The Herald, 1906-06-15, Page 44 The Zurich Herald. LEGAL. CARDS. H. J. D. COOKE, BARRISTER AND SO- liGitor, Notary Public, Hensail, Ontario. At Zurich (Zeller's office) every Mon- day. PROUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR, BAR- risters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc., Goderich, Canada. W. Proudfoot. K.C. ib. C. Hays. O. F. Blair. BUSINEES CARDS. BOSSENBERRY, LICENSED AUC- tioneer for Huron County, respectfully solicits the patronage of those who in. tend having sales. Satisfaction guar- anteed. OR. F. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, GRA- duate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurioh, every Mon- day. 1-26 E. ZELLER, CONVEYANCER AND Notary Pablie. De e ds , Mortgages, Wills and other Legal Documents care- fully and prompt.y prepared. Office— Zeller block, Zurich, Ont. MUSIC. ZURICH BRASS BAND HAS BEEN re -organized and is now prepared to furnish first-class music for all kinds of amusements. For t. rms apply to or write F. W. Hess, Sec'y-Treas., Zurich, INSURANCE. ANDREW HESS, DIVISION COURT CLERK. Village and Farm Property insured. All the leading. Companies represented. Agent for Accident and Sickness Ins:Ira:ace. FOR SALE.. GOOD FIFTY -ACRE FARO! for sale. The north half Lot 25, Con. 12, Hay. All cleared, with good overflowing wells, large brick house and large bank barn. Will leave $.2090.00 on premises at 4 percent interest. Apply to Frederick Heckman, Mitchell, or E. Zeller, Zurich. 35-3mpd. 2ACRES of land for sale, being the e.J North half of the East half of Lot Eleven, in the Eighth Concession of Hay, the property of the bate Jacob 0. Ginger- ich. For further particulars apply to the executors, Rudy Sch artzentrubor or 'John L. Gerber, Blake, P. 0. 38-.lmpd, STOCK. TB1 weal-: owe SrnLttoy Yo Ung Orchard!, Willow Will stand for service at the farm of Alonzo Foster, Lot 4, Con 9, Township of Hay,' during the present season. He is dark bay in color, has plenty of muscle and bone, good notion, has sired good colts, and ie a sure stock getter. Terms: To insure, $6.00, payable 1st February, 1007. ALOI ZO 1?0STER, Babylon Line, Proprietor. ''37-21n ji ti Sin Op s an &mount People 'alio go to the Bank regularly and deposit a part of their savings, get something more than exercise. 'WITH tbe money saved, (.hey are lasing the foundations upon NS bi(=h e. fortune may be built. We credit interest Quarterly iu our Saviia *a rmien t. THE SOVEREIGN BANK OF CANADA A l'ut your wane, in a place where you an ge..t it, v. Alen sr:u want :t- Siien3 . Mg':. Q11 11 4 a a> la PUBLISHED BY E, ZELLER. FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1906. WESTERN ONTARIO STORM SWEPT. Last Friday afternoon the west- ern part of Ontario was swept by a. destructive wind storm, accompan- ied ccompanied by rain, hail. and severe lightn- ing. The country from Sarnia to Niagara Falls was the hardest hit and many thousands of dollars damage was done to farm and town property. The wind was of the cyclone nature and swept every- thing before it. Barns were blown down, houses were unroofed, orchards and trees laid low and the telegraph and telephone lines were badly damaged. Rodney, Ridgetown and Chatham are the greatest suf- ferers. In Rodney. two hotels were unroofed and the buildings badly wrecked. In Chatham the trees in the park were nearly all uprooted and other damage done. A number of persons were caught beneath falling buildings and killed, while others were struck down by lightn- ing. It was the severest storm that ever visited Western Ontario. The loss Of life resulting in West- ern Ontario through Friday and Saturday's storms are as follows : Wm. Clapton, aged 35, and M. Wilson, 17 years, killed in collapse of J. McClintock's new barn, near Springfield. Boy named Griffith, near Brownsville, was also killed by the collapse of a barn. Arthur Eisenbaeh, killed by light- ning on 14th eon., Hay township. Mrs. Maddock and daughter were struck by lightning while in the cellar of their house, 3 miles from Inwood. The daughter was killed and the mother niay die. Thos. Carr, 21 years old, killed by bolt near St. William. Hy. James of Little .Britain was killed by lightning. Mrs. Maria Malone, aged 87. liv- ing near Buxton, died of excite- ment during the storm. Many horses and cattle were killed by lightning. One of the peculiar features of tbe storm. in Brantford is reported at the farm of i'oulds Bros,, jnst outside of the city. A windmill 45 feet high was rifted bodily by the wind and blown over ashed 22 feet high, and safely landed in an up- right position. undamaged on the other side: It is,stili s€andtngg. • ---- •+3► •43•+*+4.•+3- E-4-€+ 4 -s«.le • COUNTY NEWS. I Peter Gillpatriek has purchased Mr. D. C. ] LoIean's farm near Kip - pen. He had it rented for some years. The 12st of July,wiil be celebrat- ed in Seaforth by Huron county lodges. It is the 216th annverisary of the Battle of the Boyne. During a 'severe thunderstorm which passed over Turnberry Township; on Friday ]ant, three barns were strnok by lightning and entirely destroyed. The by-law to loan the W. H. Willis Shoe: Co., $10,000 was voted on by Seaforth ratepayers on Mon- day and parried by a large majority. Only 145 voted against it. J. S. Nesbitt fell from a hoisting crane at the Goderich dock on Mon- day and -was seriously injured. He was repairing a part of the machin- ery at the time and fell about 20 feet. His recovery is doubtful. Wm. Woods, aged 55 years, died :►t his home. in Bayfield on Moncaay, June 4th. ' He came to that place when a young man and has lived there Ever since. His widow and a son and daughter survive him. W. C. T. U. THE GIFT OF ROSES. But the hours rolled on and the coma seemed to deepen. About midnight the eyes of. the silent oc- cupant of the cot opened and she looked up vaguely. Only a wax taper burned, dimly revealing the watchful figure of Sister Mercedes. The eyes that rested on her were vacant ; they held no knowledge in their depths. The nurse approached her and spoke softly, bearing in her arms the roses. "You are better now. See these floweas. They have been i n 7 sent you by a fr end. The eyes of the half -wakened patient turned inquiringly upon the roses, and a faint gleam came into them. "How beautiful," she said slow - 1y "But I do not understand. Why am 1. here? Who sent them?" "Never :hind," replied the nurse, gently. "You will soon be well. MI you ha ve to do is to look at the Powers and. rest." Asshe spoke she lifted the frag- rant burden closer to her, and out of their :;hawing, sumptuous hearts there fell a card. The weak fineers of the sick %Yemen felt for it "Hold the Candle for me, please," she said. When she did so the woman Zuricial gave one look at. the. Hanle, and cried out faintly, "Ah !" in a voice Wl that thrilled. Then, recovering herself quickly, she grasped the nurse by the sleeve .and said : "Oh, ,end for him—will you not?" And the nurse, knowing that her patient would recover now, gladly assented, and with tears of joy streaming down her cheeks the un- known pressed the roses tightly to her heart and fail into a light slum- ber t.s easily as as child. The messenger found him in the gray hours of the early morning, as he was returning from his club. When they permitted him to go to her, after cautioning him not to excite her, he was trembling, for he knew now that she had barely escaped death. He fell on his knees by the side of the cot, not daring to speak but she smiled and laid her hand on his head. "I could not keep the engagement with you last evening," she said, with. a, haat effort to smile; "but will this do as well? I know now Haat you have made your final re- solve."' IIe lifted, a pale face whereon shone the light of a, new manhood, and replied : "I thank (hod that the en;aenaent is kept here. I am not only yours forever," he added, earnestly, "but we will he one, in the purpose o1: our lives," The disgusting discharges from the nose and throat, and the foul catarrhal breath, are quickly dis- pensed with by using Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Cune. Snell soothing an- tiseptic agents as Oil Eucalyptus, Thymol, Wi1:1 Indigo, ate., have '►.•nen incorporated into a snow white Dream making a cata.rrhaI balm unexcelled. Bold. by J. J Merner. A practical ;;otter of New York City tale this story upon himself, and declares that the experience cured him of his bad. habits : "On my arrival at San Francioco, as a. joke I sent to a frierr.d of mine at home, well-known for his aversion to spending money, a telegram, with charges to collect, reading, "I aria perfectly well," Tho informa- tion 'teas evidently gratifying , to him, for about a week after sending the to legram an express package was delivered at uay.room, on which 1 paid four dollars for charges. 'Upon opening the package I found a large New Yorit street -paving block, on which was pasted a card, which read, "This is the weight your • recent telegram lifted from My heart." Lax-eta–A Candy Bowel Laxative Ifyou .have Constipation, If you have a coated tongue, If you are dizzy, bilious, sallow, If you have Headaches, Sour Stomach, etc., risk 5 cents on Lax- ets. See for yourself. The sugar beet growing district surrounding Seaforth, comprising twenty-four shipping points for beets, contains 365 farmers who are growing sugar beets totalling 763 acres, being one-seventh part of the whole crop grown for The Berlin Sugar Factory. A meeting on those interested in the formation of a canning factory was held in Exeter the other even- ing. Joseph Snell, manager of the Sovereign Bank, was elected chair- man and J. G. Jones, secretary. It was decided that as soon as the prospectus is received that sub- scriptions to stock be solicited and the company formed.. The steamer Annie Laura, con- signed from Lake Erie to Goderich with coal, rr,n foul of the new breakwater off the latter port, and hung for `several hours before being releaseee It was not until consider- alele of tl . cargo had been jettison-. ed:I:but,4 s5 . were .able 7t9.release, her. The steamer is apparently uninjured: If you knew the valne of Cham- berlain's, Salve you would never wish to he without it. Here are some of the diseases for which it is especially valuable: sore nipples, chapped hands, burns. frost bites, chilblains, chronic sore eyes, itch- ing piles. tetter, salt rheum and eczema. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by J..1. Merner A very quiet wedding was cele- brated at Exeter Saturday, June 2nd. when Miss Mira Mande, se- cond daughter of John Staulake, 'of Stephen, was married to Wesley Dearing. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. Perkins. Mr. and Mrs. Dearing left the same day for Kingsville to 'visit a few clays, after which they will return and make their home on Mr. Dearing's farm in Stephen. Pink Lips, Like Velvet, Rough, Chapped or Cracked Lips, can be made as soft as velvet by :applying rt bedtime, a light coating of Dr. :"hoop's Green Salve The effect nn the lips or skin of this most ex• cellent oiutrhent is always menial'. ate and certain. Dr. Shoop's Green Salve takes out completely the soreness of cuts, burns. bruises and alt skin abrasions. It is surely a wonderful and most highly satis- factory healing ointment. In glass jars at lac. Solc1 by J. J. Monier. OUTDOOR FURNITURE. For Lawns and Verandahs. Our designs are up-to-date. Reed and Rattan Goods, Steamer Chairs and Lawn Croquet. Organs and Pianos. HARNESS For an up-to-date single Harness this is the !place. D asters. Fancy Rugs, Trunks, and Valises. H. WELL, = = Zurich, Ont. 'the Old and Reliable Kalbfleisch's Saw & Planing Mils.... 1 wish to thank my customers for their patronage during the past year, and wish to announce that 1 am on hand with a large stock of Hastings Brand B. C. RED CEDAR Si -UNCLES and all kinds of Building Material. It will be to your interest to call and see Me if you are going to build. It is my aim to combine good work with good. material. I also do CUSTOM SAWING and PLANT NC O 'Chopping done every Tuesday and Friday. F. C. KALE LEISVH, Mills 14th Con. ZURICH We are exceedingly sorry to re- cord the death of Mr. James D. O'Connell, which occurred on Fri- day, June lst, of typhiod fever. His illness from the very first was re- garded as likely to be fatal, De- ceased was only in his 34th 'ear, and was a very popular young man, He was for years Deputy Registrar of Deeds, and only resigned this position lately to become Manager of the Sovereign Bank. He leaves a wife and three small children. He was a Member of the C. M. B. A. and earned therein an insurance of $1000,, The remains Were interred at Seaforth, on Monday, the funer- al being a very large one. A happy event took place at the hotne'of Mr. Thos. Johnston, sr., on June 6th, when his daughter, Miss Sarah, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony, to Mr. Israel Lindenfield, of London. Some fifty invited guests were present to wit- ness the happy affair. The bride was made the recipient of many and costly presents, which go to show the esteem in which she is held. The yoting coti:lnle purpose taking up house -keeping in Lendon where Mr. Lindenfield carries on a lucrative business as tailo,e. We join in wishing the young eruple a happy 'and prosperous life, OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT is always stocked with fresh and first quality goods. We always insist on getting first-class goods and we see that we get them. Our Reliance Baking Powder is the Purest and Strongest made, you need only about half as much as you do of the ordinary kind. A full a line of canned goods, such as CORN SALMON TOMATOES PEAS PEACHES PINEAPPLES BEANS OLIVES ETC., ETC Make this the spot for purchasing your gr oceries. It will pay you. Courteous treatment to all. Our Flour and Feed Department is always stacked with the best brands of flour --Royal Household and Star— Shorts, Bran, Pig .Feed, etc. Turnip and Corn Seed at low prices. We handle the Carnefac and International Stock • Foods and Louse Killer. So INIPOMPi until the last infante if yon need a Mower or Binder. Your old machine may give ant at a time when son need it most, and valuable tiune may be lost in repai"in g it. Better make sure and buy a new one. DEERING Implements are noted for their lasting qualities. They are made to give satisfaction. That is why so many of them are sold. Hay Making Tools. The Ila,y Loader we handle is the bes`, on the market. It loads raked and unrakecl hay equally well Call and see it. Hay Rakes and Side Delivery Rakes also in stock. Binder Twine. Your Twine order will receive prompt attention bene. We handle only the best DEERING. EVERYTHING IN THE IMPLEMENT LINE. MACIIINE REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS ON MAND, J. 1=. PiGkbeil, DeerinAgency ZURICH Cents pays icor the "Zurich. Herald" to January, 1907.