HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1906-07-13, Page 10: LOCAL NEWS 0 S The Zurich Herald., STORM PROTECTION 1• ee ea 0+0 The greatest danger to Farm Buildings and Livi; Stock. from wind storms is in the summer months. A policy in The Heron Weather Insurance Mutual Company insures you against loss for a feW dollars yearly .. OFFICERS FOR 1906 R, NoRTneoTT Ea4,, President, Hay P. 0. J. KELLERMAN Esq., Viee-Pr, Dashwood. DIRECTORS: S. BaorcENSIiIRE, - Crediton P. 0. C. H. PERKINS, - - Exeter P. 0. Il xaY Rau, - - Drysdale P. 0. W. T. CiaranvELI , - Hensall P. 0. W. B. BATTIER, - Zurich P. 0. A. G. SuMLLIP, - Hersall P. 0. C. Mosaaran. Thames Road P. 0. If there is no Director in your Vicinity send for rates etc., to E. ZELLER, SECRETARY.TREASURER Zurich, Ont. Reliable agents wanting good territory should apply at once to the General .Agent G. HOLTZMAN, Zurich .ZU ICH Meat Market. 1 11 We handle all kinds of fresh and salted meats in season, sau- sages, poultry, etc. etc. We are now supplying all choice cuts, at right prices, while the quali- ty is as good, if not better than ever. While thanking the public for their liberal patronage, we solicit a continuance of t h e same. YUNGBLUT & DEI+ SIERT, Zurich, Ontario. ORDERED WORK. We always carry a well assorted stook of steel tire and rubber tire buggies, in different styles of trimming and painting. We pay particular attention to work or- dered by an intending purchaser, and we feel certain we can turn out a job that will be satisfactory. We use nothing but first class material in constructing our rigs. Our products have stood the test Repair Department We are prepared to do repairing r.f all kinds satisfactorily and prom- ptly. Get your buggy repainted It will look better and last longer Give us a call. F. Hess & Son, Zurich o Ontario. CAN AD'S GREATEST NURSERY wagers a LOCAL SALESMAN for Zurich To sell High Class Nursery Stock in Fruits and Ornamentals. Largest list of New ,SPEOTALTIES ever offer- ed. START Now .Ar Tms th.sr SELLING SEASON. Big inducements, Liberal Bay, Handsome Free Out- fit, Territory Reserved.. • Write for Terms and 0atalogrie and send. 25 cent, for our Alnntinurn Pocket Microscope (magnifies 4,1 times)1 and 50 cents for our Handy Saw, just the;rimming trees (cuts iron as well as wood). Stone eg. Wellington, voisTTiIL1, NURsERTa ()vial SOO AC? is Toronto Ontario! .. .. Ring Up :: o: Nov Ti THE ine Or THE YEAR To BUY A RTNc+. Yell WILL TT:;?) TTs sit= -ALL SIZES AND PRICES : Gold Only . laramatiwialimantraizrarisTiaciiiifivirrirsiegrafithliimm F. W. HESS = Jeweler ZURICI-I - - . - Ont. A good fresh Milch cow for sale. Apply to C. Fritz, Zurich, Father Stroeder is spending the week at the retreat at Sandwich.. Ed. Appel is spending a few 'weeks at Hamburg with relatives, Mrs. Krauslcopf, of Dublin, visit- ed relatives in this- vicinity last week. Mr. Hy, Weber, the tailor, left last week for Galt where he will spend a few months. Mr. Stroeder and two children, of Dinancrton, were guests at the parsonage over Sunday. Miss Tillie Snaith, of Detroit, is spending a few weeks at her home on the Goshen Line south. N. Foster, Sr., is visiting rela- tives in Teeswater, Mildmay and Formosa for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. S. Dietrich of Mt. Carmel visited at the home of the litters parents here last Sunday. Miss Lily Ortwein of Hensall is the guest of her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. C. Wagner, this week: Chas. Greb last week completed the repairs on his barn. Ho has given it ' a thorough overhauling and now has a stable that is very neatin appearance, and the inside is so arranged so as to make every,. thing handy. Dr. OVENS, M. D., London, Surgeon, eye, ear and nose, will bo at the Queec's Hotel, Hensen, on Thursday, Aug. 9th. Hours 4.30 p. M. to 9 p. m. Glasses properly flitted for relief of failing vision; Gestrain, headaches, etc. Deafness and nasal catarrh treated. 23tf Good progress on the walk to the fair grounds has been grade during the past two weeks. The low place along Mr. Galster's land has been filled in with clay, and a coat of gravel put on top. The walk will remain thus until next year, when the cement work will be done. This will give the ground plenty of time to settle. Not less than 25,000 men will, it is estimated, be required to harvest this year's wheat crop in the Cana- dian West. Where are the men to come from, asks the Weekly Sun, with all the available labor is sight ,actively employed in railway con- struction. The situation would be greatly relieved if both harvesting and threshing outfits could move freely from south to north follow- ing the ripening of grain. A snake in the grass or on the road is an unpleasant sight and makes the average person shudder, but when one is found in the kitc- hen curled up on the washstand and making itself quite at home. it is enough to make the hair of a person stand on end, especially a woman's. This was the ease in one of the homes in our village a few days ago. His snakeship was found in the kitchen. curled up beside the washbowl on the washstand, and seemed to be quite at home. It was, however, speedily despatched with the aid of a hay fork by one of the men, and the women folks have now quite recovered from their scare. That this section of Ontario is the garden of Canada has long been a settled fact., and a drive through the country at present time will prove it conclusively. The crops are all that can be expected, and the farmers are indeed in a happy frame of mind. As an instanee of the crops grown in this part, Mr. Wm. Dawson, of Stanley township, brought a stalk of spring wheat to this office a few days ago which measured over six feet in length, Another instance of the spiel growth this spring was shown to us on Monday. it being a rhubarb leaf, which me asnred three feet across. This grew on Matthew Westlake's farm also in Stanley, FOOTBALL On Thursday evening, Tune 25th, I1U' football team went over to Orediton for a friondlsr game and got rcvengP on the team of that place by defeating them by one i goal to none on their own grounds. The game. lasted one hour and was hara fo fight thron„,Thout. Neither side s needled in scoring in the first half. the Zurich lads scoring when only one minute of time to t play \vas left. Tho field upon which the game was played was partly ' covered with grass, about two feet High, but for this our boys would have made a. bigger score. Crediton has a good team but they are not fast enough for ear lads, The Zurich team lined up as follows; Forwards, Koehler, Johnston, Waren, Canier- ott, 'Holtzman ; Half -backs,- Shop-. pard, McLeod, McGavin.; Backs, Rennie, Gallintin ; Goal, Hunter, Sir.. "Gtr, Jarrott, as referee, gave satisfaction to • all. On July 2nd, • the junior team went to Hayfield, and played the juniors •of Bruce- field a game, which resulted in a tier 1 to 1. The boys putt up a good game, considering that one of their best men wets laid out at the•begin. ping of the second half.. Miss Brown of Orediton visited at J. Preeter's on Saturday and Sunday. Mr, Ed. Greb. of Kalamazoo, Mich:, is spending a few weeks at his home here. • Miss Tillie Kilber of Listowel is visiting relatives and friends here fora few weeks. 1<iessrs. .Alf. and Ed. Peine of London visited relatives and friends here over the lst. Mrs.: S. Rennie and family are spending a few weeks at their cot- tage at Grand Bend. John Dumart returned to town on Monday after a visit to Berlin. Toronto and Niagara District. Services were held in the ,Town Hall last Sunday eveiniug, owing to the repairs being made to the Evangelical ohnrch. Next Sunday the services will again be held in .the Hall, beginning at 7 p. 4-921 Those who would like to give any special prizes in any department at the Hay Branch Agricultural Socie- ty's Fair in September, should ac- quaint the Secretary, D. S. Faust, with the particulars so the prizes can be entered in the Prize List now being printed. Mr. F. W. Hess received his motor boat last Saturday.. The boat is constructed of steel, is 16 feet long and is very neat in appearance. It is fitted out with a two horse power gasoline motor and when going at full speed can glide through the water at about •sight miles an hour. Mr. Hess will use it on the lake and also on the river at the ,Pinery." In reply to a question, The coun- try Gentleman recommends copper- as to drise awav rats. Pulverize and throw plentifully about where the rats •go ; also about their holes. it is supposed to make their feet sore. Freshly -slaked lime has the same effect. Somebody may find this suggestion worth trying, though, for our part, we have greatfaith in cement fioors and cats. .We have frequently been asked if Mr. Whitney's new pro- visions relating to school teachers'. salaries became lay. Yes, they were passed in the Hones on the 14th -of May, and there is one pro- visi.oi that should not be overlook- ed.. Teachers making engaemments must do so under the provisions of the act, and if they engage at a lower salary than the assessment of their section justifies, the In- spector- is compelled to suspend their certificate. This applies to teachers who nra,ke engagements for the balance of 'this year also. Clinton New Era, memorial is to be erected to the author of "The Maple Leaf." A simple one was at first desired, to be ere=cted in the school in Toronto in which he luta endeared himself to tunny pupils. The idea has taken hold now, and it is quits possible that a substantial monument may be erected in Queen's Park, Toron- to. Whether the plan is carried ont or not, Alexandrr Muir has already- built lreadybuilt for himself "a. monument more enduring, than brass." Cana- dians have written better poetry than "The Maple Leaf," but few of them have succeeded in estab- lishing themselves so in the hearts of tete nation, and especially of the nation's .ehildren.—Woodstock Ex- press, HENSi4LL. We understand that D. Cante- len has again accepted an engage- ment with McQuillan & Everett of Toronto and will superintend their apple buying operations in Western Ontario during the coning season, for this he will receive a salary of $$2500. Mr, Cantelon always has an eve for the indications especially as applied to the tipple crop and said last evening that the prospects for both fall and winter apples are good. F. J. Graham attended. the funer- al of his mother at Montreal last week, Mrs, Ety. Cook visited her sister at Detroit for afew clays last week. Mrs, R. Bonthrnn visited her daughter at Barrie last week. Mrs, (Rev.) Hart and fancily ar- rived here Iast week. They were welcomed by a nnmbor of the members of the Kippen circuit congregation. Miss Mattie Ellis, who has been teaching at Harrow, has returned hone: ` She will have chnrge of Miss Doan's room after the holi- days, Mr, B,obt. Twitchell has moved to Seaforth, where he has secured a position in the shoe factory being established there. T. Kealy has moved into Mrs. Pengallies house. Rev, 11r Doherty left last week fol: a holiday trip through the West. Rev, lir: Toll preached for the first timo last Sarniav He made a very favorable impfession. Soinethhig New. We have added to our stock a fell line of Cistern and Force Pumps. Anything in the line of Cistern,. House, Well or Stock Pumps. Just in a large shipment of Graniteware. The finest and most perfect we ever had. We make a specialty of Galvanized Iron Roofs fletallie Ceiling I'letallic Siding l✓avetroughing Galvanized water tanks Furnace Work. Lining Water Troughs Sole Agents For Sherwin= iiiiams !''aikts R,iWiabie Barn Door Hangers eeriess Fencing A. Char! Sw.rth & Sine Hardware Merchants Zurich.. ,(t :M<Ct.4+v T• ,t Gid chic t3 5.0. `a w AS �•� OSS for WEAR. SU ME ("NUR line of Wash Goods for summer wear is the most complete we have ever had in stock We bought them with the view of satisfying our numerous customers, and consequently have a large range of colors and patterns to choose from They are just the thing for hot weather and picnic suits. Call and see these goods. Pure White Linen firey Linen Silk Finished .Prints Fancy Kingcouri tinghanls Mercerized hinghams in small checks. NOBBY STRAW HATS. E have the correct shapes for summer wear. A big as- sortment at prices to suit the pocket book. The time to buy is now, be:- fore e=fore the sizes are broken. fi The People's Store = = Zurich. .:YefAIrc, j; C ..:7 T EIB'Sx,AR ARE he edr. Carload of best PORTLAND CEMENT now in stock, Price $2.25 pe, barrel, cash. Screen Doors from 75cts up Granite dippers 10c & 15cts 12 dz tin " 100 for 5c ea Galv fence staples 4cts a ib Wire Falls, base $2.25 per 100 lbs. Best outside paints $1.50 a gallon. Team Harness from' upwards - Sin le Harness e8 and up Gasoline and Coal Oil stoves from $3.50 upwards, Best 12 ft iron gate $5. cash 25.00 Leave your orders for GOLD] MEDAL Twine. We are sole agents for Zurich and no one else. See us for your Eavetroughing. ' Fencing at Special Prices. No one can undersell us. FLUpa Awich.