HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1906-07-13, Page 8I CUT OF "IMPERIAL" PUMPING WINDMILL Outfit which won the CHAMPIONSHIP OF THE WORLD against 21 American, British and Canadian manufacturers, after a two months' thorough trial. Made by GIOOLD, SHAPLEY 21 FIUIR CO. LIMITED, Brantford. Canada. Perfection That Terrifies, (Pittsburg Dispatch.) Illinois alarms to have a schoolgirl who for twelve years has never missed a clay et school, never failed in her lessons, never talked back to the teacher and never fell short of high marks in her ex- amirrations. If she maintains) that per- 'fection till she reaches woinanihood. her husband is to Ile pitied. Wilson' s FLY, S Three hundred times bet- ter etter than sticky paper. NO DEA© FLIES LYING ABOUT Void by all Druggists and General Stores and by mail. TEN CENTS PER PACKET FROM ARCHDALLE, WILSON, 1mii ILION, ONT, Sleep. •:w,.;l pin h •:Ire. ..!l:•ep if, :t. b nity remedy. Try 1:3 slacp ern eogelar lidera Dene put iliig leepintoe late• lit•. el y steel) is eaid'to come 'before nai.dilight, ij' t ..s anLl mothers with never-ending duties should take afternoon naps. Much insomnia might be avoided by accustoming oneself to regular hours. When retiring very weary a warm sponge bath, followed ley a glass of hot mi11c, slowly sipped. is often efficacious. Those who get little or no exerrise will find a few gymnastics beneficial. These should be taken before an open window after the light is turned out. ETTER THAN SPANKING Spanking does not cure children of bed-wetting. There is a constitutional cause for this trouble. Mrs. S. M. um - niers, Box 8, Windsor, Ont., will send free to any mother her successful home treatment, with full instructions. Send no money, but writs; her to -day if your children trouble you in this way. Don't blame the child; the chances are it can't help it, This treatment also cotes adults and aged people troubled with urine difficulties by night or day. Victory of Push and Publicity. Push has made American men what they are to -day. It is the great Ameri- can spirit condensed into a monosyllla- b1e. Hand in hand with push goes pub- licity es a motive power toward suc- cess. The two ars so close that it is dif- ficult to know them apart. The man of push is a champion of publicity. If he has a good thing he wishes the public to know about it. If he has goods to sell there must be push and .publicity if he would convert these goods into income. What is the use of having the goods to sell if no one knows of tlhe t? How are the buyers to be found? Push and pub- licity will provide the articles to be sold end the persons to buy them. Push and publicity are the antidotes of stagnation and starvation. 6 Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. London's Annual Misseeg List. No fewer than 20,000. persons are re- ported missing in London every year. Only about one-fifth of those missing persons are ever accounted for. The °there disappear from friends forever, Many of them are "wanted"- by the po- liee,'which explains why they do not re- appear. Many leave London. SCOTT'S EMULSION serves as a bridge to carry the weakened and starved system along until it can find firm support in ordinary food. Seail for free sample. SCOTT & EOWNE, Chsmesrs,•"N Toronto, Ontario. sec. and $r.00 i sir druggists. Tell the Cook. To rub tough meat with O. cut lemon, To use tender (boiled asparagus tips for a nice omelette. That lemon and orange peels are fine for flavoring sauces, To squeeze the juice of an orange and grate a little nutmeg in the lemonade just before pouring ib into the glasses. To add a few drops of vinegar to the water for poached eggs, to rnake trhesn set properly and keep the white from spreading, That stewed tamatoes, grated cheese and a couple of finely -chopped boiled sausages is a fine sauce to serve with fried eggs. That fresh eggs taken from the shell and boiled in half a pint of sweet cream and seasoned with pepper and salt, form a delicious breakfast dish. They should only cook two minutes in the boiling cream. To try heating the dry coffee before pouring on the water. That fried sweet apples are excellent for serving with liver or kidneys. To use bacon fat for frying chicken or game, That stale cake may be served with brandy sauce for dessert. To steam stale rolls, or a stale loaf of bread, until fresh and warmed through, before serving. That a squeeze of lemon improves scrambled eggs, and it should be added while they are cooking. Sunlight Soap is bettor than other soaps, but is best when need in the Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight Soap end follow directions. o •g. FINGER -NAIL BITING. A Bad Habit and How It Was Stopped in One Case. This is a deplorable habit. It is one that children should never be allowed to form. It may require watchful care on the part of the mother to correct it. An old remedy is to rub the finger-tips with bitter aloes. Here is a much pleasanter remedy by which a little girl was cured, and which I can heartily recommend. This little girl had been scolded and punished with no effect; she declared she could not help it. It happened that she earnestly desired to be the possessor of a gold ring, and this suggested the cure. She was promised that if she did not bite her finger nails for six months she should have the ring. It seemed very hard at first and many discouraging "forgets" made it necessary to "beetn"r all over again, At la>t it proved effective; she found she could help biting thein; and she soon 7,:+o time lir„all of the improved appear - awe of hor hand. Eire You 5UFE Ef from bad blood—with irritated or diseased skin— nervous system out of order— tcmach clamed ; ifs you are anaemic --with cold heads and feet— palpitation—shortness of breath— f TRADG NARK REGISTERED. remedies will soon set you right—made to wort: together, healing the soreness on the skin, while gem to the root of the trouble and cleansing the blood. Mira Ointment and Mira Tablets. each 50c. a box. Mira Blood Tonic, $1.00 a bottle. At druggiets—or from The Chemists' Coe of Canada, Limited, Hamilton—Toronto. A Mere Idea. Christian Scientist—How is your fa- ther, Johnnie? Johnnie—Very sick. "Oh, you mustn't say that, he only thinks he is.” A week later. C. S.—How is your father to -day, Johnnie? Johnnie—He thinks he's dead.—Trans- lated for Tales from "Le Hire." Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gents,—I cured a valuable hunting dog of mange with M[NARD'S LINI- MENT after several veterinaries had treated him without doing him any per- manent good. Yours, etc., WILFRED GAGNE, Prop. of Grand Central Hotel, Drum- mondville, Aug., 3, '04. WOOD MADE FROM PEAT. Artifical Preparation Well Suited ger Outdoor Work. Frequent attempts have been made to use peat as raw material for the manu- facture of artificial wood. The ma- tagriad must, for this purpose, be fully vlUuced to a fibrous condition, so as to produce a mealy mass. This mixture is mixed, with an emulsion of plaster of peris and water, and is subjected for considerable time to heavy hydraulic pressure in moulds.then artificially dried, polished and oiled, painted and varnish- ed. Another process is to wash the peat, without destroying its natural fibrous state, and to mix the resulting moist mass with a mixture of hydrated lime and an aluminum compound and press it in molds for a short time in the moist state, after which the resulting plates are allowed to harden in the ear. The resultant produet needs only a compara- tively low pressure, and this for only a short time; and is then set out to dry in the air. The artificial wood thus pro- duced is not hygroscopic, and in Order to nee it for open-air work needs no Painting or further impregnation. LAST MOMENTS OF DICKENS. As Touchingly Described by His Daughter. Mrs. Perugini, Dickins' daughter, gives in the Pali Mall Magazine a touching de- scription of the last evening of her fath- er's life: "Ile bade me stay with him for a lit- tle, as he had much to say. Ile was silent, however, for some minutes after this, resting his head upon his hand, and then he began talking of his own affairs, telling me exactly how he stood in the ,world, and speaking, among other things, of `Edwin Drood,' and how he hoped that it might prove a suocess—if, please God, I live to finish it! "I must have turned to him, startled by his grave voice, for he put his hand' upon my arm and repeated: `I say, if, because, you know, my dear child, I have not been strong lately." Again he was silent, gazing wistfully through the darkened windows, and then in a low voice spoke of his own life, and many things that he had searcely ever men- tioned to me before. I was not surprised, nor did it seem strange at the time, that he should be speaking thus; but what greatly troubled me cams the manner in which he dwelt upon those years that were gone by, and never, be- yond the one mention of `Edwin Drood,' looked to the future. He spoke as though his life were over and there was not- ing left. And so we eat on, he talking, and I only interrupting him now and then to give him a word of sympathy and love, The early summer dawn was erceping into the conservatory before eve went upstairs together and I left at his bedroom door." $1,000 PILE CURE. A Thousand Dollar Guarantee goes with ev- ery bottle of Dr, Leonhardt's Hem -Road. George Cook, St. Thomas, Ont., writes:— "Dr, Leonhardt's Hem -Road cured me of a very bad case of Piles of over ten years' standing. i had tried everything but got no permanent cure till I used Hem -Road. I had Blind and Bleeding Piles, and suffered every- thing. Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Roid cured me perfectly." Hem-Roid removes the cause of Piles, $1.00. All dealers, or The Wilson -Pyle Co., Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont, His First Illness, An esteemed Perthshire minister was recently visiting a burly parishioner suf- fering from the "Mullygrubs" or "Effie Lindsay." The strong roan was intensely irritated by being attacked by disease, and'lie greeted the minister thus: "Seel, Mess John, I thocht ye wad never come. I ken ye are busy wi thinkin' whatna fresh notion yt, can gie huz on the Saw - bath, and I ken ye inaun dig yer brains —as I jaloose--by reading a' the bit l:ookies ye can come by to hae a crap o' profitable notions for a body. Sit ye door, sir, in the big chair, and, Jenet, gie Mr. Bottedhead a° whang o' gouda cheese, a souple scone, an' the grunds o' the greybeard. The bite -and sup will keep his beast; purr stock. Noo, sir, it's baith lamentable and awfae, but this is the first illness I have ever had in a' my born days. I tell ye, • my first ill- ness!" "Well," replied the minister, in a voice meant to be pungent, "I most earnesty hope it may be your last ." POTTED MEAT NOT PRESERVED. Manufacturers' Association and Sanitary Inspector So Report. The following extracts from reports of the National Manufacturers' Asso- ciation and Inspector Hedrick, Sanitary Inspeetor of the city of Ohicago, refute the sensational charges made against the canned meat packers: Our investigation of the Canned and Potted. Meat part of the packing indus- try showed that the methods cased make the ,use of preservatives unnecessary, and indicated that no preservatives or artificial coloring is now used by the Canned Meat packer, The meat is first partially cooked in large kettles, bhen the fat and bone is trimmed off and the meat packed into tine. The air is then. withdrawn wibh vacuum pumps and the cans sealed in vacuum. Next they are opt into large cookers, where the cooking process is ftn- ished. In the packing of soma products it is necessary that the cans be reopened and the steam allowed to escape, the vent hole being 3,lnmediately resealed while the goods are hot, so as to retain the vacuum. The entire process is quite similar to that used by the family cook svlhen put- ting up fruits and vegetables, except that meats axe sealed in tin cans instead of being put in glass jars. We found that the solder in making the cans and in sealing 'chem is all placed on the out- side of the can and does not Doane in contact with the contents. We were informed that much of the cause for complaint in canned meats was because of 'the mistaken idea tthat the goods would keep in perfect condition after thery had been •opened. This would: be the fact if they were preserved with chemicals, but as they are only kept in condition because of being sealed in vac- uum tins they spoil just as readily as fresh meats do after they have been opened and: exposed to the air, but will keep indefinitely if the can cis not punc- tured, It is also a. well-known sefC'n- tii£ie fact, that decaying meat generates a gas which twill explode any package Which is hermetically sealed. Sanitary Inspector Hedrick submitted to Commissioner Whalen his anallysis of conditions in the Libby, M>aNe111. & Libby plant. He found "with reference to gen- eral conditions, that the floors, (halls„ stairs, tittles, etc., are kept clean," and "that the entire department—iviewed frosu our standpoint—wars in a satiisfac- toiy condition. All workrooms are light, and have good Ventilation." ei�ielrlrtwswlTstir+ I ��esserorrww -- i�sEsss illG :Ni:JFr91 ' ea �•n a I e,l . ,q..,,,,!.. . , f4 1 ? `. , 'fee.- +"x' '' : ite M 1 5 0 0 © t .. eaeiS."1 ° � ,A.:� .',113 L6*'4,ft;� t,itE sane ' ; i?i f U.b I WILL De PAID OY ,,, rt„ I, • 00 is EVER BROTHERS LIMITED. *eRONTO.ONT HuAti NTEED PERFECTLY PURE, GEN UIelE,&, rOANV PER3ON wHOCAN PROVLIWAT FREE FROM ADULTERATION AILDEAlERS.nc TN,S SOAP OONTNNe WHY rano, Or AUTHORtzeo TO RETURN PURCHASE MONEY OULTe RATION WNATOOEYLR Ow xrA,NaAHYIN.,ua,ouscHiInICALe TO.AHYONE FINDING CAUSE FOR COMPLAINT, nl ••s�esl�si st��a. 1 r> Your Money Refunded by the dealer from whom you buy Sun- light Soap if you find any cause for complaint. Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way, $5,000 reward will be paid to any person who proves that Sun11ghbSoap contains any injurious chemicals or any form of adulteration,. • Equally good with hard or soft water. t9 , R58 Lever Brothers) Limited. Toronto What's in a Name? Are you just a little ecentric, or are you a crank? Does your daughter have an admirer or a beau? Do you draw a salary or get wages? Do you keep a maid or a hired girl? Is your daughter's name Mary or Marie? Does your son call you governor or pa? Did you have influenza or the grip? Have you accepted a position, or did you finally sand a job? ' Have you taken apartments, or have you rented a four room flat? Are you taking a vacation or were you laid off? Do you wear half hose or just plain socks?—The Show. Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. STORY OF SLEEPYTOWN. (Detroit Free Press) 1 I'm just a little girl of 6, But still I have a beau; He comes to see me every night When all the children go. He takes me on his knee and tells A lot of pretty stories About the fairies in the woods, Who live in morning glories. He tells me tales of kings and queens \Vho loco all little girls. And says that I'm a queen myself, With crown of golden curls. He takes me riding on his knee As far as London town, And tells me all about the eights As I go up and down. And then be says it's time that we To Sleepytown should go; Y kiss my papa then because, You see, he is my beau. I never have seen Sleepytown, Although I've been quite near; Because when I wake I find That I've been sleeping here. Oa♦ Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, eta, e-. Just After Commencement. (Lippincott's) "Are you going to take your son into busi- ness with you?" Not now. I'm going to wait until he has far gotten all he's been taught," 7; The Hired Man Again, From all parts of the country comes word that the hired man has it his own way, even to eloping with the farmer's daughter. ISSUE NO. 28, 1906 MISCELLANEOUS. ENVELOPE BARGAINS 60e 1,000 up in quantity, size 1, 2, 8, 6, 7, 8. Gold point fountain pens 66c. W. R. ADAMS, Toronto, Ont. Mra. Winslow's Soothing :Syrup should al- ways be used for children teething. It soothes the child, soothes the gums, cures wind colic said is the beat remedy for Diar- rhoea- rugel DEB. LE\ROY'S FEMALE PILLS A safe, sure nod reliable monthly regula- tor. Those Pills have been used in Franco for over Arty years, and found Invaluable for the purpose designed, and aro guaran- teed by the makers. Enclose stamp for Sealed circular. Price eI.QO per box of et' y man. securely sealed, on receipt of price LE ROY PILL CO., Bax , Ilamilton, CR.mv;ia. Where Mini You Go This Summer? If you desire rest and recreation, why not try • "The River St, Lawrence Trip?" Folders descriptive of the Thousand Islands. Ratids, Montreal, Quebec, Murray Bay, Ta- dousao, the far famed Saguenay River, eta, on application to any railroad or steamboat ticket agent. For illustrated guide, "NLLGARA TO THE SEA," send six cents in postage stamps to l3. Foster Chaffee, Weatorn Passenger Agent. 'oronto. Her Tendency. 1 +;hg.+1"' (New York Sun.) Knicker--How do the Henpecks get along? Docker—He says she is a sociologist— hunts up all his bad points and won't look at his good ones. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. Diplomacy. Mrs. Snveker—How did you persuade your husbandcoun- try? to send you to the cou ry Mrs. Bocker I suggested staying in town on anoint of the lovely bargains in the sthops. Drain ;; ® 1sass®rrka That poselotts r+e oigd'. le a veaat 'e core for all femme dheaages. Write ter •es rm oiroct}ar and free eesnpte, R. S. McGILL, Shame, Ont. 1 Farmers and Dairymen Wheel roe rre4eire • Tnb, Pall, Wash Basin or Milk Pan Adk poor Bavoen bas E. B. EDDY'S FIBRE WARE ARTICLES You will find they give you satis— faction every time. THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE Insist on being supplied with EDDY'S savory time9 tP ijOuifi61,464J tlktlrtk �, t1.4'!C �r, seseetroseeeetWalleasnearasftessed MEN OIILDIN B OC , MACHINE Pattenated MM. 77>e. nnaohine ie simple, handy and easily oper- Ated, Why pay Duey prices for u Block Ma- dhinlm when you gnuimy thisiiiixz�ip and outfit st a iittiderate testi §end bo41kls0 rr'lcss,, 04 R dei, dij1omi gliblaia4 11111344141 gilt U. 140lii. BE a 00118HTY, Patentee, Waterford, Ont,