The Herald, 1906-06-22, Page 44 The Zurich Herald. LEGAL OARDS. H. J, 1), COOKE, BARRISTER AND SO7 lioitor, Notary PubIle, Henna11, Ontario. At Zurich (Zeller's office) evory Mon- day. PROUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR, BAR- ristere, Solicitors, Notaries Publio,. etc., Qodorioh, Canada. W. Proudfoot. K.C. H, C. Hays. (1, F. Blair. CARDS. BOSSENBERRY, LICENSED AUC- tioneer for Huron County, respectfully solicits the patronage of those who in- tend having sales. Satisfaction guar- anteed. DR. F. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, GRA - duets of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto rnivarsity. Painless extraction of teeth. Pluto vra:k a speciality. At Dominion House, 'Zurich, every Mon- day. 1-26 E. ZELLER, CONVEYANCER AND Notary Public, De e d a, Mortgages, 'Wills and other Legal Docurneuts care- fully and promptly prepared. °Rice— Zoller block, Zurich, Out. MUSIC - ZURICH BRASS BAND HAS BEEN re -organized and is now prepared to furnish first-class musie for all kinds of amusements. For 1%ruis apply to or write 1?. W. Hess, See'y-Treas., Zurich. INSURAN'OE those who engage to care for them, out but beyond a silent shaking El IR 9, L PUBLISHED BY E. ZELLER, FRIDAY, JUNE 22, 1906. WEST HURON TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. The twenty-ninth annual meet- ing of the West Huron Teachers' Association was held at the 0. A. 0., Guelph., ,Tune 1S'th and 16th, 1900, when a most enjoyable time was spent. Luncheon was ser served promptly at 12 o'clock, after which PrinCipal Creelman addressed those present setting forth the advantages for farmers' sons and daughters in the various departments of the 0, A. C. After luncheon the Macdonald Institute was visited, where Prof. MeCrealy, Director of the Nature Study department delivered an address, in explanation of the work of the Institute. Considerable interest was mani- fested in the laundry room, experi- mental kitchen, Normal School kitchen, reception room, ete. The Institute and. residence for lady students were built by Sir W. McDonald at a °est of more than $200,000 and presented to the pro- vince. In the Forestry department hut - areas of thousands of trees are growing, and next spring the, au- therities will be ready to send, without charge, young trees to tse3es-34-430-13*-43,-43.--seeeEs oryseEeefeefial COUNTY NEWS. I es3.434-+-30-43e.e3e43s4E+4E-0-0E+444-049.0 J. E. Shirley', who was American consul at Goderich, has been trans- ferred to Suva, Fiji Island. Reeve Bobier of Exeter has re- ceived his new automobile and, the trial trips have proven successful. Blyth ratepayers will vote on a by-law on Juno 26th to loan the Stepheson Carriage Factory $10000.. Clinton council have given their town band a grant of $200 and in turn they are to play once a week on the square. The Artny band gets $50 incl it gives an open air con- cert every Saturday evening. On Julie 7th the death took place of Charles Perkins, one of Exeter's highly respected residents, De- ceased was a native of Devonshire, England. He leaves his widow and a grown up family of sons and. daughters to mourn his loss. The barn owned by Mr. David Cottle, Thomas Road, Usborne, on the farm opposite the •homestead was struck by lightning during the heavy electrical and rain storm on Friday night last and was burned to the ground. The building con- tained a quantity of hay which was also destroyed. A team of horses attached to .a manure spreader took fright the other day on the farm of Henry Smith, near Exeter and. ran away. A yonng boy was sitting in the wagon at the time and was thrown ANDREW RESS, DIVISION COURT CLERK. Village and Farm Property insured. All 'the leading Companies represented. Agent for Accident and Sickness Insurance. up I'vas not bam t applicationmust be made be- injured. The manure fore Christmas. spreader was wrecked.. The Experimental Plots were visited next and the work explain- If you knew the valve of Ch.am- e em very interesting.)s 'wish- to be without it. Here are • th FOR SALE. The. Consolidated. scool support- some of the diseases for which it is ed bv five school section:4, was ttlso especially valuable : sore nipples, d ' dl Prof.McCready who made herla.ins Salve yon would never GOOD FIFTY -ACRE FARIN1 for sale. The north half Lot 25, Cou. 12, Hay. All cleared, with good overflowiug wells, large brick hone and large bank barn. 'Will leave $20e0.00 on premises at 4 per cent interest. Apply to Frederick Heckman, Mitchell, or E. Zeller, Zurich. 354m pd. f!..: ACRES of land for sale, being the Ade-, North half ,,)f the East half of Lot Eleven, in the Eighth Concession of Hay, the property of the late Jacob 0. Ginger- ich. For further particulars apply to the executors, Rudy Schwartzentrubor or John L. Gerber, Blake, P. 0. 33-1mpd, STOCK. THE WELL-KNOWN STALLION Young Orchard Willow Will stand for service at the farm of Alonzo Foster, Lot 4, Con 9, Township of Hay, during the present Beason. He is dark bay in color, has plenty of muscle and bone, good action, has sired good colts, and is a sure stock getter. Terms: To insure, $0.00, payable lst February, 1907. 37-2m ALONZO FOSTER, Babylon Line, Proprietor. chapped hands, urns, frost bit visited and many advantages areb es, chilblains, chronic sore eyes, itch - gained by this system. ing piles, tetter. salt rheum and Evening Session eozeme. Price 25 cents per box. At the evening session Inspector For sale by J. J. Merner Tom took the chair and in a few well chosen retnarks introduced Prof. McCready, who spoke on school gardens. His address was very interesting and the points brought forth by him were well • explained and no doubt will help much in assisting the teachers ,in beautifying our school gronnds. • 3itt „JoL L OGOIMI WO Dim ar A People who go to the Bank regularly and deposit a part of their savings, get something more than exercise. WITH. the money saved, they are laying the fonadatinmi upon which a fortune may be builb. 'We credit Interest Quarter) y in our Savings Department, THE BANK 'OVEWTH OF GANAti 3 Put your money in where you can get 1you ',rant it. Snell Mgr. ressommecerromemleuawalrortorevsenkvoupsesamecome..a.vrewer illacte it when A Zurich Inspector Tom paid a. warm trib- ute to Prof. McCready's address and then introduced Dr. A. H. Abbott of Toronto University who delivered an able address on'Psy- chology. Dr. Abbott made his it'd- drees so interesting that •ancinirY a4 made for theMir When he would lecture before the Nature Str de class in order that the teach- ers might attend. After hearty votes of thanks to Prof. McCready and Dr. Abbott the meeting came to a close. Saturday Morning Session. The anditors report showe(1 a balance of $92,41 on hand and on :notion was rereived and adopted. OUT FURNITUR For Lawns dnd Verandahs. Our designs are up-to-date. eed and Rattan Goods, Steamer Chairs and Law Croquet. kla I rgans ad Pia On Tuesday. June 5th, the death of Mrs. Getninhtiedt, wife of Jolm Geminhardt, Bayfield, took place. Deceased was 75 years old and had lived in that village for abont fifty years. Besides her husband she leaves to mburn her loss the follow - family: Mrs. Wm, Stinson and Mrs. Archie Sterling of Stanley, Mrs. Geo. Woods, Bayfield, John of De- troit, Fred of Bayfield and t. daugh- . . ter in Kansas. The disg.usting discharges. from the nose•rj'd throat, and the,. foul: eata!seiraai.4; nth .',- are.• • qUiek,IY • 4,iH". perisSid Wilby using Dr. Sheep's. Catarrh Qiiies• Such soothing a.n- tiseptic agents as Oil EnealyptuS, Thymol, Wild Indigo, etc„ have been .incorporated into a snow \visite MN= making a catarrhal balm unexcelled. Suld by J. 3 lYierner. Last Friday night the barn of Edmund Teskey, Clurrick township near "Wingham MIS struck by lightning ' entirely destroyed, HARNESS For an up-to-date single Harness this is the !place. D usters. Fancy Rugs, Trunks, and Valises. H. WELL, = = Zurich, Ont. 1 he Old and 1.eliaMe Kalbfleisch's Saw & Planing 'Viso... The election of officers were then together with a large quantity of prrceeded with, the following. re• hay and, fodder and seven hogs. suit Presislent, T. H. Brownlee, BavEteld ; 1st Vice Pres., Miss Liz- zie Cunningham, Belgrave ; 2nd V C Pres., Mese F. Reynolds, Hen - sal:: SecaTreas„ W. H. Johnson. Klippen; Conncillors, Geo. Beird. Clinton; J. FI. Tigert, Goderieh ; ' L. C. Fleming, Exeter ; Miss .lean Mustard, Brucetield • Miss Grace Crawford, Port Albert. It was moved seconded and adop• teal that in recognition of the large amount of work required this year that an extra five dollars be paid the secretary. It was moved seconded end Par- ried that the regular membership foe he 10 ots in tuture for those who do not wish a copy of the Proceedings and. 25 cats for those who do. Mr. Kendall, then avega practi- cal lesson on art, in which he ex- plained the fundamental work in water colors. He made it so inter- esting and attractive that all pre- sent felt a desire to paint. The teachers who attended this Institute feel that it was one of the most enjoyable as well as the most inetrnetive they have had the pri. vilege of attending. . . Pink Lips, Like 'Velvet, Rough, Chapped or Cracked. Lips, can be made as soft as velvet by applying at bedtime, a light coating of Dr, Shoop's Groan Salve The effect on the lips or skin of this most ex- cellent ointment is always itionedi- ate and certain. Dr. Shoop's Green Salve takes out completelythe soreness of cots, burns. bruises and all skin abrasions. It is surely a wonderful and most highly satis- factory healing ointment. In glass jars at 25c. Sold, by J. 3. Merner. TWO SIDES TO THE SITUATION. The "neighbor" who figures in this London Telegraph anecdote probably meant to say something kind. Patrick's face was so homely that it had been describecl as an "offence to the landsca.pe," and. he was as poor as he was homely. One day e, neighbor met him and said, "And how are you, Pat?" "Mighty bad," answered Pat. "It is stbar vation that is stharin' me in the face." "Is that so?" said the sym- pathetic inquirer. "Sure, and it catft be Very pleasant for ayther A million dollar bridge will be built across the Niagara River by Toronto men, The company will be known as the Trans Niagara Bridge Company. I wish to thank my customers for their patronage during the past year, and. wish to announce that J. ant on hand with a large stock of Hastings Brand B. C. RED CEDAR SHINCLES and. all kinds of Building Material. It will be to your interest to call and see me if you are going to build. to combine good. work with good. do It is material, aim also CUSTOM SAWU1C and PLANINC W -Chopping done every Tuesday and Friday. - F. C. K L FLEISCH, Mills 14tb. Con. ZURICH The barn was one of the largest in this district, and was built only last summer. Insured for $1,000 in the 'Walkerton Companv, but this will not nearly cover the loss, Mr. Wes. Snell, formerly of Exe- ter who is acting as travelling agent for the McCormick' Machine Co., met with an unfortunate ac- Cident recently Which will necessi- tate his laying off duty for some weeks. Ile in company with an other agent, was driving in Brant- ford when the horse took fright and started to runaway, Mr. Snell thought it best to jump from his perilous position and. in doing so broke his leg. The planing mill at Dashwood has been taken over by a stock com- pany and the outptit of the plant will belnereased. Heretofore only the customary work done at a plan- ing mill was turned out, but the new company intend manufactur- ing in addition, bttggies, wagons, cutters, etc The company will be known as the Dashwood Planing Mill Co,, Limited, and a few days ago received their charter. The shareholders are local men, and the officers are: R, S. Hamilton, presi- dent ; Geo. Kellerman, vice-presi- dent ; John Roffman, manager. Lax-ets-A Candy Bowel Laxative If you have Constipation, If yen have a coated tongne, If you are dizzy, bilious, sallow, If you have Headaches, Sour Stomach, etc., risk 5 cents on Lax- ets. See for yourself. Two hundred members of the Deaf Mutes' Association were in session at the institution in Belle- ville this week. This is the tenth biennial convention of the associa- tion. A pleasing feature on Sat- ueda,y night was the presentation OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT is always stocked with. fresh and first quality goods. We always insist on getting first-class goods and. we.. . see that we.get them. Our Reliance Baking Powder is the Purest and Strongest made, you need only about half as much as you do of the ordinary kind. A full a line of canned goods, snob. as CORN SALMON TOMATOES PEAS PEACHES PINEAPPLES BEANS OLIVES ETC., ETC Make this the spot for purchasing your groceries. It will pay you. Courteous treatment to all. Our Flour and Feed Department is always stacked with the best brands of flour ---Royal Household and Star— Shorts, Bran, Pig Feed, etc. Turnip and. Corn Seed at low prices. We handle the Carnefac and International Foods and Louse Killer. fl 11L Stock A very pretty -wedding was cele- brated at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. William Northcott. Hay, Wednes- day June 13th afterndon when their fourth daughter, Sarah, wits mar- ried to Mr. (las, Pierce a prosper- ous young fernier of Union, the ceretnony being performed by Rev. W. Godwin. The house was beauti- fully. decorated. :with flowers and evergreens. Miss May Young •of Crediton and Miss Nell Gould as- sisted. the bride while Samuel Pierce officiated. in a similar manner for the groom. Miss Edna Geddes made a very eharming flower girl. The bride's wedding gown was of of an address and gold -headed cane cream sublitne and her going away to Mr. R. Mathieson, honorary president of the association, and principal of the institute, and an address and gold watch to Mr. W. Morse, seoretary of the assoeiation. gown of blue taffeta. After a dainty wedding dinner, Mr. and MTS. Pierce left for Toronto and other points and will return to Union, their future home, Oi)t alt until the laet minute if you uecd a Mower or Binder. Your old machine may give out at a time when you neecl it most, and valuable time may be lost in repelling it. Better snake sure and buy a new one. D ItERING Implements are noted for their lasting qualities. They are made to give satisfactiun. That is why so many of them aro sold. Hay Making Tools. The Hay Loader we handle is thc best on the market. It loads taked and unyoked hay equally well. Call and see it. Hay Rakes and Side Delivery Rakes also in stock. Binder Twine. Your Twine order will receive prompt attention here. We handle only the beat--DEERING. EVERYTHING IN THE IMPLEMENT LINE. .MACHINE REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS ON HAND. J. F. Rickbeil Deering Agency ZURICH see.•••••••••••••1•••••••••=1.... 50 Cents pays for the "Zurich Herald" to January, i9o7.