HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1906-06-15, Page 5HOTELS.
0*a9*ib*00****i3******ri 00000
&7 THE ® Al ...a
r8 U * 0 ZURICH $ 0 0
ss Strictly up-to-date in modern im
a> provements, Dining rooms is sup-
* plied with only the very best. ¶ ¶
* Bar contains choice liquors and
e$ eigars. ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶
Rxcellent Sample Rooms
* for Commercial Men.
.0 i00** a**** 33+E3s 008100***mss
This House has recently changed
hands, and is now one of the
most orderly and best con-
ducted Houses in the
o Vetter able in the pominion,
R. R. Johnston &Son,
Laundry . .
We use no chemicals
to destroy or injure
your Clothing, and we
Guarantee our Work.
GE E1111(
General Blacksmith
ing and Repairing Done
Bring along your sleighs,
•cutters, wagons, buggies,
etc., etc., we are prepared
to repair them, woodwork
.and ironwork, at shortest
notice and right prices.
Our trade • is constantly
growing which shows that
our work is satisfactory.
Horseshoeing a specialty
Pr ,n (Sc.
This Way for
1ar is ins !
Dinner and Toilet
Setts, and Dishes
of all kinds.
Girls' a n d Boys'
Hats and Caps.
Remnants of Mus-
lins and Prints.
Men's a n d Boys'
Ladies' and Gents
Rain Coats, Cheap.
Only a few to sell at a
sacrifice, to make room.
What you don't see,
Ask for, wd'ii have it.
General Merchant
Mrs, Rbbt. Drysdale of He nsall
spent a few days last week visiting
friends and acquaintances in this
Lightning'struck thebarn of Ed.
Boyes last Friday night but luckily
no serious damage was done. The
storms were certainly severe ones.
Mrs. (Rev.) J. A. McDonald and
her little daughter, left on Wed-
nesday for their home in Algoma.
Geo. Douglas delivered a fine
horse to Seaforth on Saturday last.
Geo has since purchased a fine
animal from W. L. Keys of the
Babylon line.
A number from this neighbor-
hood are taking in the excursion
to the Model Farm, Guelph, to -day.
This is a pleasant and profitable
trip for anyone to take.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hey, who
were visiting their daughter in
Ingersoll, have returned home.
Arthur Rennie spent Sunday
his home here.
Miss Bertha Hey, who has been
in St. Thomas during the past fe
months, has returned hone wher
she intends remaining for som
Mr. and Mrs. John Decher spen
Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Rader.
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Foster of
Zurich spent Sunday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Foster.
June 22nd is the date fixed for
the Babylon Line picnic.
Dan Weber and Miss Battle
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs
W. Battler on Sunday last.
William and Miss Annie He
spent Sunday with relatives i
The heavy rains which passed
over this section last Thursday and
Friday have helped the crops
wonderfully. The lightning struck
Mr, Maxim Denomnie's hen house,
wrecking it badly and killing two
hens, It ran along a wire fence and
stopped within a few feet of his
residence. The shock was felt in
the house.
Mr, Blake Horner and sister,
Miss Laura Horner, called on
friends in Hensall last Saturday
and Sunday,
Mr. R. J. Drysdale of Hensall
paid a short visit to our burg last
Miss Pearl Walsh visited relatives
in Parkhill last Monday.
The merry peals of wedding bells
were heard here on Tuesday, two
marriages taking place in the R. C.
church on that day. Miss Seraphine
daughter of Simon Bedard, sr., be-
came the happy bride of Mr. Jerry
Corriveau, The bride was assisted
by Miss Marie Bedard and the
groom was supported by Mr. John
Lanois of Blake. Mr. and Mrs.
Corriveau will make their home in
Zurich. Miss Maggie Corriveau,
daughter of Mr. Oliver Corriveau,
was also united in the holy bonds
of matrimony to Mr. Tuffield
yotte. of Sandusky, Mich. Miss
aeorginat Corriveau assisted the
ride while the groom was support -
d by Mr. Edward Ducharine. The
iappy couple will make their home
n Sandusky, Mich. Rev. J. A.
oiselle performed both ceremonies.
our correspondent joins with their
any friends in wishing the coup-
es a happy and prosperous married
ife. '
Death removed from our mids
Friday, June 1st, Mrs, Sophia
Mellin, one of our most respected
residents, after a brief illness. Th
deceased was taken ill on Monda
evening and lost consciousness al-
most immediately and never re
gained it up to the time she died
She had attained the age of 8
years and although of a weak con-
stitution her sudden death was
great shock to her many friends
The remains were interred in th
Evangelical church cemetery o
Sunday afternoon, the Rev. Bean
officiating. ,
Miss Olivia Holtzman wrote on
the Toronto Conseryatory exams in
theory and piano at London last
Our baseball and football teams
are making a name for themselves,
They are beating everything that
comes along.
Robt. Walker, A. Coxworth, W.
and Isaac Hill, jr., left last week
for the Northwest.
Mrs. John Brown has been ser-
iously 111. Her many friends wish
for her speedy recovery.
J. Holtzman and Ira Brown at-
tended the Sunday School conven-
tion at Hamburg last week.
Mrs. J. Krupp and fan -lily are
Tisiting Mr. and Mrs. T. Wurtz.
W. Kerr, who has disposed of his
general store here, left last week
for Alberta.
During the heavy storm which
passed over this part last Friday
evening, the large bank barn of C.
Schroeder, who lives on the Baby-
lon Line, north of this village was
completely wrecked. A new founda-
tion had been built under it, and. it
was ready to he let down when the
storm wrecked it. The loss to Mr.
Schroeder will be a heavy one.
Herb. Dunkin returned home the
trier day after spending the winter
vith his brother George at South
end, Ind.
W. L. Keys of the Babylon Line
sold two of his horses the other
day, one to Geo. Douglas and the
other to John. Douglas of near
Harvey Beavens, Clinton, is bor-
ing a well for Mr. Watson of the
Sauble Line.
Andrew Reid was the lay dele-
gate from Varna circuit to the
Conference at Windsor.
Mrs. Dickson and Miss Dickson
from neer Seaforth were the guests
of Mr. Matthew Bates last week.
By Rev. Irl. R. Hioks.
The reactionary storm period,
extending from the 18th. to 21st,
lies at the center of the summer
solstice period, the New Moon fal-
Iing on the 21st. The astronomic
causes bearing on this period, as
well as on almost the entire month,
are sufficient to suggest abnormal
electrical perturbations. Phenom-
enal displays of lightning, not only
in the form of thunder storms, but
especially in vivid and general dis-
plays at nights, will characterize
this, and most other periods in
June. We will put down June the
21st, this year, as the central day
of about three days, in which may
reasonably be expected a phenom-
enal maximum of lightning and
thunder. At the same time, an
abnornal amount of volcanic and
seismic disturbances will be re-
ported from many extremes of the
Earth. High, humid temperature,
with low barometric readings will
be admonitions of danger. It will be
most reasonable to look for con-
tinued threatening and stormy
weather to the end of the month.
Mr. Geo. Wren is recovering from
his recent illness.
The laundry has been moved. in-
to the Malloy block by the proprie-
tor, G. Smallacombe.
John Welsh had a bad fall one
day last week. He was assisting
iu the moving of a building and
was at the top of a telephone pole
raising the wires when the pole
broke, throwing him heavily to the
hard road. He sustained a badly
sprained ankle and was severely
shaken tip.
G. Habkirk and John McEwen
left last week for the week. Mr.
Habkirk has been there before and
has succeeded in making money in
Geo. McEwen and John McArth-
ur visited Fort William and the
Soo last week on a business trip.
Colonel Hunter did not succeed
in getting inside the money at the
Winghatn races last week.
Mr, J, P. Rau has purchased a
driver from Mr. P. Farr, of Grand
Eddie Waspe, son of Ernest
Waspe, London was drowned on
Saturday afternoon while in swim-
ming at Clarke's bridge, He got
beyond his depth and was carried
away by the rapid current.
Rev. L. H. Wagner of Berlin,
Presiding Elder, for the west dis-
trict, Evangelical association. oc-
cupied the pulpit in the Evangelical
church here on Sunday last, con-
ducting the quarterly meeting
While driving fence posts on his
farm on Thursday last, Mr. Adam
Birk received a terrible blew with
a hand -spike with which he was
steadying the post. He was struck
on the left side of the face and so
forceful wa.s the blow that the
under jaw bone was broken. Dr.
McLaughlin was hastily summoned
and reduced the fracture and now
Mr. Birk is doing as well as can be
expected, His many friends hope
he may soon recover.
During the storm on Friday
evening a little lad of Mr. Georr'e
Eisenbach was struck and instant-
ly killed by lightning. Much sym-
pathy is felt for the bereaved
family in this their sad and severe
trial. Tho funeral. on Sunday
afternoon was largely attended,
Rev. R. Eifert, who has been
pastor over the Lutheran congrega-
tion here for the Past nineteen
years, has severed his connection
with the same and on Sunday last
preac'--sed his farewell sermon. On
Monday evening tho congregation
met at the home of Rev. Eifert and
gave hint a very pleasant snrprtse
party. He will leave shortly for
his new field of labor at Floraclale
and Linwood. The best wishes of
this entire coninnnity go with hiin
and his family to their new home.
Mr. E. P. Paulin of Goderieh
spent Sunday at his house here, It
is Mr. Paulin's intention to move
his family to Godei'ioh in the near
The trustees of the village have
proclaimed Wednesday, Juno 20th,
civic holiday, and will hold a pic-
nic at Grand Bend on that day, Tho
public school here will also hold
their picnic on the same day and
no doubt this will be a grand
If your stomach troubles you do
not conclude that there is no cure,
for a great many have been per-
manently cured by Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tltblets. Get a
free sample at J. ,1. Merner's store
and. gtve them a trial. They also
cure constipation and biliousness.
The 46th convention of the Ev.
Lutheran Synod of Canada was
held in St. Matthew's Lutheran
Church at Berlin, commencing on
Thursday, June 7th. The opening
service was conducted by Rev. A.
Blank, who had chosen for his text
1 Cor. 3 :11.
The President, Rev. E. Hoffman,
formally opened the Synod for the
transaction of business on Tuesday.
A Iarge number of Pastors and
delegates were present. A hearty
welcome was extended to the offic-
ial visitors : Rev. A. Doering, of
the immigrant's home at New
York ; Rev. E. Bilintzky, the repre-
sentative of the Board of Foreign
Missions ; and Rev. T. Kirsch, the
delegate of the New York minister-
iam, The Synod. also welcomed.
Rev. R. Hamfeld, member of the
Michigan Synod.
According to the President's re-
port many changes took place on
the field, but at present there is
one vacancy which, to all appear-
ances, will soon be filled. Two new
churches were dedicated and two
corner stones laid. The Missionary
field is a large one. Not less than
nine congregations received finan-
cial aid from the Synod. The
Treasurer s report showed that the
Synod is free from all encumbrance
The Iargest part of expenditure was
devoted to Home Missionary work ;
a considerable sum was handed to
the treasurer of the Board of For-
eign Missions, and larger and
smaller sums were contributed to-
wards institutions of Christian
The following officers were elect-
ed for the ensuing year : President,
Rev. E. Hoffman, Berlin ; Vice -
President, Rev. A. Blunk, Rostock ;
Secretary Rev. H. Weigand, Logan ;
Treasurer, Rev. F. Loeb, Baden ;
Editor, Rev. 0. Linke. Conestoga ;
Treasurer of Church Paper, Rev. P.
Mueller, Toronto.
Mills Charlotte Johnson returned
'Mince S tnrdativ after 'spending last
week with friends in this vicinity.
Mrs. G. R. Keys and daughter,
Miss Willena, visited the former's
mother, Mrs. R. Peebles, of the
town of Colborne, last week.
Mrs. John Morrison has purchas-
ed Mr. S. Rathwell's residence in
Varna and will move into it at once
Mrs. John Rathwell, of Seaforth,
died at the home of her sister in
Detroit, on Monday night last. For
some time Mrs. Rathwell had been
in poor health, but was improving
and about three weeks ago she
went to Detroit on a visit. The
remains were brought to the home
of her brother, Wm. Taylor. Bay-
field road, Stanley, and on Wed-
nesday afternoon they were laid to
rest beside those of her late hus-
band in the Bayfield cemetery. Mr.
Rathwell died about twenty years
There passed away on Wednesday
June lith to his long home Gilbert
McDonald Stanley, after a long ill-
ness borne with Christian resigna-
tion. He was a native of Scotland,
corning many years ago to this
country, with his parents. He eves
honored and respected by all who
knew him, a Presbyterian, and in
polities a life-long Liberal. His
wife died some years ago, one son
ancl two daughters being left to
mourn his loss—James at home,
Mrs..Terrott of Stanley, and Mrs.
Jno. Gilmour of Moose Jaw.
'Twenty fi`r' mutes
Time Enough ?
To Cure the Worst Headache From Any
Cause—New Reduction Method.
Most headaches and pains yield instantly to
the now Reduction Method—Dr, Shoop's Twenty
Minute Headache Cure. The cause for these
pains is congestion— a rushing of blood to the
nerve centers --which distends the veins to
nearly trio bursting point. Swollen and enlarged,
these veins and capillaries exert an irritating
Pressure on the myriads of nerve branches and
fibres. Then,there's a pain, and finally that
excruciating, cease- , less ache. This new
Redaction Method'{�GYr , dispersoverflos the blood,
distributes the , '�1Ky per channels. It
di -
retie it to the pro � x
frees the nerve centers from all
pressure a n d , Ft j rr±4� , irritation --the
Pains and aches dlsap-
pearbeoause ,1 ,1 �� "u1, their cause
has been re d i r ,,,i moved, You
Way try athou ri} 1 iaa sand reme-
dies—you may ` rn drug and stu-
pity the nerves into submission
—but the remedy t% Gid r which brings
prompt relief and i ' permanent cure
will be successful \ }"sd because it reduces
the congestion —it ` l' must embody the
Reduation Method, Medicine has thus
found a way—simple and sure, yet the only way
—to thoroughly overcome these attacks of head-
ache and Neuralgia. Tea edeot of Dr, Shoop's
Twenty Minute Headache Cure is prompt—per-
rompt—perfectly spited to all forms of :headache and abso-
lutely positive in every temperament. For sale
and recommended by
gaseINTA II J, MERNEI S ':.4Ii
`'boons—In Rayfield, on .Tune 4th, r
William Woods, aged. Ga years.
ErsENO.XCR—At 14th con., Hay, on
Friday, June 8th, Arthur Eisen-
bach. Killed by lightning.
hone of the bride's parents,
Town Line, Hay township, on
Wednesday, June 6th, Miss Sarah
daughter of Mr. Thos. Johnston,
sr., to Mr, Israel Lindenfeld, of
MANsox—Mc'Al2THr1R — At Carmel
church, Hensall, on Wednesday,
June 6th, Miss Jennie. danehter
of Mr. and Mrs. R. \IoArthnr,
Hay township, to Mr. Peter
Manson, of near Blake.
Diesaascr—STA1LAXE—At the rec-
tory, Exeter. on June 2nd, by
Rev. R. J. M. Perkins, Wesley
Dearing, to Miss Clara Maucl,
youngest daughter of John Stan -
lake, both of Stephen.
Church, Drysdale, by Rev. J. A.
Loiselle, on Tuesday, June 12th,
Miss Josephine, daughter of Mr.
Simon Bedard« sr., to Mr. Jerry
Corriveau, of Zurich.
Ai orris—CORRiv E AU—At the R. C.
church, Drysdale, on Tncscla,y,
.Tune 12th, by Rev. J. A. Loiselle,
Miss Maggie, daughter of Oliver
Corriveau. to Mr. Tuffield Ay otto
of Sandusky, Mich.
HALL—YchanDUT—.&t the home of
the bride's parents, Hensall, en
Tuesday, .Tune 12th, by Rev. Dr.
Medd, Miss Rose Yungblut, of
Hensall, to Mr, Hall, of Pittsbnrg
If your Stomach. is Weak,
If your Food distresses you,
If you are Weak and Nervous
Use Dr. Shoop's Restorative one
month and see what it does for you.
Sold by 3, J, Merger.