HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1906-07-13, Page 1The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township. Vol, VI., No. 51 ZURICH, ONT., FRIDAY,JULY 13, 1906. $1. Per Year. 01(Mt 'a Q'aQ�6Ta4-04-04.04-14/7110 LOCAL NEWS. 3 e rasiaars e a ass a'aia-se e Miss Ella Moser of Blyth visited friends here over Sunday. 100 pails of cherries wanted at once. Highest price paid. C. Hart - 1 eib. • Miss Jennie Hardy of Exeter is the guest of the Misses Riokbeil this week. The weekly band concert will be given Saturday evening, weather permitting. D. S. Faust has a number of Ladies' taimmed hats which he is selling at half price. Mr. and Mrs. S. Brown of Credi- ton were the guests of Mr. and Mrs J. Preeter on Sunday last. Miss Etta Ruby of Dashwood and Mr. Scott of New Hamburg, visited at Mr. F. Witwer's on Monday. Misses Klein and Miss Nettie Melrose of Baden were visiting at Mr. Thos. Johnson's last week. Miss Freda Hess returned on Tuesday from Seaforth where she atended the Collegiate Institute. Mr. and Mrs. M. Sweitzer, and Miss Haist, of Cavalier, N. D., are visiting relatives hero at present. The Y. P. A. held their picnic at Grand Bend last Friday. The day was fine and all spent a pleasant time. Mr. William H. Smith and daughter, of Detroit arrived here Tuesday and will spend a few weeks with relatives and friends. Mr. Louis J. Kraft of Stephen recently purchated a building lot at Grand Bend, near the river, the price being $100.00 for one-eighth of an acre. His Honor, Judge Holt, County Clerk Lane and Public School In spector Tom of Goderieh, who were appointed arbitrators by the county council in the matter of changing the achooi site in S. S. No. 8, Hay, tare in .Dashwood today taking evi- deuce in'the ctise, Mr. J. J. Merner left for a trip through the western `provinces on Tuesday of last week. Mr. Merner will be gone about a month and expects to invest in more land while out there. Mrs. Merner and children are visiting at the home in Goderieh during his absence. Mr. Jacob Meirlinmer, who has made his home in Buffaln, N. Y., was brought here on Saturday, June 30th, suffering from a stroke of paralysis, and on Sunrlav death relieved Itis suffering The deceased 'was abont 07 years of age and left Zurich about 10 Verus ago. A large family of grown up sons and dangbters mmmten his loss. The remains were interred in the Catho- lic cemetery TOWNSHIP STATISTICS. The half -yearly returns of Divis- ion Registrar Hess for Hay Town- ship of births, deaths and marriag- es for the half year commencing on January 1st and ending on June 30th is es follows : Number of births registered, 34 ; deaths, 15 ; and mar- riages, 10. ThF' law regarding the registration of births, deaths and marriages is very strict at present. much more r:o than a few years, ago. and a person neglecting to at• tencl to this promptly is liable to a heavy fine. GUN CLUB SHOOT, The weekly shoots of the Gun Oltib were held on June 28th and July 5th. The interest in these shoots is very keen and the boys will soon all be carack shots. W. G. Hess got the medal at Moth matches 1 in the shoot to break the tie. The scores. Juno 2Sth. W. O'Brien 0 1 1. 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 4 P. Sipple...... 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 W.G. Ress._0011111111 T. T)eichert 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 7 E. Zeller ..0001.001.100 F, W. Hess ..... 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 8 J. P. Ran ...... 0001011000 3 H. Yungblut, ,, 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 .A. Zettel .1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 J,Trneinner,.001111 0000 4 J, Schuottler ... 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 3 July 5th. W. G. Hess 1001111011 F. W. Hess 0011010000 G. Hess ..1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 M, Moidinger. , .1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 .T. P. Rau 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 P. Sipple 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0, Frits' ..1 0 0 1. 1 1 0 1 1 0 E. Zeller .0000000001 J, Truemner...00001 01011 J, Deichert.....0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 J, Sehuctt'cr,0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 :3 4i 7 7 :3 1 4 5 3 New ads—D. S. Faust, L. Simon, Sovereign Bank. Mr. and Mas. Frecl Witwer visit- ed relatives in Crediton on Sunday last. B. Thiol and P. Withell, were the guests of Mr. C. Thiel last week. Miss Laura Hartleib visited rela- tives and friends in Sebringville Last week. Mr. Geo. Edighoffer, of the 14th eon., visited Michigan relatives last week. The automobile, owned by Gun- dry Bros., Goderieh passed through the village last Friday. Mr. Monnio Holtzman has se- cured a good position as clerk in a store at Galt and has left for that town. Dont forget to examine the white graniteware which is given away with Art.s Baking Powder at D. S. Faust's. Mrs. C. Fritz returned home on Wednesday from a few weeks visit with relatives in Mildmay and Listowel. Miss Susie Rader, who has spent the last six years in Detroit, has returned to her home at Dashwood, to spend the summer. Miss Gibson, who had cuarge of J. Preeter's millinery department the past season, returned to her home in Blyth last week. Mr. H. Randall, received a tele- gram this week, from EIniira, an- nouncing the death of his mother, she having reached the age of about 97 years. The funeral was held at Elmira. on Wednesday. ,Mr. Jas. Johnston, of near Hen - sell, met with a serious accident on Tuesday. He was unloading hay in the barn and in some way he was carried of his feet by a rope at- tached to the hay fork. In falling he struck a fork sticking in the hay which penetrated his kody, breaking two ribs and otherwise badly injating him.. His condition is grave, Here is something that is worth many dollars to every farmer to know. Sprinkle lime in your stock tank and not a particle of scum will form on the water. When the lime loses its strength scum will begin to form, which may be twice during the season. Wash out the tank and repeat the dose. It is cheap, not only harmless, but wholesome, keeps the water sweet and saves the live stock. Miss .Addie Johnson is visiting! friends in Exeter tit* week. Mr. Hamor Well has started to j learn the clerking an J. Preeter's store. .Root. Williams, of the Sovereign. Bank sta,tif, is off duly on his sum- mer holidays. D. S. Faust is buying cberries, berries, currants and gooseberries. Bring thein along. Mr. John Gillman, of the 14th con., visited relatives and friends in Pigeon, Mich., last week, Misses Nellie and Mand Turner, of Stratford, were the guests of Miss Elvina Book the past week. We are pleased to state that Mr, H. 'la eil, who is ill at the borne of J. Deichert, sr., is slowly recov er- Ing. Messrs. H. Yungblut. Jacob Dei - chert. Ferd. Floss, ".W,• H. Hoffman. 0. Fritz and W. G. Hess attended the bicycle races at Waterloo on July 2nd. In last week's issne of the Strat- ford Kolonist, Edith* J. E. Schmidt published his valedigtorp, he hav- ing sold the subscription- list and good will of his paper to Messrs. Rittinger and Mot proprietors of the Berliner Journal, Berlin. Mr. Schmidt will take the position of local editor and correspondent of the journal at Stratford and for the County of Perth .A correspondent says he tried putting red clover on bis horses instead of brancke . or twigs of trees to keep the flies, ;ekf, and to his surprise, not a fig t•bothered his team. Take commons 'red'clover in bloom, pull it fresh,: `# I'd place it on the harness between the leather on the bridle and baekband, and any where you can put a piece on it and you ; v111 be surprised to see how it keeps the flies away. It's cheap an . worth tryisys The Government's ' arise ,ement with the Canadian Bankers' As- soeiation Tor the di' tvrtation of United S# :ter silaeiti 'sityl aated on Saturday, and it is s'r 'teri in • 1,a nk= l ing circles'that the implied reason for the decision to stop furthur de- portation is that the work has made no appreciable change in the de- mand for Canadian silver. Bankers on the other hand, claim that if the work was carried on some time longer a difference would be shown. A large amount has been departed. but there will be a large inflnx of akg i g Powder Prizes., I have just received 100 prizes of white Gran- iteware which I am giving with Arts Baking Powder. Follow the list below: 1. Large white granite preserving kettle with 1 lb• Baking Powder. 2. Large white granite 6 quart pudding ass, with 1 lb. Baking Powder. 3. Large white granite wash bowl with 1 lb, Baking Powder. 4. Large white granite long•handled saucepan with 1 lb. Baking Powder. 5. A set of two. white granite lniaadir t i ens, l'- qt. and 2 qt., with 1 lb. Baking Powder. 0. Assorted set of wbite graniteware-1 email saucepan, 1 small pucldinsr pail, 1 ten inch pie plate with 1 lb. Baking Powder. White granite Set—I medium sized $aneeenn, • 1 long - handled ladle, 1 meg, with 1 iii Baking Powder. Be sere and call to see these Bargains, 113 "^ ' Yilq ./ Hot Weather Shoes. i1 G.pb 6 • D�. Q�0 Da, We have a fine line of �3hoes for 5ura:mer Wear. Our white ': a:l - vas shoes are neatly made, look dressy and are reasonable in price. -They are just the thing for com- fort .- fort and coolness. Our lines of shoes for Childrena Ladies ` antk , Moir ?are com'}'etc We have the latest styles , and offal° prices are right. Clive us a call. Good Quality—Reasonable Prices. C. FRI 11 Z, The ,SSIhioeman. foreign silver during the summer 4����0.?�`.-�o:�."��n�.% invasion of tourists. 4`•o•O•G•G,•C•d•��^,��•".�4Ci uCitry°`eye �•0 Y 11 ' + ."� tti' i , i ?i,`G" t .�;'! ,�ypr�•,+P : a 'mr M' , .,•. s, •L" � '1iw:t�': � '5 4� .. 4,vCi�tkr r{�+`' �+ klti, eFi 7w.A 3a •i a�likfa ' txe1a 4 i a . i' Pelt .V.7- t` MJ i r 0 SLE We have several nice lines, for boys from 3 to 8 years: Plain Navy Duck, trimmed with white and Sailor collar, for $ i, 75 Dark and light blue stripes with blouse, per suit 75 CENT Plain linen Goat and Pants, extra value, per- suit •••• ...., 1, 5 Also lilien Blouse and skirt, very stylish and . ser ,-iceable, per suit .... .... .... .... .... --$2. 00 end $ 2, These are the correct things for little folks during the l:ot weather. h: cossairsoes We have several lines of these, all have to go at a big cleared out. 1 line in light and darn patterns, exception -131v 0001 A al CeN � ' iley Mint be jJac>n \ Mine at... atatARD,.. .+eaves v- ., .....,,,m,,,,.o . ,m. . . nom......,.,.„ Z,...,x, .mW-rff•-.....:..,. ..M1 .,,.-t,.. .,.,.,., ...•. Our .l:1ns11ns are moving out rapidly these waria clays, L -at we;a30.1' ?1.snt t l select from. We are givil1.2; special values in 1111 the newest pi,•tterns and cloths. pp1 "sea Far, We have a full range of white and tan Hose for Ladies and Children. ---ail ,>i :tis—the ldnci body is looking for. Asllo Long White and Cream Lace Gloves at 25cts ZURI I F-giVrt ..V.12711.7 0211.11197 T E R 'EVERAL MERCHANT H T .11 Io .0141fIla 71.1111. to: i every-