HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1906-07-13, Page 4LEGAL CARDS. COOKE, BARRISTER AND SO- lieitor, Notary Public, Honsall, Ontario, At Zurieh (Zellor's office) ovory Mon- il0.v. rROUDFOOT, HAYS A BLAIR, I3AR- risters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc,, Godericll, Canada. W. Proudfoot. K.C. R. C. Hass. O. P. Blair. BUSINESS CARDS. - BOSSENBEm Y, LICENSED ADC- tioneer for Hurn ,canis, roarpecrtfully solicits the patronage of those who in - :,end having sulcal. Satiaifaetiou guar- iatsed. • OR. P, A. SELLfF Y, DENTIST, ( A.- duatar of' the Royal College of Deutal Surgeons, Toronto, .;Iso Mono:• gradu- ate of Depertiae.e elf Dentistry, atry, To- ronto Uxaiveaaiity, Painless extraction • of teeth. Pluto we s. spec iatity. At Dominion 11mse, -.rich, every ton - day, 1-2d E. ZELLER, CONVEYANCER EYANCEi ANT) Notary Pnbltc. 1'e (ed 8, Mortgages, Wills and other Legal Documents care- fully -and promptly ) reparud. (Vice -- Zeller brook, Zur:',1., Ont. elle a99°ii. The Zurich Heragd 4 ;� E ILA $+3 COLTIITY NEWS, e rt-sLIst21u) BY 1u. ZELL U1. 4-3.42.14-+1.-4,-4-31,0434-49.4& i ^ •'€f' -e S4* FRIDAY, JULY 13, 1906, A BUSINESSMAN'S ENDEAVOR,. To be joyous in my work, mode rate in my pleasures, chary in My cionilden„es, faithful in my friend ships ; to ho enorgetio but not ex citable, enthusiastic. hut not fana- ticai ; loyal to the truth as I see it; brit ever open-minded to the newer light : to abhor gush a>,s I would profanity, and to haste cant as I wonld a lies: to be careful in .iny promises, punctual in Iny engage- ments, candid with myself and frank with others ; to discourage shams eyed rejoice in all that is beautiful and tree: to t.a my work and live my life so that neither shall require drfon *e nor apology ' to honor no One shnply because. rich or famous, and despise no one because li t rn Leo or poor ; to he gnosis and r. lneel rate toward the weak. respect;: nl ret ;;cit -respecting toward tho grout, courteous. to all, flhti(•''L lens to none ; t) seek wisdom from great books and inspiration froru „fond risen ; to invigorate my mind with no1ilo thoughts as I (lo my body with sunshine and fresh air: to prize all sweet Human friendships .?ships and seek: to make at least elle home happy ; to have charity for the erring. sympathy for the sorrowing, (•1 -tear for the despondent; to be indifferent to children of the some mother.'. Dr. Shoop ;s Rheumatic Remedy when used faithfully will react chronic and dfficult cases hereto fore regarded its incurable by phy sicians and is the most reliable pre scription known to clean out an completely remove every vestige o rhetunatio'poison from the blood Sold b, J J.Merner. Warden Speakman of Exeter was in Clinton the,nthpr day arranging the transfer of several bank ac- counts of the inmates of the House of Refuge to the fund for their support and maintenance. The rums transfereed ranged from *130 to $500 making in all a total of nearly $2000, Women with weaknesses shonl(l never forget Dr Shoop's Night Cure This magic -like local treatment, is nsf.d at beat-tit:e all night while the system is et rest, it is constant- ly bonding up the weakened tissues soothing• -tele i:j` a used and sensitive serfs CSP`+ arr.i::#ti'('1 surely dean up all catarrbel and local troubles. Sold by jJ Merner. ()n Tuesday night of last creek thieves effected an. entrance to Hardy is Son's provision Store, Exeter, by means of a cellar win- dow and carried away a quantity of cheese, biscuits, cigars, pipes, tobacco and other articles, togeth- er with a valise Mr. Hardy used for keeping his insTiz'ance papers in. the papers being left strewn on the floor. Dr Shone)': Restorative brings lasting relief in Stomach, Kidney and Heart troubles through the in- side nerves. No platter how the nerves beeunie impaired this reme- dy will rebnild their strength, will restore their vigor. Remember it sloes no good to treat the ailing or- a»—the irregular heart. the rebel - ions stonlucll, diseased kidneys. hey are not to blame.. (moo back to he nerves that control them—treat he e use --'isle a remedy that cures i)roneh the inside nerves. Sold by i Mornei',. An I,nfortu:Iate shooting affair cola p'at'e at Kingsbridge in .Ash- tewrishie a few evenings iteei. )n that (la v ,he marriage of John alton und firs :nanny 1Ioss was elel)rated at Kingsville. In the vening there were festivities at ZURICH BYAeS .,AND HAS BI.4:EN re -organized a;:: is now prepared to furnish first-elv,:' rvl•rric for all kinds of amusements For -erns appy to or write F. W. Hess, :3r •'y -'term~., Zt:rielt, INSURANCE. ANDERE\ }1F.$S "'VISION COURT CLERK. Village .t x1 Farm Property. insured. All the ::>adiug Companies I represented, Ager...) for Accident and . Sickness Insurance. The saw , mill of the Goderieh Lumber CO, was destroyed by fire on Tuesclay. Loss $15,000. The power, bylaw, voted on in Goderich on 1Wionday, ` passed, 3(5 voting for and 241 against. The by -lav voted on by the rate- payers of Blyth to ?oar: the Step. henson Carriage Co. $1.0,000, was carried by a majority of 157. D. Oanteloiri of Clinton has ace ept ed an engagement with 1l.cQuillan &4a Everott of 'Taranto, and will superintend thein• alpple buying operating in Western Ontario dur- ing the•coming'season, A Perfect Bowel Laxative for constipation, •sallow complexion. dizziness, sour stomach, coated, tongue, bilir)ltsness. Lax ets act promptly, without pain or griping. Pleasant to take—Lax•et5--unit ;i cents. Sold. ny J, J. Merner. A happy event took place on Wednesday, Jung 27th, in Toronto, when .john A.' McGregor formerly of `Tuekernlith, was united in mar- riage to Mi,s Jennie 11£eOloy, (:)f Milburn New Ontau,io, and recent- H ly of Henson, elder t daughter of Mr. Weil Maeloy. Francis D. Tetreau of Grand Bence, although only 137 years of age, has 60 descendants, consisting of eight children, 60 grandchildren ��'' and two great grandchildren. A fila peculiar feature is the fact that the Bret and fiftieth grandchildren are FU NITURE For Lawns and Yerand Our designs are up-to-date. Reed and Rattan Goods, Stcarncr Chairs and Law Croquet. a aid gall HARNESS For an up-to-date single Harness this is the .'place. Dusters, Fancy Rugs, Trunks, and Valises. WELL, _ _ = Zurich, Onto he i` id and Reliable aIbfleilsch's Saw & Planing Mils.... noon, helpful to some. friendly cri s.h a::: to leu vie the world a little )etter off because of me ; and to eave it when I must, bravely and ,heerfnlly, with faith in God and good will to all my fellow men— bis shall be my endeavor.—J. H. Tewksbury, in The Worcester OOD FI1!'TY-els'RE FARM for sale. Magazine. The north half Lot 25, Con. 12, Huy. Ali cleared, :;::h good overflowing j GIVE THE FARM A NAME. wells, large brick ho :=e and largo bunk "`it�ll leave� FOR SALE.1 barn. rr ase. _t'e}.QJon ja•errrt es ,1i .� 4 per cent interest. ?.p.1ly to 1<roderiek Heckman, Mitchell, _.. 1L Yeller, Zurich. i;) f ' ACRES of land for sale, being the Ad North half c':f 'tis Mast half of Lot Eleven, in tbo Eighth c.aneey-:ion of Hay, the property of t he late Jacob C. i;inger- ich, For further j:at•}.:cuiarn appyy to the ea:4cattors, h'.w.k' yc°_wart:ont Uhor or Jolla L. Gerber, Blake, P. O. 3843npd AUC;9"J0119 SAm E•ee notion Sale of thou/.ehoid furniture merchandise etc., aL• Dushtr'oon, on Saturday, .7ulyr ea 'h,; ,.t one o'clock. E. 13oa:teiiberry, auctioneer; L:'Siphon, prop- rietors TOOK. TirL'. 1iTF:I.L tC.-..a SPn1,1,ro1i Young Orchard Willow 'F1.l1 stand for service at thn farm of Alonzo Fc ter Let 4, Con 9, Township ship of Hay, ands, r present seteon. II He is dark t,ay 1,r c613r, has ileus;; of muscle and le,0 0, goo,l inion, hit s sired good colt, and 1 t ..ale .e•nula. getter. J ernee 'l.'o izeeire, ... tl J, 1,:1.i:,1,:1 kt Fe;urtivary, AL -7.:411,1 -al l'aJSTER, ` Masht'l.m Line, Proprietor, !True E ai o 'true economy enables one to enjoy many luxuries of life—which the spendthrift can never hope to have. It is true economy to open a savings account in The Sovereign Dank of Canaria. Deposits el from $1.00 axed upwards received. Interest paid 4 times a year. Put your money in a place tvbere you can get it when you want it, (y . ellen r.00 till'unk ii (gaztaia. Th' namin, of the farm has been often mooted in. the press. Nor is lit all nonsense. The fact of a farm's name becoming attached to stock that is registered makes that farm recalled to the breeder's memory whenever the animal is mentioned. The large stock farmers agree on e=iWi sr nainleS t') their farms. It is the smaller fanners who fail in this. but who touted stand to gain r ivinar err appropriate name to the old farm. The produce that goes from that farm is known as its output. The live stock are known and tho strains recognized. Bat apart front the utility side, the idea is ono that will increase the pleasure of country living and a ;11I3t1 a),ble pride is maintaining gond s? rrnnndirlgs Anything that Rids in upbnilding the farm homes, furthers the country's weal. What wen:d the history of the improve- ment of dome tie atninutlst he with - 'set its Sittyton, its Woodburn. i`s Waverley, its Th i:,t1ehnll, its; Maple Shade. er its Dabney- Park? Many farmers have named their places, and ;r e printed. letterheads. It is pandering to a sordid sentiment when erre, fears that his neighbors will laugh at him, A named place rI ine.,ntive to better agrieul- tt:re.--W ee1c17 Sun. W. C. T. " iiP ZArNC:E .AND THE' UNEMPLOYED. A rre.,,)on:lent says : Smile T tine ago I took from the street a t imor ; ietim of drink. He seas covcx- t r+,i 1.171•11., or clothed with, garironts t. that had en Reade for some. Other 111811, ,4:'-'1;4t deron.t enough to say he , ,,vets eevered. I fedhien, h :n.od t n .r:a)naiti:ln tittttbe lett intnxi- it eat _ y lone. He dug the garden, 7enneel harrisse and did any odd D tc 1, ? r) hi tied for him Nov fo,' c n 'Its'`•., t') shake tho business man e h f and all kinds of Building. Material. It will be to your interest to call and see me if you are going to build. It is my aura to combine good work with good material. I also do 1 wish to thank my customers for their patronage during the past year,and wish to announce that 1 ant on hand with a large stock of Hastings Brand B. C. RED CEDAR SH1 CLES n e-„ than two months he l b'n g - + ,r :himself r"S(iett one for theshoemaker) ; before three 1).a.ret s were .over 10 bought shirt, 'r :lar, tie, and hat (that's gond for A�-Manager. shit:,maker, hosier and -hatter) tion '^e pa.iel..for a snit by weekly rsta,.l' r cute (this suit made it t?oocl i2 i A i1 .Ilse , It L' S. armors if yon O'isn to cut your crop this*,•carr without trouble and annoyance .then use Gold Medal Twine it is the ,.,T11,.r tsyi11P. that . perfect. (3..Ilnrtleii) agent for Zurich. "one' ne1.'gilh )rho•>al ih et-insjCder:r'i+- 17 stirred up," said the fanner, ee he helped himself .f to . pipeful the villalgo ctliter's pulverized (:a1:. haze. "itW11111'5 the trouble?'' drier^- iotl the editor, Scoriting an item rt news. ;Noti1}-t'," answered tilt.' granger. ''Everybody's plowin% that's all." DON'T BE BACKWARD. Do not hesitate to ask for t. free sample of Chamberlain's stomach and Liver Tablets We aro glad to give them to anyone who i:a troubl- ed with biliousness, constipation, or any disorder of the 'stoniacb. Many have been permanently cured by their two, told by J. J. Merner, lr couple's new home. About idllight a charivari party put in n i1 3earanoe and JOS Hnssey, a ono r man of about 30 years, who as in the houee with the weddizig arty, went outside to quiet the Whether through ccident or carelessness, a shotgun for y„-. cone). Nnw suppose instead. .,f only one young fellow treated in this ;v:i.y we n)nttil)lied it by thous. ands, I maintain it would make it better for us all. Oust one more fact, A maul canoe •in one Friday night and said, "How innoh for half a dozen Windsor ('•1311ir , gtrvnor?'" Tour dollars," :•raid I. ''Right you are," says he, "here`s the inone•,y ; send 'ern up. 1. sant them. The following Friday he :sane in, and in the same ahrnpt. waty bought a table. On paying he looked at isle with a senile and said, "Well, I'm pleased to see you buying furniture." "Yes," said he. "I've turned up the booze," .Bravo,' said I, "I hope you'll stick to your new style." ''What, oh! rather," he said ; "chairs last week, table this, and I mean getting a new rig- out, I've fooled my money away long enough." Merchants and tradesmen can not get the money it the saloon gathers it in,—National Advocate, 1 the elands of rine of the chtarivaa.- pitrty we it of and several grains struck Huy,sey, some in' the side of the bead and some in his side. He was seriously injured but is recov- ering. Eleven arrests 1V010 made but the men are all out on bail. Ten cows, valued at i5550, were killed by lightning. on the farm of I3, Sage, near Ingersoll, on. Monday night. The animals had taken shel- ter under a tree. S. T. Bastedo, Deputy Commis- sioner of Fisheries for Ontario, hos been dismissed,' • This is the first dismissal of an Officer holding an important.position in the public service which has taken place since the new Government came in pow- er, Mr. Bastedo was charged with acting in a partisan manner. . An investigation was held before May- or 'Judd. of London, and dismissal is based on the evidence brought out. Mr. Bastedo has been 27 years in the service, CUSTOril SAIWINC and PLAIVIDDIC 'Ghopping done every Tuesday and Friday. F. Co KALBFLEISCE, Mills 14th Coed. ZURICH OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT is always stocked with fresh and first quality goods. We always insist on getting first-class goods and we see that We get then. Our Reliance Baking Powder . is the Purest and Strongest made, you need only about • - half as much as you do of the ordinary kind. A full a line of dinned goods, such as CORN ,ALM(.>N TOMATOES PEAS PEACHES PINEAPPLES BEANS OLIVES ETC., ETC Macke this the spot for pnrchasing your groceries. It will pay you. Courteous treatment to all. Our Flour and Feed Department is always stacked with the best brands of flour ---Royal Household and Star --Shorts, Bran, Pig Feed, etc. Turnip and Corn Seed at low prices. We handle the Carnefae and International Stock Foods and Louse Killer. a Ftifi }��y�7f tjq���Q`'�� i. i. m 7; u. � i7 Ya [i 'tel' . �?4 �r b ��� C� 071 1 It until tL•,, last: minot,' if yon need a Mower or I3imder. Your oil in:whiae may give oat at, a time when Voll need it i 1 most, 3 dtar1a11 )t time may be lostin re )aiing it. Better Teske su't end hna 1 new one. 1)I ERING Implements 80 ,. e - 1 c.o. tiled' lasting quallities. They are made to )ii .8a".sfacd,ut. That is why so many of them are sold. Hay Making Fools. The Hey Loader we handle i., the hest on the market, It load: rat:.el and unrakesci hay equally well. Call and see it. Iiay Rakes and Side Delivery Rakes also in stock/. Binder Twine. • Your Twine order will receive prompt attention here. We handle only the best--DEERINC I. EVERYTHING IN THE IMPLEMENT LINE. MACHINE REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS ON BAND. Pck oil, ZURICH Deering Agency Cents pays for the "Zurich Herald" to Jan , . ary, I9O7