HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1906-06-22, Page 6Official Tests of Holstein Cows. SituN last report fourteen cows and 'heifers have been admitted to the Cana- dian Holstein -Friesian Record of Merit as the strength of officially authenti- cated tests conducted nnd•r the direction and supervision of Prof. Dean of the Ontario Agricultural (11Qge. Except where otherwise specified all tests are for a period of seven days, The amounts of milk and butter fat reported are actual; the amount is estimated from the fat by adding, one-sixth, Although no phenomenal records are reported, two or three are worthy of specialt viz., those of Bessie Talmana, 1'l .q`l lbs. eb of butter; of Oxford Maud, a two-year- old, 17.39 lbs, of butter in 7 days and 72.45 in 30 days; and of Lady Wayne M's. Posch, a yearling, 1:1.10 lbs. of butter in 7 clays and 53.311 in 30 days. The cows and their tests are as fol- lows: 1. Bessie Talmana, 5,701. at 5y. 9m. 14d.: Milk, 483.7 lbs.; butter fat 17.07 lbs.; equivalent butter, 19.91 lbs.; owner, Walter S. Schell, Woodstock, Ont. at 2. Wyola De.Kob Netherland. 5y 4m. 2Sd.: Milk, 405 lbs.; butter fat, 15,04 lbs.; equivalent butter, 17.43 lbs.; owner, H. A. Layng, Spring Valley, Ont. 3. Oxford Maud, $4,008, at 2y. 9m. 71: Milk, 301.3 lbs,: butter fat, 14.91 lbs.; ,equivalent butter, 17.39 lbs.; 30 days, milk, 1.515.0 lbs.; butter fat, 02.09 lbs.; 'valent butter, 72.45 lbs; owner, P. D. CONSTIPATION AND HEADACHE 13ILEA.NS A Ck1KT11?d CURE. The above ailments frequently • ac- company each other. Indeed the first is the commonest known cause of the second, For both of them 13ileans for 33iliousness are a cure. To the hun- dreds of women who suffer from these ailments the following facts will be of interest, Miss A. Campbell, of Mon- erieIf, Peckham, says: 1 suffered some time from constipation enul did not seem able to get anything which would relieve roe. One morning I awoke with a violent headache, a thing almost unknown to me prev- iously, but I found it had come to s tay. For the 'next three months it scareel9 ceased. Then there came a nasty sick- ness in the morning, followed by dizzi- ness and. occasionally, fainting during the day. I attended the Women's Hospi- tal for months, after having advice from three doctors. Yet, though at first I benefited by the. treatment, I soon went from bad. to worse again. My friends told me I looked like death and I think I gave up all hope for I was almost a skeleton, and the pain in niy side, due no doubt to liver complaint, was like knives going through me! After trying everything I could get, and doctor's medicine and hospital treatment so long. with so poor re- sult, I adopted a friend's advice. --gave r,.. upeverything else, and tried. what Ede. Oxford Centre, Ont.or me. 4. 'Mende. 1.107. at 13y. 12d.: Milk. lC .-t Bi"Tbeyeoulldddo`fonclr. c.. Before the bu lbs.; butter fat. 13.41 lbs•; P'1d ox was butter, 15.64 lbs.; menet T. D. Trues new Doman. Infi1twod �months 1 was lilthey 5. Coral DeEol. 2,Q10, at. ey. 6m. 21 cured me, when as doctors had failed dell, Spring" Valley. Ont. tsvo d.; milk, 441.021 iitter,b13 (''r lbs.; own this to cso lettern almost P asyear after finny lbs.; eq:tivalentcure, and during that time I have had. er, J. D. Truesdell. 6. Jennie. R'orthemal, 3.007. at 4y. lire no recurrence of my old symptoms .So 12d.: milk. 430.4 lbs.: better fat, 13.32: there e is vE my no question cureas to the per - equivalent butter l:i.a4 lbs.; Bileans for Biliousness are the pro - 7. 'Woodbridge 7. �i"oorlbridge Bell. 3.363, at lly. 7m. duct of the latest scientific research. 23d.; milk, 412 lbs.; butter fat, 13.10 They do not merely purge, and give lbs.; equivalent butter, 15.28 lbs.; owner temporraayofe ef, like oe the oly d fashioan� c P. D. Ede. on the liver 8. Maud of Fent, :nth, 2.011, at l0y i Theyire act organs,y strengthening. and � e 9m, lSd,; milk, SOS lbs.; butter fat, 13.- 10 lbs.; equivalent butter, 15.28 lbs.; stimulating them to do their own el owner, P. D. Ede. `work, so that further medicine taking ' a 9. Oeeola Queen Poseh, 5.313, at 2y.. becomes unnecessary. They are pure- ia 2m. 2d.; milk, 342.3 lb=.; butter, 14.40 ii 2nd care abi a certain.in cure o forrmful indigestion, d lbs.; owner, Walter S. Schell. 10. Hulda Wayne's Dcl.�ol Pietertje, headache, debility, sickness hi the morn- ce 3.550, at 4y. 19d.; milk. 411.38 lbs.; but -ling, ing, dizziness, wind, pain after food, bil- c ter fat, 12.17 lbs.; cnuivalcut butter, 14. !ties, aandfallali liver and skid rev ailmale ailmt, blood ents. P' 22 lbs.; owner, J. D. Truesdell. 11. Lady Wayne M's Posch. 5,238, at 10f all druggists at 50 cents per box, or Iy. lOm .' 40; milk, 3341�lbs.; butter ' post free recei from t of the priccerlean 6 boxes foro $° 50. P price, Different Cries of the Baby. Normal. -Loud and strong, and the na- ture of a scream; baby gets red in the face with it, Pain. -Usually strong and sharp, but not generally continuous; it is accom- panied by contortions of the features, drawing up of tine legs and other symp- toms of distress. Temper. -Loud and strong and usually violent; accompanied by kicking and stif- fening of the body. Illness. -Usually more of fretfulness and moaning than real crying, although real crying is excited by very slight comes. Hunger. -Usually a continuous, fretful cry, rarely -strong and lusty. Indulgent or Habit. -Stops short when the baby gets what be wants, only to be- gin again when the object is withdraw''. -Frank Barkley Copley in "Give the Baby a Chance," in The Outing Magazine for June. Flowers That Will Not Mia. A Broadway florist who had just re- ceived en order for table decorations called up the customer in has'te. he said, "those bouquets and centrepieces w RUB ON SUNLIGHT SOAP 1 iQ 'Pjjiifr 4' LEAVE 30 T060 MINUTES � t a h m m c e 0I fl RINSE WELL Diving for Sponges on Florida Coast. The practicability of the method now ing employed extensively in the sponge ustry in procuring this product is no nger in doubt, and a large percentage the Tarpon Springs vessels are Chang - from the old nrethod of hooking to e new one of diving. In order successfully to accomplish sired results with the diving method was thought necessary to employ eeks who are accustomed to the work, it seemed doarbtf u whether many of ose who have followed the hooking would care to don the helmet d. leaden shoes and pull sponge with m thirty to sixty feet of water oyez - ad. But recant experiments .by a few have fat, 11.'24 lbs.; eqeivalent lbs.; Thirty days, milk, 1381.5 lbs.; but- ter fat, 45.76 lbs; equivalent butter, 53.- 39 lbs.; owners. Walter S. Schell. • 12. Miss Hengerveld DeKol, 4,534 at 10.71 lbs.; equivalent buter, 12.49 lbs.; owner, S. Macklin. railk, 203.25 lbs.; butter fat, 10.24 lbs. - equivalent butter 11.01 lbs; owner, 3'. f 14. Queen Ann DeKol, 4,836, at 2y. 8.68 lbs.• equivalent butter, 10.12. lbs.; owner, g. Maeklin. Secretary. LY Three hundred times bet- ter than sticky paper. NO DEAD FLIES LYING ABOUT Bold by all Druggists and General Stores and by mail. TEN CENTS PER PACKET FR,0114 ARCHDALE WILSON, HAMILTON, ONT, • Not Tobacco Smoke. (Toronto Globe.) The aldermen are getting busy over the smoke nuisance, but the smoke still continues to spread over the aldermen and. their docile constituencies. Sunlight Soap is bettor than other soaps, but is beat when used in tb.e Smelight way. Buy Sunlight Soap ond follow clirootions. Revised Proverbs. It's a wise son who knows when to ask his father for money. Toronto Sand Eaters. Many Toronto people, it seems,have taken to eating sand. It is, of course, supposed they take it in the form of The best policy is paid-up life in- surance. 1/1' A lawsuit is the thief of time. A dollar in hand is worth two loaned L to a friend. row. It is folly to be wise to all you see and hear. Where there's a will there's a feast for It is never to late to love or go home. Where there's a will there's a feast for do yourself ir you don't know how. Go slow and. get left. When the eat is away the night is quiet. A friend in need is a friend to steer shy of. An honest man's word is as good. as his bond, when you've nothing to lose. Don't look before leaping when an automohile comes scorching your way. -Lippincott's Magazine. tu of th ed. at wh fir isb bei st Millionaire in Sad Plight. cene. .0 pit;N trio chewing gum fame for his "total inabil- ity to perform manual labor" and to show this pity by increasing the dis- abled one's pension as a veteran of the civil war from $8 to $12 a month. "Pity the sorrows of a poor old man," whose trembling limbs can scarcely bear his body to the private ear that waits to take him to Florida in winter and re- turn with him to the White mountains in summer! He should by all means have the extra $4 to help him along on bis pinched and painful way. Think what a sum it is under such pressing circum- stances! Forty-eight dollars a :fear add- ed to the $96 that he already draws in pension checks will be quite a help to the aged raan.-Portland Oregonian. Make a minister a, present of a horse and sleigh and. he is human enough to pray for snow. Nell -Do. you think she will nimry him? Belle - Undoubtedly. Her par- ents are terribly opposed to him. -Eczema, Salt Rheum, Tette, etc. -yield quickly to the healing power of Mira Ointment, 'Why suffer with the burning and itching? 'Why let the thing go on ? Don't be miserable? Mira costs only 50c. a box -6 kr $2.50. Get onc to -day. At druggia-ser from The CJaemists' Co. of Canada, Limited, Hamilton -- "el fesv hours after the fine aftylNeatimi,,. writes Leo Corpigan, e7.5 .,Perptson Ave., N., liatezilloes, "11411.o -real rehef. Aftra has worked wonders for me." (He had Bezema for years. built on swing illeEenuize:With trea',41W21,- et WORD IN MOTHER,9 EAR: WHEN NUTISINEI AA? INFANT, AND 1111 THEI MONTHS THAT COMO (=FORS THAI' SCOTT'S ENIUL,SION NOURISHMENT So asscasissAtir Font woo rittio.rm OP nom IVIOTHER Send for free sample. 'Toronto. Ontario. sot. and Sim° ; all druggists. e. can be cultivated and the profits e enormous. If interested write us for information. The Enemies of the Rose. e on the lookout for enemies of the e. You will bave to fight Or ,every e flower. I have given up the use of lebore, because it is so unreliable. s green is likely to burn the folia,ge trong, and if weak it fails to accom- h the purpose for -which it is used. e by melting .half a 'cake of the eic- .0..7 size of Ivory soap and. mixing it h a teacupful of kerosene. Dilute s mixture with ton gallons of water, apply with a sprayer, being careful have it get to all parte of the plant. s preparation is far more satisfactory ra any of the insectisides for sale by florists, and will never injure the age or flowers. It is a good plan to n the use of it before the various e enemies put in an appearance, and urp its use until their season of ac- ty is over.-Ehen. E. Rexford in Mak- the Couritry Home, in the Outing zine foe Jun•e. Minard's Liniment in the house. e was in bed and told his man to him some whiskey and hot water. re's your grog, sir, but I'm afraid not warm enough." "How do you w? Rave you tasted it?" "I wouldn't e such a liberty, sir. I only just dip- ped.. my finger in the glass." -Sporting Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way (follow directions). Hard rubbing and boiling, are things of the past in homes where Sunlight Soap is used as directed. Sunlight Soap will not injure even the daintiest fabric or the hands, and the clothes will be perfectly white, woolens soft and fluffy. The reason for this is because Sunlight Soap is absolutely pure, contains no injurious chemicals -indeed, nothing but the active, cleansing, dirt -removing proper, ties of soap that is nothing but soap. Equally good with hard or soft water. YOUR MONEY REFUNDED by the dealer from whom you buy Sunlight Soap H you triad. any cause for complaint. 155 LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO ISSUE N O. 25, 1906 Souvenir Post Cards g5; all different. Largest and finest stook hi Canada; 500 mixed, $3; a.lbums, all prices. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup diaculd. ways be used for children teething. It soothes the child, sooth.es ths gums, cures wind °olio and is tbo bast zoniedy for Diar- His lady is less ,brilliantly He is about 17 inches in length. He knows no such word as fear. There's no denying he's n chicken thief. Ile desolates the nests of beautiful song birds. TJndoubtedly he's the heavy villain of birddom. of1fenrotaliefovrerhyiserlelaydel.ays a reward was Scientific agriculturists now declare he is the farmer's true friend. In the spring .he follows the plough, gets his gun. Reform in College Athletics. The aim of the reformes sohool and college athletics should be elealy and directly the betterment of conditions, not the extirpation of the love of combat which is• inherent in the nature of man- kind, The notion that •hard general work, resulting in full muscular developm•ent, saps vitality, weakens the organs and is a wearying incubus to the individual is so illogical as hardly to deserve an an- swer, But „some persons believe this. Such should! Pity the wild animals that, guided only by .an instinctive physiolog- ical need, run, jump, pursue and wrestle with one •andther, thereby using and de. veloping fully their whole bodies. -Bos- ton Post. Where Will You Go This Summer? ruggl DR. LER0Y'S FEMALE PILLS A safe, sure and reliable monthly revile.. tor. These Pills have been used In France for over dotty years. and found Invaluable for the purpose designed, and am guaran- teed by tbe 'weaken. Enclose stamp for sealed circular. Price 01.00 per box ot LE ROY PILL CO., Box 42, Harallton, °antes. The Sugar and the Salt. If the men are the salt of the earth women are undoubtedly the sugar. Salt is a necessity, sugar is a luxury. Vicious men are saltpetre; stern men are rock salt; nice men are table salt. Old maids are brown sugar; good-natured matrons are loaf sugar, and pretty girls the filmy pulverized sugar. Pass the pulverized If yoU desire rest and recreation, why not try "The River St LaWrellee Trip?" Folders descriptive of the Thousand Islands, Rapids, Montreal, Quebee, Murray Bay, Ta - douse% the far famed Saguenay River, etc., on application to any railroad or steamboat ticket agent, For illustrate guide, "NIAGARA. TO T1151 BEA," send nix cents in postage stamps to IL Poster Chaffee, Western Paseenger Agent, A TORONTO MAN TRIES Something New and is Delighted. Feels Like a Boy. Colborne street, Toron- to, says: "I have been a suf- ferer from DYsneOsia for years. I have been treated by doc- tors and have taken many medicines with only temporary relief. Since using Dr. Leon- hard's Anti -Pill I can eat anything the same as when a boy. I find they regulate bot h stomach and, bowels. My old time vigor has returned, so that my spirits are buoy - 11.1R. M. N. DA -F°11/ ant and temper nor- mal. I give all credit to this 'wonderful rem - All Dealers or The Wilson-Fyle Co., Lim- ited, Niagara Falls, Ont. 601 First Day of the Voyage, Steward --Did you ring, sir ? Traveler -Yes, steward, I -I rang. Steward -Anything I can bring you, sir? Traveler - Y -yes. st-steward. Bub - bring me a continent if you have one, or an islana-anything, steward, so long as it's solid. If you can't then sus -sink the ship. 'Mat precious remedy, is 0. putt vm cure for toms.% diseases. Were tor descrtpalarn ctraular and free sample. R. S. AtcGILL, Out. aPssossorsorasiorpostassarreeorosase Fanners and Dairymen Tub, Pail, Wash Basin or Milk Pan Ask your grooar tor FIBRE WA E ARTICLES You will find they give you satis- faction every time. THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE Insist on being supplied with EDDY'S every time.