HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1906-05-25, Page 8The Zurich Herald.
Meat 1MMai•ket.
We handle all kinds
of fresh and salted
meats in season, sau-
sages, poultry, etc. etc.
We are now supplying
all choice cuts, at right
prices, while the quali-
ty is as good, if not
better than ever.
While thanking the
public for their liberal
patronage, we solicit a
continuance of t h e
Zurich, Ontario.
We always carry a well assorted
stock of steel tire and rubber tire
buggies, in different styles of
trimming and painting. We pay
particular attention to work or-
dered by an intending purchaser,
and we feel certain we can turn
out a job that will be satisfactory.
We use nothing but first class
material in constructing our rigs.
Our products have stood the test
Repair Department
We are prepared to do repairing of
all kinds satisfactorily and prom-
ptly. Get your buggy re -painted
It will look better and last longer
Give us a call.
F. Hess & Son,
Zurich - - Ontario.
To sell High Class Nursery Stock
in Fruits and Ornamentals. Largest
list of NEW SPECIALTIES ever offer-
SELLING SEASON. Big inducements,
Liberal Par, Handsome Free Out-
fit, Territory Reserved. Write for
Terms and Catalogue and send 25
cents for our Aluminum Pocket
Microscope (magnafies 4?; times)
and 50 cents for our Handy Saw,
just the Brimming trees (cuts iron
as well as wood).
Stone & Wellington,
Toronto Ontario
.... .+can ....si un=....
:: :: Ring Up :: ::
:: Gold Only . .
F. W. HESS = Jeweler
ZURICH - - . - - - Ont.
. .••. , .--^ •• . n 13147SLL'S7.77Pd779lR91011
begun s
Cough Remedy
The Children's Favorite
Coughs, Colds, Croup and
Whooping Cough.
This remedy i n famous for its curet( over
a large part oftho civilized world. It ane
always be depended upPopn. It contains no
opium or other harmful drag and may bo
given es confldohtly to a baby ne to nn adult
Price 25 ass Large Size, 5o ate.
vat ger. remeamene a
ckck'<�aki{Fn 3fiEi kaF:k�� �FicE�F3} ?kak �: k?'
Empire Day was celebrated in
the public schools on Wednesday.
Rev. A. D. Gisohler visited at
Berlin on Friday and Saturday
Mr. Fred Demuth is beautifying
his residence with a new coat of
Call on D. S. Faust for Bordeaux,
the best mixture for spraying
fruit trees.
New ads.—County Council, Frost
Fence, Farmers' Institute Meeting,
Dr. Shoop.
"Billie" Weston, a medicine man,
is giving free entertainments
evenings hero this week.
Miss Susan Williem of St. Joseph
is visiting at her home near New
Hamburg during the Holidays.
Mr. John Brenner has improved
his dwelling, by raising the founda-
tion wall and doing other repairs.
Miss Katie Campbell of Stanley
arrived home on Saturday from a
two months' visit with her sister,
'at Berlin.
Mr. John Roth of New Hamburg
spent a few days this week, with
his daughter, Mrs. Rudy Schwart-
zentruber, Bronson Line.
Messrs. L. C. Herdman and E. F.
Browning, of the Sovereign Bank,
Hensall, called on friends in the
village on Tuesday evening.
Mr. P. Lamont, while at Toronto,
this week got a look at Sherring,
the world-famous winner of the
Marathon race. He created a big
stir in the Queen City.
The 24th will be celebrated very
quietly in our village. Many of the
residents intend to spend the day
in Crediton, some in Exeter, and
others will visit other points of
Mrs. F. Demuth continues in
very poor health, and is unable to
attend to her ordinary household
duties. Her many friends hope
that she may soon be able to be out
again, in her usual good. health.
Mr. Hy. Lipphordt is manufac-
turing concrete tiles at the Fair
Grounds for the township at pre-
sent. These tiles are used for all
the culverts repaired in the town-
ship and are giving good satisfac-
Whenever your bowels skip a day
without a movement—take a LAX -
ET. Whenever your breath is bad
—your skin waxy, or sallow—your
tongue coated—your breath foul—
take a GAK-ET only so. Sold by J:
J Merner.
Rally Day will be observed in the
Evangelical church next Sunday.
A very interesting program will be
rendered on Sunday evening by
tnembers of the Senior and Junior
Alliances. A missionary collection
will be taken. You are most cor-
dially invited. Come !
Mr. T. S. Meliek had a large de-
livery of the celebrated Massey -
Harris farm implements, consisting
of binders, mowers, hay loaders.
side delivery rakes, etc., from
Hensall station last week. Mr.
Melick is ahustler and places ninny
machines during a season.
In no way can a. person help to
develop their education better than
by corresponding for a newspaper,
and at the sante time their con-
tributions help to build up the
surrounding neighborhood. We
are pleased at all times to receive
the week budgets from the rural
districts, and would like to have
regular correspondents at each
point. Anyone who is desirous of
sending the weekly news of the
surroundings to THE HERALD will
he furnished with stationery and
stamps by calling at the office or
by writing.
A splendid exhibition of football
was given here on Tuesday evening
when the Hensall seniors played a
game with our boys. The game
was fast and exciting from the
start to finish, and the score, 1 to 1,
shows that the teams were pretty
evenly matched, although the
Zurich lads had much the best of
the game in the last half. There
was a good attendance at the game.
The boys are talking; of giving
Brucefield a game for the Craw-
ford cup, now held by team of that
village. The Zurich players lined
np as follows : Forwards, Koehler,
Johnston, McLeod, Cameron, Holtz -
roan ; Half hacks, Charlesworth,
McGavin, Gellman; Backs, Wurm,
Ronnie ; Goal, Hess.
Last Friday evening the Hensall
junior football team came over and
played the junior team of this
place a friendly game, the Zurich
boys winning by a score of 3 to 0,
The game was very interesting and
the little fellows showed up in ex-
cellent form ; some of thele are like•
ly chaps to make star senior players
in a. few years hence. The first
goal was soored by Roy Feud, the
second by Edwin Koehler and the
third by Harold. Appel. The juniors
are anxious to arrange a few games
with other teams of a similar grade,
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Zirk on
MAY 1.8th, a son.
Mr. Jas. Allan has so remodelled
his spring well with cement case-
ment that he now is the .proud
possessor of a flowing one. This
will save .James a considerable
amount of pumping.
Messrs. R. Allan and J. Bechler
delivered some fine cattle to Kip -
pen on Saturday last.
We are pleased to state that
prospects are looking bright toward
th.e reopening of our village black-
smith shop. A Mr. Hall from
Chiselhurst takes possession, and
we predict for him a good business.
The ground opposite the grist
mill has been put into shape for
the Lawn Tennis club.
Mr. J. Brenner and family moved
to Stratford last week, where Mr.
Brenner has secured a position in
a furniture factory.
Miss Tillie England is recovering
from a severe attack of rheumatism.
Many from the village spent the
24th at Crediton:
Mrs, (Rev.) Clemens and daugh-
ter left last week for Berlin. Rev.
and Mrs. Clemens will make their
home in that town for the present.
The death took place on Friday
last of Mrs. John Willert, at her
home a short distance west of this
village. The deceased had been ill
for only a short time. The funeral
was held on Sunday and was large-
ly attended. The relatives have
the sympathy of the community.
Rev. R. Eifert, who has been pas-
tor of the Lutheran church here for
many years, Ieaves in June for
Floradale. The departure of Rev.
Eifert and family from our village
will be keenly regretted by many
The assessor puts Hensall's pop-
ulation at S25 which despite the
numbers who have left for the
West leaves us 22 of an increase
over last year. With the steady
exodus either Westward or to the
large cities it is difficult for any
but manufacturing towns to in-
crease their population.
Onnfirmation services were held
in St. Paul's church last Friday by
the Bishbp of Huron.
T. Parlmer has installed a beauti-
ful sod fountain in his restaurant.
yP. " ' ' lora is negotiating. with.
Watfoi tr establishing a factory
there for ; making suction •gas
The store.of Mr. Balfour at Kip -
pen has been »loved and building
operations on the large new store
which will be erected this summer
in its place have been commenced.
Mrs. Win. Buchanan attended the
W. F. M. S. convention at Winnipeg
last week as a delegate from this
branch. She will visit hor daughter
at Carberry before returning home,
John, Genrge and Willian Welsh
intend leaving for New Liskeard,
New Ontario, shortly.
if. Blatchford has successfully
passed his first years exams at the
Ontario Dental College.
A cream separator came to Hen-
sallistation last week directed to the
l.; u ion Bank Hensall.
Mrs, 0, Zwicker visited relatives
in Parkhill for a few days last week.
Dan. Kilpatrick has engaged with
George Holtzman as carpenter for
the summer.
Rev, J. W. Andrews and Mr. W.
Lewis attended. the District meet-
ing held at Exeter last week,
Young,Bros, have their new tin
shop nearly completed.
Mrs, E. Sweet and daughter left
for the west where she will join her
husband, who has opened a general
store in that place.
George Eilber left for the Tema-
gami Forest Reserve, New Ontario,
last week, where he will be engaged
as government fire ranger for the
summer and fall.
Margaret Brown, relict of the
late Adam Brown, died at her home
here on Tuesday, May 15th, at the
advanced age of 84 ;sears and 0
months. Three daughters, Mrs.
Finkbeiner of Milverton, Mrs. Stei-
nacker of Rostock, and Mrs. John,
Wind of this village ; John F. and
W. H. Brown of this village, mourn
her demise, besides a large number
of relatives and friends.
Wednesday evening the final
meeting of the Literary Society for
the season was held at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. C. Bluett. The new
election of officers .resulted as fol-
lows: Hon, Pres., C. Bluett and Dr.
P. J. McCue ; Pres., H. K. Eilber ;
lat Vice, Mrs. C. Blued; 2nd Vice,
Miss Ethel Farrow ; Sec'y, Miss
Beulah Beaver ; Treasurer, I. X.
Brown ; Librarian, Arthur Zwicker.
After the business had been attend-
ed to the host and hostess served
lunch which was greatly enjoyed
Always On Had
an up-to-date stock of Hardware. We
carry a full line of
Shelf Hardware, Shovels and Spades
Screen Doors and Windows,Sher=
win=Williams Paints, Pure
Baden raw and boiled Linseed 011,
Trunks and Valises, Hammocks,
Clydesdale Stock Food, Ce=
ment both at Zurich and Hensall.
Our Tin and Granite line was never more complete, both
home- and factory made, anything you want. We have
a new first-class man, and make a specialty of outside work,
Furnaces, Eavetroughing, and Metal roofs of all kinds.
If you are in need of anything call and sage us, we will give
A. C , ., ' riesworth 50110
Hardware rlerchanis Zurich.
4%, , e-MIt':ti .gym `.'N.?jS�.'�� FANi-
~ The People's Store = = Zurich.
Flu dwi
House-cleaning time tis with us onoe
more, and you will need some farllish-
in;s to brighten up your home. We
have paid particular attention to have
our stock of Carpets, Linoleums, Cur-
tains, Roller Blinds, Nall Papers, etc.,
etc., complete, and we can supply your
wants better than ever in these Iines.
We have put in stock a complete line
of Wall Papers. of the latest patterns
and designs. They will make a won-
derful change to your rooms. Call
and see our sample books.
Our line of Carpets has never been so
complete. The latest designs and
colorings, and prices to suit everyone.
You will need. new Lace Curtains for
your parlor or dining room. We have
au entirely new stock, It is money
in your pocket to buy your Curtains at
Is The Leader.
Carload of best PORTLAND CEMENT now in
Price $2.25 per barrel, cash.
Screen Doors from 75cts up
Granite dippers 10c & 15cts
12 dz tin ` l0c for 5c ea
Galv fence staples 4cts a ib
Wire Nails, base $2.25 per
100 lbs.
Best outside paints $1.50 a
Team Harness from $25.00
Single Harness $8 and up
Gasoline and Coal Oil stoves
from $3.50 upwards,
Best 12 ft iron gate $5 cash,
Leave your orders for GOLD MEDAL Twine.
We are sole agents for Zurich and no one else.
See us for your Eavetroughing. Fencing at
Special Prices.
No one can undersell us.
G. t ]-WTbtii3 -Zurich: