HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1906-06-22, Page 11.4 The Official Organ of Zurich mid y Township. Vol. VI., No. 48 ZURICH, ONT., FRID.AY,JUNE 22, 1906. $1. Per Year. 2. LOCAL NEWS. Miss Matilda Johnson is visiting friends in Clinton this week. Mr. H. Drehman of Bayfield was in the village on Tuesday on busi- ness. The Entrance examinations will be held next 'week. Mr. Shore of Varna will be presiding examiner. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Corriveau have moved to the village and oc- cuyy a part of Mrs. Rau's dwel- ling. Mr. J. Preeter is making pre- parations to move the old tinshop to the rear of his lot and will fix it up as a stable. Messrs. C. HartIeib and Henry Koehler attended the Model Farm excursion to Guelph last Friday. They report an immense crowd in attendance. Death to the bugs, try a package of Bergers pure English Paris Green done up in tin packages and dont cost any more. For sale at A. Charlesworth & Son's Hardware. The band concert last Saturday evening brought a large crowd to the village. No concert will be given on Saturday evening owing to the proximity of the school pic- nic. Mr. and Mrs. E. Zeller left on Monday for Merlin, to attend the wedding of the latter's sister, Miss Georgia Marshall, to Mr. Archie Gosnell, a prosperous farmer of Tilbury East. The happy event took place on Wednesday noon, in the presence of. a large number of relatives and friends. CONGRATULATIONS. Mr. Milton A. Buchanan, who has been professor in the Universi- ty of Chicago the past two years, has been appointed lecturer in Spanish and Italian in University College, Toronto, Mr. Buchanan is well egeiipped for the position, having taken'a brilliant course as a `student at Toronto University, and spent two and one half years taking post graduate courses in. Paris, Madrid and Florence, Italy. TM; PICNIC. As we go to press everybody is preparing for the big picnic to be held to -day, Friday. It is safe to say that all those who can get away will go to Grand Bend to spend the day. Of course if the weather turns out to be disagree- able, the day's pleasures will be greatly marred, and we can only hope for a nice pleasant day. These outings are very popular and old and young enjoy themselves equal - ]y well. We will publish a full ac- count of the result of the sports in next week's issue. GUN CLUB SHOOT. The regular shoot of the Zurich Gun. Chub was held last Thursday evening. The medal was captured by W. O'Brien by a score of eight. As this- is the first time"Billie" has won it he is in the best • of humor this week. Following is the score. W.G. Hoss0 0 1 0 0 11.01 1 W. O'Brien 11 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 C. Fritz ..0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 F. W. Hess 0000111000 H. Yungblut0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 J. Deichert 0 0 0 0 0.1 1 1 1 1 Ed. Zeller 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 J. P. Rau 0000100101 P. Sipple 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 W.Hoffman0000000000 Geo. Hess 0 1 0 1 1 1 1. 1 0 0 J, Truemner.. , 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 5 8 3 3 3 6 5 3 5 0 6 FOOTBALL MAT05. Last Friday evening the Zurich football team journeyed over to Hensall and played the team of that place a friendly game. The Zurich lads put it all over the Hensall team in the first half, scor- ing three goals in remarkably short time. In the last half neither side succeeded in scoring, the game at the finish standing 3 to 0 in favor of Zurich. The Zurich team has improved much the last few weeks, as the game on Thursday evening clearly proved, their team and in- dividual work being of a high or- der. Rannie as full back was as good as a stone wall, the ball get- ting past hint very seldom. The team lined up as follows : Forwards Koehler, Johnston, Cameron, Wtxrm, Holtzman; Halfbacks, Mc - Gavin, McLeod, Oharirsworth ; Backs, Rannie, Gallman ; Goal, Hunter. Mr. Was. Jarrott acted as referee and gave good satisfaction: M. Geo. Trott took a photograph of the Zurich team before the game, Some nice pieces :silverware for wedding gifts at A. Charlesworth & Son. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rannie visited relatives in Berlin over Sunday. Miss Lottie Galster of Grand Bend visited her home hero last Saturday. Special services were held in St. Boniface Church here on Monday and Tuesday. Miss Chesney, of near Kippen, is the guest of her friend, Miss M. Koehler, this week, Mr. and Mrs. H. Rose of Milver- ton are the guests at the home of Mr. C. Greb this week. The Evangelical church in this village is being re -papered and otherwise repaired this week. Mr. Wm. Theil sold his driver this week to a party in Hensall, He received a fanny figure for hini. Miss Emilie Laporte, who is at- tending convent at Chatham, is spending the holidays at her home on the Sauble Line. Strawberries are being brought to town this .week. Seven cents per box is the retail price. The crop is very light this season. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Weil of near Tavistor:k visited their son, Henry, over Sunday, who is ill at the home of Mr. J. Deichert with pneu- monia. Mr. Freddie Hess, son of Mr. F. Hess, sr., left for Berlin on Satur- day, where he has secured a posi- tion in a wholesale and retail hardware store. A heavy thunderstorm visited London and vicinity on Monday afternoon. Many houses and barns were struck by lightning and a number were:burned to the ground. The rainfall was also very heavy. The trustees of the Zurich Public School will let contracts next Mon - .day evening for putting a new floor in one of the large school rooms, and for papering and re -painting •theAhree.roonns. These repairs are badly needed and will make a much needed improvement on the school premises. Mr. G. Holtzman, general agent of the Huron Weather Insurance Company, and his sub -agents have taken a large number of applica- tions for insurance. Owing to the increasing number of windstorms throughout Ontario of recent years, the farming community realize more and more the benefits of this form of insurance. Miss Wiseman, nurse, of Clinton, is attending at the bedside of Mr. Henry ;Weil. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. RIO attended the Seaforth races on . Wednesday and Thursday. We have both a liquid. and pow- der louse killer •°for sale at A. Charlesworth & Son. The summer holidays will soon be here again, and the school children are keeping the number of days and hours in mind. A start on the cement walk out to the Fair Grounds has been made. Tile have been placed in the dit ch and have been partly covered. Dr. and Mrs. G. Sohoeilig, of Detroit, Mich., are visiting at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Schoeilig, at present. A large number of 'the ,young folks spent a very enjoyable time at the home of Mr. Lon,is behilbe, 14th con., last Friday evening, Dancing and other amusements were heartily indulged in. Mr. William Beaver of the 34th con., handed in a few stalks of flax on Saturday, which measures 38 inches in length. They were pick- ed at random from a :field of flax on hie farm. Flax will -be a bumper crop this year if this" is a fair average. Dr. Bell, Provincial Board of Health inspector, reports that there are twenty cases of smallpox in Seneca, township, Haldiniand coun- ty ; eight or ten cases in. St Thomas vicinity, and about the same num- ber in Wardsville, Middlesex conn-. ty, Most of the cases are of a mild type. Read the great offer on page 6. We are giving the Zurich BnnAin and the Montreal Family :Berald and Weekly Star to the encl,'of 1906 for the small suns of 50 cents to new subscribers. This is indeed a rare opportunity to gel. a .ep ply of first-class reading matter for the summer and at a very, lok p ace. No one, so iiicin.'n n:3 taie 1~e d��. farmer ; he doesn't have%olinuckle, if he is insulted he can resent the insult witkout fear of losing trade and there is no earthly reason, with the improved farm machinery he now has in use, why he. should not .have an eight-hour day and such leisure for reading and study as would soon maize him one of the best informed men in any calling Why shouldn't the farmer be all this and more? Surely he has the Possibilities and he has the mind. 1 Wad Now Is The Time to spray your fruit trees and vines. I have the celebrated BORDEAUX Mixture -----no better on the market. Give it a trial. SUMMER GOODS. New figured Dress Muslins. Washable Ladies' Belts and Collars, the very latest and up-to-date. A lot of 'Silks just =iced. Come and see them. Millinery still booming. Eggs and Farm Produce of all lands wanted.. i yy �� � e � A T, ZURIGEIi = = ONTARIO GENERAL MERCHANT a•vo.o•o v.o:� •o.Q.ca o•a... .c,.c.o•o.o cam.®. e �.o cam• •,r •..d•cs o d o•o.. .... . •o•c c. o •o�Gi ...... sl av I QO d_ ot 4.49 D.� a C. RITZ, The Shoe• <.,n. ot of Weather Shoes. We have a fine line of Shoes for Summer Wear. Our white can- vas shoes are neatly made, look dressy and are reasonable in price. They are just the thing for com- fort and coolness. Our : nes of Shoes for Child, ^e; ;, Ladies and Men are complete. We have the latest styles and our prices are right. Give us a call. Good Quality—Reasonable Prices. i•'k^' •"'i� � S •p,+ � ,fit, N• :p I i.� t1 ,1 9i ;� � d { x r}' r i" ' �' � I u";i iFa C °' .� K 7. - ATO, x'�,�. ` t�]I'� �,!fr,.¢.N�\� . -i •`�r$�'71!c� ,w •i3 ! w�, 1�•u3R.�4 5 ,fir'. �,;` ss �d..: *�'t^���� ,t alr.'�a•. �. ,r"u.� FANCY ' D. CO R Worth from 15 to 20 cents each; while they last you can take your r choice TE y� K1W' Y� s �"tvs \IIIA I,,J idyl — This crate of Fancy Ingold China Ware has gust been unpacked; eonsi 't,illg lof Pitchers Sugar Bowls, Spoon Holders, Cups and Saucers, Mus, 5 and 6 inch Bread and Butter Plates, Salts and Peppers, Hair Receivers, Card Trays, Tea-pot Stands, Fruit Dishes and a lot of other useful articles. We have filled our Window with them but they w'i.11. pot etay there long as every article is a Big Snap. Make' your selections early. z RIO R E ET E R, GENERAL HANT (0) NA I ... 4�