HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1906-06-22, Page 51-1 Of ff a n's
Laundry v ,
We use no chemicals
to destroy or injure
your Clothing', and we
Guarantee our Work.
The Zurich Herald.
). tfif9 A q TME 41 a Obi 4iz c4
• 41J epr 411 a ZURICH Fi taK Os �a4 ty
aStrictly up-to-date in modern im t,1
• provements. DIM—legrooms is sup- to
ti„) plied with only the very best. ¶
Bar eontales ehoiee liquors and MIli
4g cigars. ¶ ¶ ¶
e Excellent Sample Rooms
t$ for Commercial .Men.
a+.._..-.- 0
eis*00.0000 et3teaste000v"30aa0vst , oete
t o J e
This Souse has recently changed
hands, and is now one of the
most orderly and best con-
ducted Houses in the
Province. .
,l ig getter ' ab1c in the ; ominiofl.
R. R. Johnston & Son,
Mr, and Mrs. George Edfghofier
spent Sunday with the foruler's
sister at Fitllartou corners.
Mr. Gedfried Nadiger has bright-
ened up his residence with a fresh
coat of paint. •
Rey. R. Wert left on Saturday
for his new field of labor. Mrs.
Eifert and family will follow in a
few weeks.
Mr. Arthur Kellerman has re-
turned home to spend his summer
Mr. John Goetz was in Goderich
last week as juryman.
This week, Wednesday, will he
observed as Dashwsod's oivic hob -
day. They will hold a picnic at
Grand Bend. The public school
will also hold their picnic at the
same time and place.
Mrs, Sanderoock. who has been
a resident of the great West for a
number of years, is at present
visiting her sister here.
The annual Children's Day testi
vat will be held in this place ou
July the 15th. A good program is
being prepared for the occasion.
Miss Jessie Baker, who has been
in Seaforth for some time, returned
to her home here on Saturday past.
Mr. William Ehlers has purohas-
ed an interest in the grist mill here.
He will get possession sometime in
Mr. E P. Paulin hail his house-
hold effects moved to Goderich on
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kellerman
and Miss Laura Goetz took in the
Model Farm excursion Friday last.
The Misses Lily and Theo Hart-
leib and Miss Sparks attended the
teachers' convention last week.
Mrs. Louis Simon was last week
removed to her daughter's home
at Elmira. Mr. Simon accompanied
Mrs. E, M. Brokenshire is still
eery ill. Her friends hope for her
General Blacksmith -
ing and Repairing Done
Bring along your sleighs,
cutters, wagons, buggies,
etc., etc., we are prepared
to repair them, woodwork
and ironwork, at shortest
notice and right prices.
Our trade is constantly
growing which shows that
our work i.s satisfactory,
Horseshoeing a specialty
Mr. Wendel Smith erected a new
addition to his .louse last week.
Miss Emma Hartman of Water-
loo county is visiting friends and
relatives around here at present.
Horse buyers are passing along
our line every day. •
W. Smith is having his barn
Mr, Leo and Miss Laura Doite-
rich visited at W. Smith's on Sun-
.A. number of young people were
visiting at S. Gingeri'oh last Sun.
Mono Baechler has made a cement
floor over his.well.
Dan Gascho of the Bronson line,
visited in this vicinity on Sunday
David Gingerich delivered his
colt last week for which he reooiv-
ed $180.00.
Sol. Gingerich purchased a now
buggy this week. It is oneof the
Prang &
This Way for
ar ai }'.s
Death has again claimed one of
the old pioneers in the per son of
John McLeod. Deceased was in the
75th year of his age and was high-
ly respected. He had a stroke on
Wecinesday, from -which he never
again rallied, passing away Sunday
morning. The remains were inter-
red in Mt. Carmel cemetery.
. The picnic 'days are with ens a
gain. Grand Bencl is the' favorite
spot for holding them.
Miss Kate Zwicker hos returned
to London, after assisting her
brother in the store here the past
Our Band, will furnish music for
the 2nd of July celebration at
The new cement sidewalks have
greatly improved the tappearance
of onr pretty village.
The roof of John Morlock's barn
was blown off during the recent
Mrs. R. E. Walker and son visit-
ed friends at Sarnia and Bothwell
last week. •
Will Young and Richard Baker
of London were here last week on
R. S. Code, P. L. S., of Alvinston
was here last week on the Lawson
Glaser drainage matter.
Dinner and Toilet
Setts, and Dishes
of all kinds.
Girls' a n d Boys'
Hats and Caps.
Remnants of Mus-
lips and Prints.
Men's and Boys'
Ladies' and Gents
Rain Coats, Cheap.
Only a few to sell at a
sacrifice, to make room.
What you don't see,
Ask for, we'll have it.
General Merchantr�
Mr. and Mrs. Fassold. of Dash.
wood spent Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, Decher.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. Colosky ^e -ere
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John
Hey on Sunday last.
Miss M. Parsons attended tLe
Teacher's Convention which was
held at Guelph on Friday and Sat-
urday of last week.
Several from this vicinity attend-
ed the Seaforth races which were
held on Wednesday last.
Miss Lydian Deoher visite]. Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Kraft on Sunday
On Friday evening last a num-
ber of the friends and relatives of
Mr, and Mrs. John Decher, sr.,
met at their house to celebrate the
seventy-fourth anniversary of Mr,
Decher's birthday. In the course
of the evening Miss Annie Hey
read a nicely worded address and
Mr. Decher was presented with a
beautiful arm -chair while Mrs.
Decher received a, very pretty
table -cloth. The couple were taken
entirely by surprise and Mr. Dech-
er made a very feeling reply on
behalf of the both. Mr. and Mrs.
Deeher, in spite of their old age,
are both enjoying good health and
we all hope they will still be spared
to enjoy many birthdays. Among
those Who were present at the
party were Mr. and Mrs. Dechor's
three children, thirteen grand-
children. and ten great grand.=child-
HEN Seg LL,.
Mrs.' 0. Southwell of Toronto
Junction is visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Thompson.
Mr. H Arnold, manager of the
Sovereign Bank, has greatly im-
proved the appearance of the
dwelling he recently purchased.
The Model farm excursion was
well patronized. from this station.
D. Urquhart has the contract of
gravelling our streets.
Mrs. Pierson and daughter, visit-
ed her. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win,
Moore, last week.
Rev. Mr. Smith of Carmel onureh
and Rev. Mr. 'Larkin of Seaforth
exohanged pulpits last Sabbath.
John A. Mitchell of Crediton was
in the village last Week, Mr. Mit-
chell was a former resident of this
village and intends moving here
again in the fall.
Quite a number from here at-
tended the Seaforth races.
The football team from Zurich
time over last Thursday evening
nd showed onr boys how to play
he game. The score was 3-0 in
aver of Znrich.
The Signs of
Heart Trouble
By Rev, Irl, R. Hicks.
The last storm period, covering-
overingthe 23rd to the 27th, is at the cen-
ter of the Venus period, near the
center of 'uoth the Forth and the
Mars periods, and is Iinked on to
the Mercury per'iodl, which, in turn,
covers the reactionary period on
the 29th and 30th, with Moon at
first quarter and on the celestial
equator on the 29th. It would seem
almost a natural, physical impos-
sibility to escape daily rain and,
thunder stories during the last six
to eight days in June. If former
periods prove rainy, this last series
of storms will precipitate menacing
and destructive floods.
The.Zunicu Hlaliai.n has succeed-
ed in completing an arrangement
by which every person taking ad-
vantage of our offer will secure the
greatest treat in reading matter ever
offered the Canadian public. The
Family Herald and Weekly Star of
Montreal has lately entered into a.
syndicate with a few others of the
leading papers of England and A-
merica by which they have secured
at a cost of $150,000 twelve new
The council of the county of stories by twelve of the world's
Elnron concluded its June sittings best authors and they are to appear
geld et Goderich last week. Among l in the Family Iler id before they
he business transacted was the are issued in book form. Each story
is completed in a mouth, lnakin.er
twelve complete stories, that wou.I
cost eighteen dollars itt book forrn
inside the year. It i, certainly one
of the greatest feats in modern
journalism, and only the strongest
newspapers could take the risk of
the immense expenditure
We have made arrangements to
offer TILE HERALD and the Family
Herald and Weekly Star until Jan.
let, 1007, for the small sum of
Fifty cents, and in that time those
taking advantage of the offer will
secure at least six complete stories
not counting the many other inter-
esting features of the Family Her-
ald and their own local paper. 'I'o
pre-ent readers of Tun IIE1rAnn we
offer the Family Herald for the
balance of the year for only Forty
cents. Subscriptions should be sent
to Tus HERALD office, Zurich. Do
it uow, before you forget it and
then regret it.
Alfred Morrish and others peti-
ioned for a grant. to build a lock
alp at Grand Bend.
Non-resident transient traders
sill :hereafter have to pay $200.00,
esidents of the county only have
0 pay $25 at present.
Donald Patterson of Wawanosh
was appointed county engineer with
salary of $800.
Eleven members of the Perth
county council met the members of
the Huron council in Goderich and
matters pertaining to boundary
bridges were discussed.
Rev. C. R. Gonne was appointed
trustee of the Clinton Collegiate
Institute in place of Hy. Plnmsteel
resigned, tine 1. W. McKenzie suc-
ceeds the late John Acheson, on
the board of the Goderich Colleg-
The Goderich hospital was grant-
ed $1000.00 by the. council.
Any inmate of the House of Re-
fuge, who holds property. to have
the same transferred to the county.
The Valuator's .Report was a-
donted by the council..
Judge.Holt, Inspector Tom and
Clerk Lane were appointed arbi-
trators to deal with a petition from
S. S. No. 8, Hay, asking for a
change of the boundaries in that
The receipts from the close of
1905 to March Oth. 190G, including
balance from 1905 were $43,710.68,
expenditures were $40,301.49 leav-
ing a balance on hand of $3,409.19.
Tots can Surely Secure Heart Health
and Strength through Dr. Shoop's
nears weakness which can be dealt with st
all is nerve weakness. Just as Your hand trem-
bles when its nerves are weak, when your heart
nervus are weak your Heart flutters and paipi-
slight exxercise;uininri s spells; or tendert
ness about the heart can bYirregular heart
tion es ti the heart was
'.sensation in the
the heart lan't
pain when you lie
usually the • lea
difficu t
"Tore is ab-
ly ono way
weak heart.
nerves. 1n
pCan You
else can
Rthiagestorative will
strengh to the
There is nothing in
notion; choking sense
in the throat; uneasy
chest. showing that
working right;
an one side—
side, but ire -
right, painful
sanely on.
to treat a
That is to
natural and
strength to its
imagine how any -
done? Dr. Shoop's
bring bank the
heart nerves always. Vnbthing that
this remedy to stima- late;
leads to reaction. The strength that it gives is
natural and permanent. It is lust the same
strength as Nature gives to those who aro well.
Dr. Shoop's Restorease ('tablets or Littuld)
creates strength which extends
o over
the cause
Wide nerve system-- t
bf the trouble as well as the result, Sold by
de e MCRN Rm i..i..
Subscribe for THE HERALD.
During the heavy fog on the tip-
per lakes on Sunday, twelve collis-
inns took place between vessels.
The loss is heavy.
An English company has pur-
chased a half -million acres of O.
P. R. land in the Edmonton district
and it will be colonized at an early
Russia is on the verge of eivil
war. Brutal massacres of the Jews
have taken place and many hund-
reds killed. The army and navy
have been put into readiness for
prompt action.
Two young men, Joseph and Wil-
liam Carpenter, were drowned at
Manor, Sask.. while bathing in Ant-
ler Creek at Cental yesterday. One
brother lost his life in attempting
to rescue others,
If your Stomach. is Weak,
If your Foocl distresses you,
If yon are Weak and Nervous
Use Dr. Shoop's Restorative one
month and sen what it does for you.
Sold by J. J. Monger.
Horseshoes, such as we have, are
rather modern. The Greeks and
Romans med. to cover their horses'
feet with fibre c1;at11 in cold weath-
er, or when urging the horses
through muddy and miry planes,
Nero's horses were shod without
nails, but with silver. His wife's
were shod in gold. The shoeing of
horses by driving nails through
their hoofs was introduced into
England by William the Conqueror
But even in the middle centuries
horses were 'shod only on special
An old highland sergeant in ono
of the Scottish regiments was go-
ing his rounds one night to see that
all the lights were out in the bar,
rack rooms. Copping. to a room
where he thought he saw a light
shining, he roared out
"Put oot that licht there."
Ono of the mon shouted back :
"Man, its the lnune, sergeant."
Not hearing very' well,• the ser-
geant cried in return :
"r dinna caro a tacket What it is
--put it oot l"
Laxaets S C Sweet to Eat
A Candy Bowel Lasealsei
B -oras.
PRRBCATOR—In Stephen on June
1.1th, to Mr. and Mrs. John
Prescator, a son.
DEARING—In Stephen, on June 11,
to Mr and lairs. Jas. Dearing, a
GAst'lio—At the 14th eon., Hay, on
June 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Gascho, a son.
Boneless—At Blake, on June 18th,
to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Douglas, a
PEnxl:is-7n Exeter, on June 7th
Charles Perkins, aged 73 years.
MoDoa.ten-1n Stanley, on June
Lith Gilbert McDonald, aged 75
MoLnon—In t.itephen, on June 10th
John MaLeotl, aged 85 years.
Rossxxr—DENgaup`:—At St. Peter's
R. C. Church, Drysdale, on Mon -
clay, June 18th, by Rev. J. A.
Loiselle, Miss Phoebe Denoruie,
to Mr. David Rosseau, both of
Sauble Line. '
FosTER-Bossnerennav-In St. Boni-
face Catholic Church, Zurich. on.
Thursday, June 21st, by Father
Stroeder, Miss L. Bossanberry of
Dresden to Albert Foster, of
C.. :rhe
, �; q�p-pw ...t .pp r
! :'Ye/Ae •`y
The Children's Favorite
Coughs, Colds, Croup and
Whooping Cough.
ThIs romedyis famous for its cures over
e large part of the civilized world. It cat
always bo depended upon. It eontalns no
opium or other harmful drug end may bo
given ns confldently to n baby no to an adult
Pride 25 rats; Large Size, 50 uta.