
& Looby by the date axid time of
their me emu -omen t .
8. ' an ie & Son.
W it
until the last minute if you need a Mower or Binder.
Yonr old machine may give out at a time when you need it
most, and valuable time may be lost in repairing it. Better
make sure and buy a new one. DEERING Implements
are noted for their lasting qualities. . They are made to
give satisfaction. That is why so many of them are sold.
Hay Making Tools.
The Hay Loader we handle is the best on the market. It
loads raked and unraked hay equally well. Call and see it.
Hay Rakes and Side Delivery Rakes also in stock.
Binder Twine.
Your Twine order will receive prompt attention here. We '
handle only the best--DEERING.
J. F. Rickbeil,
40 Cents pays for the "Zurich
t ] Januar 1 0
Herald" t o a �'� 9. �