HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1906-06-22, Page 88 ll PROTECTION The greatest danger to Fara. Buildings and Live Stock from wind storms is in the summer months. A polies in The liuron Weather Insurance Mutual Company insures you against loss for a few dollars yearly :. .. OFFICERS FOR 1906 R, NoaxliooTT ESQ., President, Hay P. 0. KIMLxiazAi ESQ., Viee-Pr, Dashwood. DIRECTORS: S. Baoxrxsents, - Crediton P. 0. C. H. PERKINS, - - Exeter P. 0. HENRY RAE, - Drysdale P. O. W. T. CALDW ELL, - Heneali P. 0. W. B. BATTLER, Zurich P. 0. A. G. ,GHILLIE, - Bonsai] P. 0. 0. MONTEITH, Thames Road P. 0. If there is no Director in your -vicinity send for rates etc., to E. ZELLER, SECRETARY -TREASURER Zurich, Ont. Reliable agents wanting good territory should apply at once to the General Agent G. HOLTZMAN, Zurich ZURICH Ma , t Market. We handle all kinds of fresh and salted meats in season, sau- sages, poultry, etc. etc. We are now supplying all choice cuts, at right prices, whsle the quali- ty is as good, if not better than ever. While thanking the public for their liberal patronage, we solicit a continuance of t h e same. YUP GBL W T & DEXCHERT, Zurich, Ontario. ORDERED WORK. We always carry a well assorted stock of steel tire and rubber tire buggies, in different styles of trimming and painting. We pay particular attention to work or- dered by an intending purchaser, and we feel certain we can turn out a job that will he satisfactory. We use nothing but first class material in constructing our rigs. Our products have stood the test Repair Department We are prepared to do repairing of all kinds satisfactorily and prom- ptly. (get your buggy re•paauted It will look better and list longer Give us a call. F. Hess Sz Son; Zurich - .. Ontario. CA. AD'S GREATEST NURSERY 'WANTS at LOCAL SALESMAN for Zurich To sell High Class Nursery Stook in Fruits and Ornamentals. Largest list of NEW SPECIALTIES ever offer- ed. START Now Aa.' Tina BEST SSELLIN(, SEASON. Big indllcenleiats, Libbral Pay, Handsome Free Out- fit, Territory Reserved, Write for Terms and Catalogue and send 25 cents for our ,Alunlinunz Pocket Microscope (magnifies 4e times) and 50 cents for our Handy Saw, just the erimming trees (cuts iron as well as wood). Stone c: Wellington, FONTTRILL NURSERIES OVER 800 ACRES Toronto Ontario • Ring Up die Now .Is sate Time or erre YEAR TO I:U'k A RING. T OU WILL FIND THEM TIERS -- —ALL SIZES AND PRICES Gold Only ; r P. W. MESS .ievel+r zintii;n • - . • - . tint. !. re �;�;�sK:�;: };i�k�c•;�akx:�±;Eetii•:�?k". k �E�::�:;:r'rsiti;:i:#i�� Pi LOCAL. NEWS ,Ahrens Geiger was in London, Wednesday, on business. • A. Brandt of Berlin was in the village, Wednesday on business. Mr. John Fuss visited relatives and friends in Berlin and Waterloo cast Friday, Wm. Randall and wife of Pal- merston are visiting relatives and friends here at present. Lightning clouds are always near the ground. They are seldom at a greater height than 2,000 feet, Henry Weseloh has purchased a handsome driver from Albert Heideman, paying therefor a fancy figure. Wes. Kibler, traveller for the Williams Shoe Co., Brampton, is spending a week's vacation with friends here. The Zurich Jubilee Brass Band has been engaged to play at Bruce- fleld on Tuesday evening, the 26th, for the I. 0, F. Lawn Social, A quiet wedding teas performed. in St. Boniface Catholic Church Zurich, on Thursday forenoon, when Rev. Father Stroeder united Albert Foster, son of John Foster; and Miss Lavine Bossenberry, of Dresden, in marriage. We extend best wishes. Dr. OVENS, M. D., London, Surgeon, eye, ear and nose, will be at the Queer's Hotel, Hensall, on Thursday, July 5th, Hours 4 30 p. ui. to 9 p. nn. GIasses properly flitted for relief of failing vision, Gestrain, headaches, etc, Deafness and nasal catarrh treated. 23tf DEATH OF HENRY COOK. The death of Henry Cook took place on Wednesday, June 20th, at his home in .Hensall. The deceased had been ill with stomach trouble for a long time, and although the best medical skill was procured, it was of no avail. Mr. Cook, with his sons, had successfully run the Hensall flour mills for many years, and his death is a distinct loss to the business interests of that place. Mr, Cook was well and favorably known to Many in this village and his early demise is regretted by all. The funeral takes place this, Friday, afternoon, at 2 o'clock, p. m. W. C. T. U. The members of the W. C. T. U. met at the home of Mrs. J. A. Wil- liams, Monday afternoon, June 18th at 2,30 o'clock. After De- votional exercises led by Mrs. S. Merner, the President led the Edu- cational part, the topic being "Shall Canada Banish the Cigaret- te?" In 1898 when the campaign against the cigarette was eommen• ced. people were horrified to learn that year 80 millions of those little "brain wreckers" were manufac- tured in Canada, and without one exception every year has slows an enormous increase in the consump- tion of cigarettes, until the figures for 1905 were, not 80 millions, but 250 millions or, more than three times as many as in 1897. To this appalling sum must still be added those imported and those rolled by the smokers themselves. Mrs. Stelrk of Dauphin. Man., than gave a short talk which was appreciated by all. The business followed. It was decided to take a two-nhonth's vacation, The meet- ing closed by singing "God be with you till we meet again." DIED IN PIGEON, MICHIGAN. On Sunday. June 10th, there passed away at his home in Pigeon, Mich,, Joseph Schluehter, after a prolonged illness of over a year. His illness was caused, by some affliotion of the brain but not so acute as to impair his mental facul- ties as he was in full possession of them to within a very short time of his demise. Deceased was born in Hay township, Huron county Ont. on the old home farm, being not far from the village of Zurich. When about nineteen ;gears of age he came to Michigan and settled at Bay Port and in 1881. launched into business for himself in Berne, and afterwards he started a. branch store at Pigeon which was discon- tinued, and about 8 years ago he moved .his stock to Pigeon where his business grew to considerable dimensions and he became one of the leading factors in helping in the progress and building up of the now flourishing village of Pigeon where his immediate worth is duly appreciated by his fellow towns- men, Deceased was a consistent member of the German Evangeli- cal association. His wire was :Cary Schwalm daughter of Wm. Sohwalm of Ontario, who with three sons, Renry, Arthur and William of Pigeon and four daugh- ters : Levina, (Mrs, Thos, Thier) Bernice, Lucy and 1V.faniie, (all at home,) is left to hnourn the loss of e loving husband and fatb.er. The funeral took place from his late resident Wednesday at 12 o'clock, Conducted by his pastor Rev. Frye. Interment, Caseville cemetery. The Zurich Herald. Mr. Fred Steir of Dttshwood is learning the bakery business with Mr. C. Schrag. Two brands cement Imperial $2,25 rt bbl Star $2.35 a bbl at Zurich A, Obarlesivorth & Son. 'rhe many friends of Mrs. J. 8, Melick will regret to hear that she is seriously ill'at present. Mr, and Mrs, J. J. Merrier visited the fornier's brother, J. D.>iMerner, at Elmira last Friday and Satur- day. Mr. Theodore Heideman left for Grand Rapids, Minn.. on Monday, where he will remain with. his brother. Mr. M. Kaeroher is having a neat verandah built to his residence which will greatly improve its ap- pearance. Miss Annie Fisher, who has been visiting relatives here for some months returned, to Port' Arthur, Ont., on Monday. Mr. Victor Appel, of the Sove- reign Bank staff here, is spending his vacation with relatives and friends in Berlin. Mr. Geo. Trott, the photographer intends moving his photo gallery to Grand Bend shortly and will not visit Zurich Monday's any more. Mrs. Gertrude Hess of this vil- lage, and Mr. John Voelker, of Dashwood, attended the funeral of the late Joseph Sehluchter at Pigeon, Mich., last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hamacher left on Monday for a few months visit with relatives in Port Arthur. Mr. Jos. Dirstine of Hensall is Inanag- in• the bar�.r ethi g Ne We have added to our stock a fail line of Cistern and Force Pumps. Anything in the line of Cistern Rousse, well or Stock Pumps. Just in a large shipment of Graniteware. The finest and most perfect we ever hacl. We make a specialty of Galvanized Iron Roofs Pieta c Ceiling fletallac Siding Eavetroughing Galvanized water tanks Furnace Work Lining Water Troughs Sole Agents For Sherwin-Williams Paints killable Barn Door mangers Peerless Fencing A. Charlesworth Son. Hardware Ilerchanfs Zurich. 4—In Label Gordon Ourtis's helpful paper entitled "The Progress of a Housewife," in the July Delineator she gives some useful hints as to how to make the best of vegetables. .Root vegetables, such as beets, turnips, carrots or parsnips, should have moist, dirty roots and fresh tops. If the roots are very clean and the tops cut away., you may be sure the market man has tried to freshen them. The smaller these vetietableseire, the more tender. Parsnips and carrots require seran- ing, except when they are young and tea,4r, Turnips should be pared, While the skin." of beets should not be broken or the tops cut more than two inches above the beet, otherwise they will lose color and sweetness. When buying Linea beans, choose green, juicy pods with small, finely veined beans. Oook for one hour and a half in just enough boiling water to cover. Add salt when nearly done. Drain. off part of the water, season with pepper, salt and butter, and send to the table piping hot. String beans are cooked in the same way after being strung and snatpped. In addition, Anna, W. Morrison gives a number of illustrated sug- gestions for Novelties for Stemmer Feasts, and there are pages devoted to Banana Dainties and New Vege- tables Cleverly Served. STANLEY TOWNSHIP. Mrs, Relit. Armstrong of Stanley township, left Seaforth on Tuesday for the West. We wish her a pleasant and safe journey. Mr. Arthur Stephenson was in Ottawa last week attending the 0, O. F. High Court as the representa- tive of Court Varna. Misses Taylor and Miss Rathwell returned to Detroit on Saturday. They were accompanied by Miss Addie Ratl.weil, who will remain for some time. Mrs, David MoNaughton left last week for the West. Miss Lily Dunlop of Godericlt is siting friends in this vicinity. vi Treasurer Reid has purchased a handsome driver from Mr, Fowler of Clinton, Miss Maude MoNaughton of Clinton is at present staying with her brother,'Mr. D. MoNaeighton. The township council met last week bat beyond discussing court of revision matters and Cameron's roadway and passing a few accounts there was no business to transact. Miss Rowley, nurse, of Blake, Mr. and Mrs, John Fraser, Bayfield Miss Sewers and Miss Murdoch, of Brueefielcl, Mrs. (Rev.) Davidson and Miss Alee, of Varna, intend leaving on the 9th of July for Scotland, Mr, David Stephenson and wife,' Mr. Ralph Stephenson and wife, Mr. John Stephenson and wife, all of the Goshen Line, and Mr. Ralph Stephenson, of the Part Line, and Miss Eva. Stephenson and Miss Emily I eqs of Varna attended the great Walker picnic at Marlette, Mieb,, last week. WASH 600IPS for StTMMER WEAR.' UR Iine of Wash Goods for summer wear is the most complete we have ever had in stock We bought them with the view of satisfying our numerous customers, and consequently have a large range of colors and patterns to choose from They are just the thing for hot weather and picnic suits. Call and see these goods. Pure W.MMte Linen firey Linen Silk Finished Prints ..Fancy Ki rgco'lyd Gil ghams Mercerized Ginghanls in small checks. NO S, BY STRAW A.TS. E have the correct shapes for summer wear. A big as- sortinent at prices to suit the pocket book. The time to buy is now, be- fore the sizes are broken. J. J. E NE , The People's Store = = Zurich. 1 A TLEI`'S Is The Leader. Carload of best PORTLAND CEMENT now in stock, Price $2.25 per barrel, cash. Screen Doors from 75cts up Granite ,dippers 10c & 15cts 12 dz tin " 10c for 50 ea Galv fence .staples 4cts alb. Wire Nails, base $2.25 per 100 lbs. Best outside paints $1.50 a gallon. Team Harness from $25.00 upwards. Single Harness $8 and up Gasoline and Coal Oil stoves, from $8.50 upwards, 13est 12 ft iron gate $5. cash Leave your orders for UOLDI MEDAL Twine, We are sole agents for Zurich and no one else. See us for your Eavetroughing. Fencing at Special Prices. No one can undersell us. G. VIlurk